Полная версия:
The Automobilist Abroad
Customs Dues. – One hundred and fifty marks per automobile. A pièce d'identité will be given the applicant on entering, and upon giving this up on leaving the duties will be reimbursed.
German, French, and Belgian coins all pass current (except bronze money).
Customs Dues. – Temporary importation by tourists 150 marks per auto. Oil and gasoline in the tanks also pay duty under certain rulings. A small matter, this, anyway.
According to recent regulations tourists are permitted to introduce motor-vehicles into Germany for a temporary visit, free of customs duty, but it has been left to the discretion of the official to give motorists the benefit of this arrangement, or to charge the ordinary duty, with the result that some have had to make a deposit, and others have succeeded in passing their cars into the country free.
Uniform driving or tax regulations are wanting in Germany, but something definite is evidently forthcoming from the authorities shortly (1906-7), with, the probability that even visitors will have to pay a revenue tax.
Rule of the road is keep to the right and pass on the left, as in most Continental countries.
Speed limits, during darkness, or in populous districts, vary from 9 to 15 kilometres per hour, but "driving to the common danger" is the only other cause which will prevent one making any speed he likes in the open country.
Foreigners should apply to the police authorities immediately on having entered the country for information as to new rules and regulations.
Customs Dues vary greatly on automobiles. The motor pays 18 francs, 50 centimes per hundred kilos., and the carrosserie according to its form or design. Ordinary tonneau type four places, 1,000 pesetas. For temporary importation receipts are given which will enable one to be reimbursed upon exportation of the vehicle. In general the road regulations of France apply to Spain.
Speed limit, 28 kilometres per hour in open country down to 12 kilometres in the towns.
A circulation permit and driving certificate should be obtained.
M. J. Lafitte, 8 Place de la Liberté, Biarritz, can "put one through" (at an appropriate fee), in a manner hardly possible for one to accomplish alone.
A special "free-entry" permit is sometimes given for short periods.
Appendix XIISome Notes On Map – Making
The most fascinating maps for tried traveller are the wonderful Cartes d'Etat Major and of Ministre de l'Intérieur in France. The Ordnance Survey maps in England are somewhat of an approach thereto, but they are in no way as interesting to study.
One must have a good eye for distances and the lay of the land, and a familiarity with the conventional signs of map-makers, in order to get full value from these excellent French maps, but the close contemplation of them will show many features which might well be incorporated into the ordinary maps of commerce.
The great national roads are distinctly marked with little dots beside the road, representing the tree-bordered "Routes Nationales," but often there is a cut-off of equally good road between two points on one's itinerary which of course is not indicated in any special manner. For this reason alone these excellent maps are not wholly to be recommended to the automobilist who is covering new ground. For him it is much better that he should stick to the maps issued by the Touring Club de France or the cheaper, more legible, and even more useful Cartes Taride.
In England, as an alternative to the Ordnance Survey maps, there are Bartholemew's coloured maps, two miles to the inch, and the Half Inch Map of England and Wales.
Belgium is well covered by the excellent "Carte de Belgique" of the Automobile Club de Belgique, Italy by the maps of the Italian Touring Club, and Germany by the ingenious profile map known as "Strassenprofilkarten," rather difficult to read by the uninitiated.
One of the great works of the omnific Touring Club de France is the preparation of what might be called pictorial inventories of the historical monuments and natural curiosities of France made on the large-scale maps of the Etat Major. Primarily these are intended to be filed away in their wonderful "Bibliothèque," that all and sundry who come may read, but it is also further planned that they shall be displayed locally in hotels, automobile clubs, and the like. The mode of procedure is astonishingly simple. These detailed maps of the War Department are simply cut into strips and mounted consecutively, and the "sights" marked on the margin (with appropriate notes) after the manner of the example here given.
There seems no reason why one could not make up his own maps beforehand in a similar fashion, of any particular region or itinerary that he proposed to "do" thoroughly. One misses a great deal en route that is not marked clearly on the map before his eyes.
Appendix XIIIA List Of European Map And Road Books
Great Britain and Ireland
The Contour Road Books
Vol. I. North England, including part of Wales.
Vol. II. West England
Vol. III. Southeastern England.
Very useful books, including about five hundred maps and plans, showing gradients and road profiles.
