Полная версия:
One Wicked Week
What would he think if she revealed her embarrassing secret? That she hadn’t had sex since that night.
Six years of celibacy by choice.
It sounded crazy in her head; no way could she articulate it. He’d think she was some kind of loser, getting so hung up over that one cataclysmic night that she hadn’t screwed any guy since.
Not that she hadn’t tried. She’d fooled around with a few dates, giving and receiving head. But when it had come to revealing skin she’d baulked, each and every time. She’d been labelled a prick tease several times but hadn’t cared. None of those guys she’d casually dated had been a patch on Brock.
It had been serendipitous when she’d seen an article on him in a computer journal last week. She needed the best in the IT business to ensure she could honour Sasha’s memory in the right way, so it had been a no-brainer to contact him despite her qualms. Because a picture had accompanied the glowing recommendation from some journo and seeing him again—albeit on a screen—after six years had stirred up quashed memories in a big way.
How he’d lavished every inch of her body with attention, exploring dips and curves with his tongue. How he’d maintained eye contact the moment he’d slid into her for the first time. How he’d caressed and kissed her skin, from her ankles to her ears, taking the time to linger where she’d needed him most.
The memories had been potent and kept her up nights when she’d lain in bed, horny and alone, pleasuring herself with the memory of him inside her.
She squeezed her thighs together; as if that would stop the insistent throb. If he didn’t come back soon she’d go after him but it had been six years since their last phenomenal bout, what were a few more minutes?
Padding to the glass door that opened out onto a wrap-around balcony, she took in the view of Melbourne by night. She loved this vibrant city, every cosmopolitan inch. Travelling widely with her folks had ensured she’d fallen in love with cities on a regular basis: Paris, Vienna, Hamburg, London. Lake Como had been her favourite, with Vancouver a close second, but no city had a vibe like Melbourne.
From her vantage point she could see the Arts Centre spire, an electric blue against the night sky, the bustling Flinders Street Station and the MCG lights on. She didn’t follow Aussie Rules football but you couldn’t live in Melbourne without knowing teams played there every winter weekend.
‘Sorry that took so long.’
She spun around to see Brock laying out a cheese platter, a fruit platter and a bottle of Shiraz on the coffee table. Sheesh, this guy was too good to be true.
He gestured at the feast he’d laid out. ‘I didn’t have dinner and I’m hungry, thought you might be too?’
His bashful smile made her want to hug him, but she settled for sinking into the soft suede sofa in front of the food.
‘Thanks for this, you’re very thoughtful.’
‘I aim to please.’
Their gazes locked and she knew in that instant he wasn’t talking about the food. Heat and electricity sizzled in the air between them, a reminder of how good they were together, anticipation of doing it again.
To her mortification, her stomach gurgled at that moment, loud enough to be heard, and heat flooded her cheeks.
His mouth eased into a sexy grin. ‘Let’s eat.’
He took a seat next to her, close enough that their knees touched, sending a jolt of longing arrowing straight between her legs.
When she sat forward to serve herself, he laid a hand over hers. ‘Let me.’
Emotion clogged her throat so she nodded and eased away slightly so they weren’t touching. She’d expected them to tumble into bed the moment they entered his apartment. Instead, he’d done this. She didn’t know whether he’d tried to put her at ease or to show he wasn’t a sex maniac, but she appreciated the gesture. He’d made her feel more special in the last few minutes than any of her dates had over the last few years.
‘Here you go.’ He handed her a plate covered with crackers, tiny wedges of Brie, a slice of Camembert, a dob of quince paste and a small bunch of grapes.
‘Thanks.’ Her voice wobbled and she masked her insecurity by flashing a dazzling smile. ‘I’ll need sustenance for later.’
One corner of his delectable mouth quirked at her innuendo. ‘Are you planning on ravishing me all night?’
‘Only if you’re lucky.’ Jayda winked, hoping he couldn’t read the uncertainty ricocheting through her. Now that she was at his place with the sole intention of having sex, some of her earlier chutzpah at the club had deserted her.
She could blame it on her weakness for creamy cheese but knew better. He’d disarmed her with his thoughtfulness and she couldn’t let emotions enter into this. She could handle great sex with a hot guy. But having him make her feel anything...no, she couldn’t allow it.
She piled Brie on a cracker, swiped it through the quince paste and stuffed the lot into her mouth before she said something she’d regret. Like goodbye. No point getting into a funk now. She wanted this. It had been too long. She needed to get laid, sooner rather than later.
