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Good Husband Material
Good Husband Material
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Good Husband Material

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Good Husband Material
Kara Lennox

It starts when Natalie Briggs runs into her ex-husband, Josh, at their high school reunion.A romantic dance leads to a kiss…and a kiss to a blissful night of lovemaking. Then Natalie gets the shocking news. She's finally going to have Josh's child–twenty-five years better-late-than-never! Her adopted daughter is excited about becoming a big sister. Josh's teenage sons don't know what to think.And her former mother-in-law is full of maternal advice… before Natalie even gives birth! Starting a family was what Josh and Natalie always wanted. But when Natalie couldn't conceive, their marriage unraveled. Now they've been given a miraculous second chance. Life has just gotten more complicated–will the second time around be sweeter?

Good Husband Material

Kara Lennox


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter One

As Natalie Briggs looped her name badge around her neck, she casually checked out the remaining badges on the table.

Casually, until she saw the one that read Josh Carlson. Then she had to swallow hard and look away, hoping her panic wasn’t obvious. How was this possible?

Her friend Melissa had assured her Josh wouldn’t come. He’d made partner a couple of years ago at the Houston law firm he’d been working for since he got his law degree. That meant he didn’t have time for a silly class reunion.

She didn’t bear him malice, really. But it would be so awkward seeing him after all these years.


She found herself scooped into a bear hug by a five-foot-two tornado. Though Natalie couldn’t see the tornado’s face, she knew it was Melissa Bailey Pelton, the only person in tiny Camden, Texas, she’d kept in touch with over the last several years.

With her mounds of bright red hair—always completely out of control—and mischievous green eyes, Melissa had an eternal youthfulness about her that would probably still be with her when she was a hundred.

“Natalie, you look fabulous! I can’t believe you actually came!”

“I told you I was coming, didn’t I?” Then she added in a whisper, “But you told me Josh wouldn’t be here. You promised.”

“He RSVP’d at the last minute,” Melissa said with a shrug. “Anyway, I want to see him. We’ve exchanged a few calls and e-mails over the years, but I haven’t actually laid eyes on him since you guys split up…what, twenty years ago?”

“Twenty years ago this month, as a matter of fact.”

“Ah, so you keep track.” Before Natalie could comment, Melissa led her to a table, where a few others from their old crowd were sitting drinking beer and noshing on chicken wings. “Look who I found!”

“Hey, it’s Stick!”

Shrieks of recognition and lots of hugging followed. Back in high school, they’d been the brainy group, the ones who actually read the assigned books in English class and enjoyed them. The ones who’d planned on going to college, though not all of them had.

“Lookin’ good, Stick,” said Tommy, the one who’d dubbed her with her not-very-flattering nickname because she’d been so skinny.

“Not such a stick anymore,” she said with a grin.

Natalie hugged each of them in turn and met a few spouses as warm memories flooded her. Diane Helms, who’d played flute in the marching band; Bud Conklin, who read books on theoretical physics just for fun; Tommy Garrett, who loved practical jokes. Though some of them had less hair, more padding and a few more laugh lines, they were all instantly recognizable and seemed exactly the same.

It was too bad she’d let these friendships slip away. After her mother died, she’d found no compelling reason to return to her small hometown.

Camden and her old friends had only been a painful reminder of how happy they’d all been—how happy she and Josh had been before the struggles of the real world had taken their toll.

One more person came forward and Natalie found herself nose-to-chin with Josh Carlson.

Her ex-husband.

She stepped back, and every molecule of air in her lungs whooshed out, leaving her unable to speak.

“Natalie.” His voice was warm, sexy, almost provocative. “Melissa said you couldn’t come to the reunion.”

Natalie shot her friend a scathing look, but Melissa pretended not to notice.

“I decided at the last minute,” Natalie said when she could find her voice. It came out sounding remarkably normal. Oh, Lord in heaven, why couldn’t he have aged like their friends…like her? Josh Carlson in the flesh was just…an assault on her senses. He’d filled out some, but he wasn’t carrying an ounce of excess weight anywhere she could see, and his hair was as dark and thick as ever, though he wore it quite a bit shorter than she remembered. The slight silvering at the temples didn’t detract from his appeal at all.

He was six feet of lean, broad-shouldered, gorgeous male, and Natalie’s knees had suddenly turned to rubber.

“You look fabulous,” he said. “The men are going to line up to dance with you like they did in high school.”

Natalie laughed. The comment was such an exaggeration, and for some reason it put her at ease. This was the same Josh, even if he was a fancy lawyer now, and he didn’t appear to hate her. Maybe that was what she’d feared most.

“Sit down, you two!” Melissa insisted. “Here, have a beer.” Someone had brought a round of cold bottles from a well-stocked cooler. “Hey, this is just like prom except we don’t have to sneak the alcohol.”

Natalie felt her face grow warm. Every class at Camden High held their junior-senior prom at the VFW Hall. It was the only place in town that could comfortably hold a few hundred people. Memories of her own first prom were sharp in her mind; that was the night she and Josh made love for the first time, at the end of their junior year.

She glanced over at him and saw that he was studying her, his expression pensive. Was he remembering that night, also? A lot of their friends had been slipping out to the parking lot to drink, or sneaking sips from contraband flasks. But Josh and Natalie hadn’t needed any mood-altering substances. They’d been high on each other. They’d only been dating a few months, but they’d both known their relationship was special, and they’d decided to wait until that particular night to consummate their love.

