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Taming Her Tycoon
Taming Her Tycoon
Taming Her Tycoon


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Taming Her Tycoon

Chapter 2

“Grandma.” Lucius softened his tone when he heard his grandmother’s voice on the other end of his iPhone. “It’s so good to hear from you.”

“I hope that remains the case when you hear what I have to say,” she replied.

“I could never be angry with you, Grandma.” He loved the older woman with all his heart. She’d been the only mother he’d ever known and the only person who loved him unconditionally, except maybe Adam. “What’s going on?”

“I spoke with your mother today.”


“Don’t act dense, Lucius. It doesn’t suit you,” she responded. “She said you haven’t returned her calls.”

“I know.”

“Well, when do you intend to?”

Lucius snorted. He hated the reproachful tone in her voice. He counted from one to three to remind himself to remain respectful. Grandma Ruby deserved it. She hadn’t had to take him in when he was a young boy. She’d raised all her children. Three, to be exact—his mother, Jocelyn, his aunt, Deborah, and his uncle, Troy. But she had taken him in. And she’d been in his corner ever since.

He finally responded. “Soon.”

“I wish you two would try to get along,” his grandmother said. “It takes so much energy to hold on to all the bad blood.”

“Have you told her this?” Lucius asked. “The only thing I’ve ever asked of that woman is tell me who my father is. And to this day, even though I’m thirty-four, nearly thirty-five years old, she refuses to tell me.”

“Perhaps some things are best left unsaid.”

Lucius was silent. He’d always wondered if his grandmother knew the truth, but she’d point-blank told him that if she did, she would tell him.

When he continued to remain silent, his grandmother said, “I have to go. I’m heading to the grocery store, but do go and see your mother, Lucius. You might regret one day that you never resolved things between you. Promise me you will.”

He was being guilt-tripped and he didn’t like it. “All right, Grandma. For you, I’ll make the effort. Satisfied?”

“Immensely. Love you, Lucius.”

“Love you, too, Grandma.” Lucius ended the call and sat back against the plush cushions of the limousine. He knew she meant well, but her meddling in his and Jocelyn’s relationship wouldn’t help the situation. He would never see eye to eye with his mother until she was honest with him about who he was.

Until then, they’d always be at an impasse.

* * *

Naomi was excited as she checked in to the Anaheim Hilton. A valet immediately greeted her when she disembarked from her car and took care of her baggage while she checked in to the hotel.

She glanced around and took in the modern decor done in beiges and dark wood. It was classic yet modern. It would serve as a good backdrop for the natural products expo where she hoped to get Brooks and Johnson even more into the public consciousness. She wanted people to start using their products, which were now inclusive of not only personal care products, but home cleaning products and a new baby line as well.

The baby line was Kelsey’s brainchild. It was still in its early stages but included baby washes and baby powders. They would soon expand to include diapers, rash cream and wipes. Naomi was just as passionate about having organic products for her goddaughter, Bella, and her soon-to-arrive godson, Caden.

With Lucius Knight circling like a vulture, Naomi just hoped that she could convince Kelsey not to sell her shares so they retained majority interest in the company they’d built.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Brooks,” the front desk attendant greeted her. “Great to have you back with us again.”

Naomi smiled. “Thank you. I’m glad to be back.”

“I can’t tell you enough how much I love the Brooks and Johnson body wash and lotion line. It’s done wonders for my skin.” The attendant caressed her cheek.

Naomi beamed with pride. This was exactly what she liked to hear when meeting customers. “Glad to hear it!”

“We’ve put you in one of our signature suites, complete with a queen-size bed.” She handed Naomi two room key cards. “I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay, and if there’s anything else you need, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

“Thank you, and I will.” Naomi accepted the envelope and headed for the elevator bank.

* * *

Just as Naomi entered the elevator, Lucius’s limousine pulled up to the Hilton’s entrance. Just as he’d promised his grandma Ruby, he’d called Jocelyn. Thankfully she hadn’t answered, so he’d left a message, giving him a reprieve from an unpleasant conversation.