Sensing her reticence to talk, he nibbled on a cracker, then another, giving her time to...what? Compose herself? Stuff her face? Second-guess the wisdom of this? The fraught silence stretched between them and despite consuming most of the Brie and crackers on her plate, the hollow feeling in her stomach hadn’t abated.
She needed more than food.
She needed him.
‘I want you...’ she murmured, unprepared for the sheer hunger with which he launched himself at her. Her plate tumbled to the floor, scattering cheese and crackers and grapes across the pristine marble. Neither of them cared.
‘I’m going nuts over here, trying to do the right thing and not fuck you senseless like I want to,’ he said, his mouth grazing her ear as his weight pressed her into the sofa, the feel of his cock pressed against her sweet spot making her whimper with need.
‘There’s no doing the right thing.’ She clasped his face in her hands so he had to look at her. ‘This is you and me. No expectations, just a night of great sex.’
She grazed his bottom lip with her thumb and he inhaled sharply. ‘We’ve been here before and our ability to not complicate this is exactly why I made a pass at you back at the club.’
His eyes darkened to ebony. ‘As I remember, I grabbed your hand and pressed it to this.’ He ground his cock against her and she couldn’t help but moan. ‘So I made the pass.’
‘Exactly how long are we going to discuss technicalities?’ She arched her pelvis, vindicated when passion hazed his eyes. ‘Because we could be having a lot more fun right now rather than talking.’
He pinned her with a stare that bored all the way down to her soul and she blinked to dispel the inexplicable burn of tears. This guy made her happy. Correction, what he could do to her body made her happy and no way in hell would she spoil this encounter with emotion because he’d been the last guy to make her feel good about herself.
‘I want to make sure you really want this.’ He reached up to gently dislodge her hands from his face. ‘This is nothing like six years ago—’
‘No, it’s not. Because I’m stronger now, in control and capable of choosing who I want to have phenomenal sex with, and tonight I choose you.’
When he continued to eyeball her with solemnity, she surged upwards, forcing him to sit up. Time to show him with actions how much she wanted him.
Resting her hands on his shoulders, she held him in place while she swung a leg over him. His breath hissed out when she lowered herself onto his lap and gave a little wriggle for good measure. Straddling him left him under no illusions she was in charge and so hot for him she could barely breathe. ‘I want this to happen, Brock, but if you don’t—’
He kissed her, commanding and demanding, using actions to convey exactly how much he wanted this to happen too. His hands gripped her waist and she hated the momentary flare of unease that he’d feel her squishy bits. She wriggled self-consciously and his hands slid from her waist to her ass. Much better. Her booty may be larger than most but thanks to countless hours on the treadmill it had tone.
‘I love how you feel,’ he murmured, kneading her ass with his hands as he trailed his lips across her jaw before dipping lower to the nook above her collarbone.
‘And taste.’ He lapped at her, as she marvelled at how he remembered her sensitive spot. The guy truly was a genius.
Her head fell back as he nipped her collarbone with his teeth, the fleeting sting of pain soothed by the return of his tongue. Man, that tongue. The thought of what was to come had her writhing against him.
‘Easy, sweetheart,’ he murmured. ‘Unless you want this first time to be fast?’
‘Fast is good,’ she gritted out as he traced the cleft of her ass with the barest fingertip through her panties. Thank goodness she’d had the foresight to take off the tight control ones. ‘The faster the better.’
He chuckled, the deep sound rippling over her like a caress. ‘Okay then.’
He stood so abruptly she almost fell but his hands under her ass tightened and she clung to his neck.
‘Put me down, you’ll hurt your back.’
He ignored her warning and hoisted her higher, making her squeal. He must work out these days because she weighed a freaking tonne and he carried her with minimal effort.
‘Are you nuts? You’ll get a hernia—’
‘You have a rocking bod and I don’t want to hear any of that self-conscious shit, okay?’ He nudged open a door with his foot and entered a bedroom as big as her apartment. ‘I loved your body at uni and from what I’ve imagined beneath that hideous black dress it’s just as sexy now, so quit it.’
Yeah, he definitely had a knack for making her feel good and when he placed her gently on a king-size bed she wanted to hug him. He towered over her, his frown formidable, but nothing could detract from the lust blazing in his eyes.
He was seriously into her and nothing was more empowering.
Bracing on her elbows, she nudged him with her foot. ‘If this dress is so hideous, why don’t you take it off?’
