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A Regency Baron's Bride: To Catch a Husband... / The Wicked Baron
Daniel turned on his heel and strode away. Hell and damnation, could he never meet the woman without quarrelling? She had come to him to apologise for her ill-chosen remarks. He should have received her apology with a dignified silence. After all, he was used to being snubbed by those who considered themselves to be his superiors, regardless of the fact that they had little to their name except a title. Their ancient houses were for the most part crumbling and impoverished. He had thought himself above such considerations, proud of his heritage, knowing that his father had earned his money with honest toil and now held the welfare of hundreds, if not thousands, in his hands: spinners, weavers, carders, combers and silverers—the list of those involved in the manufacture of cloth was endless. As he himself became more involved then the responsibility fell upon his shoulders, too.
He strode through the ornamental gardens and on around the side of the house, and as he worked off his anger in exertion, he found himself considering the situation more rationally. He stopped, his head coming up as the realisation hit him. It was not Miss Wythenshawe’s comments that had angered him, but seeing her hanging on Harworth’s arm. By God, he was jealous!
Daniel began to walk again, more slowly this time, while he tried to understand this new emotion. Damnation, Miss Katherine Wythenshawe had got under his skin. She was nothing like the ripe beauties who had caught his eye when he had first come to Town, women with whom it was possible to pass an enjoyable hour or so, but who were then so easy to forget. No. Katherine—Kitty—was proud, self-opinionated and extremely annoying, but one could not forget her!
He had reached the stable block by this time. Through the arch he could see the yard was full of activity as the teams of horses were brought out from the stables and harnessed to the respective carriages, each one under the watchful eye of the coachman. It had been agreed that Daniel would accompany Lord Harworth and his party back to Town later, when the rest of the guests had departed, so he saw no reason to add to the workload of the grooms by demanding his horse should be saddled up immediately. He perched himself on a mounting block just outside the entrance to the yard, intending to regain his composure in this shady spot before rejoining the main party. The noise from the stables spilled out of the yard and the clatter of hooves echoing under the arch told him that the first of the carriages was about to leave. He turned to watch Lady Leaconham’s coachman overseeing the stable boys as they pulled up and secured the hoods of the landau, while the two outriders stood to one side, drawing on their gloves. None of them noticed Daniel, sitting still and silent in the shadow of the wall.
‘So we’re to pick up his lordship at the Rising Sun,’ said one of the outriders.
The other gave a short laugh.
‘That’s what ‘er ladyship thinks.’ He turned to spit on the ground. ‘I’d wager he’s caught a fox by now!’
‘The mistress won’t like that,’ growled the coachman. ‘She told him to be ready to come home at six o’clock.’
‘Aye, she might’ve told ‘im but he’ll have been drinking since she set ‘im down. And let’s be honest, his lordship ain’t one to hold his drink well.’
The coachman chuckled.
‘There’ll be fireworks at Barnet, then,’ he said, climbing up onto the box. ‘Come on, lads, mount up, else ‘er ladyship will be after your hides, too!’
Daniel sat back against the wall and watched the carriage drive past him, the two outriders trotting smartly along behind. He remembered the chit’s look of horror when he had climbed into Mr Midgley’s carriage in all his dirt. A grin tugged at his mouth: how much more uncomfortable would she feel making the journey back to Town in the company of the drunken Lord Leaconham!
Chapter Five
The drive back to Chipping Barnet was accomplished in good time, with Lady Leaconham expressing herself highly satisfied with the day.
‘To dine al fresco with the Harworths is an honour not afforded to everyone,’ she told Kitty. ‘And that my nephew should choose to spend so much time with you is very encouraging. I was pleased to see you making yourself so agreeable to him.’
‘I hope I did not seem too forward, Godmama,’ replied Kitty, alarmed. ‘I had no thought other than to be polite. I would not like Lord Harworth to think I was encouraging his advances.’
