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The Cathedrals of Northern France
Lady-chapel, XIIIth century
NOTRE DAME DE LAONDimensionsLength of nave and choir, 351 feet
Height of nave, 80 feet
Width of nave, 67 feet, 7 inches
Length of transepts, 174 feet
Width of transepts, 35 feet, 9 inches
Height of western towers, 173 feet
Height of southwest tower and spire (formerly), 328 feet
Western circular window, 26 feet
Superficial area, 44,000 square feet (approx.)
ChronologyOriginal church burned, 1112
New edifice begun, 1114
Entirely rebuilt, 1190
General restoration, 1851
ST. JULIEN, LE MANSDimensionsLength of nave and choir, 369 feet
Width of nave and aisles, 78 feet
Width of choir, 123 feet
Height of choir, 108 feet
Area of choir, 30,000 square feet (approx.)
Length of transept, 178 feet
Width of transept, 32 feet
ChronologyWest façade, XIth century
Transition, south portal, XIIth century
Nave and transepts reconstructed, XIIth century
Church extended beyond city walls, XIIIth century
Choir rebuilt, 1200
Choir restored, 1858
Coloured glass, XIIIth, XIVth, XVth centuries
Rose window, south transept, XVth century
Former Bishop's Palace destroyed by Germans, 1871
ST. ETIENNE DE MEAUXDimensionsHeight of nave, 109 feet
Length of nave, 275 feet
Length of transepts, 120 feet
ChronologyBishopric founded, 375 A.D.
Choir in part, XIIth century
Restored, 1852
ST. PIERRE DE NANTESDimensionsHeight of western towers, 270 feet
Height of nave, 130 feet
ChronologyRemains of choir contains, XIIth century
Romanesque church rebuilt, XVth century
West front, 1434-1500
North transept and choir only completed in XIXth century
Tomb of François II. and Marguerite de Foix, 1507
Later restoration, 1852
NOTRE DAME DE NOYONDimensionsLength, 338 feet
Width of nave and aisles, 64 feet, 10 inches
Height of nave, 74 feet, 6 inches
Height of aisles, 28 feet, 9 inches
Height of choir, 26 feet, 3 inches
Height of towers, 200 feet
Superficial area, 30,000 square feet (approx.)
ChronologyFirst constructed, 989
Burnt, 1131
Rebuilding undertaken, 1137-1150
Choir, transepts, and nave completed, 1167-1200
Timber work burnt, 1293
Chapter-house built, XIIIth century
Five bays of cloister built, XIVth century
Restored under governmental supervision, 1840
ST. CROIX D'ORLEANSDimensionsHeight of towers, 280 feet
Height of nave, 100 feet
ChronologyFirst bishops sent from Rome, IIIrd century
Cathedral destroyed by Huguenots, 1567
Chapels of nave which still remain, XIVth century
Late Gothic mainly of XVIIth century
Western towers completed, 1789
NOTRE DAME DE PARISDimensionsLength, 390 feet
Width, 144 feet
Height of nave, 102 feet
Diameter of rose windows in transept, 36
Superficial area, 64,100 square feet
ChronologyFounded by Bishop de Sully, 1160-1170
High altar dedicated, 1182
Interior completed (approx.), 1208
West front, 1223-1230
Western towers, 1235
Transept portals, 1257
NOTRE DAME DE REIMSDimensionsWestern towers, 267 feet
Area, 65,000 feet (approx.)
ChronologyFirst stone laid, 1212
First portion dedicated, 1215
Chapter takes possession of choir, 1244
Nave commenced, 1250
Transept and abside ornamented, 1295
South tower begun and completed, 1380-1391
Coronation of Charles VII., 1427
Southwest tower completed by Philastre, 1430
Tapestries added to choir, 1444
Belfry of the Angel built, 1497
Gable of the Assumption and Zodiac, 1408
Reëstablishment of grand altar, 1547
Repairs to portals and vaulting, 1610
Cathedral becomes national property, 1790
Exterior repairs and restoration, 1811
General restorations, 1840
2,083,411 francs voted by Chamber for restorations, 1875
Gifts of Gobelin tapestries, 1848
NOTRE DAME DE ROUENDimensionsLength of nave and choir, 450 feet
Width, including transepts, 177 feet
Width of nave and aisles, 105 feet
