Just the core concepts you need to score high in your biology course Biology Essentials For Dummies focuses on just the core concepts you need to succeed in an introductory biology...
Your hands-on study guide to the inner world of the cell Need to get a handle on molecular and cell biology? This easy-to-understand guide explains the structure and function of th...
The easy way to score your highest in botany Employment of biological scientists is projected to grow 21% over the next decade, much faster than the average for all occupations, as...
From genetics to ecology – the easy way to score higher in biology Are you a student baffled by biology? You're not alone. With the help of Biology Workbook For Dummies you'll quic...
The ultimate guide to understanding biology Have you ever wondered how the food you eat becomes the energy your body needs to keep going? The theory of evolution says that humans a...
22 декабря 1937 года
появился на свет Эдуард Николаевич Успенский, замечательный русский писатель, автор популярных сказок "Крокодил Гена и его друзья" (1966г.), "Чебурашка и его друзья" (1970г.), "Дядя Федор, пес и кот" (1974г.).