The chauffeur opened the door of the limo, and Lucius stepped out, buttoning up his suit jacket as he entered the building. He was used to five-star establishments but knew that he needed to get in front of Naomi Brooks. He’d heard that she would be attending the expo, and the only way he could do that was to be as approachable as possible. Thus, he would stay in the same hotel with all the other attendees and exhibitors.

Content to handle business himself, he made short order of checking in. After obtaining his card, he headed for the elevator.

Some might consider his tactics a bit sneaky, but he needed to figure out Naomi Brooks. What were her strengths, her weaknesses? A smart businessman knew his opponent, because only then could he use the knowledge to his advantage. He was determined to add Brooks and Johnson to his portfolio. Having a company of that caliber under his wing would only lend itself to making Knight International more credible. He didn’t just want to be known as a corporate raider. He also wanted to be known as a man who stood for something, and this acquisition would give him credibility.

Disembarking from the elevator, Lucius headed to his two-bedroom suite. He glanced down the hall, wondering where Naomi was staying. It was just a matter of time before they met.

* * *

Naomi dressed simply yet professionally for the trade show and conference the next day. She’d knotted her wild curls into a bun off her face to show off her neck and cheekbones. Then she teamed a crisp three-quarter sleeved white shirt with a taupe pencil skirt and a thick brown belt with matching heeled sandals. She finished the look with a gold bangle set and long gold necklace. She glanced at herself in the mirror. The outfit was suitable for the office and could transition for an evening afterward.

She grabbed her briefcase and hobo purse and excitedly hurried toward the door. Fifteen minutes later, she’d already checked in with Brooks and Johnson’s event coordinator to make sure their booth was being set up and would be ready when the trade show opened later that afternoon. Assured that everything was under control, Naomi decided she could attend some of the workshops. Perhaps they might give her some inspiration?

She found one to her liking and headed to the right convention room. They were just starting, and there were many empty seats in the back of the room, so Naomi slid into one of them.

She was listening rapturously to the professor when she felt the seat beside her suddenly become occupied.

The scent of cedar washed over her nose as a strong thigh brushed against hers. Naomi’s breath hitched in her throat as she tried to focus on the lecture and not on the man sitting beside her. Whoever this stranger was, he smelled delicious, and Naomi couldn’t resist licking her lips.

“Good topic?” the deeply masculine voice asked from beside her.

Naomi didn’t turn around. She didn’t want to. For just a little bit longer she wanted to stay enveloped in his scent and let her imagination roam as she wondered who the owner of the rich masculine voice and sensual cologne was.

“Yes, it’s very timely,” she commented.


Naomi frowned. The masculine voice beside her sounded familiar. Like she’d heard it dozens of times before, like when he’d told some bullies in high school to leave her alone. Except now the voice had matured and was stronger, more confident. Naomi turned and stared directly into the dark brown eyes of Lucius Knight.

* * *

Does she recognize me? Lucius wondered. Or does she just know of me? Is she aware I’m after her company?

Naomi didn’t speak for several seconds; she just eyed him warily before turning back to face the front of the room. He could feel her tense beside him almost immediately. He’d hoped their first meeting would be smoother. He prided himself on his ability to charm the socks off almost anyone, including most women, but it seemed Naomi wasn’t interested.

Instead of replying to his earlier comment, she continued to focus on the lecture until the hour was complete. When it was over, Naomi rose and so did Lucius. “So where are you headed?”

She glanced over her shoulder at him. “To gather info and maybe learn something like everyone else.” And without another word, she left his side and walked up the aisle to speak with the professor. Lucius had no choice but to take action.

He purposely walked toward the duo. “Professor Duvall, great talk,” Lucius said.

“Coming from you, Mr. Knight,” the professor said, “that’s quite a compliment.”

Naomi said nothing from his side. Lucius could see she was fuming, because he hadn’t taken the hint to take a hike. “Lucius Knight.” He turned to her and offered his hand.

She would have to shake it if she didn’t want to appear unprofessional. When she did, Lucius was surprised by the reaction he felt when their hands touched. There was a spark, but she also didn’t offer her name. Instead, she snatched back her hand.

“I’m eager to hear more, professor. Perhaps we can have coffee sometime later?” Lucius reached inside his suit jacket and produced his business card. “Call me.” He nodded to the professor and strode purposely toward the door. He’d accomplished what he’d intended. Naomi knew he wouldn’t be ignored.

