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Книги автора Автор не определен

Без серии
An important new work establishing a foundation for future developments in neural engineering The Handbook of Neural Engineering provides th…
An important new work establishing a foundation for future developments in neural engineering The Handbook of Neural Engineering provides th…
How the Brain Works
Not just another standard introduction to neuroanatomy, How the Brain Works is an innovative and fun way to learn about the function and dys…
Not just another standard introduction to neuroanatomy, How the Brain Works is an innovative and fun way to learn about the function and dys…
With contributions from leading scientists around the world, this is the first book focussing on the analysis of nerve cell damage and repai…
With contributions from leading scientists around the world, this is the first book focussing on the analysis of nerve cell damage and repai…
… this text takes a novel approach… The style… is not as dry as other statistics texts, and so should not be intimidating even to a relative…
… this text takes a novel approach… The style… is not as dry as other statistics texts, and so should not be intimidating even to a relative…
This textbook on assessment and outcome measurement is written for both occupational therapy and physiotherapy students and qualified therap…
This textbook on assessment and outcome measurement is written for both occupational therapy and physiotherapy students and qualified therap…
This monograph is a comprehensive expose of the disorder vitiligo. The book introduces the topic with a presentation about its cultural effe…
This monograph is a comprehensive expose of the disorder vitiligo. The book introduces the topic with a presentation about its cultural effe…
Полный вариант заголовка: «Bell's British theatre : Vol. 2. Comedies / vol. 1 : сonsisting of the most esteemed English plays».
Полный вариант заголовка: «Bell's British theatre : Vol. 2. Comedies / vol. 1 : сonsisting of the most esteemed English plays».
There has been an explosion of interest in the field of neuroendocrinology over the last twenty years with the discovery of neurohormones re…
There has been an explosion of interest in the field of neuroendocrinology over the last twenty years with the discovery of neurohormones re…
A unique resource on sleep medicine Written by contemporary experts from around the world, Sleep: A Comprehensive Handbook covers the entire…
A unique resource on sleep medicine Written by contemporary experts from around the world, Sleep: A Comprehensive Handbook covers the entire…
In this first book to cover model systems, molecular mechanisms and clinical trials all in one volume internationally renowned scientists an…
In this first book to cover model systems, molecular mechanisms and clinical trials all in one volume internationally renowned scientists an…
Engaging Learning
Learning is at its best when it is goal-oriented, contextual, interesting, challenging, and interactive. These same winning characteristics …
Learning is at its best when it is goal-oriented, contextual, interesting, challenging, and interactive. These same winning characteristics …
The Working Back
A systems approach to understanding and minimizing the causes of low back pain in the workplace Low back pain affects 80% of the population …
A systems approach to understanding and minimizing the causes of low back pain in the workplace Low back pain affects 80% of the population …
Impacted Third Molars
Offers clinically focused instruction for successful and safe removal of impacted third molars This book offers a comprehensive surgical gui…
Offers clinically focused instruction for successful and safe removal of impacted third molars This book offers a comprehensive surgical gui…
зарубежная деловая литература, product placement, директ-маркетинг, маркетинг и реклама
Essential guidance on the new fair value rules for accounting managers, auditors, and fraud investigators Fair Value accounting is emerging …
Essential guidance on the new fair value rules for accounting managers, auditors, and fraud investigators Fair Value accounting is emerging …
информатика и вычислительная техника, информационная безопасность
A complete appraisal of analytical tools available to managers to assess performance «Steve Bragg has created a useful, relevant guide to ap…
A complete appraisal of analytical tools available to managers to assess performance «Steve Bragg has created a useful, relevant guide to ap…
зарубежная психология, саморазвитие / личностный рост, нейробиология
Have you ever wondered where your processes stand against industry leaders or how you can take your services and organizational procedures t…
Have you ever wondered where your processes stand against industry leaders or how you can take your services and organizational procedures t…
Praise for COSO Enterprise Risk Management «COSO ERM is a thoughtful introduction to the challenges of risk management at the enterprise lev…
Praise for COSO Enterprise Risk Management «COSO ERM is a thoughtful introduction to the challenges of risk management at the enterprise lev…
бухучет / налогообложение / аудит, МСФО, управление экономикой
Sarbanes-Oxley Internal Controls: Effective Auditing with AS5, CobiT, and ITIL is essential reading for professionals facing the obstacle of…
Sarbanes-Oxley Internal Controls: Effective Auditing with AS5, CobiT, and ITIL is essential reading for professionals facing the obstacle of…
детская познавательная и развивающая литература
Cutting Edge Internal Auditing provides guidance and knowledge for every internal auditor, encouraging each to pioneer new ground in the dev…
Cutting Edge Internal Auditing provides guidance and knowledge for every internal auditor, encouraging each to pioneer new ground in the dev…
законы и постановления, земельный кодекс РФ, земельное право
With all the recent changes in state and local government audit and accounting, including changes to some of the more complex areas such as …
With all the recent changes in state and local government audit and accounting, including changes to some of the more complex areas such as …