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Financial Institution Advantage and the Optimization of Information Processing – Sean Keenan

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A PROVEN APPROACH FOR CREATING and IMPLEMENTING EFFECTIVE GOVERNANCE for DATA and ANALYTICS Financial Institution Advantage and the Optimization of Information Processing offers a key resource for understanding and implementing effective data governance practices and data modeling within financial organizations. Sean Keenan—a noted expert on the topic—outlines the strategic core competencies, includes best practices, and suggests a set of mechanisms for self-evaluation. He shows what it takes for an institution to evaluate its information processing capability and how to take the practical steps toward improving it. Keenan outlines the strategies and tools needed for financial institutions to take charge and make the much-needed decisions to ensure that their firm's information processing assets are effectively designed, deployed, and utilized to meet the strict regulatory guidelines. This important resource is filled with practical observations about how information assets can be actively and effectively managed to create competitive advantage and improved financial results. Financial Institution Advantage and the Optimization of Information Processing also includes a survey of case studies that highlight both the positive and less positive results that have stemmed from institutions either recognizing or failing to recognize the strategic importance of information processing capabilities.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781119053040

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