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Protector Wolf
Protector Wolf
Protector Wolf


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Protector Wolf

Finishing her organizing and packing, she glanced toward the steps off the stage and saw that the nice, helpful—and great-looking—guy Ryan stood there with Rocky, waiting for her. She couldn’t help smiling. Now, there was a man with proof right beside him of his position on this important subject.

It was almost time to head to the bar. She’d intended to stay in Fritts Corner for only a few days, but now she might hang out longer. Of course, that depended at least in part on who showed up at the bar this afternoon and how they acted.

Maya intended to get to know some of the people around here, particularly the few locals who had already been generous with donations. This wasn’t the way she’d hoped to get them together, but it should work.

Now, she walked toward the steps, following the park guys whose hands were full of the town’s electronic equipment they had collected. Her arms were full, too, and she stopped at the top of the steps to rearrange what she carried so she wouldn’t fall.

She shouldn’t have been pleased to have Ryan reach up to steady her—but she was.

“Thanks,” she told him as he held her arm.

He didn’t immediately let go, either, as she reached the last step. She made herself pull gently away, not wanting to encourage him to think she had any interest in him except as an animal advocate.

Although...did she want him to be interested in her in any other way?

No. Of course not.

“My car is parked just past the bar,” she told Ryan. He was watching her with very deep brown eyes. She hadn’t looked at him this closely before but couldn’t help appreciating how good-looking he was, with angular planes on his face and dark brown hair cut short. She turned slightly to try to prevent his recognizing that she’d been studying him. “You can just go to the bar, and I’ll meet you there after I put some of this stuff in my trunk.”

He reached toward her and lifted one of her tote bags and a few other things she held, lightening her load tremendously. “I’ll carry these. You lead the way.”

She couldn’t help looking at him again then—continuing to appreciate his tantalizing appearance as well as his gentlemanliness.

Still holding a few things she wanted to carry with her, including her tablet computer, she headed across the grass to the sidewalk, and then in the direction of the bar and where she had parked her car. Both Ryan and Rocky stayed beside her. The three of them pretty much took up the whole sidewalk, but other people didn’t seem upset about stepping aside to let them pass. Maya shot each of them smiles—and they smiled back at her as they seemed to enjoy Rocky.

“Nice town,” Ryan said. He was watching the people, too, so his reference to the town seemed to mean its inhabitants. At this angle, she was glad to look around nearly everywhere but toward him.

“It sure is. I like the people—most of those I’ve met anyway—and this area is definitely charming.”

She’d enjoyed sightseeing before, on her way to the park. She just hoped the town maintained its charm by continuing to be supportive of the return of the wolves.

For right now, talking in generalities about this area seemed pleasant enough as they walked. They soon reached her car, after passing Berry’s Bar on the way. It looked crowded inside despite the time being early afternoon. Were these all people from her talk wanting to discuss wildlife some more? She hoped so.

She opened the trunk of the sedan she had rented and Ryan put his armloads of her stuff into it. She did the same with what she was carrying.

Ryan closed the trunk. “I’ll be interested in how things go at the bar this afternoon. And I enjoyed your talk before. But I wanted to say something before we’re with the crowd.” He stood in front of her, Rocky still at his side, and frowned, which removed some of the allure from his good looks.

“What’s that?” She felt sure she wouldn’t like whatever he had to say.

She was right.

“I know about your organization, and I like what WHaM stands for. I’ve heard about how you go talk to groups like this while you confirm and count sightings of endangered animals. But—do all the talks wind up with results similar to yours? I mean, not only did you get people there who are excited about the prospect of a new influx of wildlife, but those who are against it. Outspokenly against it. Doesn’t that harm your position and your organization?”

“No,” she said flatly. She turned away, starting to walk toward the bar, and Ryan and Rocky joined her. “Well...maybe.” She didn’t look at them. “Controversy sometimes stirs up people who didn’t even know they had an opinion. So far I think that’s been helpful.”

“Maybe,” Ryan said. “But it can also cause problems both for your group and for the animals—potentially risky for both of you. I’d suggest you back off a bit, though I’d like to know more about your intentions. Let’s talk about it another time.”

