Полная версия:
Luck of the Wheels
‘Then I shan’t bring him by until you are ready. Noon, shall we say? Nothing makes that boy more impatient than waiting. Better not to make him stand about while things are got ready. We shall meet you here at noon, tomorrow. Good evening.’
Vandien frowned after Brin as he vanished through the portal. ‘There’s a strange man. He doesn’t seem to believe we might not take him. And what was his haste? He didn’t even pause to finish his wine.’
‘Given a choice, would you sit here and drink this stuff? Besides, he takes leave of his only son tomorrow. Such a farewell takes time. What’s flustering up your feathers, Van? You questioned him like a jealous lover.’
‘Vandien,’ he corrected her absently, watching the serving boys pull stiff hides across the portals and peg them into place. A dry wind from across the plains rattled sand against the leather. ‘Didn’t he seem awfully anxious to be rid of the boy? I think there’s trouble in this somewhere.’
‘Your tail’s just tweaked because we aren’t going to run off and start a month of vagrancy tomorrow. You think I’m backing out on our agreement, don’t you? Well, I’m not. But why not start the month off with a little coin in hand? Take the boy and drop him off on the way. New places, you said. Well, I’d never heard of Villena until this night. And neither had you, I’ll wager. So why not start from there? Trelira!’ Ki called suddenly across the room. ‘What direction is Villena from here?’
The haste with which the portly caravansary owner trotted to their table betrayed her interest. ‘To the southwest, about fourteen days away. It’s right on the caravan routes. There’s Algona, Tekum, Rivercross, and then Villena. A lot bigger town then Keddi. It was originally a T’cheria settlement, but nowadays there are quite as many Humans there. And a group of Dene have settled at Rivercross. Thinking of going there?’
‘Perhaps. Perhaps not. I was just wondering.’ Vandien played her out on her own curiosity. ‘What are you serving for the evening meal tonight?’
‘I’ve mutton pastries and tubers with onions baked in soft gourds. Barley and bean soup, and a good fresh bake of bread. What takes you to Villena?’
‘Nothing, probably.’ Vandien replied easily, pressing his leg against Ki’s to ask for her silence. ‘Brin wanted us to take his son there, but Ki’s not much for taking passengers. She likes her privacy. Just curiosity made me ask. Neither of us had heard of the place.’
Ki picked up her cue. ‘I’ll have the tubers and onions baked in the gourd, the soup, but no …’
‘Goat? He wants you to take Goat to Villena?’
The avidity of the question trampled over Ki’s attempt to order food.
‘Gotheris was the boy’s name, I thought,’ Vandien ventured.
‘Aye, but he’s been called Goat since he was four or five. He was a spry little fellow then, always gamboling about, so full of energy and mischief. There wasn’t a mother but wished he were her child, when he was small.’ Trelira’s eyes journeyed to some dreaming place and remembered some regret. ‘Why must children change and grow?’ she asked sadly of no one in particular. Then her attention snapped back to Ki, and her eyes went shrewd and businesslike. ‘How much did he offer you for the trip?’
Ki opened her mouth to protest this prying, but Vandien hastily pressed a filled wineglass into her hand. She held her words back behind tight lips.
‘Three georns and a full orn on safe arrival,’ Vandien told her with disarming frankness. His smile made her trustworthy. ‘Have pity on a stranger, Trelira. I can’t even remember how many georns or fiorns in an orn. Given the roads and the distance, would you say that’s a fair price for the trip?’
Trelira took a deep breath for speech, then shut her mouth and gave a quick nod.
Ki took up her part in Vandien’s game. ‘I wonder why he doesn’t wait until he has friends going that way?’ She glanced casually at Trelira.
‘They’d know the … he wouldn’t know anyone. Brin doesn’t know that many folk here. His land is on the edge of the town, alone but for his sheep and his three sons. His wife’s sister was my cousin’s wife,’ she added, speaking softly to herself.
‘Well, we haven’t said we’d take him, yet,’ Vandien admitted casually. But Trelira was no longer listening. She rose and turned, walking slowly back to her kitchen, her head full of her own thoughts. Ki and Vandien exchanged glances.
‘Interesting.’ Ki sipped at her wine.
‘Nice mess. Brin says his only son, Trelira says one of three. Brin says he wants the boy comfortable, Trelira says he wouldn’t know anyone else to take him. Whatever smells funny here, she’s got a family tie to it that’s keeping her from gossiping. Suppose he’s a half-wit?’
