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Australian Affairs: Taken
Australian Affairs: Taken
Australian Affairs: Taken


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Australian Affairs: Taken

Somehow, she managed to serve up toast, bacon and eggs without burning anything. Ben ate his with relish, Jess just picking at hers. She’d always been a girl who lacked appetite when she was upset about something. She tried telling herself she was foolish to expect anything more than sex from Ben, but it was a losing cause.

‘You didn’t eat much,’ Ben remarked after he finished his breakfast.

‘I’m not very hungry. I had some coffee before you got up.’

‘You’re not one of those girls who lives on coffee, are you?’

‘Not usually.’

‘You don’t need to lose weight, Jess. Your body is absolutely gorgeous just the way it is.’

Jess struggled not to show her feelings on her face. But did he have to concentrate on her body?

‘I’m glad you think so. By the way, you said yesterday we could have a talk about Fab Fashions this morning.’

He seemed genuinely taken aback. ‘Yes, I know I did. But that was before last night.’

Jess glared at him across the table. ‘You mean you don’t have to pander to me any more because we’ve already had sex.’

Ben hid his guilt well. Because she was right, wasn’t she? But, damn it all, he wasn’t about to waste time talking about business when he could be having sex with her again.

‘No,’ he said carefully. ‘That’s not true. Though what we shared last night does change things, Jess. It was so very special. We can talk about Fab Fashions during the drive home tomorrow. And every day next week. Meanwhile, we probably only have a couple of hours to ourselves before we both have to get ready for the wedding this afternoon. What time do you have to be over at Catherine’s?’

She seemed mollified by his explanation. ‘I said I’d be there at three. But I have to do my hair first. Catherine and Leanne are having their hair done at a hairdresser’s in Mudgee this morning, but I prefer to do my own hair. I’m better at it than the hairdresser.’

He smiled. ‘I have no doubt you are. Okay, Andy said he’s going to collect me around two-thirty. We’re all getting ready together up at the house before heading over to Catherine’s around four. Apparently, it doesn’t do for the groom’s party to be late arriving.’

‘You haven’t been in a bridal party before?’

‘Actually, no, I haven’t. Have you?’

‘I was a bridesmaid at all of my three brothers’ weddings.’

‘Maybe next time you’ll be the bride.’

‘I doubt it,’ she said, her voice sharp.

‘Don’t you want to get married?’

‘Well, yes, I do. Eventually. That’s what we do in our family. But I’m prepared to wait till the right man comes along. After Colin, I’m not in any hurry.’

Ben wasn’t in any hurry either. But it did cross his mind that Jess would make some man a wonderful wife.

‘And what would make him the right man?’ he asked.

Jess shrugged. ‘That’s a difficult question. For starters, he’d have to be reasonably successful in whatever he’s chosen to do in life. I like men who are confident.’

‘Would he have to be rich?’

‘Not rich like you, Ben De Silva. I would never marry a man as rich as you.’

Ben felt perversely offended. ‘Really? A lot of women would.’

‘Yeah. Silly, greedy ones like Leanne. And already rich ones like your Amber.’

Ben frowned. ‘Why makes you think Amber’s rich?’

Jess stood up and started clearing the breakfast things away. ‘Am I wrong?’ she threw at him.

‘No. She is rich. Or, her father is.’

‘I thought as much.’

Ben laughed. ‘You’re not jealous, are you, Jess? You have no reason to be. Amber’s history.’

His accusing her of jealousy was very telling. Because she was. Horribly so. Jess turned her back on him and walked over to the sink. She’d be history too one day soon. It was just a matter of time. And geography.

His suddenly taking firm possession of her shoulders startled her. She hadn’t even heard him get up.

‘Don’t be angry with me, Jess. Come back to bed. We can talk about Fab Fashions there, if you like. We can multi-task.’

She couldn’t help it. She laughed. ‘Men can’t multi-task.’

‘Don’t you believe it,’ he said as he pulled her back hard against him. ‘I can talk and get an erection at the same time. See?’ he said and rubbed himself against her bottom. ‘There’s proof.’

She laughed some more.

‘I love it when you laugh,’ he murmured as he nuzzled her neck. ‘But I love it more when you come. The sounds you make, the way your insides squeeze me like a vice… You drove me crazy last night. Drive me crazy again, lovely Jess. With your mouth this time. And those hands you’re so damned good with.’

