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Bedroom Seductions
Bedroom Seductions
Bedroom Seductions


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Bedroom Seductions

‘You’re wrong. Dead wrong.’

He leaped from his towel and started pacing the sand with long, angry strides that showed he was wrestling with something. The truth, perhaps?

‘Am I?’

Her almost-whisper stopped him dead and he swivelled to face her, dropping down on his knees in front of her.

‘Damn straight. Want to know why you’re here with me today, on my one day off a week?’

She waved her hand. ‘Go ahead. I’m sure you’ll tell me anyway.’

His hands shot out, cradling her face in their warm, firm grip before she could blink.

‘Because I like you. You. Not your clothes, or your will-ingness to help me out, or because I want you to sleep with me. You. You’re funny and smart and you make me laugh.’

‘So now I’m a clown—’

‘Shut up.’

He kissed her—a soft, tender kiss that reached down to her soul, shattering her defences along the way, scaring her beyond belief.

‘Now, it’s time to head back. And I don’t want to hear another word.’ She opened her mouth and he pressed his finger to it. ‘Not one word. Not another character assassination. Not another assumption. Not one word unless you agree to play nice. Got it?’

Her lips twitched, and his answering smile made her heart sing.

He wasn’t asking for anything, didn’t expect her to sleep with him, and hadn’t belittled her when he’d heard the sorry truth about her inexperience with men.

So what should she do? Spend some more time with him? Get to know him better? With the aim to do what?

He had his life on the sea. She had a great apartment in Sydney, a few colleagues she could call friends at a pinch, and a good job at the museum. They didn’t have a future, no matter how well they got to know each other.

‘Come on. Stop thinking so much.’

He held out his hand, and for the second time in as many hours she silenced her voice of reason and took hold of it.

‘How about we go with the flow, see what happens over the next week? How much trouble can we get into in seven days?’

She raised an eyebrow, and he grinned as a scary thought flitted through her mind.



THOUGH she would have preferred silence, they made desultory small talk on the drive back to the ship, as a multitude of thoughts swirled through her mind—most of them focussed on the man sitting next to her.

She’d never met anyone like him.

Confident and charming, yet astute enough to look beyond the surface and home in on exactly what she wanted: a guy to recognise she had a brain, a sense of humour, and a yearning not to be taken for granted.

She couldn’t believe he’d said all that stuff, had seriously cracked the protective shield around her heart with his sincerity.

So what now? She wouldn’t have the guts for a fling, no matter how far her confidence soared. She couldn’t do something like that unless she was emotionally involved. And while Zac said he liked her, like didn’t equate to what she craved: a lifelong love from an incredible man who’d put her first.

Completely moronic, completely delusional, completely crazy, but she’d been dreaming of her own happily-ever-after for so long she’d somehow taken his genuine niceness and tangled him up in her fantasy.

She cast a sideways glance at his profile and sighed, her heart hoping for a minor miracle while her head shouted, Wake up and smell the sea air.

‘What are you thinking?’

‘Not much.’ He really, really didn’t want to know.

‘I can hear your mind ticking from here.’

‘If you’re that perceptive, you tell me.’

‘I think you’re mulling over what I said back at the cove. Close?’

There he went again, being way too perceptive.

‘Don’t give up your day job. You’d make a lousy mind-reader.’


‘So you told me not to say anything unless it was nice, and I’m having a hard time coming up with anything.’

His chuckles warmed her better than the sun’s rays. ‘See—that’s why I like you. Every prickly, cynical, blunt inch of you.’

‘Yeah, well, I can’t help it if you’ve been spending too long in this tropical heat.’

He slowed the Jeep and turned onto the dock. ‘You know, you can hide behind that smart mouth of yours all you like, but I’m going to get to know you better whether you like it or not.’


He stopped the engine and turned to her, his slow, sexy smile sending a shiver through her. ‘Yeah. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.’

Charming sailor boy she could handle. Single-minded sailor boy with a determined glint in his too-blue eyes had her plans to hold him off sinking faster than the Titanic.

Hoping her voice didn’t quiver, she aimed for flippant. ‘I stand duly warned. Thanks for the tour.’

