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The New Yorker Book of Golf Cartoons – Robert Mankoff

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A wry look at the golfing world, from the beloved cartoonists at The New Yorker A hilarious hole-in-one for golfers and cartoon-lovers alike, The New Yorker Book of Golf Cartoons, Second Edition brings together over a hundred classic images from across the magazine's eighty-plus-year history. Edited by Robert Mankoff, acclaimed cartoonist and cartoon editor at The New Yorker, and featuring work from legendary artists including Charles Addams, Roz Chast, Whitney Darrow Jr., Edward Koren, George Price, William Steig, and many others, the book is a side-splitting tribute to the game. Brings together over 100 golf-related cartoons by the best-loved cartoonists at The New Yorker Edited by the cartoonist and New Yorker cartoon editor Robert Mankoff Newly revised and updated to include coverage of the most recent developments in the golfing world, including Tiger Woods's troubles and more Features an introduction by Danny Shanahan A timeless anthology of the very best golf cartoons ever to grace the pages of America's favorite magazine, The New Yorker Book of Golf Cartoons captures the passion and the pain of the game.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118362273

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