‘To be apprenticed to a healer?’
‘I could tell you stories about healers that would make you believe it,’ Vandien offered lightly. Then he shrugged, and became serious once again. ‘What else could it be?’
‘Maybe nothing but your imagination. Maybe a boy grown too big for home and small-town life. Don’t sour the deal, friend, before we’ve even seen the boy.’
Food arrived, a double order of everything Trelira had mentioned. Ki frowned as the serving boy set it before them. ‘What’s this?’ she demanded.
The boy stared at her as if she were daft. ‘Food?’ he suggested.
‘We didn’t ask for any yet.’
‘Trelira ordered it for you. Oh, I’m to tell you there’s no charge. To give you good strength for an early start tomorrow.’
Vandien raised a mocking eyebrow at Ki. She only snorted, and pushed her share of the mutton pastries onto his plate. He accepted them. ‘Still not eating meat?’ he asked the soup gravely, smiling behind his moustache.
‘Don’t push me, friend.’ The smell of the pastries was driving her crazy, and her resolve seemed in question. But she’d stick to it, if for no other reason than that he teased her about it. She was breaking her bread over her barley soup when Trelira’s shadow fell across the table again. ‘Goat,’ she began without preamble. ‘He’s family. I’d never speak ill of him. Those that do, don’t know him. That’s all. Actually, I wish him a good journey, with every comfort. So I’ll add two georns of my own to his passage money. And any trader in town will tell you that adds up to a handsome fee for a trip to Villena.’
The two crescent coins clicked onto the table. Ki and Vandien stared at them, unmoving.
‘What if we decide not to take him?’ Vandien asked.
‘You’ll take him,’ she said with decision. ‘One look in his eyes, and no one can refuse the boy. And everyone in town knows that he wants to go away from here.’ Trelira turned on silent feet and was gone.
‘The boy looks ordinary enough.’
Vandien leaned out of the cuddy door and let his gaze follow Ki’s. He had just finished storing their provisions in the cupboards and drawers inside the caravan. The two georns had been enough to take on generous supplies, and at Trelira’s urging, they had done so. Vandien was more than a little disgruntled about it. Ki didn’t usually spend advance money until she had decided to take on the job. So much for meeting the boy first. Well, whatever problems came with him, Ki had bought them in advance.
‘Fourteen?’ he observed skeptically.
‘Looks more like sixteen to me. But you never can tell; some boys grow fast,’ Ki replied.
Gotheris walked beside his father, and nearly matched him in height. That put him half a head taller than Ki and the equal of Vandien. His brown hair clung to his head as smoothly as a cap and was cut to one length on the sides and back. In front it touched his eyebrows in a straight line. His eyes were light, though at this distance Vandien could not tell what color they were. His face was long and narrow, with the unfinished look of a boy who is sure of all the answers while still discovering the questions. His young body was lanky, as if growing bones were outracing the meat and muscle that should cloak them. His cream-colored shirt was lavishly embroidered in red and yellow, in gay contrast to the rough brown robe Brin wore. Goat wore loose brown trousers that fluttered around the tops of his sandaled feet. The boy strode empty-handed, but Brin had a large basket buckled to his back and a woven bag in his arms. Vandien frowned at the boy’s laziness, then decided it was none of his business.
‘Well, here we are, all ready to go!’ Brin greeted them. His words rang falsely hearty in Vandien’s ears.
Ki made some noncommital reply, studying the boy. The boy’s eyes were very large, and slightly protruding. So that was what the father had meant by Jore eyes. Up close, they were so pale a green they verged on yellow, and the pupils were not those of a Human. A little crossbreeding, then, somewhere back in the family line. The rest of him seemed Human enough. He had a sweet little pink bow of a mouth, but when he smiled he showed teeth long and narrow and yellow as a goat’s. Goat looked brightly from Ki to Vandien as Brin set his burdens down by the wagon and wiped his sweaty face with a stained kerchief.
‘This is my son, Gotheris. Gotheris, make your respect to the teamster and his wife. Vandien and Ki.’
‘The teamster and her partner. Ki and Vandien.’ Vandien corrected him mellowly.
‘I see. Beg pardon,’ Brin flushed, but Ki ignored the stumble. Gotheris giggled, in a high pitch more like a girlchild’s laugh than that of a youth on the verge of manhood.
‘Well, at least I’ll know from the start who I must-hark to!’ the boy burst out, grinning delightedly from Ki to Vandien. ‘Is this the wagon?’
