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A Bride for the Island Prince / The Last Goodbye: A Bride for the Island Prince
A Bride for the Island Prince / The Last Goodbye: A Bride for the Island Prince
A Bride for the Island Prince / The Last Goodbye: A Bride for the Island Prince


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A Bride for the Island Prince / The Last Goodbye: A Bride for the Island Prince

“Alex—” she cried in surprise as he stepped away from the paneled wall.

He liked it that she’d said his name of her own volition. “I wondered when you would finally break down.”

Dottie smoothed the hair away from her flushed cheek. Her eyes searched his. Ignoring his comment she said, “Did Zoe have another nightmare?”

He moved closer. “No. But she’s growing more and more upset when you’re not with us. Why didn’t you come today? I want the truth.”

“I told you I had work.”

“Then how come it was reported that you went jogging and climbed Mount Pelos, instead of staying in your room? Were you able to see the sail of my boat from the top?”

A hint of pink crept into her cheeks. She had been watching for him. “I saw a lot of sailboats.”

“The security staff is agog about the way you spent your day. Not one visit to a designer shop. No shopping frenzy. You undoubtedly wore them to a frazzle with your jogging, but it was good for them.”

A small laugh escaped her throat. He liked it that she didn’t take herself seriously.

“I’ll ask the question again. Why didn’t you come with us this afternoon?”

“Surely you know why. Because I’m worried over her growing attachment to me.”

“So am I, but that’s not the only reason you kept your distance from me today. Are you afraid of being on a boat? Don’t you know how to swim?”

“Don’t be silly,” she whispered.

“How else am I to get some honesty out of you? It’s apparent you have a problem with me, pure and simple. My earlier reputation in life as Prince Alexius may have prejudiced you against me, but that was a long time ago. I’m a man now and a father the world knows nothing about. Which of those roles alarms you most?”

She folded her arms. “Neither of them,” she said in a quiet voice.

His brows met in a frown. “Then what terrible thing do you imagine would have happened to you today if you’d come with us?”

“I’d rather not talk about it, even if you are a prince.” She’d said that “even if you are a prince” thing before. After retaining his gaze for a moment, she looked away. “How did your afternoon go with Zoe?”

“Good, but it would have been better if you’d been along. She won’t go to sleep until you say good-night. Tonight she fired Sofia.”


“It’s true. She doesn’t want a nanny unless it’s you. To save poor Hector the trouble of having to summon you every night, why don’t you plan to pop in on her at bedtime. In the end it will save my sanity, too.”

She slowly nodded. “Since I won’t be here much longer, I can do that.”

“Let’s not talk about your leaving, not when you barely got here.”

“I—I’ll go in now.” Her voice faltered.

“Thank you.” For several reasons, he wasn’t through with her yet, but it could wait until she’d said good-night to his daughter. Alex followed her into the bedroom. Zoe was sitting up in her bed holding her baby. She glowed after she saw Dottie.

“Hi, Zoe. If I read you a story, will you go to sleep?”

“Yes. Will you sit on the bed?”

“I can read better on this chair.” Dottie drew it close to the bed and sat down. Once again Alex was hooked by Dottie’s charm as she read the tale about a butterfly that had lost a wing and needed to find it.

She was a master teacher, but it dawned on him she always kept her distance with Zoe. No hugs or kisses. No endearments. Being the total professional, she knew her place. Ironically his daughter didn’t want hugs or kisses from her nannies who tried to mother her, but he knew she was waiting for both from Dottie.

Zoe wasn’t the only one.

The second she’d gone to sleep, Dottie tiptoed out of the room. Alex caught up to her in the hall. She couldn’t seem to get back to her suite fast enough. They walked through the corridors in silence. As she reached out to open the door to her apartment, he grasped her upper arms and turned her around.

They were close enough he could smell her peach fragrance. She was out of breath, but she was in too good a shape for the small exertion of walking to produce that reaction. “Invite me in,” he whispered, sensing how withdrawn she’d become with him. “I want an answer from you and prefer that we don’t talk out here in the hall where we can be observed.”

“I’m sorry, but we have nothing to talk about. I’m very tired.”

“Too tired to tell me what has you so frightened, you’re trembling?”