Length of choir only, 118 feet
Height of nave, 92 feet
Height of central spire, 480 feet
Height of Tour de Beurre, 252 feet
Height of Tour St. Romain, 246 feet
Area (originally), 53,000 square feet
ChronologyFirst church founded on site of cathedral by St. Mellar, VIIth century
Cathedral enlarged under Rollo, who was buried therein in 930
Consecrated and dedicated, 1063
Tour St. Romain, remains of, XIth century
Destroyed by fire, 1200
New building completed, XIIIth century
Portail de la Calende, XIVth century
Tour de Beurre laid, 1487
Tour de Beurre completed, 1507
Flamboyant west front, XVIth century
Altar of St. Romain, XVIIth century
Tomb of the Cardinals, 1556
Central spire, 1823
Restoration of west front, 1897
ST. ETIENNE DE SENSDimensionsLength, 384 feet
Width, 124 feet
Height, 98 feet
Area, 44,000 square feet
ChronologyRelique of True Cross given by Charlemagne, 800 A. D.
Early church destroyed by fire, 970
New church dedicated, 997
Present building completed, 1168
Choir rebuilt, 1174
Present transept and nave, XIIth and XIIIth centuries
Glass in chapel of St. Savinien, XIIIth century
Glass of rose windows, XVIth century
Mausoleum of the Dauphin, XVIIIth century
BASILIQUE DE ST. DENISDimensionsLength of nave and choir, 354 feet
Width, 133 feet
Clerestory windows (height), 33 feet
ChronologyChapel first built above grave of St. Dionysius the martyr, 275 A. D.
Benedictine abbey first founded here in reign of Dagobert, 628
Pope Stephen took refuge here, 754
Romanesque façade, 1140
Consecration of the building, 1144
Nave, XIIIth century
Abbot Suger died, 1151
General restoration by Suger's successors, XIIIth century
Crenelated battlement added to façade, XIVth century
Spire burned by lightning, XIXth century
General restoration by Viollet-le-Duc, 1860
Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette reinterred here (removed from the Madeleine), 1817
NOTRE DAME DE ST. OMERDimensionsThe great bell of tower weighs 8,500 kilos.
ChronologyBishopric founded, 1533
Astronomical clock, XVIth century
Tomb of St. Erkembode, VIIIth century
Tomb of St. Omer restored, XIIIth century
Former Episcopal Palace, now Palais de Justice, 1680
ST. GATIEN DE TOURSDimensionsLength of nave and choir, 256 feet
Width, 95 feet
ChronologyChoir begun, 1170
Tour Charlemagne, XIth century
Tour St. Martin, XIIth century
Transepts, 1316
West façade, 1430-1500
Southwest tower, 1507
Tomb of children of Charles VIII., 1483
ST. PIERRE DE TROYESDimensionsLength, 394 feet
Width, 168 feet
Height, 96 feet
Height northwest tower, 202 feet
ChronologyApse and chapels, 1206-1223
Choir and transepts, 1314-1315
Iron grille of choir, XIIIth century
Church consecrated, 1430
West façade, XVth century
Nave constructed during XIVth, XVth, XVIth centuries
North gable, XVth century
Tower St. Pierre, 1559-1568
Northwest tower demolished by lightning, 1700
Vaulting of transepts fell, 1840
Restoration of choir and transepts, 1840
The French Kings from Charlemagne Onward

Measurements of the Cathedrals at Amiens and Salisbury

(The old French foot is the equal of 1.06576 English feet.)
The above comparative measurements are given as being of the contemporary types of English and French cathedrals, being nearly approximate to each other as to the date of their erection and measurements. The figures themselves are transcribed from a little-known but thoroughly conscientious work by G. D. Whittington, entitled "Contributions to an Ecclesiastical Survey of France."
French Metres Reduced to English Feet

A Brief Glossary of architectural terms, with popular definitions, as applied to the components which compose the principal features of a cathedral church

No. 1. Ground Plan

No. 2. Cross Section

No. 3 Interior

No. 4. Cross Section