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Green Home Computing For Dummies – Woody Leonhard

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Make your computer a green machine and live greener at home and at work Get on board the green machine! Green home computing means making the right technology choice for the environment, whether it be a Windows-based or Mac-based computer and all the peripherals. In addition, it means learning how to properly and safely dispose of those items and how to use your computer to create a greener life at home and at work. Computer expert Woody Leonhard and green living guru Katherine Murray introduce you to the many green products that exist in the world of technology, including eco-friendly desktops, laptops, and servers; energy-efficient peripherals; and the numerous Web sites that offer advice on how to go green in nearly every aspect of your life. Bestselling author Woody Leonhard and green living guru Katherine Murray show you how to make your computer more eco-friendly Discusses buying a green computer and choosing eco-friendly peripherals Discover ways to manage your power with software and servers Provides helpful explanations that decipher how to understand your computer's power consumption With this invaluable insight, you'll discover that it actually is easy being green!

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470550137

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