‘That is exactly what you were doing, you silly puss,’ chuckled Lady Leaconham. ‘I admit when you first came to me I had no thought of aiming so high for you. I had hoped to find you a gentleman of comfortable means, but a baron, and my own nephew at that—well! ‘
She subsided into her corner, engrossed in her own happy thoughts and leaving Kitty prey to much more disturbing reflections. There was no doubt she was enjoying her time in London, although she missed Mama and Aunt Jane. She found the society diverting, but although she knew her mother had sent her to Town in the hope that she would find a husband, the idea of spending more than a day in the company of any of the gentlemen she had met, even Lord Harworth, filled her with dismay. Sadly she had discovered that most of the eligible gentlemen were empty-headed and so full of their own conceit that she found them positively disagreeable after a half-hour’s conversation. Others, like Lord Harworth, were perfectly agreeable but, she was ashamed to admit it, rather dull.
The thought flashed into her mind that Daniel Blackwood was neither dull nor empty-headed. He was infuriating, of course, and arrogant, and outspoken, but one could never accuse him of being boring.
The carriage began to slow and Kitty saw that they had arrived at the Rising Sun. The shadows were already lengthening in the cobbled yard as they drove in. The landlord came bustling out to greet them, grinning broadly and wiping his hands on his apron as he addressed them through the open carriage window.
‘Good day to you, ma’am—and you, miss! ‘Tis very busy here today, but I am sure we can find you a room.’
The man’s genial smile disappeared when Lady Leaconham demanded to see her son.
‘L-Lord Leaconham, m’lady? He’s one of those who came for the beefsteak dinner in the upstairs dining room, I believe. I am afraid they are not yet concluded.’
He cast a glance upwards, where sounds of raucous merriment could be heard coming from an open window on the first floor.
‘Then you will inform him I am here!’ commanded my lady.
‘Aye, ma’am.’ He flicked his head and a young boy scampered away into the inn. ‘Will you not come in and take some refreshment, madam.?’
‘No, I want to collect my son and go home.’
‘Well, ma’am, you see.’ The landlord shifted uncomfortably.
Lady Leaconham waved to him to open the door and she alighted from the carriage, Kitty following close behind her.
‘What is the matter with you—he is here, is he not?’ demanded Lady Leaconham.
‘Aye, he’s here. That is—’
‘Well, let us to him!’
Lady Leaconham swept towards the inn, the landlord hurrying after her, but before they had gone more than a few steps Garston appeared in the doorway, looking flushed and bleary-eyed.
‘Oh, so it is you, m’m.’ He placed one hand on the doorframe to steady himself. ‘Wasn’t expectin’ you yet.’
‘I think you have lost track of the time, my son,’ replied Lady Leaconham. ‘Come along now, fetch your things and let us be off. I want to reach Portman Square well before dark.’
‘Ah, well, that’s the thing,’ replied Garston, enunciating his words with enormous care. ‘Not sure I’m up to travellin’ at the moment.’ He gave his mother a smile of great sweetness. ‘Excuse me, Mama. Rather fancy I’m about to cast up my accounts.’
With that he swung round and vomited at the side of the doorway.
Kitty gasped, while Lady Leaconham remained rooted to the spot, staring at her son. Behind them, one of the outriders gave a short laugh.
‘Told you ‘e wasn’t one to ‘old ‘is drink.’
Lady Leaconham whirled about.
‘How dare you be so impertinent! You are dismissed, both of you!’
‘But, Godmama, we need their escort—’
‘I will not tolerate insolence!’ retorted Lady Leaconham, white with fury. ‘How dare they suggest my son is … is inebriated! Go, I say! You will be gone from my service by the morning—and leave your livery behind you, or I shall have you arrested for robbery!’
In dismay Kitty watched the two outriders clatter out of the yard. Lady Leaconham took a few steps towards Garston, who was still leaning against the wall, groaning. Tentatively she put her hand out to him.
‘Come along, my son, get into the carriage and let us be gone from this place. What were your friends about, could they not see you are unwell? Come, my love, let me help you.’
‘Don’t think … anyone … can.’ muttered Garston.
He turned, leaning his back against the wall as his legs crumpled under him and he slid to the floor, unconscious. Lady Leaconham gave a little scream.
‘Oh, good heavens—oh, my poor boy! Quickly, someone, run and fetch a doctor!’
The landlord stepped forwards, shaking his head.
‘Nay, my lady, I’m sure if we was to get him upstairs and into a bed—’
‘No, no, fetch a doctor! Oh, I shall go distracted,’ cried Lady Leaconham, reaching out to grip Kitty’s arm. ‘Quickly, child, where is my vinaigrette? I fear I am going to faint.’