‘You’ll have to hark to whichever of us speaks,’ Ki said firmly, but the boy had turned from the group and was climbing into the caravan.
‘Please excuse him,’ Brin said hastily, trying to speak smoothly. ‘He’s so excited to finally be on his way, and full of curiosity about you and your caravan. I’m afraid his manners flee before his impulses sometimes. You may find him a bit uncouth, I fear. We have lived an isolated and rural life for so long that Gotheris has none of the graces or sophistication you would find in a city-bred boy. It is unfortunate that boys of that age usually believe themselves the very soul of wit and judgement. With just the two of us, he has grown up speaking his mind rather bluntly to adults, and often gives his opinions before he is asked. But aren’t all boys his age like that? He is a bit coarsely mannered, I’m afraid, but the training and discipline of a healer will soon take off his rough edges.’ Brin’s eyes darted from Ki to Vandien as he sensed their reluctance. He kept nodding at his own words and smiling so earnestly as he explained and excused that finally Ki nodded to make him stop.
‘There’s only the one big bed in here! Do we all sleep together then, tumbled in a pile? I’ll warn you, I’ll ask to be on top!’ The boy was half-hanging out of the caravan door, a wide smile on his mouth. The ribald note in his voice shattered the just-made accord. Before either Ki or Vandien could speak, Brin stepped forward and seized him by the shoulder.
‘Gotheris! Mind your behavior! Do you want these folk to think you witless and rude? Show them some respect, or you’ll never be on your way to Dellin.’
‘Yes, Father,’ Gotheris replied, his manner so suddenly meek and chastened that Vandien felt his disgust abate somewhat.
‘Have you ever been away from home before?’ Ki asked casually.
‘I’m afraid not,’ Brin answered for him. ‘You can see how excited he is; he has wanted to leave Keddi for so long, to see more of the world. I’m afraid he shows himself in a bad light in his excitement.’
‘I’m familiar with the way of boys,’ Ki answered, addressing them both. ‘No one could travel with the Romni and not become accustomed to the antics of children. Even the most disciplined will kick up their heels at the start of a journey. But,’ she added, turning gravely to Gotheris, ‘we must understand things before I touch hands with you on this. If we take Gotheris, he must be willing to obey Vandien and me. I will expect him to help with the camp chores at night, to clean up after himself, and help care for the horses; that means fetching water if needed, helping to unharness at night, that sort of thing. In short, although he will be our passenger, he will have to be a responsible member of the party as well.’
Gotheris’s face had grown more and more indignant with every condition. The words fair burst from him. ‘But my father is paying you to take me!’
‘Hush, Son.’ The man’s big hands flapped at him beseechingly. ‘I am sure you understand that all must cooperate on such a journey. And, Gotheris, think of all the things you’ll learn!’
The boy made no reply, and his eyes dropped to look at the dusty ground. But in the instant before Ki began speaking again, his gaze leaped up to meet Vandien’s in a rebelliously measuring look. Vandien met his look gravely, and the boy looked down, but a half smile rose and lingered on his face. Vandien suppressed a sigh. Soon enough, boy, he promised himself.
‘He must be courteous, not only toward us but to any we meet along the way. And, in such close quarters, I must insist on personal cleanliness, and his awareness of the privacy of others.’ Ki was going on with her list of requirements. Brin was nodding earnestly to all she said, but the boy didn’t appear concerned. First he picked at his yellow teeth, and then squatted down to scratch his ankle vigorously.
‘I’m sure he’ll be no trouble, once he settles into the rhythm of the journey. He knows he has to behave if he is to reach Dellin without delay. He’ll do his best to be useful. Won’t you, Gotheris?’
The squatting boy cocked his head up at his father and gave a quick flash of his teeth. ‘Of course I will, Father. What boy wouldn’t jump at the chance to travel to hot, dusty Villena, there to study his eyes out with his humorless uncle, so he can spend the rest of his years looking at smelly sick folk and birthing squalling babies for screaming women? What else could I possibly want to spend my life doing?’
The words were unforgivably rude, but the tone was so earnest and sincere that Vandien felt himself at a loss. Was this the blunt speech of a young man who had lived isolated for most of his life? Was it familiar teasing between father and son? Brin more ignored than smiled at the remark.
