Книги автора Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
русская классика, литература 19 века"From Beyond" is a horror short story by American writer H. P. Lovecraft. It was written in 1920 and was first published in The Fantasy Fan …
"From Beyond" is a horror short story by American writer H. P. Lovecraft. It was written in 1920 and was first published in The Fantasy Fan …
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
учебная и научная литература, химия, органическая химия, учебники и пособия для ссузов, знания и навыки"The Shunned House" is a horror fiction novelette by American author H.P. Lovecraft, written on October 16–19, 1924. It was first published …
"The Shunned House" is a horror fiction novelette by American author H.P. Lovecraft, written on October 16–19, 1924. It was first published …
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
учебная и научная литература, техническая литература, учебники и пособия для вузов, технические науки, общетехнические дисциплины, нормативная документация, знания и навыки"The Transition of Juan Romero" is a short story by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft, written on September 16, 1919, and first…
"The Transition of Juan Romero" is a short story by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft, written on September 16, 1919, and first…
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
ужасы / мистика, фэнтези, мистика, городское фэнтезиNecronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft: Commemorative Edition is a select collection of horror short stories, novellas and nov…
Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft: Commemorative Edition is a select collection of horror short stories, novellas and nov…
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
социальная философия, книги по философии, серьезное чтение, об истории серьезно, популярно об истории"The Horror at Red Hook" is a short story by American writer H. P. Lovecraft, written on August 1–2, 1925. «Red Hook» is a transitional tale…
"The Horror at Red Hook" is a short story by American writer H. P. Lovecraft, written on August 1–2, 1925. «Red Hook» is a transitional tale…
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
современная русская литература"The Outsider" is a short story by American horror writer H. P. Lovecraft. Written between March and August 1921, it was first published in …
"The Outsider" is a short story by American horror writer H. P. Lovecraft. Written between March and August 1921, it was first published in …
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
любовные романы, эротика и секс, современные любовные романы, эротические романы, биографические романы, сомнология, романтическая эротикаA collection of some of the most famous stories from the master of tomb-dark fear…A collection of some of the most famous stories from the m…
A collection of some of the most famous stories from the master of tomb-dark fear…A collection of some of the most famous stories from the m…
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
"The Alchemist" is a short story by H. P. Lovecraft, written in 1908, when Lovecraft was 17 or 18, and first published in the November …
"The Alchemist" is a short story by H. P. Lovecraft, written in 1908, when Lovecraft was 17 or 18, and first published in the November …
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
"The Evil Clergyman" is an excerpt from a letter written by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft in 1933. After his death, it…
"The Evil Clergyman" is an excerpt from a letter written by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft in 1933. After his death, it…
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
книги по психологии, прикладная литература, общая психология, секс / секс-руководства, секс и отношенияCrawling, clawing, sliming horror, seeping from the night-tipped pen of that Grand Master of heart-stopping supernatural terror – H.P. Lovec…
Crawling, clawing, sliming horror, seeping from the night-tipped pen of that Grand Master of heart-stopping supernatural terror – H.P. Lovec…
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
учебная и научная литература, учебники и пособия для вузов, технические науки, строительство, проектирование в строительстве, технология строительного производства, проектирование на компьютере, государственный образовательный стандарт (ГОС), знания и навыкиH. P. Lovecraft was one of the greatest horror writers of all time. His seminal work appeared in the pages of legendary Weird Tales and has …
H. P. Lovecraft was one of the greatest horror writers of all time. His seminal work appeared in the pages of legendary Weird Tales and has …
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
"The Colour Out of Space" is a science fiction/horror short story by American author H. P. Lovecraft, written in March 1927. In the tale, an…
"The Colour Out of Space" is a science fiction/horror short story by American author H. P. Lovecraft, written in March 1927. In the tale, an…
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
"The Festival" is a short story by H. P. Lovecraft written in October 1923 and published in the January 1925 issue of Weird Tales.
The story…
"The Festival" is a short story by H. P. Lovecraft written in October 1923 and published in the January 1925 issue of Weird Tales.
The story…
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
"The Thing on the Doorstep" is a horror short story by American writer H. P. Lovecraft, part of the Cthulhu Mythos universe. It was written …
"The Thing on the Doorstep" is a horror short story by American writer H. P. Lovecraft, part of the Cthulhu Mythos universe. It was written …
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
"The Music of Erich Zann" is a horror short story by American author H. P. Lovecraft. Written in December 1921, it was first published in Na…
"The Music of Erich Zann" is a horror short story by American author H. P. Lovecraft. Written in December 1921, it was first published in Na…
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
"Through the Gates of the Silver Key" is a short story co-written by American writers H. P. Lovecraft and E. Hoffmann Price between October …
"Through the Gates of the Silver Key" is a short story co-written by American writers H. P. Lovecraft and E. Hoffmann Price between October …
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
The Shadow Out of Time is a novella by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft. Written between November 1934 and February 1935, it w…
The Shadow Out of Time is a novella by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft. Written between November 1934 and February 1935, it w…
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
"The Unnamable" is a horror short story by American author H. P. Lovecraft. It was written in September 1923, first published in the July 19…
"The Unnamable" is a horror short story by American author H. P. Lovecraft. It was written in September 1923, first published in the July 19…
The Color out of Space and Other Mystery Stories / «Цвет из иных миров» и другие мистические истории
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
книги для детейПараллельные миры, неразгаданные семейные тайны, злые духи, инопланетные материи, колдовство и магия, проклятые места, неподвластные человеч…
Параллельные миры, неразгаданные семейные тайны, злые духи, инопланетные материи, колдовство и магия, проклятые места, неподвластные человеч…
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт является одним из самых влиятельных писателей двадцатого века. Его произведения смешивают фантазию и научную фантаст…
Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт является одним из самых влиятельных писателей двадцатого века. Его произведения смешивают фантазию и научную фантаст…