Книги автора Автор не определен
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Evidence-based Pediatric Infectious Diseases is a practical guide to the diagnosis and management of childhood infections in clinical practi…
Evidence-based Pediatric Infectious Diseases is a practical guide to the diagnosis and management of childhood infections in clinical practi…
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The goal is to provide a comprehensive reference book for the preclinicaldiscovery and development scientist whose responsibilities span tar…
The goal is to provide a comprehensive reference book for the preclinicaldiscovery and development scientist whose responsibilities span tar…
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A unique reference on peripheral pain receptor mechanisms While considerable advances have been made on pharmacotherapies for many chronic d…
A unique reference on peripheral pain receptor mechanisms While considerable advances have been made on pharmacotherapies for many chronic d…
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E-Health Care Information Systems is a comprehensive collection written by leading experts from a range of disciplines including medicine, h…
E-Health Care Information Systems is a comprehensive collection written by leading experts from a range of disciplines including medicine, h…
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Although the electrocardiogram (ECG) is accepted as a standard clinical tool, electrograms (EGMs) recorded during electrophysiology studies …
Although the electrocardiogram (ECG) is accepted as a standard clinical tool, electrograms (EGMs) recorded during electrophysiology studies …
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In this thoroughly revised and updated third edition of Fundamentals of Health Care Financial Management, consultant and educator Steven Ber…
In this thoroughly revised and updated third edition of Fundamentals of Health Care Financial Management, consultant and educator Steven Ber…
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книги про волшебников, саморазвитие / личностный рост, духовная литератураOver the quarter of a century with which this book is concerned, the UK has had an extraordinarily diverse experience of monetary policy and…
Over the quarter of a century with which this book is concerned, the UK has had an extraordinarily diverse experience of monetary policy and…
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Thoroughly revised and updated for Excel®, this second edition of Quantitative Methods in Health Care Management offers a comprehensive intr…
Thoroughly revised and updated for Excel®, this second edition of Quantitative Methods in Health Care Management offers a comprehensive intr…
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In this book, experts from Symbian, Nokia and Sun Microsystems expose the power of Java ME on Symbian OS. The book introduces programming wi…
In this book, experts from Symbian, Nokia and Sun Microsystems expose the power of Java ME on Symbian OS. The book introduces programming wi…
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Praise for Running a Public Company: From IPO to SEC Reporting «Steve Bragg's book is an essential read for anyone contemplating a public of…
Praise for Running a Public Company: From IPO to SEC Reporting «Steve Bragg's book is an essential read for anyone contemplating a public of…
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основы строительства, управление экономикой, отраслевая и межотраслевая экономикаIn an age where companies and financial institutions are keenly focused on managing the financial risk of their operations, the implementati…
In an age where companies and financial institutions are keenly focused on managing the financial risk of their operations, the implementati…
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This is the first book to provide in-depth coverage of star schema aggregates used in dimensional modeling-from selection and design, to loa…
This is the first book to provide in-depth coverage of star schema aggregates used in dimensional modeling-from selection and design, to loa…
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The client/agency relationship is an area fraught with potential problems. Competition in the field has now augmented the necessity to under…
The client/agency relationship is an area fraught with potential problems. Competition in the field has now augmented the necessity to under…
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конструкции, основы строительства, строительные конструкцииA complete guide to key market features and their impact on each of the main areas of investment This comprehensive guide offers practical a…
A complete guide to key market features and their impact on each of the main areas of investment This comprehensive guide offers practical a…
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From budgies and cockatiels to chipmunks and chinchillas, our interest in exotic pets has rocketed in recent years. With the house rabbit be…
From budgies and cockatiels to chipmunks and chinchillas, our interest in exotic pets has rocketed in recent years. With the house rabbit be…
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общетехнические дисциплины, материаловедение, металловедениеEuropean Financial Systems in the Global Economy provides an overview of sources of finance, types of financial intermediation and financial…
European Financial Systems in the Global Economy provides an overview of sources of finance, types of financial intermediation and financial…
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Awareness of food safety and its economic significance has never been higher after public alarm following the BSE crisis and the Foot-and-Mo…
Awareness of food safety and its economic significance has never been higher after public alarm following the BSE crisis and the Foot-and-Mo…
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Veterinary Dentistry for the Small Animal Technician is an introductory, step-by-step guide that addresses the delicate mechanics of dentist…
Veterinary Dentistry for the Small Animal Technician is an introductory, step-by-step guide that addresses the delicate mechanics of dentist…
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бухучет / налогообложение / аудит, МСФО, управление экономикойProvides statistical tools and techniques needed to understand today's financial markets The Second Edition of this critically acclaimed tex…
Provides statistical tools and techniques needed to understand today's financial markets The Second Edition of this critically acclaimed tex…
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Environmental enrichment is a simple and effective means of improving animal welfare in any species – companion, farm, laboratory and zoo. F…
Environmental enrichment is a simple and effective means of improving animal welfare in any species – companion, farm, laboratory and zoo. F…