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BlackBerry For Dummies – Robert Kao

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Just what you need to know to take full advantage of your new BlackBerry smartphone The popular BlackBerry is used by millions of office workers and executives and has become an essential business tool. Now with an even faster and more efficient 6.0 operating system, the newest BlackBerry devices have the potential to become pocket-sized replacements for the laptop. This fifth edition of the most popular BlackBerry guide explores all the features of the new BlackBerry and its upgraded OS. It covers setting up the device, organizing and managing your appointments and to-do list, accessing the Internet, handling e-mail, working with multimedia, synching your BlackBerry with your desktop, adding apps, and much more. The BlackBerry is the most popular handheld device for business users; an updated 6.0 operating system is being introduced for new models with an upgrade available for certain older models This edition of the popular BlackBerry guide covers the new OS, setting up your BlackBerry, organizing and managing your calendar, handling e-mail, and accessing the Internet Explores working with multimedia and taking great photos with your BlackBerry Offers tips and shortcuts plus information about managing power usage, synching your BlackBerry to your desktop, and taking advantage of the expandable memory, as well as great apps you can add Wise advice from BlackBerry experts makes this the guide you need to get the most juice from your BlackBerry.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118153031

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