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When Love Is True
When Love Is True
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When Love Is True

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Except that when she did look, Brianna’s eyes were glazed, her face was blue and her mouth wide open in some awful parody of laughter. While Chloe had been kissing Evan, Brianna had been choking on a piece of bread.

Chloe screamed.

Evan reacted instantly, his training overriding his aroused state to thrust Chloe aside and reach for Brianna. He dragged the baby from her high chair and scooped his finger into her mouth. Then turning her over with one hand under her solar plexus, he gave her a sharp rap between the shoulder blades. Nothing happened. “Call 911.”

While Chloe grabbed for the wall phone, he repeated the thump between Brianna’s shoulders, his mind leapfrogging ahead to the possibility of a tracheotomy. Pray God it wouldn’t come to that. He repeated the maneuver a third time, and a chunk of half-eaten bread came shooting out of Brianna’s mouth.

Instead of reviving, however, she lay limp and unresponsive in his arms. He lay her on the counter and loosened her clothes. A finger at her neck found a thin, erratic pulse, but her color was still cyanotic. How long had she been without oxygen while he and Chloe had kissed? Guilt played no part in his calculations; becoming emotional would only impair his ability to treat the child.

He bent to cover Brianna’s mouth and nose with his own mouth and breathed lightly. Counting, one, two, three. Again, one, two, three. And again. Come on, darlin’. Yet even as he calmly proceeded to work at resuscitating her, his thoughts ran wild on a parallel track. Brianna could be his daughter. Why had he thrown away his chance with Chloe? If Brianna lived, he would change; he’d settle down. He would—

Brianna coughed. Her small lungs heaved and shuddered. Her skin began to turn pink. Evan’s vision blurred. Thank God. Thank God.

Gathering up the child, he held her to his chest for a moment, feeling her heart race as she hiccuped and sobbed, then let loose a huge wail that had Chloe reaching for her, clutching her and swaying as she tried to soothe her. “It’s okay, sweetheart. You’re okay.” She glanced at Evan. “Should I cancel the ambulance?”

“Yes, but we’ll still take her to the hospital.”

“Why?” Chloe asked. “She’s breathing. She’s fine.”

“We don’t know how long she was choking, and even after the obstruction was removed she was unresponsive.” Evan held a finger in front of Brianna’s eyes and slowly moved it from side to side. She followed in one direction, then stopped watching. “You need to have her assessed.”

“Do you mean for brain damage?” Chloe asked, horrified.

He could see her thoughts. A moment’s indiscretion might mean a lifetime handicap for Chloe’s daughter. “It takes six minutes before oxygen deprivation causes brain damage. I think she’s fine, but we need to make certain. Let’s go. The sooner, the better.”

“Neither of us can drive. We’ve been drinking,” Chloe said, shame twisting her features.

“It takes a lot more than that to make me drunk these days,” Evan said dryly. Alcohol had become something of a problem for him; one he was doing his best to ignore.

“I can’t leave this mess. Daniel will know you were here.” She looked around at the bottles and glasses, the dirty plates and scraps of food—evidence of an afternoon of debauchery. Her shoulders sagged. “I’ll have to tell him, anyway. Especially if Brianna is…” Her eyes welled with tears and she shook her head. “Oh, God.”

“Listen to me.” Evan took her by the shoulders. “Brianna choked on a piece of bread, when you weren’t looking. No one watches a fourteen-month-old baby constantly. It could have happened anytime—while you were stirring a pot on the stove or while you were making a sandwich.”

“But it didn’t! It happened when we were—”

He gave her a little shake. “Chloe, I’m telling you this for your sake. For Daniel’s sake. You do not have to tell him you were kissing me. Understand? It would only make things worse.”

Part of him wondered why he was giving her this advice. If Daniel divorced Chloe, he could have her. He’d come here not just to see his brother but also to see her. To find out if he was still attracted, if he was in love, how much he wanted her. A lot, obviously. But was it enough to disrupt all their lives? Enough to marry her? He thought he’d settled the matter once, and then he’d found he couldn’t stay away. He still wasn’t ready to give up his freedom, but what he hadn’t counted on was his gut reaction to Brianna. If she was his daughter, how could he just leave without fighting for her?

He got Chloe and Brianna into his rental car and headed out on the narrow coastal road leading into the city. Chloe called Daniel on her cell phone, her fingers pleating the fabric of her skirt.

“Brianna’s fine, I’m sure she’s fine,” Chloe kept saying. “We’re just getting her checked…” She broke off, eyes scrunching shut as she realized what she’d let slip. After a pause, she added, “Evan. He’s in town to see his brother.” There was a longer pause. “He saved her. Okay, I’ll see you there. Hurry.” She hung up and turned to Evan. “You’ll stay, won’t you, until Daniel gets there?”

“Of course,” Evan said, gripping the steering wheel. Despite the way Chloe had responded to his kiss, she seemed to feel something more than loyalty to her husband. Could she actually love the man? Would she still feel that way if he proved not to be Brianna’s father? Would she stay with Daniel if Evan asked her to leave with him?

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