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The Nurse's Twin Surprise / A Weekend With Her Fake Fiancé
The serviette was scrunched into a ball and dropped back on the table. ‘No kids,’ he muttered and looked away.
Back to upsetting him. She didn’t know what to say for fear of further annoying him. Time to talk to someone else. Leaning forward, she eyeballed Emma across the table. ‘When do you head over to Queenstown?’ The intern was going to New Zealand’s winter festival.
‘Thursday. I can’t wait. Have you been?’
‘Years ago. It’s an amazing event in an extraordinary location.’
Nathan wasn’t going to be ignored. ‘Did you go on the jet boat?’
‘Of course.’
‘You’re obviously into speed.’ When he smiled his whole face lit up in a way she rarely saw.
‘I guess I am. Not that I’ve done anything extreme. Nor will I be. Safe and sensible is me.’
‘Nothing wrong with that.’ Nathan was watching her in a way that suggested he wanted to know more about what made her tick outside work. But he waited, didn’t push.
Which had her opening up a little. ‘I liked my sports, sailing on large yachts, going to rock concerts, things like that.’
‘Liked?’ he asked quietly. ‘Not any more?’
Thump. Reality check. Hurrying to deflect him, she spluttered, ‘Still like, but I don’t seem to find the time any more. Neither do I know anyone in Sydney with a yacht the size I’m used to.’ Actually, she did, but that family was part of the past, so she wasn’t paying them a visit any time soon. In fact, never.
‘I don’t suppose a three-metre Paper Tiger would suffice?’ Nathan wasn’t laughing at her, just keeping the conversation going on a comfortable level, like he was trying to stop her tripping into the black hole that was her past. He couldn’t be. He knew nothing about it. ‘My brother-in-law’s got one.’
A laugh huffed across her lips, surprising her. ‘Me? Actually sail a small yacht? I don’t think so. I’d probably fall off or drop the sail at the wrong moment.’
‘All part of learning to sail.’ He grinned, then told her about his misadventures on his surfboard.

Nearly an hour later people had finished eating, and were beginning to gather their gear together.
‘Guess it’s time to head away,’ Molly said reluctantly. It had been fun talking and laughing with everyone, but especially with Nathan. He was different away from work, more at ease with her somehow, talking about Queenstown, his car, and other things. He even laughed and smiled often. He was a man she liked and wanted to spend more time learning more about.
Nathan leaned closer, said quietly, ‘Feel like a ride in my car?’ There was a cheeky smile on that divine mouth, and something in his eyes that asked if she was up to it. ‘I can drop you home.’
Molly’s mouth dropped open. She snapped it closed. Then spluttered, ‘That’s not necessary. I’m fine with the train.’
Across the table Vicki rolled her hand from side to side. ‘Train or top-of-the-range sports car. I know which I’d prefer.’
So did she. Except the car meant being squashed into a confined space with a man. Not just any man. Nathan. Standing up, she said, oh, so casually, ‘It’s a long way to Bondi Junction.’
‘It’s on my way. I live in Coogee.’ When she raised her eyebrows, he continued in a voice that suggested he was determined she’d go with him, ‘I didn’t even finish one glass of champagne so you don’t have to worry about my driving.’
‘I wasn’t.’
Nathan shrugged. ‘Let’s fix our bills and get the car.’
‘Nathan, you don’t have to do this.’ At least he hadn’t offered to pay for her meal. Thank goodness for something, because she’d have argued hotly. Paying her own way meant never owing anyone anything. Her stomach was doing a squeeze and release thing, while her head spun with the thought she’d be crammed into a car with a male she didn’t know very well. With Nathan Lupton, sex on legs, kindness in his heart and, don’t forget, someone who was quick to get grumpy with her, but who she trusted not to hurt her.
‘You said you like fast cars.’
True. She couldn’t contain the smile splitting her face. Her first car had been a racy little number bought by her mother for her eighteenth birthday. She’d loved it. ‘But you can’t get up any speed between here and my apartment.’
‘Now, there’s a challenge.’ He smiled back and flipped a coin in the air, caught it and laughed.