Lucius stepped away to take an emergency call from Adam about another acquisition and missed the next few lectures and a chance to catch up with Naomi.

After he’d put out the fire and grabbed some lunch, he was ready for the trade show that opened at 3:00 p.m. He showed his badge and was allowed entry into the show. He was perusing many of the exhibit booths that ranged from agriculture and beauty to fitness products when a certain curly-haired updo caught his attention.


Lucius made a beeline in her direction.

She was bent down, smelling some cocoa beans, when he approached.

“Smell something you like?”

* * *

You, Naomi thought when Lucius’s familiar scent drifted toward her. He probably tasted just as sweet as one of the organic milk chocolates in front of her. Why did she have to run into him now? She wasn’t ready and hadn’t had enough time to put on all her armor. Nor was she in any way prepared for the depth of the attraction she’d felt at the merest touch of his hand earlier.

It had startled her. That now, nearly sixteen years later, Lucius Knight would still have an effect on her. She was no young ingenue anymore.

“Did you hear me?”

Naomi blinked several times, bringing Lucius back into focus. “Excuse me?”

“I asked if you smelled something you like.” He inclined his head to the cache of cocoa beans she was holding.

“Oh, yes, it has some interesting notes that might work well for one of my product lines.”

“You own your own business?”

Naomi rolled her eyes. Really? Were they really going to play this game? Well, if he wanted to act like he didn’t know who she was, she would do the same. “Yes, I do. I own a line of organic personal and home care products, among other things.”

“So this expo is right up your alley.”

“Yes, and you? Why are you here?” Naomi realized her question was blunt, but it was to the point.

Lucius smiled but answered. “I own a variety of businesses and am interested in expanding my reach. The rise of organic products and healthy living has really caused me to evaluate what I want to venture into next.”

“Sounds reasonable.” Naomi handed the beans back to the exhibitor and began moving to the next table.

Much to her chagrin, Lucius followed. “How long have you been in business?”

“Eight years.”

“Impressive. Not many start-up businesses make it past the first year.”

Naomi shrugged. “We had a lot of support from the community. And you? How did you get your start?”

Lucius stared at her sideways. He seemed surprised by the question but answered her anyway. “I had a knack for determining companies worth investing in.”

“How vague,” Naomi replied.

An amused smile crossed his face as he looked down at her. And Naomi swallowed, shifting uncomfortably in her sandals.

A strange invisible pull was between them, and Naomi didn’t like it. Nor did she like the way Lucius stared at her like he wanted to gobble her up with a spoon or something. What was happening between them? It didn’t make any sense. She hadn’t seen him since she was fifteen years old, when he’d graduated from high school. She shouldn’t be feeling this way. Not again. And not now. Not when Lucius wanted to take away something very precious to her.

“I have to go.” She walked to another table several feet away.

“Why?” Lucius asked to her retreating back. “I thought we were finally getting somewhere.”

“Oh, yeah? Where was that?”

“If we’re both lucky, to a bedroom.”

His arrogant and shameless words caused Naomi to turn on her heel to face him. “What did you just say?”

Lucius’s smile was devastatingly handsome and also a bit devilish as he walked toward her. “You heard me. But if you want to act like you didn’t feel what I felt when we touched earlier or just now, I’ll bite and play the game.”

“Of all the nerve.” Naomi refused to even give what he said credence—even though he was right. If the simplest of touches could cause that kind of reaction, it was obvious there was something underlying, but Naomi wouldn’t be acknowledging it. Instead, she turned and walked away.

“Naomi, Naomi.” She heard her name being called and could see Alexis, her intern, waving her over to the Brooks and Johnson table. When she’d hired the interns, she’d told them that they were all on a first-name basis and could call her Naomi.

“No need to yell, Alexis,” Naomi said when she arrived. Her salespeople were already occupied with other customers, so Naomi headed straight for her. “What can I do for you?”

“Well, this gentleman wants to know how they might go about carrying our products at his stores,” Alexis replied with a smile.