She was the one who was being driven crazy. No man had ever said things like that to her. He made her want to do everything with him. Oh, God…

She didn’t say a word, just whirled in his arms and kissed him. And he kissed her back, a long, wet wildly passionate kiss which scattered her brainwaves and turned her body to liquid.

‘Come on. Back to bed,’ he said when he finally came up for air.

‘Bed?’ she echoed, dazed.

His smile was wry. ‘Yeah. You know. The furniture thingy with sheets and pillows where you go to sleep at night. But we’re not going to sleep in it today, beautiful,’ he added. ‘Not even for a single second.’


‘DO YOU THINK I’m doing the right thing?’

Jess almost shook her head at the bride in exasperation. After all, why ask her? She knew next to nothing of Catherine’s relationship with Andy. It was also rather late to have second thoughts with the bridal party about to make its way over to the rose garden where the groom would be impatiently waiting. They were already twenty minutes behind schedule. At the same time, Jess did feel some sympathy for the girl. Her mother was not the most reassuring of mothers—the woman had spent the last two hours in tears—and marriage was a big step, especially in this day and age when divorce was rife and the ‘for ever’ kind of love seemed like a pipe dream. But, as they said in the classics, better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all!

‘Do you love Andy, Catherine?’ Jess asked quickly.

‘Yes, of course.’

‘There is no of course about it. Lots of girls marry for reasons other than love.’

‘Not me.’

‘Nor me. And does Andy love you?’

‘Yes, I’m sure he does.’

A sudden thought crossed Jess’s mind. ‘You’re not pregnant, are you?’

‘Lord, no. No. But we do plan on having children.’

‘Sounds like you don’t have any reason for last-minute doubts, Catherine. Now, come on, girl, we’re already running late. Though, before you go, let me say you look absolutely gorgeous!’ Which was true. Her dress was a bit OTT in Jess’s opinion, but it suited Catherine’s feminine blonde beauty.

‘Oh.’ The bride fairly beamed. ‘You look gorgeous as well. And you too, Leanne.’

Leanne preened whilst Jess just smiled. Yes, they did all look very nice.

‘Aren’t you girls ready yet?’ Catherine’s father snarled at them.

Jess had disliked the man within seconds of having met him. He was one of those larger than life men who was absolutely full of himself. Jess decided with sudden insight that his bombast could explain why Catherine’s mother was a nervous wreck and why perhaps Catherine was afraid of marriage. If Andy had been anything like her father in character—which fortunately he didn’t seem to be—then she would have every right to be hesitant.

Jess decided to put him on the spot. ‘Don’t you think your daughter looks absolutely divine?’

‘What? Oh, yes, yes. Very nice. Now, let’s go.’

Jess and Leanne exchanged rolling eyes which told it all. Jess decided if her father ever said she just looked nice on her wedding day she would throttle him.

Thinking of her own future wedding day thoroughly distracted Jess as they made their way from the house over to the rose garden, making her only dimly aware of her surrounds. She’d done her best to put a halt to her escalating feelings for Ben during the hours she’d spent with him earlier on, focusing on the physical and not the emotional. But her heart had been as impossible to control as her body. It had soared every time she’d touched him. But it had been performing oral sex on him which had been the killer. She had loved the way he’d lost control under her mouth and hands. He hadn’t wanted to, she was sure. But he’d seemed as powerless to stop himself as she’d been. Not that that meant anything. She wasn’t that naïve.

They’d used the only remaining condom in no time, with a still turned-on Jess eventually offering to go and get the condom she kept in her bag which was in the other bedroom. Ben had followed her there, pulling her down onto the rug by the bed where he’d taken her on all fours, squeezing her nipples as she came. It was the first time in her life that she’d had sex that way and she’d loved it, giving rise to the hope that she wasn’t falling in love, just suffering from an intense case of lust.

Ben had been wrong about their not actually sleeping. When he’d carried her back to bed after that rather rough mating on the floor, she’d passed out, not waking till Ben had started shaking her shoulder.

