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Seduction: The Billionaire's Bride of Vengeance
Seduction: The Billionaire's Bride of Vengeance
Seduction: The Billionaire's Bride of Vengeance


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Seduction: The Billionaire's Bride of Vengeance

‘You’re right there. I’m totally useless around the house.’ From the time her mother married Alistair neither of them had had to lift a finger. Nicole had thought her life was wonderful at the time, not realising how spoiled and lazy she’d become.

She had to admire Russell. He’d made his own way in life, made his own fortune. Yet despite his material success, he wasn’t a show-pony. She liked that about him. A lot.

Her qualms over his being rich were gradually fading as well, Russell’s solid work ethics and simple lifestyle showing a man of character and depth. Surprising, though, that he hadn’t married. Possibly he hadn’t met the right girl. More likely, his priority had been making money. She wondered what was in his past which had fuelled his ambition. Nicole realised from her own experiences that past history was a great influence on the person you became. No one was immune to carrying emotional baggage. She’d had her fair share.

Still, if she was going to keep on sleeping with this man, she really should find out some more about him.

‘Tell me about your family, Russell,’ she asked. ‘Do you have any brothers and sisters?’

‘Nope. I was the only offspring.’

‘You said you were a farmer’s son. Whereabouts is your dad’s farm?’

He didn’t answer straight away, taking a sip of coffee first.

‘Dad passed away a long time ago.’

‘How sad. He must have been quite young.’

‘Only forty-five.’

‘What did he die of? Cancer?’

Once again he seemed reluctant to answer.

‘He shot himself,’ he said at last, the baldness of his statement at odds with the pain in his face.

‘Oh. Russell … Oh, how awful for you.’

Russell was startled when her eyes actually filled with tears. Her compassion moved him, for it seemed sincere. Suddenly, he wanted to tell her more. Not the whole horrible truth, of course. Just … more.

‘It was,’ he admitted. ‘The drought was very bad at the time and Dad had gotten himself into serious debt. Mum said afterwards that he’d become very depressed. When the farm was repossessed, he lost the will to live.’

‘I … I don’t know what to say …’

Her soft words of sympathy got to Russell even more than her tears. Every muscle in his body tightened, the control he usually had over his emotions in real danger of disintegrating.

‘It’s all right,’ he ground out through clenched teeth.

‘No, it’s not all right. Suicide is never all right. Your poor dad. And your poor mum.’

Hell, he’d made a mistake, going down this path. He could feel himself beginning to unravel, like long rows of knitting being wrenched undone. Soon, there would be nothing left of him but a twisted-up mess.

‘Mum’s fine now,’ he said, pulling himself together with a supreme effort of will. ‘She married again. Another farmer. They live out at Gulgong, near Mudgee.’

‘Whilst you came to Sydney and became a workaholic.’

He shrugged. ‘There are worse things I could have become. But enough about me. You promised to tell me why you want to go back to Thailand.’

Nicole knew he was deliberately changing the subject. And she didn’t blame him. Remembering the past could be very painful. She’d been terribly hurt by David’s betrayal, plus the discovery that her stepfather was equally conscienceless. But neither of those events compared with Russell losing his dad in such a tragic way. It was patently obvious that his father’s suicide had affected him deeply. ‘Come, now,’ he chided when she remained silent. ‘Tell the truth and shame the devil.’

She smiled, then shrugged. ‘The truth is I met this truly amazing woman when I was in Bangkok. She runs an orphanage full of sweet but very underprivileged children. They have nothing in the way of material possessions yet they’re so happy. They made me ashamed of all the things that had been lavished on me over the years. Anyway, I promised her that after I’d collected my belongings, I’d go back and help her out for a while.’ She almost told him that she was going to sell all her jewellery to raise money to buy the children some much needed items, but didn’t want to sound like some martyrish saint. Nicole knew she was far from that.

The expression on Russell’s face still showed true surprise, Nicole accepted that it was an unlikely thing for a girl like her to be doing. Kara’s reaction had been similar.

‘What kind of help are you talking about?’ he asked. ‘Money?’

‘Money would certainly go a long way to solving a lot of Julie’s problems.’

‘In that case why not just send this woman some? You don’t have to go over there personally.’

‘Yes,’ she said firmly. ‘I do. I promised the children. Look, I’m not going to stay there forever. I’ll be back in Sydney in the New Year to look for a job.’

His eyebrows shot upwards. ‘A job?’

Nicole could not help bristling at his constant surprise. ‘I am employable, you know. I have a degree in marketing. I worked for Power Mortgages for nearly two years,’ she said, her pride not mentioning that she hadn’t worked in their marketing section. ‘I only left a few months ago.’