‘My pleasure. Hope it lived up to your expectations.’

If she’d had any he’d blown them clean out of the water with his shrewd observations back at the cove. She didn’t want to get involved with a guy like him. But what if it was too late?


‘Great. I better get this Jeep back to Raj. See you at dinner?’

She nodded, the thought of spending more time with him after the day they’d just had sending a tiny helix of joy interwoven with doubt spiralling through her.

He winked, sent her a jaunty half-salute, and drove away, leaving her mind spinning and her tummy tossing with nerves at the many possible ways he could ‘get to know her’ over the next few days.

Zac pulled up at the front of Raj’s and switched off the engine, wishing he could switch off his thoughts as easily.

Things were out of control. Or, more to the point, things with Lana were out of control.

After lunch and his chat with Sujit he’d been all gungho, determined to explore the possibility of a relationship with her. Then they’d talked at the cove and things had rushed downhill from there.

He’d known she was inexperienced—but not even dating? Hell, did that mean she was a virgin too? No way. She’d had that moronic ex—not that that meant much—and there was the way she’d responded to his kisses, the way she had that funny gleam in her eyes at times. But what did that mean? That she had a bit of sass lurking beneath her prudish front?

He didn’t dally with virgins. In fact he didn’t dally with women, period, considering it took all his concentration these days to perpetrate his plan.

But he wasn’t fooling around with Lana. Had known that the instant she’d made her true opinion of him clear.

He’d kissed her to shut her up, to demonstrate what she really meant to him—a gentle, soft kiss, when he’d been hankering to devour her all day.

He wasn’t toying with her. He wasn’t just after a fling. So what could he do to prove it to her?

He got out of the car and headed for the house. Considering Raj’s happy marriage and five kids, maybe he could give him a pointer or two.

As he reached the veranda of the whitewashed bungalow, Raj stepped out. ‘Hello, my friend. Had a good day?’

‘Yeah. Thanks for the Jeep. I had a great time down at the cove.’

‘I’m sure you did. Sujit phoned me and said you had a beautiful lady companion with you today.’

He groaned. ‘I can’t believe you two old gossips.’

Raj’s grin broadened. ‘He also said you were so ga-ga over this woman you could hardly finish your dahl. Must be serious. Care to tell me more?’

‘Maybe. Though I’d kill for a cold beer first.’

Raj clapped both hands to his head. ‘Where are my manners? Come in.’

As Zac sank into a comfortable cane chair with a beer in his hand, Raj raised an eyebrow.

‘So my friend. Time to tell all.’

He had two choices: stay silent and listen to the hum of the ceiling fan, or get an objective perspective on a situation that was complicated at best.

‘Lana’s different from anyone I’ve ever met. I want to get to know her better, but I only have a week before I head to Europe. Not enough time to really get involved.’

Especially when the likelihood of her retreating back into her shell was high. He’d seen her growing confidence—the perfume, staying on after the kiss last night, the hot new bikini today—but small changes didn’t mean she wouldn’t retreat at the first sign of an over-eager sailor laying a possible future relationship on her after knowing her for a week.

He took a long slug of beer, savouring the icy brew sliding down his throat. ‘That’s the short version.’

‘Do you have to return to Europe?’

He nodded. He’d let his uncle down once before. Not this time. He’d make sure of it.

‘Jimmy’s sick again. The cancer’s back and it’s spread.’

Raj’s bleak expression mirrored his. ‘I’m sorry. Is it—?’

‘Terminal? Yeah.’ He downed most of his beer in one gulp, hating the injustice of this disease that had no cure and robbed a man of his health, his dignity, his life.

‘How much time?’

He shrugged. ‘He’s seen all the best docs in London and had varying opinions. Some say six months; some say a year, max.’

Raj shook his head and clicked his tongue. ‘Very sad.’

‘He says he wants to be left alone, but I know the stubborn old coot better than I know myself. That’s why I’m moving head office to London for the next year. So I can visit him whether he damn well likes it or not.’

‘Ah… ’ Raj nodded like a wise old guru. ‘So this is the problem with your woman. She lives in Australia and you’ll be based in London for at least the next twelve months?’

