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Risky Business of Love
Walking around the pool table, she handled the cue stick with ease, landing several more shots. And just as easily as she’d insinuated herself into their game, she exited and came toward the bar.
Ciara sighed wearily. She hated coming to places like this. They reminded her too much of her mother’s dancing days, but oddly enough it was bars like this that made her feel the most comfortable after a long, hard day.
“Can I get a whiskey sour?” she demanded, leaning back against the bar and surveying the room.
“Mighty strong drink for a lady,” Jonathan stated.
Ciara squared her shoulders. “And how would you know what I need?” she asked defensively. She’d had a hard day at work with Shannon riding her tail and she was in no mood for a do-gooder. All she wanted was to drink in peace.
Jonathan grinned. Apparently, the lady had a hell of an attitude. “I don’t, but if you want to drive home this evening then you had better not have too many of those.”
“And how do you know I intend to drive home?” she asked, glaring at him.
Jonathan noticed that anger had caused her hazel eyes to turn slightly green. He felt his manhood swell immediately. It had been too long since a woman had turned him on this quickly.
The bartender slid the drink her way and she wasted no time in emptying the contents of the glass and pushing it back his way.
“Another, please,” she said with authority. Perhaps she had something to prove.
“Slow down,” Jonathan said. “Those things can creep up on you.” He took another swig of his beer.
“Thanks for the advice, but I know how to take care of myself,” Ciara replied, finally turning in his direction. When she did, she was blown away.
She didn’t think they even made ’em as delicious as him anymore. Tall. Broad shoulders. Skin the color of buttermilk. And that square jaw and those chiseled cheekbones. Ciara felt herself warm instantly. Back in her college days, a tall, fair-skinned, attractive brother would not have remained single for long.
“I’m sure you can,” he replied, raising his bottle and clicking it against her glass. “Cheers.”
“Cheers.” Ciara attempted a smile. “Listen, I’m sorry, okay? I had a bad day at work and I just came here to get a drink and decompress.”
“I understand.” His face split into a wide grin. “Mine wasn’t the best either.” Outside of Zach agreeing to be his campaign manager, he hated being bullied into letting Reid be his adviser, but he didn’t want to be at odds with his father. “Why don’t you tell me about it?”
Her eyes rolled upward and Jonathan took that to mean she didn’t want to talk. And that was fine with him. He’d be content just sitting beside her and looking at her. She was a beautiful woman and it had been a while since he’d felt an instant attraction to someone. It surprised him because he was usually cautious by nature. Hell, in his profession he had to be. He always thought first before acting, but this time was different. This time he wanted to act on his desires.
Ciara caught the passionate stare from the stranger at her side. It was pretty hard not to. He made no effort to hide his obvious interest in her.
Ciara lifted the glass to her lips and gulped some of the fiery liquid. Warmth immediately flooded through her veins. Maybe a little fun with a mysterious stranger might do her some good. Get her mind off her lack of upward mobility in her career.
“What do you say we get out of here?” Ciara suggested, brushing her arm against his. The sheer magnitude of his presence both overwhelmed and excited Ciara, causing her to feel a vibration deep within the pit of her stomach and that was from only a touch. Imagine what the full-court press would feel like?
Jonathan raised a brow. If he understood her intent, then she wanted him as much as he wanted her.
“Are you sure about that?” Jonathan asked because once they got started he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop.
A spark of fire flashed in Ciara’s hazel eyes.
“Then let’s get out of here,” Jonathan replied, tipping back his head and draining the contents of his bottle. He grabbed his suit jacket off the back of the bar stool, grasped her by the hand and quickly led her out of the bar.
They were both quiet on the short drive to his penthouse. Jonathan secretly wondered if she wanted to back out. He sure hoped not; they had come this far and there was no turning back now. He’d been on edge the moment he’d seen her walk into the club. He’d known from the way she’d seductively stuck out her fanny while playing pool that this moment was a foregone conclusion.
With the late hour, traffic was light and they were at his building within minutes. When the car came to a complete stop, excitement surged through every fiber of Ciara’s being. She hadn’t been this naughty in quite a while, but boy did it feel good! Making love with this stranger would not only be scandalous, but totally sinful. He looked like a man familiar with a woman’s body and how to please it. Ciara easily imagined those big strong hands roaming over every inch of her body and she was ready to get it on.
She didn’t wait for Jonathan to come around and open the passenger door. Instead, she hopped out and followed him. He punched the up elevator button and impatiently they waited for it to arrive.