‘Oh, Lord!’ she’d exclaimed, sitting bolt upright and pushing her tangled hair out of her eyes. ‘What time is it?’ Ben was dressed, she’d immediately noted. Not in what he would be wearing at the wedding. Just jeans and a top.

‘Shortly before two-thirty. Andy will be here any moment. You said you had to do your hair.’

Jess had grimaced. ‘I’ll have to shampoo it again. It’s a mess.’

Just then there’d been a knock on the front door, Andy calling out as he’d opened it and walked into the hallway. Panicked, Jess had grabbed a sheet to cover herself, Ben unable to get to the open doorway in time before Andy had been standing in it.

‘Oh, sorry,’ Andy had said hurriedly on seeing an obviously naked Jess in the bed. ‘I’ll…er…wait for you outside, Ben.’

‘No sweat.’ He’d turned to throw Jess an apologetic glance. ‘Sorry about that, my darling. See you at the wedding.’

Jess recalled that her heart had turned over at his calling her his darling. It turned over again when she caught sight of him standing with Andy at the end of the strip of red carpet which had been rolled out between the rows of decorated seats. No doubt the groom and the other groomsman looked almost as good as Ben in their black dinner suits. But Jess didn’t see anyone or anything else but him, smiling at her. Talk about tunnel vision!

Some taped wedding music started up and she floated down the makeshift aisle, unaware of the admiring whispers from the guests, aware of nothing but Ben’s eyes upon her.

Bloody hell, Ben thought as Jess walked slowly towards them. She is just so damned desirable!

‘You are one lucky guy, mate,’ Andy murmured out of the side of his mouth. ‘That is one hot babe.’

‘You ought to talk,’ Ben managed to whisper back when the bride finally came into view. But he hardly noticed Catherine or heard the ceremony. He just went through the motions, producing the rings on cue, thankful that it was a relatively short service. He could not wait to be alone with Jess again.

His first opportunity to speak to her was at the signing of the register which they did to one side after Catherine and Andy had been declared man and wife.

‘You look very pretty in pink,’ he whispered as he passed her the pen. ‘But I prefer you in nothing.’

He noticed her hand trembling as she signed her name. It excited him, the way he could turn her on like that. She wasn’t like other girls he’d slept with. She seemed less experienced and more capable of being surprised. That, in itself, was very arousing. The temptation to push her sexual boundaries was acute, especially since she was obviously a highly sexed girl. She’d loved going down on him. He’d loved it too. It worried Ben, though, the tendency he had to lose control with her on occasion.

Next time, he would not let that happen. Ben had a penchant for erotic fun and games, first sparked when he’d had an affair with an older woman during his university days. She’d been a mature student who liked being dominated in bed, teaching Ben all there was to know about such role playing. Ben had enjoyed playing lord and master to the hilt. He still did. Ben already had an idea in mind for tonight, an idea which he hoped Jess would go along with. He felt pretty sure that she would.

Damn, but it was going to an excruciatingly long evening!

* * *

Jess could not believe how long the evening proved to be. The photos had been tedious, as had the serving and eating of the three-course meal. It wasn’t till coffee and cheeses were served that Ben finally stood up to make the best man speech.

He didn’t look at all nervous. Which irritated her. Perhaps because it underlined how confident a person he was. Which was perverse. Hadn’t she told him she liked confident men?

She actually didn’t mind liking Ben. She would never have had sex with him if she hadn’t liked him. She just didn’t want to fall in love with him.

‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ Ben began. ‘Firstly, let me thank you all for coming here today to celebrate Andy’s marriage to Catherine who, might I say, is the most beautiful bride I have ever seen.’

Not just confident, Jess thought ruefully, but a silver-tongued charmer.

‘For those who don’t know me personally, you might be wondering what a chap with an American accent is doing as Andy’s best man. Trust me when I say I might sound like a Yank, but if you scratch the surface you will find an Aussie through and through.’

Cheering from the guests.

‘Andy and I go way back. He was my best friend all through boarding school and then through law school. He was always there for me. Always. And I love him. Sorry, Andy, I know you don’t like mushy. Now, I know it is traditional to embarrass the groom by telling stories of things he got up to in his pre-wed life, but I have struggled to think of anything which Andy ever did which was stupid or reckless. Of course, I have been living in the US of A for the past ten years, so perhaps a few potential slip-ups have eluded me. I did hear a rumour that when he was in France he burnt the candle at both ends, so to speak.’

