School history (Nikolay Lakutin)

School history (Nikolay Lakutin)
Автор: Nikolay Lakutin
Жанр: любовные романысовременные любовные романыостросюжетные любовные романыкороткие любовные романыэротикалюбовный треугольникв поисках любвимужчина и женщина
Язык: Русский
Размер: 385662 Кб
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Описание книги:
School... For everyone, school is something different. For some, childhood and adolescence, for some it is a place of work, and for some it is an arena for showdowns and full-fledged battles. School remains in the memory because it leaves behind a trail of emotions, they make us scroll through the head of past stories again and again. Today You will get acquainted with the plot, which... and let it be an intrigue. Pleasant easy reading, friends, pleasant emotions and for someone can be very, very special memories... Содержит нецензурную брань.