A pained expression crossed over her face. “I wish I hadn’t come to Hellenica. If I’d known what was awaiting me, I would have refused.”

“For the love of heaven, why? If I’ve done something unforgivable in your eyes, it’s only fair you tell me.”

“Of course you haven’t.” She shook her head, but wouldn’t look at him. “This has to do with Zoe.”

“Because she keeps calling you Mommy?”

“That and much more.”

At a total loss, he let go of her with reluctance. “I don’t understand.”

She eased away from him. “Five years ago my husband and son were killed by a drunk driver in a horrific crash.” Tears glistened on her cheeks. “I lost the great loves of my life. Cory was Zoe’s age when he died.”

Alex was aghast.

“He had an articulation problem like hers, only he couldn’t do his vowel sounds. I’d been working with him for a year with the help of a therapist, and he’d just gotten to the point where he could say Daddy plainly when—”

Obviously she was too choked up to say the rest. His eyes closed tightly for a moment. He remembered the pain in hers the other day.

“I’ve worked with all kinds of children, but Zoe is the only one who has ever reminded me of him. The other day when she laughed, it sounded like Cory.”

“You didn’t let on.” His voice grated.

“I’m thankful for that.” He thought he heard a little sob get trapped in her throat. “It’s getting harder to be around her without breaking down. That’s why I didn’t go with you today. I—I thought I’d gotten past my grief,” she stammered, “but coming here has proven otherwise.”

He sucked in his breath. “You may wish you hadn’t come to Hellenica, but keep in mind you’re doing something for my daughter only you can do. Watching Zoe respond to your techniques has already caused me to stop grieving over her pain.

“No matter how much you’re still mourning your loss, doesn’t it make you feel good to be helping her the way you once helped your son? Wouldn’t your husband have done anything for your son if your positions were reversed?”

She looked away, moved by his logic. “Yes,” came the faint whisper, “but—”

“But what? Tell me everything.”

“It’s just that I’ve felt … guilty for not being with them that terrible day.”

“You’re suffering survivor’s guilt.”


“In my own way I had the same reaction after Teresa passed away. It took me a long time to convince myself everything possible had been done for her and I had to move on for Zoe’s sake.”

She nodded.

“Then it’s settled. From now on after her morning lessons, we’ll have another one during the afternoons in the swimming pool. We’ll practice what you’ve taught her while we play. After finding your strength and solace in furthering your career, don’t you see you can make a difference with Zoe and maybe lay those ghosts to rest? It’s time to take a risk. With my schedule changed, I can spend as much time as possible with both of you now.”

“I’ve noticed.” After a pause, she added, “You’re a remarkable man.”

“It’s because of you, Dottie. You’re helping me get close to my daughter in a whole new way. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that.”

“You don’t need to thank me. I’m just so glad for the two of you.” Dottie wiped the moisture from the corners of her eyes. “Tomorrow we’ll work on her W sounds. Good night, Alex.”


WHAT luxury! Dottie had never known anything like it until she’d come to the palace ten days ago. After a delicious lunch, it was sheer bliss to lie in the sun on the lounger around the palace pool enjoying an icy fruit drink.

Zoe’s morning lesson with her daddy had gone well. Her B and G sounds were coming along, but she struggled with the W. It might be one of the last sounds she mastered on her long journey to intelligible speech.

Dottie was glad to have the pool to herself. While they were changing into their swimsuits, she was trying to get a grip on her emotions. She’d been doing a lot of thinking, and Alex had been right about one thing. If she’d been the one killed and Cory had been left with his speech problem, then she would have wanted Neil to stop at nothing to find the right person to help their son. At the moment, Dottie was the right person for Zoe.

Deep in her own thoughts, she heard a tremendous splash followed by Zoe’s shriek of laughter. Dottie turned her head in time to see Zoe running around the rim of the pool in her red bathing suit, shouting with glee. She was following a giant black whale maybe five feet long skimming the top of the water with a human torpedo propelling it.

Suddenly Alex’s dark head emerged, splashing more water everywhere. Zoe got soaked and came flying toward Dottie, who grabbed her own towel and wiped off her shoulders. “You need some sunscreen. Stand still and I’ll put it on you.” Zoe did her bidding. “I didn’t know a whale lived in your pool.”

