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The Iron Legends: Winter's Passage / Summer's Crossing / Iron's Prophecy – Julie Kagawa

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Enter the world of the internationally bestselling Iron Fey series. Dangerous faeries. Heartbreaking romance. Thrilling action and limitless adventure. The world of the fey has never been so powerful. This collection includes three novellas set in the world of The Iron Fey plus the expanded Guide to the Nevernever and exclusive information about Julie Kagawa’s unforgettable world of Faery.Winter’s Passage Never make a promise to a faery. They always come to collect. Now Meghan Chase must fulfill her promise to Prince Ash of the Winter Court and embark upon a dangerous journey into the heart of enemy territory—while being pursued by a relentless new foe and guarding her own foolish heart.Summer’s Crossing What can turn enemies into reluctant allies? A call from the Exile Queen, Leanansidhe, ties legendary prankster Puck to his archenemy Prince Ash on a journey that may end in betrayal and will set them both on an irreversible path.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781408997376
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