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The Part-Time Trader. Trading Stock as a Part-Time Venture, + Website – Ryan Mallory

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Practical advice and easy-to-follow guidelines for part-time stock traders Millions of people trade stocks in their spare time, supplementing their nine-to-five income with extra profits on the market. And while there are plenty of books on the market that cater to the needs of full-time traders, there are precious few that focus on the trading strategies that are best suited for part-time traders who must balance the demands of other responsibilities while successfully navigating a changing and dynamic stock market. This handy guide equips part-time traders with all the necessary tools for successful trading—including guidance on pre-market/pre-work studies and how to make profitable trades without interfering with one's day job. The Part-Time Trader focuses entirely on those trading strategies best suited for part-timers, making trading both simpler and more profitable. One of the few books on trading intended and designed specifically for part-time traders with other jobs or responsibilities Includes online access to the author's proprietary trading system that offers easy-to-follow guidelines for traders who can't spend all day watching the markets Written by the co-founder of SharePlanner Inc., a popular financial website devoted to day-trading, swing-trading (both long and short), and exchange-traded funds For part-time traders who can't dedicate all their time to watching the markets and reading charts, The Part-Time Trader offers straightforward, profitable trading advice.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118650080

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