Bartholemew's Revised Map of England and Wales. – Complete in 87 sheets, 2 miles to the inch.
Half Inch Map of England, Wales, and Scotland. – Published by Gall and Inglis (Edinburgh). Complete in 47 sheets (England and Wales).
"Strip" Maps. – Published by Gall and Inglis (Edinburgh); 2 miles to the inch.
1. Edinburgh to Inverness.
2. Inverness to John O'Groat's.
3. "Brighton Road," London to Brighton; "Portsmouth Road," London to Portsmouth.
4. "Southampton Road," London to Bournemouth.
5. "Exeter Road," London to Exeter.
6. "Bath Road," London to Bristol.
10. "Great North Road," in two parts: London to York, Leeds, or Harrogate; York to Edinburgh.
15. "Land's End Road," Bristol to Land's End.
16. "Worcester Road," Bristol to Birmingham, Worcester to Lancashire.
18. The North Wales Road: Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham to Holyhead.
19. London to Birmingham, Manchester, and Liverpool.
20. "Great North Road," Edinburgh to York.
21. "Carlisle Road," Edinburgh to Lancashire.
28. "Highland Road," Edinburgh to Inverness.
28. "John O'Groat's Road," Inverness to Caithness. Excellent for tours over a straightaway itinerary.
The Cyclist's Touring Club Road Books
Vol. I. deals with the Southern and Southwestern Counties south of the main road from London to Bath and Bristol.
Vol. II. embraces the Eastern and Midland Counties, including the whole of Wales.
Vol. III. covers the remainder of England to the Scottish Border.
Vol. IV. includes the whole of Scotland.
Vol. V. Southern Ireland, deals with the country south of the main road from Dublin to Galway.
Vol. VI., Northern Ireland, deals with the country north of the main road froth Dublin to Galway.
Ordnance Survey Map of England and Wales. – New series, complete in 354 sheets, 21 x 16 inches. One mile to the inch.
Bartholemew's Map of Scotland. – Complete in 29 sheets, 2 miles to the inch.
Mecredy's Road Maps
1. Dublin and Wicklow.
2. Kerry.
3. Donegal.
4. Connemara.
5. Down.
6. East Central Ireland.
Mecredy's Road Book
2 Volumes
Vol. I. South of Dublin and Galway.
Vol. II. North of Dublin and Galway.
The Continental Road Book for Great Britain – Published by the Continental Gutta-Percha Co. Excellent information on British roads, distances, hotels, etc., with a general map.
The Automobile Hand Book. – The official year book Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland. Contains all the "official" information concerning automobileism in Britain. Rules and regulations, statistics, a few routes and plans of the large towns, and a list of "official" hotels, repairers, etc.
Continental Maps and Road BooksFRANCE
Cartes Taride. – Excellent road maps of all France in 25 sheets can be had everywhere, mounted on paper at 1 franc, cloth 2 fcs. 50 centimes. All good roads marked in red; dangerous hills are marked, also railways. Kilometres are also given between towns en route. The most useful and readable maps published of any country. A. Taride, 20 Boulevard St. Denis, Paris, also publishes The Rhine, North and South Italy, and Switzerland, each at the same price.
Guide Taride (Les Routes de France). – 4,000 itineraries throughout France and 150 itineraries from Paris to foreign cities and towns. Contains notes as to nature of roads, kilometric distances, etc.
L'Annuaire de Route. – The year book of the Automobile Club de France contains hotel, garage, and mècanicien list, charging-stations for electric apparatus and vendors of gasoline.
C. T. C. Road Book of France (in English). – Two volumes of road itineraries and notes.
Cartes de l'Etat Major. – Published by the Service Géographique de l'Armée and sold or furnished by all booksellers. Can best be procured through the Touring Club de France, 65 Ave. de la Grande Armée, Paris. Scale 1-80,000, 30 centimes per sheet. Another scale 1-50,000.
Carte de la Ministre d'Intérieur. – Scale 1-100,000 and 1-80,000.
Printed in three colours.
Carte de France au 200,000 cq. – Published by the Service Géographiqué and reproduced from the 1-80,000 carte by photolithography. Useful, but not so clear as the original.