Once again, Russell struggled to hide his emotions in front of her. He’d been on the verge of changing his mind about Nicole’s character, speculating that she could be so different from what he’d been imagining. Not on the make, not selfish and not content to live an idle existence.

Her announcement, however, that she’d actually worked for her father’s company for nearly two years, clearly in the marketing section, had floored him.

She had to have known her father’s business practices; in fact, she must have condoned them.

Any guilt he’d begun harbouring over his ruthless behaviour last night was instantly banished, replaced once again by that coldly implacable resolve to continue with his vengeful mission … He would harness his passion for her to good effect, making magnificent love to her till she changed her mind about going overseas; till she fell madly in love with him; till she agreed to marry him.

Not that he intended to actually marry her. Hopefully, by the time she accepted his proposal, this insane desire would have burned itself out.

‘Why did you leave?’ he asked, pleased at his casual tone.

‘I couldn’t bear to stay in Sydney after what happened with David. I … I had to get away.’

So she had just upped and gone overseas for months on end, no doubt having everything paid for by Daddy.

And now she was going overseas again. Still using Daddy’s money, Russell presumed. He recalled her saying something to her mother last night about not needing to be sent any more money.

Her looking for a job in the New Year was obviously not a necessity, just something to fill her time. This mission of mercy might be much of the same. One did need a purpose in life.

Like revenge …

‘When are you thinking of leaving for Thailand?’ he asked.

‘I was hoping to fly out by the middle of the week.’

‘That soon.’

‘It all depends on the flights available.’

‘You must realise I don’t want you to go,’ he said, his eyes locking with hers. ‘Stay here in Sydney with me and I’ll give your friend more money than she knows what to do with.’

Nicole should not have been shocked, but she was.

For a while there, she’d forgotten who she was dealing with. Forgotten what life had taught her. That rich men did not always follow society’s rules.

Russell might live a simple lifestyle on the surface, but he was not a simple man. You didn’t achieve as much as he had in such a short space of time without being very tunnel-visioned, and without becoming somewhat ruthless in the process.

‘That’s nothing short of blackmail,’ she scolded.

His smile had a wickedly sexy edge to it. ‘And that’s not an answer.’

Nicole’s heart quickened as temptation took hold. The passion in his eyes was powerfully persuasive, promising more pleasures of the kind she’d tasted last night. If she stayed here in Sydney she could spend every night in his bed, being swept away into his erotic world.

‘How much money are we looking at?’ she couldn’t resist asking.

‘As much as it takes.’

He must really want her a lot. Nicole could not help feeling flattered. But along with the seductive flattery lay annoyance that he would think he could buy her.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said tartly. ‘But I’m not for sale.’

‘What a pity. It’s just as well, then,’ he went on as he rose to his feet, ‘that I have other means of persuasion.’

Nicole had anticipated this moment. What she hadn’t anticipated was that, by the time he came to seduce her again, she would feel so angry with him.

Why, then, didn’t she struggle when he pulled her up off the chair and into his arms? Why not turn her mouth away? Why not slap his arrogantly presumptuous face?

Her vulnerability to him should have been humiliating. There were a few moments of mortification. But that was before his lips went to work with a vengeance. In no time she didn’t care what kind of man he was, as long as he kept on kissing her.

She could not think, could hardly breathe.

He disposed of her dress in no time, then her panties. Once again, she stood naked before him. But in the daylight this time, in the sunshine.

He stepped back, his eyes narrowing as they travelled over her by now quivering nudity. ‘You are way too beautiful for your own good, do you know that?’

She had ceased to know anything some time back.

‘Women like you have brought down countries.’

All of a sudden he bent to scoop her up into his arms, crushing her against his chest as he carried her inside. ‘I apologise for making that insulting offer,’ he ground out as he forged down the short hallway into his bedroom. ‘But you must know how I feel about you. I can’t bear the thought of our being parted so soon after finding you. I’m crazy about you, Nicole.’

Her head whirled at his impassioned words, then whirled some more when he literally tossed her into the middle of his bed.

‘We won’t talk any more of your going to Thailand today,’ he said as he began stripping off his clothes with urgent haste. ‘We’ll just enjoy each other like we did last night. Without any thought of the future. Just for the pleasure of the moment.’

Their mating was fast and furious, their satisfaction simultaneous. Afterwards they clung to each other, their breathing still ragged. Nicole sobbed when he withdrew, not wanting him to leave her, even for the short space of time it took him to go to the bathroom.

When he came back, he lay down beside her and gently pushed her tangled hair back from her face.

‘It’s no use, my darling,’ he said as he caressed her still flushed cheek. ‘I simply can’t let you go.’