They’d reached the crowded sidewalk in front of Berry’s Bar. “Sure,” Maya said, realizing that the idea of getting together with the gorgeous, sexy man to talk appealed more than a little. But...could it be risky? She hoped not. Should she back off? That wasn’t her.

What they would talk about might only rev up the controversy she knew was there.

* * *

Ryan saw Piers as soon as he entered behind Maya, with Rocky at his side. He’d told his aide to get here ahead of him and save some seats.

Were dogs allowed in here? If questioned, he would just claim that Rocky was his service dog. He even had paperwork in his pocket that would confirm that—if the person asking didn’t dig too deeply.

Inhaling the strong, predictable scent of alcohol, he waved, and Piers waved back, gesturing for him to join the group sitting on stools at the bar. Ryan therefore maneuvered through the crowd—and away from Maya.

Which in some ways he hated to do.

The woman was beautiful and sassy and loved wild animals. What wasn’t there to like about her?

The fact that she might be putting herself—and his role here—in danger?

Could be. That was why he had asked her to back off.

Sure, there was likely to be attention regarding each new wolf sighting around here, especially if they continued and grew in numbers. But he needed a bit of quiet in his own search regarding the inherent nature of those incoming wolves, not people talking and arguing, or worse.

And he didn’t get the sense Maya would pay any attention to him.

“What’s wrong?” Piers asked quietly as he reached the bar.

“Nothing, I hope.” But his aide knew him well. “We’ll talk later,” he amended.


Ryan ordered a dark beer, which was also what Piers had in front of him. He decided to confront the situation of Rocky right off and requested that the bartender, a sizable fellow with a full head of hair and a beard, bring a bowl of water.

“Sure thing,” the bartender said. “Nice-looking dog. Is he yours?”

More or less, Ryan thought. He certainly treated his cover dog as his own. “Yep,” he said. “Rocky is one really good boy.”

“I bet.” When the bartender brought a metal bowl half-filled with water to the customer side of the bar and laid it at Ryan’s feet—next to several pairs of feet belonging to other patrons—the guy asked, “Have you ever been to Fritts Corner before?”

“No, though I really like this place.” He was laying it on a bit thick, but what the heck? “I’m here because of the latest wolf sightings. I work for US Fish and Wildlife.”

“Really?” The bartender’s whole, round face lit up. “Were you at the talk at the park before? I was here working, but I heard about it.”

“I sure was.” Why not go for broke—maybe lay into some of Maya’s contentious ground? “There were some arguments. Not everyone is glad there are wolf sightings around here. How about you?”

“I’m definitely for them,” the guy said with no hesitation. He held out his hand to Ryan to shake. “I’m Buck Lesterman. My family recently bought Berry’s Bar, and I’m happy with everything to do with wildlife.”

Which was what Ryan had been looking for. Was this guy a shifter? Were any members of his family?

Or was Ryan just hoping too hard to find some evidence of shifters in this area?

Could be that all the recent wolf sightings were just that—sightings of actual wolves. Well, he would know more tonight.

“Glad to meet you, Buck. I’m Ryan, and this is my friend Piers.” They shook hands, too, then Ryan continued, “Not sure how long I’ll be in town, but I’m glad I’ve found this place.”

“Hey, bartender!” called a guy nearby.

“’Scuse me,” Buck said. “Got to get back to work.”

That was when Ryan heard voices raised behind him, and he turned.

Maya sat at a table, hands on her hips. Across from her were the three people who’d come onstage to give her a hard time, and they didn’t appear any friendlier.

Time for Piers and him—and Rocky, too—to join her.

As they moved in her direction, so did a few other people Ryan believed he recognized as having been at her talk.

Were they for, or against, her position?

* * *

This discussion was getting out of control. Too bad Maya couldn’t have just invited the people from her talk that she wanted to come here.

Fortunately, some of the people who’d been on her side were in the crowd, too. In fact, the tall, skinny fellow who’d been at the front and called out something favorable had made his way through the people who were giving her a hard time. Now, standing beside her table, he waved at her and asked, “Can I buy you a snack to go with your drink?” His brown eyes were open wide beneath shaggy blond brows, and his huge smile looked hopeful.