‘Oh, I intend to,’ he said, moving towards a side table. He opened the drawer and pulled out a string of condoms, five in total. Wowza, what a way to break her drought.
‘You planning on using all those tonight?’
She held her breath as a wicked grin alerted her that she’d like his answer very much indeed.
‘I’m hopeful.’ He dangled the string of condoms in front of her, swinging it side to side like a pendulum trying to hypnotise her. ‘Very, very hopeful.’
She laughed. ‘Why don’t you start by stripping for me?’
The last time they’d done this she hadn’t seen enough. She’d been too discombobulated, first by his comforting after she’d revealed too much, later by the fact he’d wanted to have sex with her. Also, she’d insisted on darkness, so had only seen his body in shadows. Tonight, she intended to rectify that travesty.
‘If I strip for you, it’s only fair you do the same for me,’ he said, dangling those damn condoms like a carrot in front of a donkey. From what she remembered he had a pretty impressive carrot and with a little luck she’d be ee-awing all night.
‘Take it all off,’ she said, relieved when he didn’t push her for an answer. No way in hell she’d be getting naked in front of him in this much light.
Conquering her body issues had taken time but no matter how hard she worked to appear confident, revealing her body still made her quake inside.
Silly, because this man had never made her feel anything other than gorgeous, but she couldn’t shed all her inhibitions along with her clothes. No matter how many sit-ups or planks she performed in Pilates, no matter how many carbs she sacrificed, she had a body made for comfort.
The way Brock’s gaze burned her up from the inside out, he had a hankering for a whole lot of comfort.
He draped the condoms across her hips like a naughty promise, a foil packet belt designed to taunt. She bucked a little in response and he grinned, tugging his shirt out of his trousers.
At last, they were getting to the good stuff. She scooted up the bed until she felt a pile of pillows behind her, then linked her hands behind her head and eased back, ready to enjoy the show.
The last time they’d done this had been all frantic hands and whispered promises and soft panting in the dark. This time, she intended to make every moment count.
‘You’re making me feel cheap and easy,’ he said, slipping buttons through holes at an infuriatingly slow pace.
‘Don’t forget demeaned and idolised for your body only.’ She let out a long wolf whistle. ‘Come on, Sexy, show me what you’ve got.’
Surprise widened his eyes. ‘I like your new confidence. It’s a major turn-on.’
She pointedly stared at his groin and the sizeable bulge there. ‘Like you needed a reason.’
He chuckled and shrugged out of his shirt, letting it fall to the floor. Jayda loved trading quips with him. They hadn’t had this ease between them six years ago and it was fun to spar as foreplay.
Her gaze roved over his bare chest in blatant appreciation, surprised when she spied a tattoo emblazoned across one side.
‘That’s new,’ she said, staring at the flock of seagulls in flight beneath his left breastbone, intricate and incredibly artistic. She wondered if the unusual tattoo meant something to him.
‘Who would’ve thought, a geek with tats, huh?’
She heard the vulnerability in his lowered voice and quashed the surge of protectiveness. She knew that feeling well, that soul-sapping uncertainty of being judged by appearance. It ate away at confidence and made you second-guess everything. She didn’t let the doubts creep in much these days but when they did, she hammered them into submission quick smart.
‘I love it.’
And she meant it. The contrast between the nerdy, dedicated student she remembered and his sexy counterpart now made her want him all the more.
‘Well, if you love this, wait till you see what else I have for you.’
His crooked grin made her chuckle and her heart leapt in anticipation as he unsnapped the button on his chinos.
‘Don’t tell me you tattooed that.’
He winced and pointed to his chest. ‘This hurt like the devil so that would be a resounding no.’
‘So you were boasting in general, huh?’
One eyebrow quirked in provocation. ‘You’ve seen it. Don’t you think I have a right to boast?’
‘Absolutely,’ she said, nodding so vigorously her neck cramped, enjoying that they’d reverted to sparring when he laughed again.
‘This is... I mean...you and me...’ He waved his hand between them and muttered, ‘Fuck. What I’m trying to say is, is sex usually this playful for you?’
A flush swept into her cheeks. She should lie. It wouldn’t bode well for him to discover he’d been her last six years ago. He’d know that she’d been a tad hung up over that night. Or, worse, think she was some kind of frigid freak.
