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Long-Term Conditions. Nursing Care and Management – Meerabeau Liz

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This book is a very welcome tool, which will enable health professionals to understand the complexity, challenge and rewards of proactively managing long-term conditions. Putting this knowledge into skilled practice, in partnership with patients, will transform the lives of many individuals and their families, and thus fulfil the fundamental purpose of nursing. —From the Foreword by Professor Rosemary Cook CBE, Director, the Queen’s Nursing Institute and Visiting Professor of Enterprise, University of Northumbria Long-Term Conditions is a comprehensive, practical guide for nurses and healthcare professionals on the care and management of people with chronic illness. It explores case management, individual care and management, the role of the ‘expert patient’, quality-of-life issues, counselling skills, self-management, and optimum self-care. Long-Term Conditions discusses the three main long-term conditions currently resulting in most hospital admissions: diabetes, respiratory, and coronary heart disease, with a focus on empowering the patient to self-manage. Key Features: A comprehensive guide to the care and management of long-term conditions Focuses on the management of the conditions from the patients’ perspective Practical and accessible in style

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781444341003

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