The child giggled. “Come with me.” She tugged on Dottie’s arm.

“I think I’d rather stay here and watch.”

Alex stared at Dottie with a look she couldn’t decipher, but didn’t say anything. By now Zoe had joined him and was riding on top of the whale while he helped her hold on. The darling little girl was so happy, she seemed to burst with it.

Dottie threw her beach wrap around her to cover her emerald-colored bikini and got up from the lounger. She walked over to the side of the pool and sat down to dangle her legs in the water while she watched their antics.

All of a sudden it occurred to her she was having real fun for the first time in years. This was different than watching from the sidelines of other people’s lives. Because of Alex she was an actual participant and was feeling a part of life again. The overpowering sense of oneness with him shook her to the core. So did the desire she felt being near him. That’s why she didn’t dare get in the water. Her need to touch him was overcoming her good sense.

“I think we need to name Zoe’s whale,” he called to her.

Dottie nodded. “Preferably a two syllable word starting with W.”

Both she and Alex suggested a lot of names, laughing into each other’s eyes at some of their absurd suggestions. Zoe clapped her hands the minute she heard her daddy say Wally. Though it wasn’t a name that started with Wh like whale, it was the name his daughter wanted. When Zoe pronounced it, the sound came out like Oye-ee.

Dottie was secretly impressed when he came up with the idea of Zoe pretending she was a grouper fish. Evidently his daughter knew what one looked like and she formed her mouth in an O shape, opening and closing it. After a half hour of playing and practice, the wa was starting to make an appearance.

“Well done, Your Highness.” Dottie smiled at him. “She wouldn’t have made that sound this fast without your help.”

He reciprocated with a slow, lazy smile, making jelly of her insides. The afternoon was exhilarating for Dottie, a divine moment out of time. Anyone watching would think they were a happy family. Before she knew it, dinner was served beneath the umbrella of the table on the sun deck. Zoe displayed a healthy appetite, pleasing her father and Dottie.

Toward the end of their meal he said, “Attention, everyone. I have an announcement to make.” He looked at Zoe. “Guess who came home today?”

She stopped drinking her juice. “Uncle Stasi?”

“Yes. Your one and only favorite uncle.”

“Goody!” she blurted. “He’s funny.”

“I’ve missed him, too. Tonight there’s going to be a party to welcome him back. I’m going to take you two ladies with me.”

Zoe squealed in delight.

“After we finish dinner, I want you to go upstairs and get ready. Put on your prettiest dresses, because there’s going to be dancing. When it’s time, I’ll come by for you.”


Adrenalin surged through Dottie’s body at the thought of getting that close to him. Heat poured off her, but she couldn’t attribute all of it to the sun. She suspected his announcement had caused a spike in her temperature.

Her mind went through a mental search of her wardrobe. The only thing possibly presentable for such an affair was her simple black dress with her black high heels.

“Will it be a large party, Your Highness?”

He darted her a curious glance. “Thirty or so guests, mostly family friends. If you’re both finished with dinner, let’s go upstairs.”

After gathering their things, Dottie said she’d see them later and she hurried back to her bedroom for a long shower and shampoo. She blowdried her hair and left it loose with a side part, then put on her black dress with the cap sleeves and round neck.

While she was applying her coral-frost lipstick, she thought she heard a noise in the other room. When she went to investigate, she saw Zoe looking like a vision in a long white dress with ruffles and a big yellow sash. But her face was awash in tears. She came running to her.

Without conscious thought, Dottie knelt down and drew her into her arms. It was the first hug she’d given her, but she could no longer hold back. Zoe clung to her while she wept, exactly the way Cory had done so many hundreds of times when he’d needed comfort.

“What’s wrong, darling?”

“Daddy’s going to get married.”

Dottie was trying to understand. “Don’t you mean your uncle?”

“No—I heard Yiayia tell Sofia. My daddy’s going to marry Princess Genevieve. But I want you to be my new mommy. When I kissed Yiayia good-night, she told me Princess Genevieve will be at the party and I had to be good.”

A stabbing pain attacked Dottie until she could hardly breathe. “I see. Zoe, this is something you need to talk to your daddy about, but not until you go to bed. Does he know you’re here with me?”