Nathan watched the conflicting emotions zipping across Molly’s face and damned if they didn’t make him want to spend more time with her, not to prove he could win her over but because he just might like her. The challenge was heating up. Though not in the way he’d intended. The offer of a ride home was because on and off throughout breakfast he’d warmed to her more and more, therefore he didn’t want the morning to end.
Today Molly intrigued him. He was not walking away. Nope. The genuine happiness lightening her gaze throughout breakfast had stirred him in places usually unaffected by other people, and had him wishing for more, had him remembering he’d once had a heart and thinking he just might like to get it back—if he could find the courage. She’d be a keeper, if he wanted to get involved, and that was the problem. He didn’t. Here was the rub. He might be ready to start dating on a regular basis but the thought of anything permanent still freaked him out. To fall in love and have his heart torn out of his chest a second time was unimaginable.
‘Ready when you are.’ The smile lifting the enticing corners of Molly’s soft mouth was real, and not that strained, ‘smile if I absolutely have to’ version she was so good at. Seemed she’d quite quickly got over trying to talk him out of giving her a lift.
Because he wanted to believe Molly’s smile had been for him, he’d risk being hit over the head by teasing her. ‘You could seem more excited.’
‘Sure.’ She leaned in to give Vicki a hug. ‘Happy birthday. If you need some company later, give me a call.’
Vicki’s eyes lit up. ‘I might just do that. Shoe shopping comes to mind.’
Molly was looking surprised about something. It wouldn’t be shoes. Everyone knew of Vicki’s fetish for footwear. Something else had put the stunned look on her face.
‘You could do worse than hanging out with Vicki.’
She glanced down at her high-heeled, black-with-a-bow shoes. ‘I reckon.’ Then she looked back at him and shrugged, said with caution in her voice, ‘No time like now to get back into it.’
Get back into friendships? Again that protective need nudged, stronger this time. He felt certain something had gone amiss with Molly, something that kept her on edge and wary around her colleagues. ‘Vicki, you right for getting home?’
That cheeky grin flicked from him to Molly, then disappeared, unhappiness replacing it. ‘I’m fine.’
Only because his car was a two-seater, he nodded. ‘See you around three.’
‘You don’t have to coddle me because it’s my birthday. Anyway, I’m going shopping with Molly.’
‘Yes, I do.’ Or Cole would have his guts for guitar strings. ‘Shop as much as you like but be home when I get there.’
Molly eyed first him then Vicki, who gave her a big smile before heading out the door. ‘You two are close.’ Something strangely like envy darkened her voice.
‘Her husband’s been my best mate from years back when we were into surfing. We continued our friendship into med school, and never stopped since.’ Cole had been there for him in the darkest days. Taking Molly’s elbow, he kept his touch light when he longed to pull her closer and breathe in that rich fragrance that was her. Funny but he hadn’t realised how often he’d smelled it until now. She really was doing a number on him, and didn’t have a clue. Which was something to be grateful for. That, and not how he was spending time with her, breaking down the barrier she kept between them.
‘You don’t surf now?’ When she tilted her head back to stare up at him it was almost impossible not to reach across to tuck some wayward curls behind her ear.
Resisting required effort, so it took time to answer. ‘Occasionally I chase a wave out where I live but not as often as I used to. Cole joined the army and I broke an ankle. That didn’t prevent me getting back on the board once the bones mended, but around that time specialised study began taking up all my spare hours.’
What was left had been for Rosie. Rosie. His heart wavered. The love of his life. Nothing like Molly. Would he have taken a second look if she had been? It would be too strange.
Hang on. Second look? There’d been a third, fourth and more. He shivered, suddenly afraid of where this might lead. All the moisture in Nathan’s mouth dried up. He might be getting closer to stepping off the edge in the hope of finding that deep, loving happiness he’d once known, but what if it all went sour? Turned to dislike instead? Or worse, what if he fell in love with a woman he couldn’t make happy because of his past?
They reached his car. ‘What’s your address in Bondi Junction?’
‘I’ll put it in the GPS.’ Molly settled into the seat and buckled in. ‘I know the way, but let’s play it safe.’ Seemed she wanted to get there as soon as possible.
They didn’t talk on the way, but when he pulled up outside the apartment block Molly indicated, he said, ‘I’ll walk you to the entrance.’ The sooner the better. He needed to breathe air not laden with Molly’s scent, and to put space between them. Then drive away, windows lowered and music on loud. He needed to stop, think about what he was doing getting to know Molly, before it got out of hand.