Laughter from the guests.

Ben smiled. ‘But I do not believe a word of it. From what I saw last night at Andy’s stag party, his candle is still in full working order.’

More laughter from the guests. And a horrified glance from the bride.

‘Just kidding, Catherine. Andy’s was the best behaved stag party I have ever attended. On a serious note, folks, believe me when I say that Andy is the most sensible, smartest man I have ever known. It’s testimony to his brain power that he has chosen such a lovely girl as Catherine as his life partner. They are a well-matched couple who love each other dearly. Such love is a precious gift, one which should be treasured. And protected. And toasted. So, will you please all be upstanding and charge your glasses…’

Everyone obeyed, especially Jess, who had been moved by the last part of Ben’s speech. Love was indeed precious, especially true love. Colin hadn’t truly loved her. As for Ben… No point in going there!

‘To Andy and Catherine,’ Ben said loudly as he held up his own glass.

All the guests repeated his words as they clinked glasses and drank.

Jess did likewise, then sat back down, feeling suddenly drained. More speeches followed and, finally, Andy stood up to speak. He did not have Ben’s gift of the gab, or the same smooth delivery, but what he said was sweet and touching. It actually brought tears to Jess’s eyes, which she had to blink back swiftly when he proposed a toast to the bridesmaids, explaining how Jess had had to step in at the last moment and how grateful they were to her.

Jess sat there, her right hand fingering the lovely silver and diamond pendant Andy had given the bridesmaids earlier. Catherine had received a magnificent pair of diamond-drop earrings. When Jess had insisted to Catherine that they give her pendant to Krissie afterwards, Catherine had said no, she and Andy would buy Krissie something special for the baby when it came.

They really were a very nice couple. And, yes, very much in love. Jess couldn’t help envying them their happiness. She was no longer pleased that Ben planned to stay in Australia a little longer. She knew the score. He wanted hot sex with her after which he would wing his way back to New York and forget she ever existed. And by then, she could very well be left behind with a broken heart.

Common sense demanded she have no more to do with Ben after this weekend was over. But common sense was no match for the sexual heat which had been charging through her veins ever since they’d signed the marriage certificate together. A few hot words whispered in her ear and she had almost combusted on the spot. Her still-erect nipples burned as they pressed against the satin lining of her dress, her belly tight with sexual tension. She couldn’t wait for this reception to be over so she could be with Ben again. She could not wait!

But she had to wait, she accepted wretchedly. Dear God, but she was in over her head here with this man.

At last they moved along to the cake-cutting part. Soon would come the bridal waltz, after which the serious partying would begin. Though tempted, Jess decided not to drink too much, so there wouldn’t be a problem with driving back to the cottage as soon as they could leave.

Which wouldn’t be any time soon, Jess realised with some dismay. No way could the best man leave till the bride and groom had gone—only a couple of hours to go, but it seemed like an eternity.

‘Care for a dance, ma’am?’ asked a voice with a thick, southern accent.

Jess’s head jerked around to find Ben standing behind her chair with a goofy smile on his face.

‘They say a fella’s best chance to get lucky at a wedding is with one of the bridesmaids,’ he added, acting like some redneck out of the hills.

Jess had to smile. He obviously hadn’t been sitting there, all churned up. This was all just fun and games to him!

‘Well, I sure wouldn’t want to disappoint a fella as handsome as you,’ she returned saucily. There was no point in being a wet blanket. Though dancing with him was going to be sheer torture.

‘Aw, shucks, ma’am,’ Ben returned, twisting his hands together in fake embarrassment. ‘You shouldn’t say things like that to a shy boy from Alabama.’

Jess laughed as she stood up. ‘Now you sound like a character from one of those Doris Day, Rock Hudson movies.’

‘Yeah, I know,’ he said, dropping the fake southern accent as he steered her onto the dance floor. ‘Those old movies have a way of drawing you in. I gather you like them too,’ he added, and pulled her into his arms.

Jess melted into him and closed her eyes, savouring the feel of his body against hers whilst trying to contain her ever-increasing excitement.

‘Mum does,’ she said. ‘I sometimes watch one with her. She likes happy endings.’