Natalie had driven all the way into Austin, more than an hour away, to visit a clinic and get birth control pills. Ironic, now that she thought about it. She hadn’t needed them—would never need them.

As if she didn’t have enough nostalgia coming at her from all directions, the reunion committee had dug up the same band that had played at their proms. It was hard to believe they were still together. Now graying, some of them near retirement age, they nonetheless could still play, at least as well as they did twenty-five years ago, which hadn’t been all that great. But the music was loud, and the songs were the hits of their era, each one with memories attached.

“Hey, come on, what are we sitting around for?” Melissa demanded. “Let’s dance!”

Oh, sure, right. Everybody at the table was already paired up—except Natalie and Josh. She was going to kill Melissa when she got the chance.

Josh started to his feet, but Natalie froze. Melissa grabbed her by the arm. “Come on! You love to dance!”


“Stop being such a stick-in-the-mud,” Melissa said with a gleam in her eye. “Drink down that beer, then y’all get out here and dance.”

Stick-in-the-mud. Melissa’s ultimate insult when she was trying to get someone to do something they shouldn’t. Natalie had fallen for it every time in high school, and to her surprise she wasn’t immune to it even now.

Josh drained his beer, then gave Natalie a challenging look. “C’mon, Nat. It’s just dancing.”

“Oh, all right.” If she didn’t agree, Melissa would bug her until she did. They would all be dancing in a big group anyway, like they used to, the girls dancing more for each other than for the guys, who always stood around like lumps and shuffled their feet.

The dance floor was crowded. Melissa carved out a spot for their group, and pretty soon they were all dancing to songs made famous by Hall and Oates, Huey Lewis and John Cougar. The years fell away. They were all seventeen again—but no one had a curfew.

Inevitably the band turned to country music, and almost without noticing, Natalie was in Josh’s arms for an easy two-step. By the time she realized where she was, it was too late to back out.

Josh grinned at her. “It’s great to see you, Nat. I’ve missed you.”

She swallowed, trying to relieve the dryness in her mouth. This would be easier if he weren’t so darned confident. She sought a subject of conversation, and decided something that reminded them both of the huge gulf between them would be welcome. “So, how are your boys?”

His smile widened. “The boys are great. Sean’s going into his senior year—plays football and guitar. He has a girlfriend, too, which scares the hell out of me.”

“Afraid he’ll run off and get married?” Which was exactly what Josh and Natalie had done, right after high school graduation.

“Yeah. Or he’ll get the girl pregnant. They’re already, you know…sexual.”

“Your son tells you?”

“I pried it out of him. Wanted to make sure he was being responsible about it.”

Natalie knew she would soon have those same kinds of worries. Her daughter, Mary, had turned sixteen just last month. She’d told Natalie she was still a virgin, and Natalie believed her. They were very close, and Mary knew Natalie would support her fully and love her unconditionally no matter what she did. But these days, Mary was looking more and more grown-up, and she seemed to be constantly on the phone with boys.

It was only a matter of time.

“So what about your younger son? Doug, right?”

He arched one eyebrow at her in surprise.

“Hey, I read our alumni newsletter.”

“Ah. Doug is great. He’s the serious one—a little bit more like me when I was that age. Kind of shy, but he has lots of friends. And he’s a brainiac—straight A’s.”

“I bet they’re both handsome.”

“They take after their mother. Blond hair, blue eyes. And very handsome, even if I do say so myself.” He paused. “You have a daughter, I hear.”

From Melissa, no doubt. Natalie was sure Josh didn’t approve of her decision to adopt without a husband. She smiled, ready to prove to him that she’d done an excellent job raising her daughter alone. “Yes. Mary’s sixteen and perfect in every way.”

“That’s motherly love for you. No teenager is perfect.”

“Well, maybe not perfect. But she’s my joy. Never gives me any trouble.”

“My kids are great, too, but they keep me in a constant state of terror.”

“There is that,” Natalie conceded. “I guess I do worry about Mary, though she’s never given me any real reason to.”

“You wouldn’t be normal if you didn’t worry.”

Well, that exhausted the subject of children. “Your parents? They doing okay?” Josh’s parents, who’d owned the Camden National Bank, had sold the bank and moved to a posh retirement community in Galveston a few years earlier. They’d never been overly fond of Natalie, but she still felt obliged to ask after them.

“They’re great. They live right by the beach, and my father plays golf every day. I was sorry to hear about your mom. I wanted to come to the funeral but…”

“I know. Melissa said you were worried about making me uncomfortable. The flowers you sent were beautiful, and I very much appreciated the donation you made in her name to the American Cancer Society.”

“Your mom was always really cool.”

Unlike his parents, who were tense and controlling. If his father played golf, he was probably competitive as hell.

“Do you love being a lawyer?” she asked. Nice and safe.

“I like it a lot, though I still have to work too many hours. Makes being a single parent something of a challenge.”

“I know what you mean.”

“You’re still doing the nurse thing?”

“Loving every minute of it.”

“Hey, if I were in the hospital, I’d want you as my nurse.”

Good Lord, he was flirting with her. “You’re a little old.”