Zac leaned forward, rested his head in his hands. ‘It’s more complex than that.’

‘Matters of the heart often are.’

He leaped out of his chair and started pacing, wishing he hadn’t mentioned Lana to his friend. ‘Why are we even having this conversation?’

‘Because you have fallen, and fallen hard.’

He pulled up short. ‘You know the biggest problem? I’ve lied to her, and she’s a straightforward, no-nonsense person. She’s been lied to before and it cut her up badly. How the hell am I going to tell her the truth now, when she barely trusts me as it is?’

Raj’s eyebrows shot heavenward. ‘She doesn’t know your true profession?’

‘No. You know secrecy’s been paramount, to give me a chance to catch our saboteur.And I only met her a week ago.’

‘For a woman you only met a week ago, you’re sure doing a lot of soul-searching.’

Zac picked up his beer and slugged the rest, desperate to ease the dryness in his throat. ‘Crazy, isn’t it? Happily single for years, then I take one look at this quirky, captivating woman and can’t get her out of my mind.’

‘If she cares for you, she’ll forgive you. Besides, it’s only a little white lie. You have worked on ships as a public relations manager.You just also happen to manage the entire fleet.’ Raj chuckled, doing little to soothe Zac’s nerves.

‘I’m glad you find this situation amusing.’

‘You’re really in a bind, aren’t you?’

‘I feel so much better after talking with you.’

‘Sarcasm won’t help, my friend. I suggest you go back to your ship and think long and hard about your dilemma of the heart.’

‘Very poetic,’ Zac muttered, knowing all the soul-searching in the world wouldn’t get him out of this quandary. The way he saw it, there was only one solution: tell her the truth, start a relationship with her now and pray she’d be interested in continuing it.

Though he’d never been a fan of long-distance relationships, had seen them consistently fall apart around him over the many years he’d worked on ships, the thought of keeping in touch with her till he returned to Sydney, maybe seeing her on the odd flying visit, sent a thrill of hope through him.

‘You know, between you and Sujit you two old reprobates could start your own relationship counselling service.’

Raj laughed, picked up the car keys and slapped him on the back. ‘Come on, I’ll drop you off. Everything will work out for the best.’

He grunted in response and hoped to God his friend was right.

Lana finished her aerobics class still feeling stressed, despite rave reviews from the participants. How could she keep her mind on the job when flashes of her afternoon with Zac kept popping into her mind at the most inopportune moments?

Take the rowing machine: it reminded her of boats, which reminded her of water, which reminded her of beaches and ultimately Zac.

The treadmill wasn’t much better: walking hand in hand to the pristine lagoon, with Zac.

As for her towel, slung casually over a set of free weights, she wouldn’t even go there, considering her skin prickled at the mere thought of his hands stroking her back while she’d been lying on that towel.

Thankfully, she made it back to her cabin without any more flashbacks, though once she set foot in the small space and closed the door she slumped against it.

Of all the fish in the sea, she had to get hooked by a sailor.

She smiled at the pun, though there was nothing funny about the situation. She was falling for him. There was only so much a girl could take, and with that non-stop charm chipping away at her defences almost twenty-four-seven what hope did she have?

Considering he was a sailor and she was merely a landlubber, they had little hope of making a relationship work. Especially the type of relationship she wanted: husband, kids, noisy Sunday afternoons in her very own backyard, rolling in autumn leaves with her brood, face-painting, playing tag, scoffing sticky toffee apples. The kind of childhood she’d never had. The kind of childhood she’d yearned for.

Beth understood. She’d wanted the same thing: they’d role-played happy families countless times as lonely six-year-olds, when their mums had died in the same car crash.

Beth had found her happily-ever-after, and while Lana was pleased for her cousin there wasn’t a day that passed when she didn’t secretly crave the same for herself.

Taking this cruise had been a first. Well, chalk up another—it was also the first time she’d met a guy who saw beneath her prissy veneer; the first time since Jax that she’d trusted a guy enough to get to know him better; the first time she’d felt real passion, if his kisses were anything to go by, and she knew without a doubt that if the last of her defences totally crumbled it would be the first time she’d fallen in love.