‘And you? What kind of movies do you like?’

Oh, Lord, now he wanted to chat! She tried not to sigh. ‘I guess something which is both entertainment and escape. I don’t go to the movies to watch things that are too real. I can’t stand stories about drug dealers or war or people who are mean and cruel.’

‘You like reading?’

‘I’m not as avid a reader as Mum. I spend a lot of my spare time sewing. But I do like a good thriller.’


‘One or two. I did read a certain erotic romance which swept the world by storm.’

‘And did it give you a few delicious ideas?’ he murmured against her ear.

She shivered as his lips made contact, his tongue tip dipping inside. But only for a split second.

She groaned softly when his head lifted, suppressing another groan when the other groomsman, Jay, tapped Ben on the shoulder and suggested they change partners.

Ben no more wanted to dance with Leanne than fly a kite, but what could he do? He’d been brought up to be polite, to have proper manners. So he smiled and handed Jess over to Jay whilst he did his duty and danced with the very silly Leanne.

‘So, how long have you known Jess?’ was the first thing Leanne said, her voice as curious as her eyes.

‘Not that long,’ he replied, his own eyes drifting over to where Jay was holding Jess too darned close, in his opinion.

‘She’s very attractive, isn’t she?’ Leanne went on.

Ben agreed.

‘Girls like that can get any man they want,’ she said with an envious sounding sigh.

Ben thought of Colin doing a flit but didn’t mention him.

Leanne fluttered her eyes up at him. ‘It must be difficult for a really rich man like you to know if a girl likes him for himself or his money.’

Ben was astonished at the sly bitchiness behind Leanne’s remark. ‘I’m not that rich, Leanne.’

Leanne smiled a knowing smile. ‘Maybe not now but you will be one day. I mean, your daddy’s a billionaire, according to Catherine. Not that I think Jess is a gold-digger. She’s a very sweet girl.’

‘You’re certainly right there,’ Ben stated, thinking to himself that Leanne was a nasty piece of work. Of all the girls he’d ever been with, Jess was the least likely to be with him for his money. If anything, his wealth was a mark against him. Hadn’t she said she would never marry a man as rich as he was?

It was a relief when Andy tapped him on the shoulder and handed him over to Catherine. Let him put up with Leanne’s malicious prattle. He’d had enough of her for one night. Ben had to smile, however, when within less than a minute Andy whirled Leanne over to Jay and gave her back to him, happily dancing with Jess instead.

Which made Ben happy as well. He didn’t mind Jess dancing with Andy. He certainly hadn’t liked her dancing with Jay. Hadn’t liked another man holding her that close and possibly trying to crack onto her.

Ben frowned as he realised just how possessive he was beginning to feel about Jess. It wasn’t like him to be jealous. He’d always despised that kind of self-destructive emotion. But with Jess he just didn’t have the control over his emotions that he usually had. He didn’t have as much control over his body either.

It had been a battle to stop himself from having an erection all evening, finally losing the war when he’d taken her in his arms just now. Not that anything showed. His dinner jacket covered the evidence of his almost obsessive desire. But he could feel it, damn it. Not just in his flesh, but in his mind. Never had he wanted a woman as much as he wanted Jess. He could not wait to strip that infernal dress off her and do all the things he wanted to do to her.


‘THANK GOD THEY’RE GONE,’ Ben muttered under his breath as Andy and Catherine drove off in their much-decorated car. The happy couple were spending their wedding night in a nearby, very swanky guest house, which was fortunate, given Andy had imbibed quite a lot of champagne. Ben hadn’t touched a drop; he needed a clear head and an un-intoxicated body for the games he had in mind for Jess tonight. It possibly would be the last opportunity to indulge himself with her in such a fashion. He did have full access to his mother’s apartment at Blue Bay tomorrow night—she didn’t get back till Monday—but Jess might not be willing to stay the night with him there. It was obvious that she still lived at home and still had to answer to her parents. Her mother, anyway.


Jess spotted Ben standing at the edge of the throng of guests who’d gone outside to watch the bride and groom depart. He’d been in a distracted mood the last hour or so. Not talking much. Not drinking either. She’d kept her consumption to a minimum, but then she had to drive. He didn’t.

When she came up to him, he was frowning.