On the ride up, they were both silent for several minutes, each electrified by the other’s nearness. Jonathan was the first to give in and pull Ciara into his arms. Dipping his head, he did exactly what he had wanted to do since first spotting her and that was kiss her senseless. Ciara responded with equal enthusiasm to his hard and searching kiss. She blocked out where she was and focused on the exciting stimuli of Jonathan’s soft lips and warm tongue as it dove inside her mouth. Her breasts grew heavy and the place between her thighs became slick with moisture. When the elevator finally came to a jolting halt, they separated slightly dazed.
“This way,” Jonathan said, exiting the elevator and pulling Ciara toward his penthouse apartment. Reaching inside his breast pocket, he pulled out his key, but fumbled inserting it into the cylinder, so Ciara took it from him, inserted it herself and entered the foyer.
As he followed her inside, Jonathan realized that he didn’t know her name. “Don’t you think it’s time we finally exchanged names?” he asked, kicking the door shut.
“Why? Isn’t it better this way?” she replied. “You know, less complicated.”
“I suppose.”
“C’mon, don’t tell me you’re going to chicken out now that I’m here?” Ciara teased.
Jonathan thought about it for a minute. She was challenging him to live dangerously. Do the unexpected. The problem was he was so used to being predictable that he didn’t know how to proceed. Maybe she was right. It would be less complicated this way. Clearly she had no idea who he was and that he was running for office. If she had known, she could decide to use it against him down the road. Maybe it would be better not to exchange names. “If that’s the way you want it,” he said finally.
“Yes, it is,” Ciara stated emphatically. She wanted one passionate night in this stranger’s embrace and afterward they would go their separate ways. Just how she liked it. “Can you handle that?”
“If you can, then I’m game,” Jonathan said, hungrily staring at her.
Ciara’s anticipation heightened at his intense gaze and the thought of him tantalizing her entire body for the rest of the night. “I hope you know that I didn’t come out tonight with the intention of getting laid.”
“Neither did I,” Jonathan admitted. “But I’m sure glad we met.” Whether it was due to her come-hither look or her amazingly curvy body, all Jonathan knew was that any resolve he’d had vanished. Bracing one hand against the wall over her head, he leaned in and pressed her body against the wall. He moved his groin against her hot flesh and swiftly, he covered her mouth with his.
The gentle caress of his lips was a delicious sensation that Ciara wanted to savor over and over again. She parted her mouth and allowed him to deepen the kiss and stroke his tongue intimately with hers. “Has anyone ever told you you’re a fabulous kisser?” Ciara said, pulling away from him and tossing her purse on the hall counter. She was completely aroused.
Jonathan smiled. “A time or two.” He wanted her so bad he wasted no time tossing his overcoat on the floor. He hastily started undressing as he made his way to the living room.
A sense of urgency rose in Ciara, too, as she followed him. “Let me help you with that.” She reached down and helped him unbuckle his pants. Once his belt was unlooped, she threw it across the room and his pants fell in an instant. “A briefs man. Oh, I like,” she growled, kicking off her pumps.
Jonathan’s libido was in overdrive. He quickly unbuttoned her silk blouse, which revealed a lacy bra underneath. Earlier he’d wondered how her breasts would look and now he would find out. Quickly, he unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. He was immensely pleased by the sight before him; her full C-cup breasts were ample and he hungered to taste them, but first he wanted to rid her of all clothing.
Lowering the zipper, he helped her wiggle out of her skirt with trembling fingers until it fell in a puddle on the floor. Ciara watched Jonathan’s gaze travel down to the scrap of material covering her feminine mound and heard him utter a low groan beneath his breath. It didn’t take long for Ciara’s damp bikini panties to soon follow the same path as her skirt, until she stood naked in front of him.
Jonathan’s eyes raked boldly over her and mere seconds passed before they both reached for each other at the same time. He curled his arm around her waist and pulled her firmly against his full arousal. He wanted her to know how turned on he was. Ciara understood his meaning and, instead of backing away, she grabbed both sides of his face and brought his mouth firmly down on hers and they fell to the couch.
Jonathan was completely in charge, using one hand to bring both her arms above her head. Then he nuzzled and nibbled at her earlobes and neck. He continued his ministrations by planting tantalizing kisses along the hollow of her neck, causing Ciara to throw her head back in abandon and moan aloud.