A knock on the door made her jump, and she opened it to find the man intruding on her thoughts filling the doorway, looking incredible as usual in full uniform, the gold embroidery on his epaulettes catching the light.

‘Hey, there.’


Why was it that every time he caught her unawares her ability to respond coherently vanished as fast as her resistance?

She dropped her gaze, taking in his polished dress shoes, his long legs in formal black trousers and the white jacket ending just below his waist. She usually laughed at men wearing monkey jackets, yet on Zac it accentuated his butt.

‘How did the class go?’


If she discounted her obsessing over inanimate fitness equipment and how it reminded her of him.

‘Just wanted to let you know I won’t make dinner tonight. Business calls, but maybe we can catch up later? The ship sails at ten, and it’s a magical sight as we pull away from dock, so how about we meet under the bridge then?’

She hesitated. Was this wise? Spending more time with him when he’d said he wanted to get to know her better despite her resistance? Giving him the opportunity to chip away at her emotional barriers even more, to the point where they might disintegrate once and for all?

Maybe it was the wariness he glimpsed in her eyes, maybe the hint of uncertainty tugging at her mouth, but he stepped forward and touched her hand.

‘Come on, you know you’ll miss me at dinner. This way I’m just trying to make up for lost time.’

She laughed, as he’d intended, his charismatic smile disarming her quicker than she could say land ahoy.

‘Okay. I need to sharpen up a few barbs.’

He squeezed her hand before releasing it. ‘Great. I’ll see you there just before ten.’

For the second time in as many minutes she leaned against the closed door, her head filled with Zac, her heart filled with foreboding.

‘Hello, sailor.’

Zac straightened from where he’d been leaning on a railing, a poster boy for the gorgeous nautical male, silhouetted against the bridge, an appreciative gleam in his eyes. A misplaced gleam, considering she wore a boring black calf-length skirt and an olive top which had seen better days.

‘Glad you made it.’

‘Didn’t think I would, huh?’

‘I had my doubts, considering it’s probably past your bedtime.’

She chuckled and waved a finger back and forth in front of him. ‘Hey, I’m supposed to be the one practising barbs, not you.’

‘Maybe we can practise together?’

His voice dropped lower and he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. She shook her head, unable to keep a smile off her face.

‘You’re hopeless.’

‘Your fault.’ He sniffed the air like a hound, coming closer, too close, almost nuzzling her neck. ‘You’re wearing that damn perfume again. Any wonder I’m a broken man? Didn’t I warn you that stuff was dangerous?’

‘It’s the only perfume I own.’

Maybe she could blame the perfume for her gradual melting towards him? Ever since she’d worn it her resistance had slowly but surely unravelled.

His low, sexy chuckle had her clutching the rail for support, all too aware that her collapsing resolve had little to do with the fragrance and more to do with the man staring at her with desire in his eyes.

‘Well, if you keep wearing it you’re definitely heading for a whole lot of trouble.’

Heat flushed her cheeks and she gripped the rail so hard her knuckles stood out. ‘Oooh, I’m scared.’

‘You should be.’

And for one crazy, loaded second as he leaned towards her she almost welcomed the danger of having a guy like him interested in her.

Clearing her throat, she deliberately relaxed her fingers and straightened. ‘So, where’s this magical sight you promised me?’

‘Be careful what you wish for.’

His deep voice rippled over her like a silken caress, and her knees almost buckled right then and there.

As if on cue, the ship’s horn blasted as the massive vessel pulled away from the dock. Suva’s lights twinkled like a fairyland as the ship sailed up the channel, and a gentle breeze fanned her face—a welcome relief for her fiery cheeks.

She was no good at this. Even with him being so nice this afternoon, even with her defences lowered, she still couldn’t throw herself into flirting unreservedly.

Hiding away was a habit of a lifetime. She’d done it as a child, leaving her dad to work through his grief, and she’d done it as a teenager, flying under the radar of her father’s countless girlfriends who had waltzed in and out of a revolving door.

No prizes for guessing where her abhorrence of casual sex came from. Her folks had had the perfect relationship, with their love for each other radiating out to include her. They’d been the epitome of the happy family before that car accident had ripped their lives apart.