“Thanks,” she said, facing him and using the opportunity to look away from the others, “but I’m good.” She appreciated that he’d been on her side, yet she felt a bit uncomfortable under his happy stare—even though it was way preferable to the potential argument that had just started.

“You certainly are,” he said. He held out his hand. “I’m Trevor Garlona. Trev. And I want to know all about you and WHaM.”

“Thanks,” she said. “But—”

“Hey, I’m talking to you.” The voice across from her sounded familiar—the woman who’d just challenged her. “Don’t you ignore me. And why are you even still in town?”

Maya turned again in her seat just a little. She had already recognized the woman who had confronted her after her talk. That woman now stood at the opposite end of the table from where Maya sat with a glass of wine in front of her. Some other people who’d been at her presentation had just gone up to the bar to order their drinks.

That guy who’d introduced himself as Trev moved in the direction she now faced, although other people, including that woman, didn’t get out of his way. He squeezed in and looked at her, though, from behind them and raised his glass of beer as if toasting her.

She didn’t toast him back, but neither did she try to get away. Not yet, at least.

She felt a little relieved to notice that Ryan had joined her, too, and stood at her side. She wished he’d come here sooner. Despite his attitude before against how she worked, she wanted to spend more time with the great-looking guy. Talk to him more about wildlife.

Especially now, while she was being confronted again. What was this woman’s name? Vinnie? Vinnie Fritts, wife of a man who had the same name as this town and whose family had apparently lived here a long time, had maybe even founded it.

She wasn’t that old, though—maybe midforties. Her hair was a wavy mass of brown that appeared cut and styled to remain exactly so on her head. She wore bright pink lipstick and dark-rimmed glasses. Surprisingly, the whole package went well together.

Now, if she only had a sense of consideration of others and their opinions...

“Do you have any pets at home?” Maya countered, focusing on Vinnie. “Or small children?” She took a sip of her dry white wine in an attempt to bolster her floundering courage but it didn’t help. At least she didn’t think she was projecting any nervousness in her tone of voice.

“No. Our kids are in college, and no way would we have animals in our house.”

That figured.

“Well, I appreciate your coming to my presentation,” Maya lied. “And everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But since you don’t have pets or young family members at home, I doubt that you have to worry about anyone being attacked by the wolves—assuming these wolves run away from confrontations with nonprey creatures, as most do. And—”

“And you’re trying to convince us that you’re not only entitled to your opinion...” said the man in the pale yellow shirt just beyond her who hadn’t spoken before. It was Morton, Vinnie’s husband whom she’d introduced at the talk. “...but that you know everything, and everyone who lives around here should support your ridiculous position? Now look, lady. This is my town. My family’s town, and I intend to protect it. Understand?”

“No,” Maya said quietly. “I don’t.” She noticed then that most conversations in the bar had ceased. It was a lot quieter than when she’d entered. She didn’t see any of the people who’d admitted to being with the media there, though.

“We don’t want any damned predatory creatures around here.” The man spoke through gritted teeth. He appeared older than his wife, maybe in his fifties. His hair was thin, his brows gray and curved over his angry brown eyes. His arms were crossed over a chest that appeared sunken—but his fragility did nothing to ease Maya’s fear of him.

She figured that this man hated wildlife—or, worse, wanted to wipe it out. She might not like the idea, but there were laws protecting some species in specified areas, and requirements of licenses before hunting those that were more plentiful and might actually need to have their numbers limited for the good of the rest of the species. She wasn’t a vegetarian, and she could understand hunting for one’s dinner.

But she had a sense that this guy just despised animals enough to kill for sport. And if that was true, she would despise him.

Right now, though, she did not want to continue this confrontation.

“Look,” she said, “I recognize that we have very different positions on this.”

“Ya think?” Morton asked sarcastically, his hands now on his hips. “Hey, here’s what I think. I’ll be the one to change my mind, suddenly love wolves. Want to hug them all.” He glanced toward Ryan, who stood with Rocky beside him. Morton moved then, approaching the dog with his hand out. “Well, aren’t you just the greatest creature on earth?” He reached out and shoved Rocky’s muzzle.