Nicole stiffened in his arms.

‘I’m going to Thailand with you.’

She just stared up at him.

‘What’s the problem now?’ he demanded to know. ‘You don’t want me to go with you?’

She did. Of course she did. But something didn’t feel right. Everything was happening too quickly. Last night. And now this.

They weren’t in love. How could they be? Love didn’t happen that quickly.

Or did it?

OK, so she’d never experienced anything like what she had last night. Or just now.

But that wasn’t love. Not yet, anyway.

‘That’s not the point,’ she said, trying to be sensible. ‘I only met you a few days ago. Look, like I said earlier, I won’t be gone forever. If you like, I’ll come back for Christmas.’

‘Christmas is more than a month away. I can’t do without you for that long.’

‘I’m afraid you’ll just have to.’

‘I can’t. I’ll go crazy.’

‘This is crazy,’ she said, even as she felt herself weakening. ‘You can’t just drop everything and fly off overseas at a moment’s notice. I thought you said you were a workaholic.’

‘I was, till I met you. I’m not at work today, yet Sunday is top dog in the real-estate business. You might not have noticed but I texted a message to my office to say that I wouldn’t be in today. Then I turned off my cellphone. Trust me when I say that’s a first in several years.’

Nicole frowned.

Trust. That was the bottom line. There’d been something about Russell when she’d first met him which she didn’t trust. He’d come across as hard and predatory, a rich man who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. Which was her, at this point in time.

But for how long?

‘Don’t say no,’ he said, his eyes going all smoky as he cupped her face and his head began to descend.

She just couldn’t resist him.

‘All right,’ she said, and surrendered her mouth to his.


‘YOU’RE spoiling me,’ Nicole said when Russell came into the bathroom with her freshly laundered dress and underwear.

She was lying back in the bath, wallowing in the relaxing warmth and trying not to worry over her growing addiction to this man. Truly, she simply could not keep her hands off him.

Russell hadn’t joined her in the bath, claiming that if he did she’d turn him on again and they’d never make it to dinner. Instead he’d headed for the other bathroom, where he’d showered, shaved and dressed before returning in a smart grey lounge suit and an open-necked white shirt that highlighted his olive skin.

‘Out of that bath, madam,’ he ordered, ‘and into these clothes, post-haste. I’m starving.’

‘I don’t think I have the energy for dinner,’ she complained.

‘I don’t wonder. Come on. Up and out of there. Our booking is for seven-thirty and it’s already ten to seven.’

Russell left the room, closing the door after him, leaving Nicole to sigh, then drag herself out of the water. With only lipstick and a small comb in her evening bag, she didn’t take long to get ready. Fifteen minutes later they were in the car and on their way across the bridge, Russell having chosen a well-known seafood restaurant on the quay for dinner. It was called Neptune’s, after the god of the sea, and positioned on the upper level of a renovated warehouse. Its spectacular view of the harbour meant it was very popular, though the exorbitant prices did keep the clientele exclusive.

Nicole rather suspected Russell had chosen it to impress her.

She didn’t mention she’d been there before. Because let’s face it, she thought, there weren’t too many restaurants in Sydney—even the most expensive ones—which she hadn’t graced at one time or other.

‘Rather than tell you how beautiful you look,’ he said with an admiring glance her way, ‘I will just say that you are the only girl I’ve ever been with who looks fantastic, au naturel.’

Being a typical female, Nicole focused her mind on the other girls he’d been with, rather than his very nice compliment.

‘And how many other girls have there been?’

This time, his glance carried a rather smug smile. ‘You’re jealous.’

‘Don’t avoid the question. How many girlfriends have there been before me?’

‘So you’re happy to call yourself my girlfriend now?’

‘Russell McClain, I’ve just spent the entire day in bed with you. If I’m not your girlfriend then I’d have to be the biggest slut of all time. Which I’m not. On top of that, I’ve agreed to your coming to Thailand with me. That rather smacks of some kind of relationship, don’t you think? Now answer my question, please.’

‘Don’t get your knickers in a knot. Sorry, but I can’t tell you an exact number. I don’t keep count. But I would hazard a guess at forty. Maybe fifty?’

‘Good lord, you are a playboy!’

‘Nicole, I’m thirty-six years old. At that age, I don’t think that fifty’s too unacceptable, do you?’

‘I guess not. How many were you in love with?’




Now, why did that make her feel so good?

Because you think he’s in love with you, that’s why. You think you’re special. You think … you think too darned much sometimes, Nicole Power.

‘Is that why you’ve never got married?’ she heard herself ask before she could snatch it back.

The silence in the car was excruciating. And embarrassing.