But Jayda hated lies. Ever since she’d discovered the truth about her father and why he’d misappropriated funds from the charity she’d helped run, she abhorred untruths. If her dad had trusted her she could’ve seen he’d got the help he needed. Instead, her mother had joined him in the cover-up, not telling her anything until she’d discovered their treachery.
She understood the lengths to which her father had gone to deal with his unhappiness, stemming way back from Sasha’s death, but she’d been a teen at the time and she’d dealt with the mind-numbing grief of losing her sister, why couldn’t he as an adult? Why did he have to screw up so badly and affect everybody in the process?
‘Forget it, I shouldn’t have asked.’ He eyeballed her. ‘That look on your face says it all.’
Mortified that she’d let thoughts of her family problems intrude at a time like this, she shook her head. ‘Sorry, I was mulling whether to lie to you or tell the truth, and I’ve decided on the latter.’
She sighed. ‘No, sex isn’t playful for me, because I’ve only ever slept with two guys.’
She didn’t have to wait long for Brock to understand. The guy had topped their graduation class with a quick-fire intelligence that had once annoyed her when she had to study hard for every single grade.
‘You mean...’ Incredulity made him stare at her in wide-eyed shock.
She nodded. ‘Yep. That dickhead Deon who took my virginity on a bet, and you.’
He gaped, a deep groove burrowing between his brows. ‘But that means... I was the last...six years ago...fuck.’
This time he shook his head as if trying to clear it but she didn’t want to give him too much time to assimilate what the information she’d revealed actually meant.
‘I’ve been with other guys since, fooled around a bit, but not everyone gets to see this.’ She swept her hands over her body with a flourish. ‘This is too good to reveal to just anybody.’
Her exaggerated self-deprecation cleared his frown as she intended but he hadn’t lost the shell-shocked expression. He wanted to ask more, she could see it in his expressive eyes, so she did the one thing guaranteed to distract him.
Pushing into a sitting position, she grabbed the condoms from across her hip and tore off the first one. Placing it deliberately on the bed between them as a promise, she stood, and reached behind for her zip.
Her fingers fumbled as the moment arrived to reveal her body to him, but she had to do this. To prove to herself that she wasn’t that scared, vulnerable girl she’d been six years ago and to regain control of the situation.
Admitting the truth usurped some of her power and she needed to get it back, starting with disrobing for the last guy to see her semi-naked.
Thankfully lust replaced confusion in Brock’s stare as she eased the zip down and pushed the sleeves down her arms, taking the top of the dress with it.
Her skin pebbled in the cool air and she resisted the urge to rub her skin for warmth. Besides, the longer Brock stared at her, the more she heated from the inside out, his burning gaze creating a flush that started at her neck and swept downwards.
‘Fuck me,’ Brock muttered, as his hungry gaze zeroed in on her breasts and his tongue darted out to wet his lips.
She always wore sexy lingerie because it empowered her. She might not feel attractive on the outside some days but knowing she wore risqué underwear leant her a swagger that would otherwise be missing. With Brock staring at her with blatant appreciation, she felt vindicated in wearing a black satin bra and matching panties dotted with tiny crimson lips.
‘You are so beautiful,’ he murmured, as she shimmied out of the dress and let it fall to the floor in a soft swoosh.
She stepped out of the dress and he was on her in an instant.
‘You have amazing tits,’ he murmured, running his hands over her shoulders, down her arms, before cupping her breasts in his hands.
‘Prove it—oh.’ She gasped as her taunt had the desired effect and his mouth fastened on a nipple through the satin.
She arched towards him and with a deft flick of his fingers he had the bra unhooked and his lips on her, feasting. Licking and sucking, nibbling and nipping, alternating between her nipples until her knees weakened.
He must’ve felt her wobble because he raised his head, his eyes so passion-hazed she wondered if he could actually see her, before he blinked. A slow, wicked smile spread across his face as his fingers toyed with her panties.
‘You taste even better than I remember.’
Jayda tried to come up with something witty in response but her brain wouldn’t function with his fingertips repeatedly grazing the sensitive skin on the tops of her thighs. He slid a finger under the elastic of her panties, plucking at it, over and over, teasing her, driving her mad with want.
‘Brock, please...’ she whispered, gritting her teeth against the urge to shove him onto the bed and ride him until dawn. The ache between her thighs had become unbearable and her panties were drenched. She didn’t need the foreplay, not after six long years. She needed him.
‘Please what?’ He hooked his thumb into one side of her panties and she groaned in relief.
‘Please fuck me.’
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