The dog didn’t even growl, which made Maya very happy. But the man’s gesture didn’t.

“Don’t you hurt him.” She hissed between her clenched teeth, “He’s a lot nicer than you are.”

“That’s for sure.” Ryan placed himself between his dog and the jerk of a man who’d touched him. Ryan’s friend Piers also stood at the dog’s side and faced down Morton as well as Vinnie and Carlo, who’d joined him.

“What a great dog that is,” said a male voice from behind Maya, and she realized that Trev had moved again.

“He sure is,” said someone else, a woman this time.

“Leave him alone,” came another voice. When Maya turned to see who was there she was both glad and surprised to see at least half a dozen people behind her, apparently backing her up. She recognized some, maybe all of them, from her talk.

“Back off,” said yet another one.

“This isn’t over,” Morton said, sidling away from Rocky and all the people now confronting him. “Not unless you leave and stop trying to get people to love those damned wolves. They’re nasty and vicious and don’t belong around here.”

“Sounds like you’re describing yourself,” Maya couldn’t help saying in return.

She caught Ryan’s eye, then recalled that he had suggested she was endangering herself by her attitude in standing up to these people who didn’t see things her way.

But instead of scowling or looking angry, he had a half smile on his sexy face and shook his head slowly as if amused by her.

That made her want to run over and hug the handsome guy—but she stayed still.

Instead, it was Morton Fritts and his gang who stomped out of the bar.

Chapter 3

Good. They were gone.

Ryan continued to stand near Maya, with Piers and Rocky at his sides—and all those nice people behind her who’d spoken up in support of her.

Bartender Buck Lesterman had joined them, too. Interesting.

This group seemed to be filled with wildlife advocates who appreciated what Maya said and stood for, which was a good thing in Ryan’s estimation.

But were any of them shifters? All of them?

There’d been hints of an influx here thanks to the wolf sightings, and Alpha Force members had heard those rumors.

If some or all of these folks were shifters, then Maya had helped Ryan start to meet his goal. He owed her for that.

But for right now...

He regarded the group across from them, then strode forward, hand outstretched, purposely avoiding the guy who’d spoken with Maya and offered her a snack, apparently flirting with her. For some reason, that irritated Ryan, even if the guy turned out to be a wildlife advocate.

“Hi,” he said to the first of them. “I’m Ryan Blaiddinger, with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Thanks to all of you for your support of conservation of the latest arrival of wolves around here.” He felt Maya stir behind him and figured she wasn’t thrilled that he’d taken over the position she probably intended to fulfill.

“Good to meet you, Ryan,” said a petite woman with long and fluffy light brown hair streaked with deeper color. Hair that resembled a wolf’s?

Ryan knew he was reaching a bit in an attempt to convince himself things were as he hoped.

But he might not be wrong...

“I’m Kathie Sharan,” the woman continued. “This is my husband, Burt. We just recently moved here and bought the Corner Grocery Store down the street. We used to live in Montana, and there are wolves there, too. We’ve no problem with some showing up in this neighborhood. It’s kind of cool, in fact.”

Could that actually be why they’d moved here?

“Hi, Ryan.” Burt, tall and thin with deep brown hair and a hint of a beard, edged next to his wife and held out his hand. His grip was firm as he shook Ryan’s. “I hope you’ll come visit our store while you’re in town. You, too, Maya.” He turned toward where she stood and held out his hand to her, as well.

A couple of other people near them also issued greetings that Ryan returned. Maya, too, and also Piers when Ryan introduced him as another employee of the federal fish and wildlife organization. And all of them made a fuss over a clearly pleased Rocky.

Even bartender Buck did so, as did the guy who’d been flirting with Maya—Trev Garlona. He’d introduced himself, as well.

So at least some of these wolf advocates had recently moved here and purchased businesses, intending to stay.

Of course Ryan could be completely wrong. They might have had different agendas when they decided to settle in Fritts Corner, nothing at all to do with wolves—or shifting.

But he had a feeling he would get to know some or all of them a lot better.

Maybe starting tonight.