‘Now that won’t help anyone, madam,’ said a deep, calm voice behind them.
Kitty looked round to see Daniel Blackwood jumping down from his horse.
‘And the landlord’s right,’ he continued bluntly. ‘Leaconham is drunk: best to take him upstairs and let him sleep it off.’ He signalled to the coachman and footman, who ran forward to pick up Garston and carry him inside.
Kitty felt Lady Leaconham sag against her, but even as she struggled to support her, Daniel stepped up to take the matron’s free arm.
‘Come, ma’am,’ he said. ‘Allow us to escort you inside.’
The landlord led them to a small parlour where Kitty and Daniel half-carried Lady Leaconham across the room to a cushioned armchair beside the empty fireplace.
‘Have a bottle of wine brought in,’ ordered Daniel. He glanced at Kitty. ‘Will you look after Lady Leaconham while I go upstairs and see what I can do for her son?’
Kitty nodded and as he strode away she searched in her godmother’s reticule for her smelling salts.
By the time Daniel returned Lady Leaconham had recovered a little and was sipping at a glass of wine.
‘How is Leaconham?’ she asked him anxiously.
‘Sleeping,’ he said shortly. ‘He is unlikely to stir before the morning.’
‘Then perhaps we should go home, Godmama,’ suggested Kitty. ‘There is still time to reach Town before dark.’
‘And leave my son here, alone?’ declared my lady, setting her glass down with a snap. ‘Never. The poor boy has obviously eaten something that disagreed with him. Did he not say he would be dining on oysters? I have no doubt that was it. I make it a rule never to touch shellfish.’
As Daniel opened his mouth to reply Kitty met his eyes and gave a tiny shake of her head. He shrugged.
‘Whatever the cause,’ he said, ‘Lord Leaconham is in no condition to travel today. The inn is very busy.’ Loud voices and a burst of raucous laughter from the room above added weight to his words. He continued, ‘You are best to go home, ma’am. The landlord here can be trusted to look after Leaconham.’
But Lady Leaconham merely shook her head and dabbed at her eyes with the wisp of lace that was her handkerchief.
‘I do not think I could travel another yard tonight,’ she said querulously. ‘Seeing Garston in such distress has completely destroyed my nerves. Kitty, my dear, go and find the landlord. Tell him we need rooms for the night.’
‘But, ma’am, it is not far to Town,’ protested Kitty, ‘I am sure you would be more comfortable in your own bed.’
‘You forget, Katherine my dear,’ said my lady in reproachful tones, ‘that we have no outriders to escort us, and the sun is already setting.’
‘I would be very happy to escort you to Town, madam,’ put in Daniel, stepping forwards.
‘That is very kind of you, Mr Blackwood,’ came the gracious reply, ‘but I cannot contemplate leaving my poor boy here alone. What if he should wake in the night, calling for his mama?’
Kitty saw Daniel’s lips twitch and she said, trying to keep the laughter out of her own voice, ‘My dear ma’am, Garston is five-and-twenty. He has had his own establishment for years now.’
‘That is not the point,’ returned my lady in dignified accents. ‘I am still his mama, and I am the person he needs when he is ill.’
‘He is not ill, ma’am, he is dead drunk!’ retorted Daniel with brutal frankness.
Lady Leaconham gave a little shudder and collapsed back in the chair. Kitty stepped up and took her hands, chafing them gently between her own.
‘Now look what you have done!’ She cast an angry glance towards Daniel. ‘How can you be so unfeeling?’
‘Well, you know I am an insensitive, uncouth, northern fellow!’
‘And you can stop that nonsense this minute,’ she told him crossly. ‘I know very well it is all play-acting designed to annoy me.’
He laughed suddenly.
‘So it is, Miss Wythenshawe. Very well, tell me what I can do to help.’
‘Bespeak rooms for us, if you please, and ask the coachman to stable the horses. If Lady Leaconham is determined to stay, then we must do so, I think.’
He disappeared, coming back a few moments later to inform her that a room was being prepared.
‘I hope you will not object, but they are very busy tonight so I have arranged for you to share a room. I thought you would prefer that to having separate rooms at opposite ends of the building, which is all they have free.’
‘Yes, thank you, sir. That is very satisfactory is it not, Godmama?’ Kitty looked to Lady Leaconham, who was leaning back in her chair, her vinaigrette clutched in one hand.
