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MOONRISE – Эрин Хантер

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In the exciting second Warriors story arc, the wild cats of the forest have lived in peace and harmony for many moons—but new prophecies from their warrior ancestors speak of a mysterious destiny and grave danger for the clans. The second of six titles in this thrilling feline fantasy adventure.Darkness, air, water, and sky will come together and shake the forest to its roots…Several moons have passed since six cats set out from the forest on an urgent journey to save all their Clans. Now those six are travelling home again, but on their way through the mountains, they meet a tribe of wild cats who seem to have their own set of warrior ancestors . . . and their own mysterious prophecy to fulfill. Stormfur can't understand their strange fascination with him, but he knows the danger they face is real.Meanwhile, back in the forest, Firestar's daughter Leafpaw watches ThunderClan's world crumble around her, as the humans' terrible machines destroy more and more of their home. Will the questing cats make it back in time to save the Clans, or will they be too late?

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780007551033
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