For now, though, he needed to prepare, perhaps even to rest. He soon said goodbye to the gang of wolf supporters who’d joined them, and they all headed back to their seats—after Buck promised to refresh their drinks. The place remained busy, and the sound of conversations picked up once more. Other bartenders had remained active, so Ryan also inhaled the scent of different kinds of alcohol.

All seemed well again.

Even so, he asked Maya, who had also turned to go, “Where are you off to now?”

The people who’d given her a hard time were no longer in the bar. They surely wouldn’t be waiting outside to give her a hard time—would they?

He’d rather be there for her, though, just in case.

“I’m heading back to my hotel,” she said. “I may even take a nap. It’s stressful to give a talk, and to act happy and energetic and all...anyway, I’m glad how things have turned out so far and really appreciate your support.”

“You’re very welcome,” he said, knowing his face mirrored her large smile. “How about if we walk with you?”

“Which hotel are you staying at?” Piers asked. He was now at Ryan’s side and had taken Rocky’s leash.

“The Washington Inn,” she said, unsurprisingly naming the largest one in town.

“So are we,” Piers said.

“Great,” Ryan said. “Let’s get on our way.”

* * *

Maya saw Trev waving goodbye as she prepared to leave, and she briefly aimed a wave back at him. But her mind was on something else altogether.

Ryan, Rocky and Piers were all staying in the same hotel as she was.

How close was Ryan’s room to hers? That question kept intruding into Maya’s mind as they walked out.

No matter. They could be next door to each other and still be worlds apart.

They had to be. Sure, he was a great-looking guy. A nice guy who clearly wanted to walk with her to protect her in case those nasty folks who’d confronted her were still around. He didn’t have to say so for her to know that.

But other than their love of wildlife, they most likely had nothing in common. Even if they did—well, she’d been involved with a guy not long ago who’d professed to love wild animals but acted like a jerk when it came to maintaining a relationship with a human being. He’d even publicly slammed WHaM.

She didn’t need anything like that—especially since she’d soon go home to Denver and figured a guy with the US government would return to the DC area, far from her.

“I don’t see your buddies out here,” Ryan said. “Guess they decided not to harass you again.”

“I sure hope so,” she said. “Maybe they can start picking on each other instead.” She admired the few buildings they passed. “This is such a cute town. Where do you live? Is it anything like this?”

“We live near Washington, DC, not Washington State,” Ryan responded. Near it? Not in it? That made Maya wonder where, but before she could ask he got in his own question. “And you? Where are you from? Colorado? Isn’t that where WHaM is headquartered?”

She acknowledged that it was, and they talked a bit more about her organization as they continued down the block, with Piers behind them.

Rocky trotted between Ryan and her, and she got a truly warm and fuzzy feeling about this short walk and the males near her, including the dog. In a minute they had reached her car and said goodbye.

And because she didn’t have far to drive, she arrived at the Washington Inn about the same time as the two men and the dog did. Or maybe, driving slowly, she had unconsciously planned it that way.

The inn, like so many other buildings in town, was quaint, with multipaned windows and circular turrets. The concrete exterior looked substantial, though, and Maya figured it was either a much newer structure than it appeared, or it had been remodeled recently.

She parked in the lot beside it and walked quickly to the front—just as the others arrived, too. She joined them.

“Hi again,” she said, waiting while Ryan stopped at the grassy area near the front with Rocky. “So where are your rooms?” she asked Ryan casually, as Piers preceded them inside.

“First floor, toward the back. It’s a good spot to take Rocky into the yard if he needs to go. How about you?”

“Third floor,” she said, “around there.” She pointed toward the right, glad that the windows there indicated multiple rooms so she didn’t exactly tell him which was hers.

They proceeded up the walkway to the steps and, crossing the porch, entered the quaint-looking lobby. There were only a few people there, mostly in line at the reception desk. Piers stood nearby reading a newspaper. He joined them.

Ryan lifted his arm with the loop of the dog leash over it and Piers slipped it off him. “You can put him in my room,” he told Piers. “I’ll be right there.” He then said to Maya, “I’ll walk you to your room, just in case.”