‘That’s not necessary.’ She grabbed her bag from the floor and elbowed the door open, snatching up the hairbrush that had fallen out of her bag.
The door shut with a soft click, but Nathan was already moving around to join her on the pavement. ‘When I see someone home I go all the way.’
Her emerald eyes widened as something akin to laughter sparkled out at him. ‘We don’t know each other well enough for that.’
‘You know what I meant.’
That was not disappointment blinking out at him. It couldn’t be. Then Molly proved it wasn’t. ‘That’s a relief. I wasn’t a hundred percent sure what you were saying.’ Her eyes cleared, but there was a little twitching going on at the corners of her mouth.
Hell, he’d love to kiss that mouth. He needed to know if those lips were as soft and inviting as they looked. His upper body leaned forward without any input from his brain, but as he began to lift his arms, common sense stepped in. Molly would kick him where no man wanted a shoe if he followed through.
Stepping back, he looked around the area. The entrance was accessed immediately off the footpath where a bus stop was outlined. Nothing wrong in that, but it was so ordinary and Molly was anything but. He sighed, long and slow. It had nothing to do with him where she chose to live. This was getting out of hand. He was making up stuff without Molly saying a word. But he had to ask, ‘How long have you lived here?’
She was focused on a pebble, rolling it round on the pavement with the toe of one classy shoe, then, raising her head, she eyeballed him. ‘Since I moved to Sydney a year ago. I worked in a medical centre down the road while looking for a job in an emergency department anywhere in the city.’
‘I’d have thought there’d be plenty of opportunities in that time. You picky, or something?’ He added a smile to take the heat out of his question.
‘I got a job within weeks of starting at the medical centre, but a nurse I worked with came down with leptospirosis and when the manager asked me to stay on until she was back up to speed I didn’t feel I could let them down. They’d been nothing but good to me from day one.’
How many questions could he get away with? Pushing her wasn’t being fair, but he needed to learn more. Maybe the answers would dampen the ardour taking hold of him. ‘I’d have thought you’d move closer to the city, where the shops and nightclubs are.’
‘I like it out here.’ For the first time he heard doubt in her voice. ‘Neither do I mind the train trip. It doesn’t take long. Judging by the traffic the few times I’ve driven in, I think the train probably gets me there in less time than it takes you in that fancy car.’
True. ‘Where did you move from?’ So much for shutting up.
‘Adelaide. Before that, Perth.’ The pebble flicked across the path as she turned away. ‘I’m heading inside for some sleep. Thanks for bringing me home.’
His heart skittered. What was wrong with his last question? ‘Wait.’ What the hell for? Despite the tightening in his belly and groin brought on by those curves outlining her jacket and trousers, he had to let her go. He wasn’t ready for this. He’d bet Molly wasn’t either.
She paused to look over her shoulder. ‘Go home, Nathan. Get some sleep too. Being Friday, tonight’s bound to be hectic.’
Ignoring that, he said, ‘You want to come with me sometime when I take this…’ he waved at his car ‘…for a blast along the highway?’ What happened to not ready, and thinking things through? Damned if he knew, other than he wasn’t giving up that easily now that he’d started.
She stared at him as if he’d just asked her to fly to the moon in a toy box.
He waited, breath stalled between his lungs and his nostrils, hands tightening and loosening. What was the problem? He’d asked Molly to go for a spin, which meant sharing the small space and breathing her scent some more. No big deal. Yet it felt huge. It was a date. So what? About damned time. There’d been the occasional romp in the sack with women who understood that was all he was offering.
He knew instinctively that Molly would not want that with him. Then again, maybe she would, and he could have fun and walk away afterwards. Shock hit him in the gut. He didn’t want that with this woman. All or nothing. No half-measures. All had to be out of the question. She wasn’t his type. So it had to be nothing. About to withdraw his offer of a ride, he got a second shock.
Molly was grinning at him, and it was the most amazing sight. Beautiful became stunning, quiet became gorgeous and cheeky. ‘Only if I get a turn at the wheel.’