Dottie stood up. “I need to phone Hector so he can tell your daddy you ran to my room.”

When that was done, she took Zoe in the bathroom. After wetting a washcloth, she wiped the tears off her face. “There. Now we’re ready. When we get to the party, I want you to smile and keep smiling. Can you do that for me?”

After a slight hesitation, Zoe nodded.

Dottie clasped her hand and walked her back in the other room. “Have I told you how pretty you look in your new dress?”

“Both of you look absolutely beautiful,” came the sound of a deep, familiar voice.


Dottie gasped softly when she saw that he’d entered the room. Since Zoe had left the door open, he must not have felt the need to knock. The prince, tall and dark, had dressed in a formal, midnight-blue suit and tie, taking her breath. His penetrating black eyes swept over her, missing nothing. The look in them sent a river of heat through her body.

“Zoe wanted to show me how she looked, Your Highness. In her haste, she forgot to tell Sofia.”

He looked so handsome when he smiled, Dottie felt light-headed. “That’s understandable. This is my daughter’s first real party. Are you ready?”

When Zoe nodded, he grasped her other hand and the three of them left the room. He led them down the grand staircase where they could hear music and voices. Though Zoe lacked her usual sparkle, she kept smiling like the princess she was. Her training had served her well. Even at her young age, she moved with the grace and dignity of a royal.

Some of the elegantly dressed guests were dancing, others were eating. The three of them passed through a receiving line of titled people and close friends of the Constantinides family.

“Zoe?” her father said. “I’d like you to meet Princess Genevieve.”

For a minute, Dottie reeled. She’d seen the lovely young princess in the news. Zoe was a trooper and handled their first meeting beautifully. One royal princess to another. Dottie loved Zoe for her great show of poise in front of the woman she didn’t want for her new mother.

Dottie was trying to see the good. It was natural that Alex would marry again, and Zoe desperately needed a mother’s love. Plus their match would give Alex more children and Zoe wouldn’t have to be the only child. In that respect it was more necessary than ever that her speech improve enough that when Alex married Princess Genevieve, his daughter could make herself understood. Zoe also needed to be strong in her English speech because she would be tested when French was introduced into their household. Princess Genevieve would expect it. The House of Helvetia was located on the south side of Lake Geneva in the French-speaking region.

Now that she knew of Alex’s future plans, Dottie had to focus on the additional goal to pursue for his daughter. She needed to help prepare Zoe for the next phase in her life and—

“My, my. What have we here?”

A male voice Dottie didn’t recognize broke in on her thoughts. She turned her head to discover another extremely attractive man with black hair standing at the end of the line. Almost the same height as Alex, he bore a superficial resemblance to him, but his features were less rugged. The brothers could be the same age, which she estimated to be early to mid-thirties.

When she realized it was Crown Prince Stasio, she curtsied. “Welcome home, Your Highness.”

He flashed her an infectious smile. “You don’t need to do that around me. My little brother told me you’re working with Zoe. That makes us all family. Did anyone ever tell you you’re very easy on the eyes?” His were black, too. “Alex held back on that pertinent fact.”

What a tease he was! “Zoe told me you were funny. I think she’s right.”

The crown prince laughed. She noticed he had a fabulous tan. “Tell me about yourself. Where have you been hiding all my life?” He was incorrigible and so different from Alex, who was more serious minded. Of the two, Dottie privately thought that Zoe’s father seemed much more the natural ruler of their country.

“I’m from New York.”

His eyes narrowed. “Coming to Hellenica must feel like you dropped off the edge of the planet, right?”

“It’s paradise here.”

“It is now that I’ve got my little Zoe to dance with.” He reached over and picked up his niece. After they hugged, he set her down again. “Come on. I’m going to spin you around the ballroom.”

Zoe’s smile lit up for real as he whirled her away. Dancing lessons hadn’t been wasted on her either. She moved like a royal princess who was years older, capturing everyone’s attention. People started clapping. Dottie couldn’t have been prouder of her if she’d been Zoe’s real mother.