Naomi smiled and hid her purse under the table. Now this man she could handle and knew what to do with. She immediately started explaining Brooks and Johnson’s mission statement and how they would be a great addition to his business. It didn’t take long for the man to hand her his card and tell her he’d be in touch to talk terms.

“That went wonderfully,” Naomi said five minutes later to Alexis, who was standing avidly by, soaking it all in.

“How’d you do that?” the young woman asked. They’d hired her to help with the trade show and she was still green.

“Experience,” Naomi replied. “Don’t worry, the more you’re exposed to these types of environments, the more you’ll learn.”

Applause sounded from behind Naomi. She didn’t need to know who was praising her. Lucius. The man refused to go away. He was like a puppy nipping at her heels.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself, Naomi Brooks,” Lucius responded. He held out his hand. “Pleasure to officially meet you.”

Chapter 3

Naomi thought about leaving Lucius hanging, but since she was in front of her intern, who looked to her as a mentor, Naomi had no choice but to accept the handshake. Lucius’s hand clasped her small one, and a ripple of excitement went up her spine at touching him again. He studied her face, waiting for a reaction.

Damn him!

She quickly released his hand and turned to her intern. “Alexis, I’d like you to meet—”

“Lucius Knight?” the girl finished. “Black Enterprise businessman of the year.”

“One and the same.” Lucius smiled broadly, and Naomi couldn’t fail to notice he had straight, pearly-white teeth. His charm hit the poor intern like a ton of bricks, and she blushed from ear to ear, her cheeks turning red.

“Oh, my God!” Alexis’s hand flew to her mouth. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“You as well,” Lucius said and turned back to stare at Naomi. His eyes pierced hers, and Naomi felt her heart hammer foolishly in her chest. She hated that she was having such a reaction to his obvious interest in her. If this had been sixteen years ago when she’d loved his rebel-without-a-cause image, she would have welcomed it, but not today.

“You could learn a lot from this woman,” she caught Lucius saying. “Naomi and her partner started this company from nothing and have grown into a multi billion-dollar enterprise, or so I’ve heard, while I’ve just gambled on the right companies.”

“Clearly your gambles paid off,” Naomi responded.

Lucius laughed heartily. And Naomi had to admit she liked the sound of it. “They usually do.”

“Arrogant,” Naomi muttered underneath her breath.

“What was that?” Lucius asked.

“Oh, nothing,” Naomi said. “Alexis, I’m going to get back to the trade show. The salespeople are available—” she motioned to her sales team, who’d finished with their customers “—as am I if you need me again, all right?”

“Sure thing, Naomi.” Alexis smiled.

Naomi retrieved her purse and started toward the other table, but stopped. “Are you coming?” she asked Lucius. Since it was obvious she wasn’t going to shake him, she might as well try to use his interest to find out more about what he had in store for Brooks and Johnson.

His face creased into a sudden smile. “Love to.”

* * *

Lucius was happy that Naomi softened toward him as the afternoon progressed. If she’d kept the hardened stance from earlier this morning, he would have his work cut out for him. But this more laid-back Naomi was more his speed. And if he played his cards right, their relationship would be more than just business.

When he’d seen her sitting there in the workshop, he couldn’t believe his luck. It was an opening for him to get to know Naomi and how she’d changed from awkward teenager to brilliant businesswoman. He hadn’t found out everything he wanted to know about Brooks and Johnson that afternoon, but he enjoyed her company. Perhaps it was because he found Naomi extremely attractive.

A luscious mane of spiral curls was piled atop her head, allowing him full view of her delicate neck and shoulders. Or was it the way she carried herself now? She was more confident and assured in that pencil skirt that hugged all the right places. The white shirt, though professional, gave him just a hint of cleavage that he was dying to find out what secrets were underneath.

Lucius didn’t know this version of Naomi Brooks. He remembered a gangly teenager who was so socially awkward the students in their high school made fun of her. He’d protected her once when a gang of bullies razzed her. Adam probably thought he didn’t remember, but he had. She’d looked so small and innocent back then, unable to take care of herself.

But this new Naomi Brooks was a force to be reckoned with. Lucius had a feeling that a takeover of her company wouldn’t be as easy as he’d thought. Naomi wasn’t just going to lie down and roll over. She was going to fight him, but Lucius was more than ready for the challenge.