His heart must’ve stopped. Nothing was going on behind his ribs. His lungs had seized. It didn’t surprise him when his knees suddenly turned rubbery. How could he refuse her? Leaning back against the car to prevent landing in a heap on the damp asphalt, he asked, ‘You like driving fast?’ Fast and dangerous? He hadn’t thought dangerous would come into anything Molly did. She appeared too cautious. Appeared, right? Not necessarily correct.
‘Strictly safe and sensible, that’s me.’ The grin dipped.
Phew. He could get back on track, be the colleague who’d brought her home—and ignore the challenge he’d set himself. If only Molly’s mouth hadn’t flattened, because that got him wanting to make her smile again. ‘I promise I’ll be so safe you’ll want to poke me with needles.’ He straightened, took a tentative step and, when he didn’t fall over, began walking up to the main door, making sure Molly was with him.
He got no further than the entrance.
‘Thanks, again.’ Molly punched a set of numbers into the keypad.
‘I’ll see you to your apartment.’
‘I’m on the third floor. Think I can manage,’ she muttered. ‘See you tonight.’ The lock clicked and she nudged the wide door open. ‘I’m glad I went to breakfast. It was fun.’
Warmth stole across his skin and he had to refrain from reaching out to touch her. ‘Glad you came. Now, I’d better get going. I’ve got things to do before I pick Cole up from the airport.’
A frown appeared between those fall-into-them eyes. ‘I thought he wasn’t going to be around for her birthday.’
‘It’s a surprise. He managed to wangle a weekend’s leave. The rest of his contingent is on the way home via Darwin, while he’s coming direct from KL.’
‘There goes the shopping.’ Molly smiled. ‘She can’t work tonight.’
‘I organised that without letting slip what’s going on. I’ll tell her when I drop Cole off.’
‘Good on you. It’d be awful if she had to waste this opportunity of having time out with her man.’ Though filled with longing—for what, he had no idea—at least Molly’s sigh was better than her quiet, mousy look.
Not mousy. Not any more. Sauntering towards his car, he called over his shoulder, ‘See you tonight.’ Time to put distance between them before he did something silly, like ask why it had taken weeks for her to front up and socialise with the people she worked with. That would put a stop to getting closer.
Nathan remained beside his car until Molly went inside and the door had closed behind her. Then he got in and drove on to Coogee and his small piece of paradise, his mind busy with all things Molly. She’d tipped him sideways by wanting little to do with him.
Except go for a spin in this beast.
No matter what else came up, he’d find time to follow through on that. Hopefully this weekend, so he could get to spend time unravelling the façade Molly showed the world.
Don’t think that’s going to happen in a hurry.
Better remember to get her number tonight.
Pulling up at traffic lights, Nathan tapped the steering wheel in time to the rock number playing on the radio. A strident ringing from the passenger side of the car intruded. Leaning over, he fossicked around until his fingers closed over a phone. Had to be Molly’s. His finger hovered over the green circle, but of course he couldn’t answer it. If for no other reason than she’d kill him.
A smile slowly spread across his face. Now he had a reason to return to her apartment and speak to her, and get her phone number at the same time.
Molly leaned back against her apartment door as it clicked shut and tried not to think about Nathan. Like that was going to happen.
A grin spread across her face. What a morning. They’d gone from grumping to talking to smiling and then he’d driven her home and insisted on walking to the entrance with her. He’d have come up here if she’d let him.
She looked around the tiny space, smaller than Gran’s chicken coop, and sighed, glad he wasn’t seeing this. The shoddy apartment block would’ve already given him reason to wonder why a nurse on a reasonable wage would choose to live here. But it was ordinary, wouldn’t attract attention.
She kept the apartment simply furnished with the bare basics in an attempt to make the rooms feel larger. The polished wood furniture came from her grandmother’s cottage after Gran died. The furniture had lain in storage until Molly had moved to Adelaide and set up house on her own. The only good thing about Gran’s passing was that she didn’t get to hear she had been right about Paul. She would’ve gone after him with her sewing scissors.
No one came to the apartment. Lizzie, her best friend back in Perth, kept saying she’d visit but never managed to make it happen with her job taking her offshore for weeks at a time. Molly missed her more than anyone from her previous life. They’d done so much together, shared a lot of laughs and tears, always been there for one another. But, more important, Lizzie had believed her right from the beginning when she’d said Paul hit her, and she hated him almost as much as Molly did.