His tongue’s path continued downward, stopping only when he came to the swell of her breasts. That was when Jonathan lowered his head and latched on to her right breast, sucking generously as if he were a newborn baby getting milk from its mother. While his tongue teased and pleased her upper body, Jonathan used his hand to slide down her taut stomach until he reached her core. When he did, he lightly stroked her womanly nub as if he were gently stoking a growing fire until she became slick and wet.
Ciara moaned her pleasure when Jonathan turned his attention to the other breast, laving the nipple with his tongue until it turned into a rocky pebble. “Yes, oh yes,” Ciara said.
“That feels good,” she whispered, encouraging him. But she wanted more. She wanted to feel his hot, enlarged shaft pulsating inside her.
“I want you now,” Ciara ordered.
“I want you, too,” he said, but he wanted to do it the right way and take her in his bedroom and make love to her slowly. His body couldn’t wait, though; his manhood was throbbing for release.
“Then take me,” Ciara said, boldly meeting his molten stare. She wanted him right then. Wherever and however.
Jonathan bent down, grabbed his pants and pulled a condom out of his wallet. He quickly sheathed his enlarged penis, protecting them both. Lifting Ciara’s leg, he plunged deep inside her moist haven. He pulled back slowly, allowing Ciara’s body to register his thick, hard member inside of her before filling her completely. Then he began a steady pumping motion, bringing them to the edge of a precipice before slowing the pace again.
“Wrap your legs around me,” he said, bodily lifting her off the couch. When he ground his hips intimately against her and squeezed her buttocks, exquisite pleasure took hold of Ciara, causing her to clench her thighs tighter and tighter. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and she kissed his ears, neck and chest, inhaling his musky masculine scent.
Jonathan uttered a low growl in the back of his throat when he felt her muscles contract around him. As their bodies rocked with that age-old rhythm, Ciara’s breathing became more shallow and she gasped for breath. And when Jonathan gave one final thrust, a burst of bright light surrounded Ciara as she spiraled out of control and into the abyss. Seconds later, a shudder racked Jonathan’s body and he fell on top of her. After a moment, he rolled over onto his side.
“Wow!” Jonathan whispered in her ear, smoothing down her hair with one hand.
“That was pretty amazing!” Ciara exhaled as she finally caught her breath and laid her head down against his chest.
“You’re telling me,” Jonathan said. He wiped his brow and swallowed hard, hoping to force more air into his lungs.
“Ready for the next round?” Ciara inquired.
Jonathan smiled. The woman was insatiable! “Slow down, we’ve got all night.”
The next morning Jonathan awoke feeling alive and exuberant, but when he turned to gather the mystery woman in his arms, he found the bed empty. The only reminder of the night before was an indentation of where her body had lain.
Disappointed, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He’d hoped to share breakfast with the woman who’d sated his every desire last night and this morning. But instead of sleeping over, she’d skulked off. He guessed she didn’t want to be reminded of her scandalous behavior in the morning light. But oh how great it had been! Whoever she was, she’d known exactly how to please him.
Twenty minutes later, Ciara inserted her key into the lock and rushed inside the apartment she shared with her sister.
It was nearly seven o’clock and if she didn’t hurry, she was going to be late for work and Shannon would probably have a cow. She was heading toward her bedroom door when the bathroom door opened and Rachel appeared through a cloud of mist.
“And look who shows up the next morning,” Rachel commented, cinching her robe tighter around herself. “Do you know how many calls I made when you didn’t come home?”
Ciara hung her head low. “I’m sorry, sis,” she replied, rushing to her room. Rachel followed behind her and watched Ciara sort through her closet for something to wear.
“It would be nice if you’d called. I was worried,” Rachel said, sitting down on Ciara’s four-poster bed. “It was so unlike you to stay out all night. You always come home.”
Ciara smiled when she looked at Rachel because it was like looking at a younger version of herself, except Rachel was several inches taller and had darker hair. She had similar facial features as Ciara and the same almond-shaped eyes.
“I know, I know,” Ciara said as she undressed. “It’s just that the mystery man last night was so different from all the other men I’ve been with. I can’t explain it, really.” Once she was in her undies, she grabbed her robe from the bedpost and tied it around her middle.
“It was that good, huh?” Rachel asked.
“Just be careful,” Rachel advised. “You know nothing about this man. He was a complete stranger.”
An image of his naked form flashed before Ciara’s eyes, causing her to smile naughtily. “I know enough.” Who could forget those big strong hands and that big powerful member as it thrust into her aroused flesh over and over. Ciara had to blink several times to control her racing hormones.