Her dad had always assured her she’d come first in his life and she had. He’d mourned her mum for seven long years before dating again. But she had never understood the women who could jump into bed so quickly when her dad made it perfectly clear he wasn’t interested in a relationship—never understood what motivated them to be so free and easy with something she considered a gift.

‘Well, what do you think?’

Her gaze swept the horizon, the sea. Eventually she raised her eyes to meet his, which were firmly fixed on her rather than the view. ‘You’re right. It’s magical.’

His eyes glittered in the moonlight, a sexy smile curved his lips, and the skin behind her ears gave an alarming prickle.

‘You’re not looking at the view,’ she said.

‘I prefer this one.’

She tensed as he lowered his head, barely grazing her lips, and the feather-light kiss sabotaged her initial determination to pull away, rendering her resolve to keep her distance useless.

He kissed her again and again and again, gently increasing the pressure with each kiss as a languorous heat stole from her lips to her fingertips—a heat she’d never experienced, a heat that stole through her body and into her heart.

He hadn’t laid a hand on her, yet every inch of her skin tingled as if he’d caressed it, and their lack of contact only served to increase the pleasure of their lips locked together, tasting, sampling, searching in an endless quest for satisfaction.

But she couldn’t give him satisfaction—at least not the kind a virile man like him wanted, deserved. She pulled away, wishing she was another type of woman, wishing she had the courage to let go of her reservations all at once, throw caution to the wind and see what happened.

‘Definitely magical.’ He touched her lips, still quivering from the impact of his kisses, with a reverent fingertip, gently tracing the contours, undoing her one little stroke at a time.

She needed to reassemble her wits, to say something, but her mind wouldn’t co-operate while her body was still in shock.

‘I take it this is part of your plan to get to know me better?’

As if she’d tripped a silent trigger, the shutters descended over his eyes and his smile faded. ‘Plan?’

She shrugged and wrapped her arms around her middle, suddenly chilled despite the balmy breeze. She had to say this—had to be bluntly honest. It was the only way she knew. ‘You’re trying to seduce me.’

‘Am I?’

His sombre expression, the way his voice tightened, the distance he’d established between them by taking a step back, all indicated one thing: she’d insulted him.

Tugging on the end of her ponytail, matted by the wind, she met his bitter gaze head-on.

‘Come on—level with me. I may be some naïve recluse who hasn’t been on a date in far too long, but I’m not stupid. You said you like me. A guy like you has needs. So what I want to know is this. Why are you going through this game of charming me, kissing me, when there isn’t a hope in hell I’ll sleep with you?’

There—she’d said it. And while her gut churned with trepidation, her hands were surprisingly steady as she folded them in front of her, before realising she probably looked like a prim and proper nun and promptly released them.

A vein pulsed at his temple as he raked a hand through his hair, dishevelled and spiked and thoroughly tempting. Then he met her gaze, his clouded with disappointment, hers wary yet relieved that she’d asked what had been bugging her since that afternoon.

She’d had the guts to speak her mind, and he had no idea what a big deal that was.

‘This isn’t just about sex.’

‘Oh, really?’

He jammed his hands in his pockets, shoulders squared, back rigid. ‘I meant what I said this afternoon. I want to spend time with you, get to know you. But I’ll be damned if I stand here and lie about wanting to drag you back to my cabin right this very minute and have amazing sex with you all night long.’

Her mouth dropped open, a squeaky ‘oh’ escaping before she shut it.

His eyes flashed blue fire as he fixed her with a steely gaze. ‘There. Is that what you wanted to hear? Do I want to have sex with you? Hell, yeah. But I’m not going to push you. If you want me half as much as I want you, you’ll have to show me.’

She bit her tongue, biding her time, trying to unscramble her brain long enough to answer, to give him a response halfway decipherable that didn’t consist of another scintillating ‘oh’.

Her hands trembled and her belly rolled in time with the ship as it headed out to the open sea. She searched for the words to make him understand half of what she was feeling: confused, scared, excited, a mish-mash of emotions that terrified her as much as falling for this incredible man who pulled no punches and spoke the truth without flinching.
