The Story of the Lost Castle (Nikolay Lakutin)

The Story of the Lost Castle (Nikolay Lakutin)
Автор: Nikolay Lakutin
Жанр: культура и искусствокинематограф / театрпьесы и драматургиязнаменитые драматурги и режиссерыпьесысовременная драматургияавантюрные комедиидраматический театрсерьезное чтениепьесы, драматургия
Язык: Русский
Размер: 385662 Кб
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Описание книги:
The inner call... He, as an inescapable reality, leads us to what seems impossible... unworkable. We do not believe our own eyes, we understand the reasonableness and reasonableness of the arguments of others, but we still follow this call... And if we do not betray ourselves, then we understand that the truth was behind this call.