Cartes du Touring Club de France. – Scale 1-400,000. Indicating all routes with remarks as to their surfaces, hills, culverts, railway crossings, etc. Printed in five colours. 15 sheets, 63 x 90 cm. These cartes lap over somewhat into Germany, Belgium, Italy, and Spain, and are very good.
Le Guide-Michelin – Issued by Michelin et Cie, the tire manufacturers. The most handy and useful hotel and mécanicien list, with kilometric distances between French towns and cities. Many miniature plans of towns and large map of France.
Guide-Routiere Continental. – Issued by the manufacturers of Continental tires. Gives plans of towns and cities, detailed itineraries and hotel lists, etc., throughout France. Equally useful as the Guide-Michelin, but more bulky.
La Carte Bécherel. – Reproduced from that of the Etat Major 1-200,000. Price 2 fcs., 50c.
Cartes de Dion – Excellent four-colour maps of certain sections environing the great cities. Published and sold by De Dion, Bouton et Cie.
Sur Route (Atlas-Guide de Poche pour Cyclistes et Automobilists). – Published by Hatchette & Cie, 3 fcs., 50c. A most useful condensed and abbreviated gazetteer of France, with a series of handy four-colour maps showing main roads sufficiently clearly for real use as an automobile route-book.
Annuaire Général du Touring Club de France – Hotel list, mécaniciens, etc., and prices of same throughout France.
The Touring Club de France also issues an Annuaire pour l'Etranger, containing similar information of the neighbouring countries.
Guides-Joanne. – The most perfectly compiled series of guidebooks in any language. The late editions of Normandie, Bretagne, etc., have miniature profile road maps and much other information of interest and value to automobile tourists. Seventeen volumes, covering France, Algeria, and Corsica.
The Touring Club Italiano issues a series of five excellent maps covering the whole of Italy.
1. Lombardia, Piemonte, and Ligurie.
2. Veneto.
3. Central Italy.
4. Southern Italy.
5. Calabria and Sicily.
Strade di Grande-Comunicazione – Italia – (Main Roads of Italy). An excellent profile road book of all of Italy; miniature plans of all cities and large towns, with gradients of roads, population, etc.
Carte Taride – Italie, Section Nord. – Published by A. Taride, 20 Bvd. St. Denis, Paris. Comprises Aoste, Bologne, Come, Florence, Livourne, Milan, Nice, Padoua, Parma, Pise, Sienne, Trente, Turin, Venise. 1 fc. on paper, 2 fcs., 50c. cloth.
Carte Taride – Italie, Section Centrale. – Uniform with above.
Carte Routière. – Published by the Touring Club de Suisse; is issued in four sheets.
L'Annuaire de Route. – Published by the Automobile Club de Suisse; contains a small-scale road map, hotel list, etc.
Cyclist's Touring Club (London) Road Book for South and Central Europe includes Switzerland.
Carte Taride pour la Suisse. – A continuation of the excellent series of Cartes Tarides (Paris, 30 Bvd. St. Denis) 1 fc., 50c. paper, 3 fcs. on cloth.
The Cartes Tarides (Paris, A. Taride, 20 Boulevard St. Denis) include Belgium under the Nos. 1 and 1 Bis.
Cyclist's Touring Club (London) Road Book for Northern and Central Europe includes Belgium.
Carte de Belgique, issued by the Touring Club de Belgique, covers all of Belgium in one sheet.
Guide-Michelin pour la Belgique, Hollande, et aux Bords du Rhin contains Belgian hotel-list, plans of towns, etc.
Road Atlas – Published by the Touring Club of Holland, which also issues many detailed road and route books for the Pays Bas.
Cyclists Touring Club (London) Road Book for North and Central Europe includes Holland.
Guide-Michelin pour La Belgique includes Holland, Luxembourg, and the Banks of the Rhine, with information after the same manner as in the "Guide-Michelin" for France.
Afstandskaart van Nederland. – An admirable road map of all Holland in two sheets, showing also all canals and waterway.
Ravenstein's Road Maps of Central Europe. Scale about 4 miles to the inch.
Taride's Bord du Rhin. – Excellent maps in three colours, main routes in red, with kilometric distances, towns, and picturesque sites clearly marked.
Ravenstein's Road Book for Germany. – Two vols., North and South Germany.
Cyclist's Touring Club (London) Road Book for Germany.