Paul Bollard. Nathan Lupton. They were nothing alike. One evil. The other caring. Both could be charming, strong, over-confident. That spooked her. Paul had wooed her as though she had been a princess, at first making her feel like one. Nathan confused her, sometimes making her cross and occasionally, especially this morning, all soft on the inside.
She huffed the air out of her lungs. Nathan wasn’t wooing her and, by the expressions that crossed his face at times, had no intention of doing so. Fine. With a hideous marriage behind her, the wedding ring long gone in the bin, as of this week she was single and wanting to trust and love again, but she was very, very cautious.
Going out to breakfast had been the best thing to happen to her in a long while. She worked with a great bunch, and from now on she’d attend every get-together anyone proposed. She’d also get involved with more than the charity shop. Fake it till she made it. This latest and final version of herself would not be the socialite of the past, or the cowering abused woman. Married two years, separated for two, now alone. If nothing else, she’d become more caring and understanding of other people. Mrs Molly Bollard was gone for ever.
In the kitchenette she filled the kettle for a cup of tea. Sleep would be elusive while her mind was going over the morning. Pride lifted her chest. She’d managed to fit in with her workmates to the point she’d relaxed enough to forget everything that had brought her to that point. So much so, she’d even managed to sing ‘Happy Birthday’. Now, there was a step in the right direction, and she mustn’t stop at that. There was a city out there to get to know, and if she was careful not to keep her distrust to the fore, she didn’t have to carry on being alone, could make friends in all facets of her life.
Did Nathan go to the meals every time the staff got together? She chuckled. He wouldn’t do the shopping expeditions. She mightn’t be fully ready for a partner or even a lover, but spending time over a meal with a man who laughed, grumped, looked out for others, could not be time wasted.
The doorbell chimed. Molly spun around. No one visited her. Bang went her heart. Crunch went her stomach.
Knock, knock. ‘Molly, it’s Nathan. I’ve got your phone.’
Relief prodded her towards the door. How had he managed to get inside and up to her floor without knowing the apartment number? Peering through the peephole, she got a grainy view of the man who’d driven her home.
‘Molly?’ That familiar irritation was back.
She opened the door. ‘Sorry to be a pain. It must’ve fallen out of my bag with my hairbrush.’
Nathan was watching her with that intensity that was more familiar than his smiles. ‘You had a call. That’s how I found it.’
‘A call?’ she asked. ‘Who from?’
He shrugged. ‘I didn’t look. Figured you’d be cross if I did.’
‘You bet,’ Molly admitted sheepishly as she checked out the caller ID. An unknown number. Her smile snapped off.
‘What?’ She shook her head and glanced up at Nathan to soak up the warmth in his gaze. ‘No. Wrong number probably.’ As far as she knew, Paul only had access to the prison phone and that number was definitely in her contacts file so she could ignore it if he tried to get in touch. Anyway, he’d stopped calling her after his guilty verdict. Though who knew what receiving the divorce notice might’ve done to his narcissistic brain. He hated losing control over her more than anything.
The kettle whistled. Molly glanced toward the kitchenette. ‘Thanks for this.’
Nathan stepped through the door. ‘You into minimalist?’
Closing her eyes, she counted to four. Nathan should have left, not come inside. Yet it didn’t feel wrong. More like it was okay for this man to be inside her home; as if she wanted him here. Which was so far out of left field she had to stop and look at him again. All she saw was the good-looking man who’d brought her home gazing around her apartment as if it was a normal thing to do. It probably was, for most people. That had to be in his favour. She was not thinking about the pool of heat in her stomach. Not, not, not. ‘I’m making tea. Do you want one?’ Ah, okay, maybe that heat was getting the upper hand.
He hesitated, his gaze still cruising her living room.
He was going to say no. She got in first. ‘It’s okay. You’ve got things to do before picking up Cole.’ She wanted to feel relieved, but it was disappointment settling over her.
‘Thought you’d never ask.’ His gaze had landed back on her. His hands were in his pockets, his stance relaxed, yet there was something uncertain about him, like he didn’t know if he was welcome. Nothing to make her afraid, more the opposite. If such a strong, confident man could feel unsure then he was more real, human—flawed in a good way. ‘White with one.’