‘And is my room near my son?’ asked the widow in a faint voice.
‘I am afraid not, but I have directed the landlord to have someone sitting up with him tonight.’ said Daniel. ‘There is a very small chamber available next to Lord Leaconham, so I have taken that for myself. If he wakes in the night and—er—calls for you, ma’am, I will be able to send word.’
Kitty frowned.
‘That is very good of you sir, but I am sure there is no need for you to stay—’
‘Oh, but there is,’ Lady Leaconham interrupted her. ‘Surely you would not expect Mr Blackwood to abandon us in this horrid place when my son is too weak to act as our protector? As for Garston …’ She hesitated, a look of distaste crossing her face. ‘I shall wait until the morning and then if I think it necessary I shall summon a doctor. I am in your debt, Mr Blackwood, and gladly accept your protection for myself and my goddaughter. I am very grateful.’
‘Think nothing of it, my lady. They have tea here, so I have ordered them to send in the Black Bohea, to restore your nerves.’
‘Now that is kind of you, Mr Blackwood,’ murmured Kitty, allowing herself to smile at him for the first time.
‘It is my mother’s remedy for most ills,’ he told her, with the flash of a smile.
The sudden transformation in his dark features momentarily robbed Kitty of her breath, and she was relieved that the maid came in with the tea tray at that moment and she could give her attention to the ritual of making tea for them all.
The hour was quite advanced when Lady Leaconham put down her cup and declared she would retire. She struggled to her feet.
‘Kitty my dear, give me your arm. We will ask the landlord to direct us to our bedchamber.’
Daniel opened the door for them.
‘Would you like me to have a little supper sent up to you, my lady?’
Kitty felt her godmother shudder as though even the thought of food made her feel unwell. Daniel observed it, too, and inclined his head.
‘Very well, ma’am, but do not forget that this parlour is at your disposal until the morrow, should you wish to make use of it.’
Murmuring her thanks, Kitty accompanied her godmother to the chamber allocated to them. It was a large room overlooking the street, where Lady Leaconham declared that there was so much noise she would not get a wink of sleep.
‘I have no nightgown,’ she complained tearfully. ‘And no maid. Who is to undress me and look after my clothes? I would not trust them to a common inn servant!’
‘Oh, dear, if we had thought of that earlier we might have sent to Portman Square for Meakin to come here and to bring you a change of clothes,’ said Kitty, dismayed. ‘We are not so very far from home, after all.’ She summoned up a smile. ‘No matter, Godmama, I will look after you. I shall help you out of your gown and you may sleep in your shift.’ She added cheerfully, ‘This is a very respectable inn, ma’am. Look, the sheets are clean and they have even used the warming pan in the bed.’
An hour later Lady Leaconham was sleeping peacefully. Kitty had helped her to undress, carefully folding her gown and placing it with her stays, petticoats, shoes and stockings in readiness for the morning. She pinched out the candles and moved the solitary lamp so that the light did not fall directly upon her godmother’s face. However, Kitty herself was reluctant to go to bed. It was not late, the summer twilight was still evident outside the window and she was aware of a gnawing hunger. She would not risk disturbing her godmother by ordering a meal to be sent up to the room, so she decided to go in search of food.
The inn was quieter now, the noisy diners had left or retired to their beds to sleep off their potations and there was no one on the stairs as she made her way down to the ground floor.
She found the little parlour illuminated by candles on the mantelpiece and a branched candlestick on the table, where Daniel was sitting before a mouth-watering array of dishes. He rose as she entered the room.
‘Miss Wythenshawe!’
‘I came in search of supper.’
He pulled up a chair.
‘There is more than sufficient here for the both of us, if you would care to join me. Sit down and I will send for another plate and glass.’
In two strides he was at the door, calling for the waiter. She heard the rumble of voices in the passage before Daniel returned.
‘Our host has promised to lay a cover for you immediately. It should not take more than a few minutes.’
‘I am interrupting your meal.’
‘Not at all,’ he said politely. ‘I have only just begun and will now wait until you can join me. Will you not sit down?’
Kitty moved over to the chair he was holding for her and sat down with a quiet word of thanks. Daniel resumed his own seat and silence filled the room.
At last Kitty said, ‘You have not told us, sir, why you were travelling this way. This is not on your route back to Town.’