“How about a cocktail?” Lucius asked when they’d both seen enough of the east wing of the trade show and everyone was starting to pack up for the end of the day.

“I don’t think so.”

“C’mon,” Lucius said. “What are you going to do? Go back to you room and order room service?”

Naomi chuckled, and Lucius suspected that was exactly what she was going to do. “Only if I get to take off this outfit and put on something more comfortable.”

Visions of Naomi naked sprang to Lucius’s mind, but he blinked them back. “Deal. How about I meet you downstairs in the lounge in fifteen minutes?”

“You’re on.”

* * *

Ten minutes later, Naomi paced her hotel room after she’d changed into jeans and a tank top and let down her hair. It was her usual attire after a long day, but the reason why wasn’t. Why had she agreed to a drink with Lucius? The man couldn’t be trusted. He’d already acted like he didn’t know who she was when she knew darn well he’d done his research on her. Did he remember they’d gone to high school together? Did he remember when she’d followed him like a lovesick puppy dog after he’d saved her from some bullies?

Of course he didn’t. He was Lucius Knight, international playboy and heart stealer. Why would he remember a gangly, pimple-faced teenage girl?

It was no wonder her heart had palpitated around him, because that was Lucius’s appeal. He reeled women in then tossed them aside when he was done. She’d read the tabloids, seen him with gaggles of beautiful women, models and actresses alike. Naomi wouldn’t become one of those women.

But those dark eyes. They seemed to look into her soul. And those lips...they were full and kissable.

Stop. Stop. Stop.

She had to remind herself that she was in control. Of her own destiny and her company’s fate. She would and could resist Lucius, even if he turned on his full charm, which she was sure he would do tonight. But she would be on her guard.

* * *

Lucius rose from his lounge chair when he saw Naomi enter the room. Damn, the woman was fine as hell! She made ripped jeans and a tank look like she was wearing the slinkiest dress ever. As she walked toward him, Lucius was aware of how the jeans rode low and snug around her hips. How the tank clung to her breasts, tapering down to her narrow waist. Lord almighty, he was in trouble.

“Naomi.” He pulled out her chair.

“Lucius.” She sat down and he joined her in the opposite chair.

“What can I get you to drink?” He motioned the nearby waiter over.

“I’ll have a pomegranate martini.”

He rattled off her order to the waiter and turned back to face her. “I like you in casual attire. It suits you.”

“More than my business attire?”

Lucius shook his head. “Not more than, just that you appear more yourself.”

“And how would you know that?” she countered.

He dodged her question. “Am I wrong?”

She laughed and leaned back in her chair. “No, I prefer jeans to suits and skirts, but it’s a necessary evil at times.”

“Agreed. So tell me, Naomi, how does someone as young and vibrant as you decide to take on starting her own business?”

Naomi shrugged. “It might have been a notion to some, but Kelsey and I—that’s my business partner,” she added, even though he already knew this information, “didn’t want a nine-to-five job. We wanted to be in charge of our own destiny.”

“I can understand that,” Lucius responded. “I wanted the same thing. To be my own man.”

“From the looks of it you succeeded,” Naomi replied.

“Wow. That sounds like an insult coming from you.”

Naomi shook her head. “Not an insult, just the truth. You’ve done quite well for yourself, Lucius Knight. Not only are you in the business magazines as a self-made millionaire, but you’re also in every gossip rag, thanks to your dalliances with beautiful women. Unlike most rich men, you’re not spoiled, but you definitely have their confidence and arrogance.”

“And I take it those are traits you don’t admire?”

“Quite the contrary. I admire confidence and believing in oneself.”

“But not my arrogance?”

Her brow rose. “Wasn’t it you who pretty much ordered me to meet you down here for a cocktail?”

“I didn’t order you. You were welcome to decline the invitation.”

“I doubt you would have taken no for an answer.”

He threw back his head and let out a peal of laughter. She was right. He wouldn’t have taken no for answer, not when he suspected that Naomi found him equally as attractive as he found her. “All right, Naomi. I suppose you’re right. Would it also surprise you to know that I knew who you were before we met?”