While she watched, she felt a strong hand slip around her waist. The next thing she knew Alex had drawn her into his arms. His wonderful, clean male scent and the brush of his legs against hers sent sparks of electricity through her system. In her heels, she was a little taller and felt like their bodies had been made for each other.

“Why won’t you look at me?” he whispered. “Everyone’s going to think you don’t like me.”

“I’m trying to concentrate on our dancing. It’s been a long time.” The soft rock had a hypnotizing effect on her. She could stay like this for hours, almost but not quite embracing him.

“For me, too. I’ve been waiting ages to get you in my arms like this. If it’s in plain sight of our guests, so be it. You feel good to me, Dottie. So damn good you’re in danger of being carried off. Only my princely duty keeps me from doing what I feel like doing.”

Ah … Before Zoe’s revelations in the bedroom tonight, Dottie might have allowed herself to be carried away. The clamorings of her body had come to painful life and only he could assuage them.

“I understand. That’s why I’m going to say good-night after this dance. There are other female guests in the ballroom no doubt waiting for their turn around the floor with you. You’re a terrific dancer, by the way.”

“There’s only one woman I want to be with tonight and she’s right here within kissing distance. You could have no idea the willpower it’s taking not to taste that tempting mouth of yours.” He spoke with an intensity that made her legs go weak. “While we were out at the pool, I would have pulled you in if Zoe hadn’t been with us.”

“It’s a good thing you didn’t. Otherwise your daughter will be more confused than ever when she sees you ask Princess Genevieve to dance.”

His body stiffened. She’d hit a nerve, but he had no clue it had pierced her to the depths. “I know you well enough to realize you had a deliberate reason for bringing up her name. Why did you do it?”

Dottie’s heart died a little because the music had stopped, bringing those thrilling moments in his arms to an end. She lifted her head and looked at him for the first time since they’d entered the ballroom. “When you put Zoe to bed tonight, she’ll tell you. Thank you for an enchanting evening, Your Highness. I won’t forget. See you in the morning.”

She eased out of his arms and walked out of the ballroom. But the second she reached the staircase, she raced up the steps and ran the rest of the way to her room.

“Dot,” Zoe called to her the next morning as she and her father came into the classroom. “Look at this?” She held up a CD.

“What’s on it?”

“It’s a surprise. Put it in your laptop,” said Alex.

After giving him a curious glance, Dottie walked around to the end of the table and put it in. After a moment they could all see last night’s events at the party on the screen, complete with the music. There she was enclosed in Alex’s arms. Princess Genevieve would not have been happy.

Whoever had taken the video had caught everything, including what went on after Dottie had left the ballroom. Her throat swelled with emotion as she watched Alex dance with his daughter. If he’d asked Princess Genevieve to dance, that portion hadn’t been put on the CD.

She smiled at Zoe. “You’re so lucky to have a video of your first party. Did you love it?”

“Yes!” There weren’t any shadows in the little girl’s eyes. Whatever conversation had taken place between father and daughter at bedtime, she looked happy. “Uncle Stasi told me I could stand on his feet while he danced with me. He made me laugh.”

“The crown prince is a real character.” Her gaze swerved to Alex. “He made me laugh, as well. I’ve decided you and your brother must have given certain people some nervous moments when you were younger.”

Alex’s grin turned her heart right over. “Our parents particularly. My brother was upset you left the party before he could dance with you.”

“Maybe that was for the best. My high heels might have hurt the tops of his feet.”

At that remark both he and Zoe laughed. Dottie was enjoying this too much and suggested they get started on the morning lesson.

They worked in harmony until Alex said it was time for lunch by the pool. After they’d finished eating, Zoe ran into the cabana to get into her swimsuit. Dottie took advantage of the time they were alone to talk to him.

“I’m glad we’re by ourselves for a minute. I want to discuss Zoe’s preschool situation and wondered how you’d feel if I went with her to class in the morning. You know, just to prop up her confidence. We’ll come back here for lunch and enjoy our afternoon session with her out here. What do you think?”

He sipped his coffee. “That’s an excellent suggestion. Otherwise she’ll keep putting off wanting to go back.”


Alex released a sigh. “Since our talk about her friends, I’ve worried about her being away from the other children this long.”

Dottie was glad they were on her same wavelength. “Is there any particular child she’s close to at school?”