In the awkward silence that followed, Ki met Vandien’s eyes; he suddenly relaxed. Her look told him all. The boy’s last words had decided her. She wasn’t taking him anywhere. Vandien breathed an inner sigh of relief. Oh, she’d be fractious about having to convert some of the Windsinger’s gold into georns to pay back Trelira’s advance, but that was better than being saddled with that boy. He hadn’t realized how much he’d been dreading the trip until the threat of it was removed. Breaking the news to Brin was Ki’s task. After all, it was her wagon and team; she had the final say on all decisions. Thank the Moon, he added to himself.
He casually wandered over to the horses and began checking their ears for ticks. Two things he didn’t enjoy about these warmer lands they now travelled: the new bugs they encountered, and the spells of watery eyes and running noses that afflicted them both, even in the hottest weather. He wondered idly if they would still follow the caravan route to Villena, even though they had no passenger. He found he hoped so. There would be interesting traffic on the road, and fascinating towns to pass through. Maybe even other Romni. Ki had heard there were tribes this far south, but they had yet to meet any. Even if they met no other Romni, there’d be new towns to explore. Maybe he’d find a leatherworker competent enough to turn out a new sheath for his rapier. His was all but worn through. He thought idly of the sword he had seen yesterday; a peculiar weapon even more flexible than his rapier, but fitted with barbs along the tip. A slapping, ripping weapon, someone had told him. Between a whip and a blade. He’d yet to see one in use. He’d bet on his rapier against one, though. He could imagine such a weapon entangled in an opponent’s clothing, while his rapier could dart in and out swift as the lick of death.
‘Ready to go?’ Ki’s voice was right at his elbow. He turned quickly, hooking her into an impulsive hug, kissing her before she could dodge him. Her skin was dusty against his mouth, but warm. He trapped her against him. ‘Where are we off to?’ he demanded, feeling free as a child.
She worked her elbow up between them and levered herself free. She glanced over her shoulder to where Brin, scandalized, was studying his feet. He didn’t look as disappointed as Vandien had expected him to, and Ki looked more annoyed. ‘Villena, of course. Goat’s putting his things inside the caravan. Oh, he said he doesn’t mind being called Goat; in fact, he prefers it. And the coins are in my pouch. So stop being an ass and let’s get started. Did you check Sigurd’s hoof?’
‘We’re taking the boy?’ Vandien asked in disbelief. His arms dropped away from her.
‘Of course. Well, I nearly backed out of it for a moment there; he has an unruly mouth. But when I asked him if he thought he could do things our way, he changed his attitude at once. He apologized and assured me he’d try his best. I think he embarrassed himself. He’s very anxious to go. I think a lot of that tongue was just showing off for his father, letting him know that he’s a young man now and ready to be off on his own. Boys say the most unfortunate things when they are trying to be clever. You know how they are; they show off their worst manners just when their parents are trying to impress a guest with how well behaved they are. I left him alone with his father to say their goodbyes. Vandien, are you all right?’
‘I was so sure that you weren’t going to do it.’ The bright plans of a moment ago were no more than dancing dust motes now.
‘So was I, for a minute there,’ she conceded, smiling. Her face grew thoughtful. ‘But there’s something about Goat’s face, when you look into it. There’s a man in there, trying to get out. And I suspect he’ll be a pretty good man, once he learns to set childishness aside and deal with people on their own terms.’
‘Oh, Ki.’ He gazed at her reproachfully.
‘Now don’t you get sulky on me!’ She began checking Sigmund’s harness fussily. She spoke over her shoulder, not meeting his eyes. ‘Our deal is still on; I’ll be as irresponsible as you like, right after we drop Goat off. It’s only a fourteen-day trip; you can put up with him for that long. Besides, I don’t think he’ll be that bad, once he’s used to us. Children imitate those around them. If we treat him like a young man, and expect him to behave as one, he will. Every boy has a bit of growing up to do. Goat’s overdue for his, that’s all.’
‘That’s not all he’s overdue for,’ Vandien muttered under his breath. Ki shot him a warning glance.
‘Give him a chance,’ she protested. ‘He’s only a boy.’
Vandien glanced over in time to see Brin clasp his son’s shoulder, then turn and stride hastily away. Goat’s eyes were very wide as he stared after his father, as if Brin’s back were the most amazing thing he had ever seen. Brin lifted a hand to rub quickly at his eyes as he went. A sudden flash of anger ambushed Vandien. ‘When I was his age, if anyone had called me a boy, he would have had to face my blade!’