He looked down at the table, intent upon straightening his knife and fork.
‘I overheard your coachman talking. It seemed pretty clear that he did not think Leaconham would be fit to travel: I thought you might need assistance.’
The entry of a serving maid caused a diversion and they watched silently while she laid another place at the table. When they were alone again Daniel poured Kitty a glass of wine.
‘Will you take a little of the lamb?’ he asked her. ‘It is very good. You will note I have not ordered the oysters.’
Kitty chuckled.
‘We both know they were not the cause of Lord Leaconham’s malaise.’ She sighed. ‘Poor Garston. Poor Godmama! I doubt she has seen her son in that condition before.’ He made no reply. Kitty put down her glass. ‘I know you think him weak and foolish. After all he knew we were coming back this way to collect him, but have you no compassion at all? No, obviously not.’ She bit her lip, then said with difficulty, ‘I beg your pardon, that is unjust. You have shown great kindness in following us to this place.’
He looked across the table and held her gaze.
‘My opinion of Leaconham is not high. The man may go out and drink himself into oblivion every night for all I care, but to do so knowing that he was needed to escort two ladies back to Town, I find that foolish and irresponsible.’
‘You are right, of course. Which makes it all the more generous of you to look after us.’
‘I am not doing this for Leaconham, nor for your godmother.’
Kitty caught her breath, wondering if she had misunderstood him.
‘I do not deserve that you should be so kind to me,’ she said in a low voice. ‘Every time we meet I am impolite to you.’
The corners of his mouth lifted a fraction.
‘You certainly like to remind me of my place.’
There was a heartbeat’s pause before she spoke again.
‘I made an assumption about you on that first morning we met. I was wrong. I beg your pardon.’
‘And I beg your pardon for reacting as I did,’ he said. ‘Will you cry friends with me now?’
Kitty looked up to respond and found him smiling at her. Once again she was aware of her heart behaving erratically. Like a wild bird in panic, fluttering against its cage. The first time it had happened she had thought it the result of fear and alarm, because she had been trapped in his arms as he carried her through the mud. Here in this candlelit room there was no such danger.
Was there?
‘F-friends?’ she managed to say. ‘Yes, of course.’
She lowered her eyes and fixed her attention upon her plate. Nerves had diminished her appetite, but her companion’s quiet good manners did much to calm her. He wasted no time on small talk, but proved himself a considerate host, serving her himself and encouraging her to partake a little of each dish. She declined the roasted pigeon but managed to eat a little of the lamb and a few French beans, and by the time she had finished her glass of wine she was feeling much more relaxed and able to enjoy a small portion of gooseberry syllabub. She even accepted a small glass of Madeira wine.
‘I hope you do not suspect me of trying to make you drunk?’ said Daniel as he refilled her glass.
‘No. I know you now for a gentleman.’
His brows went up, but at that moment the servant returned to clear the table, and he said merely, ‘Shall we move over to the window? The armchair there will be more comfortable for you.’
Kitty hesitated. She was suddenly aware that she and Daniel were alone, and the chair he indicated was well away from the candles’ golden glow.
‘I should perhaps retire.’
‘Are you weary?’
‘No.’ The blood was singing through her veins. She felt more like dancing than sleeping. ‘No, not at all.’
‘Then sit with me for a while. After all, your godmother has accepted my protection for you both. And you yourself said I was a gentleman.’
The glint of amusement in his eyes as he said this made Kitty laugh and did much to ease the tension. She sank down into the cushioned armchair and sipped at her wine. He carried a chair across from the table and placed it opposite her.
‘I am not at all high in the instep, you know,’ she said as he sat down.
‘You surprise me, Miss Wythenshawe.’
‘No, really. Before, I would have mistaken your tone for condemnation but now I know you are teasing me, are you not?’ she looked up a trifle anxiously. ‘I think I have given you a false impression, and … and would like to explain, if I may.’ She wrapped her hands around her glass and braced herself for a confession, thankful for the dim light. ‘You see, I am … not rich.’
She looked up, waiting for his reaction. He said mildly, ‘I am not sure Harworth knows that.’
‘Perhaps he is not aware of my exact circumstances.’ She blushed. ‘Godmama suggested we should not give out such information too freely. I doubt if she would approve of my telling you so much.’