A play for 3 people. Lose weight does not get up! Dramatic comedy (Nikolay Lakutin)

A play for 3 people. Lose weight does not get up! Dramatic comedy (Nikolay Lakutin)
Автор: Nikolay Lakutin
Жанр: культура и искусствокинематограф / театрпьесы и драматургиязнаменитые драматурги и режиссерыпьесысовременная драматургиялитературные сценариидраматический театрсерьезное чтениепьесы, драматургия
Язык: Русский
Размер: 385662 Кб
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Описание книги:
The figure... how many conversations are around it. Someone wants to eat all his life, and does not get fat, and someone sniffed a bun, and in the morning + 3 kg. Our heroine lost the battle for her decent appearance. But to lose a battle does not mean to lose the war! You will not wish such an incentive for victory to anyone!!!