‘Exactly my point.’ Ki picked it up smoothly. ‘But you grew up, and so will he.’
‘In two weeks you’re going to convert him into a responsible young man, I suppose,’ Vandien observed bitterly.
‘It’s not impossible.’ She blithely refused the quarrel. ‘Look how far I’ve gotten with you, after only a few years. Don’t act so put out; I thought he was the spoiled child,’ Ki added in a more serious tone.
Vandien just looked at her.
‘This trip is only going to be as bad as you make it,’ she observed.
‘That’s right,’ he agreed sourly, and bent to pick up Sigmund’s hoof. Ki began checking Sigurd’s harness. The big greys stood quiet and passive in the sun. Vandien let down the hoof and made a conscious effort to shake off his ill humor. It wasn’t only disappointment. The thought of travelling with Goat filled him with dismay. Vandien couldn’t recall that he had ever been that callow and immature. When he had been as old as Goat, he had been making his own way in the world. He flinched as those early memories touched him. Sleeping in stables and ditches, telling stories by inn fires to earn a bit of bread and a rind of cheese. Being waylaid once and losing everything to the robbers, even his clothing. Stealing garments from a woman washing on a river bank, and being chased by her dogs. Travelling with a group of Dene through Brurjan territory, and being abandoned by them when he slapped a mosquito on his arm and took its life. Such lovely memories, he thought wryly. The ideal shaping for a young man’s early years; no boy should be without such experiences. Maybe he was jealous, he reflected. Jealous of a young man still in the grip of childhood’s innocence and frivolity.
He had been checking the harness straps as he pondered. He paused and leaned against Sigmund’s wide back, watching Ki. She had tied back her long hair, but brown strands of it already dangled around her face. This southern sun had browned her face and arms until her green eyes stood out startlingly. He remembered buying the soft yellow shirt she was wearing tucked into her trousers. The bodice was embroidered with tiny green leaves and pale blue buds. She looked lovely in it. When she wasn’t upset. Lines divided her brows. She took everything so seriously. He cleared his throat and she looked up. He grinned. She stared coolly at him for a moment, then turned her head to hide her answering smile. ‘If you’d told me it made you feel warm and protective, I could have started acting snotty and rude a long time ago,’ he offered, and saw her relax.
‘Dung for brains,’ she observed fondly. ‘Let’s get these wheels turning.’
Ki mounted the high seat at the front of the wagon. Vandien started to follow her up when the door of the cuddy popped open and Gotheris scrambled out onto the seat. He sat down squarely in the middle. ‘I want to drive the team first,’ he announced.
‘Perhaps later,’ Ki suggested. ‘After you’ve watched for a while. It’s not as easy as it looks, especially with all the foot traffic there is in a town.’
‘You said I’d have to help. And my father promised me I’d be learning new things. So I want to drive.’
The whine in his voice grated on Vandien’s nerves.
But he could be tolerant. He’d engage Goat on an adult level. ‘One thing about Ki: she always drives, unless she’s sick, or bored with an arrow-straight flat road. So by the time she lets you take the reins, there’s not much fun to it. With this team, there’s not much challenge anyway. Sigurd and Sigmund pick their own pace and path. So relax and enjoy the ride.’
Goat cocked his head and looked down at Vandien, his eyes shining. ‘Why do you let her say how everything will be? No woman would treat me so. But if the horses are so smart’ – here he rounded on Ki – ‘why can’t I drive the wagon now?’
Ki looked away from the strain on Vandien’s face and spoke directly to Goat. ‘Because it’s not what the team might do that I worry about. It’s the fool that comes dashing out under their noses, or the horseman who thinks he must gallop, and takes the center of the road.’
‘But my father said …’
‘And besides,’ said Vandien, clambering up onto the seat, ‘Ki said no. And I say no. Now move it over so we can get out of here.’
Goat stared up at him, his eyes more yellow than Vandien had yet seen them. ‘For this treatment of me, my father paid good coin,’ Goat commented bitterly, but he edged over on the seat. Ki settled herself and took up the reins. It rankled Vandien that Goat had usurped his seat beside Ki, but he refused to give it a word. He settled beside Goat.
‘Let’s go,’ he suggested softly.
‘Get up!’ she called to the team, shaking the reins lightly. The greys were ready. They set their shoulders to their collars and the tall yellow wheels of the wagon began to turn. Their heavy, feathered hooves were near silent in the sandy streets. The town of Keddi drifted past them like trees on a riverbank.