Nicole wished she’d kept her silly mouth shut. The last thing you started talking about at the beginning of a relationship was marriage. It made men run a mile, which was the last thing she wanted Russell to do.

‘Marriage hasn’t fitted into my workaholic lifestyle,’ he said at last. ‘I will definitely consider it, when I meet the right person.’

His head turned and so did hers. Their eyes met, his glittering at her with a thousand possessive lights.

‘I don’t want to scare you off, lovely Nicole, with premature talk about love and marriage. For now, I just want to get to know you better. And to never let you out of my sight,’ he added with another of his wickedly sexy smiles.

The subject of marriage was dropped after that, Russell turning the conversation away to her seafood preferences. By the time the car was safely stowed in a small car park at the back of the quay, both agreed that lobster was their favourite, with oysters and prawns high on the list.

But her heart was racing all the while.

When Russell opened the passenger door and took her hand, that same heart lurched tellingly. When he smiled down at her, she smiled fatuously back. When he pulled her up onto her slightly shaky legs, she was more than ready to be kissed.

He took his time, only letting her go when she was decidedly light-headed. Nicole was glad of his supporting hand as they walked towards the restaurant. Her legs were as jelly-like as her brain.

When Russell’s step faltered she glanced up to find him frowning.

‘Is something wrong?’ she asked.

His sigh sounded frustrated. ‘I have an awful suspicion that Hugh might be here tonight at Neptune’s. His car’s parked just over there.’

Nicole’s gaze followed his to land on a shiny red Ferrari. How typical of Hugh Parkinson, she thought tartly.

‘But there are lots of restaurants within walking distance of this car park. He could be at any one of them.’

‘He’s very partial to seafood.’

‘Lots of seafood restaurants, too,’ she pointed out.

‘True. It would be bad luck if he had chosen ours.’

She stopped and stared up at him. ‘Why bad luck?’

‘You’re wearing the same dress you were wearing last night. It’s a possibility Hugh might be with one of the bridesmaids from the wedding. He was zeroing in on her before we left. They’ll know we spent last night together, and all today as well.’

Whilst Nicole was touched that Russell was protecting her reputation, she wasn’t inclined to change their plans for the likes of Hugh Parkinson, who probably slept with a different girl every other week. His bed-partner count would be mammoth compared to Russell’s.

‘Don’t be silly,’ she said. ‘Why would Hugh care if we spent the night together? Why should anyone care?’

He still looked worried for some reason.

‘Come on,’ she said, and tugged at his hand. ‘I’m not traipsing around a lot of other places in these killer heels. If Hugh’s at Neptune’s, then so be it.’

Russell just knew Hugh would be there. And he was, sitting at the best table in the house, looking rakishly handsome and sipping a glass of no doubt outrageously expensive red wine.

That he was alone was the only surprise.

Hugh didn’t see them till they were shown to the second-best table in the house, not far from his.

‘Hello, Hugh,’ Russell said before Hugh could give voice to his astonishment. ‘Fancy meeting you here. I don’t need to introduce you to Nicole, do I? I gather that you’ve already met.’

As always Hugh quickly found his cool, and his charm. ‘Indeed, we have,’ he agreed with one of his woman-winning smiles. ‘But it’s some time since we’ve actually spoken. Life must be treating you well, Nicole. You’re looking exceptionally lovely tonight.’

‘Thank you,’ Nicole said as she sat down, a faint flush coming to her cheeks.

‘You must tell me what you’ve been up to since we last met. But not from that distance. I insist you join me for dinner. And you, too, Russ, of course,’ he added nonchalantly.

Russell’s teeth clenched down hard in his jaw. He’d seen Hugh go into action with members of the opposite sex before, and they invariably succumbed to his charms. The thought that he might turn Nicole’s head evoked a jab of jealousy which was as dark as it was powerful.

‘Only on condition you don’t flirt with my girlfriend,’ Russell pronounced, his eyes throwing dagger-like warnings at his friend.

Hugh’s eyebrows lifted. ‘Girlfriend? My, but you are a fast worker. I got the impression you didn’t even know Nicole before last night.’

‘Haven’t you heard of whirlwind romances?’

‘Unfortunately, yes. My father thrives on them. But I never took you for being someone so impulsive. No casting aspersions at you, lovely Nicole. If ever anyone could knock my old mate there for six, it would be you.’

Russell was grateful that Nicole would not grasp the wicked irony in this last statement. He still considered grabbing her hand and dragging her away from what was going to be a very awkward dinner, but knew that would look odd. He had no option but to brave it out. But inside he was furious with Hugh. He was supposed to be his friend, damn it!

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