“Besides that,” Rachel sighed.
“C’mon, Rach, you’ve got to know what an adrenaline rush it is when you’re with a man.” Ciara’s hazel eyes lit up as she spoke. “It’s like when you’re on a really great roller coaster and it’s so thrilling that you have to get back on again and again. Just to feel that rush of excitement. Well that’s what this feels like.” Ciara left her bedroom and grabbed a fresh towel out of the hall closet.
“Well, then I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” Rachel said.
Ciara wondered if her comment was genuine because Rachel was much more cautious than she was. She rarely dated while Ciara was known for leaping before she looked.
“So are you going to see him again?”
“Why not?”
“Because it was a one-time thing never to be repeated,” Ciara replied. “Although I must admit he totally relaxed me last night. You should try it sometime, little sis.” Ciara smacked her on the butt with the towel and rushed off to the bathroom, leaving Rachel to stare openmouthedly after her retreating form.
“Are you ready?” Charles Butler asked as he rose from behind his desk and stood in front of his son, Jonathan. They were in his office and on their way to his resignation speech at Independence Hall later that morning.
“Give me a minute, okay?” Jonathan said, pushing past his father and adjusting his tie in front of the mirror. With all the people surrounding him of late, Jonathan couldn’t breathe.
“Here, let me do that, honey.” Dominique Butler jumped up from the couch and helped her son with his tie. As she stared into his piercing brown eyes, Dominique couldn’t be more proud of her handsome, articulate and charismatic son. She had little doubt that all of her husband’s constituents would be lining up to vote for her son.
“Is all this hoopla really necessary?” Jonathan wondered aloud to whoever was listening. “I’m not even announcing my candidacy.” You’d think he was, considering how his parents were wound so tight. But he guessed he shouldn’t be surprised; he’d been working toward this moment his entire life.
For years, he’d worked on his father’s campaigns, had stood by his father’s side countless times when he’d run for Congress. Not to mention the fact that he’d run his own successful campaign for city council. Now that his father was stepping down from his congressional seat, Jonathan was more than ready for this next challenge in his career. He’d dreamed of this moment.
“You have no idea,” Charles Butler said, grabbing his son’s shoulders. “You may not be announcing today, but rest assured the press is scrutinizing your every move. They didn’t just fall off the turnip truck. They know an announcement is forthcoming so you’ve got to be on top of your game.”
“The press are like vultures,” Reid Hamilton chimed in. “They are always looking for a crack in your facade.”
Of course he would agree, Jonathan thought. Reid knew how to suck up to his father. Jonathan had never much cared for the man. Thought he was too smooth and slick, but his father had always thought the sun and moon shone on Reid.
“All done,” Dominique said, patting her son’s chest. He peeked over her shoulder. His mom sure made a damn good tie. Then again, she’d had years of practice.
“Thanks, Mom.” He softly kissed her cheek. “And I appreciate all the advice, guys, but I’m prepared for the challenges ahead.”
“Don’t let your arrogance stand in your way,” his father criticized.
“I’m not arrogant, Father,” Jonathan returned, picking up his speech notes and glancing over them. “I’m just confident in my abilities. How much longer?”
Just look at him, thought Reid, inwardly seething. So smug and so sure of himself. Who did he think he was? Reid glanced down at his watch. “The press conference will convene in about fifteen minutes.”
“Reid, could you give us a minute?” Charles asked his soon-to-be ex-chief of staff.
Once the door was closed, Charles laid into his son.
“All right, son. Before we go out there, is there anything you want to ask me?”
“Just one thing,” Jonathan asked. “How did you manage to do this job for so long?
Charles Butler chuckled. “A stiff stomach.”
Ciara was on her way to check the assignments board when Shannon stopped her later that morning. Ciara suspected it was because she’d missed the daily meeting. “Ciara, I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Shannon said.
“Why? What’s going on?” Ciara asked excitedly. Maybe Shannon was finally giving her a story she could sink her teeth into.
“Becky started having some abdominal pains, so I sent her off to the hospital.”
“Oh no, what about the baby?” Ciara asked. Her colleague Becky was only six months pregnant. It would be much too soon for a delivery.
“We can only hope that she’s okay,” Shannon replied.
“Well, Becky will be in my prayers.” Ciara started down the hall, but Shannon stopped her.
“That’s good to know, but that isn’t why I was looking for you. Becky’s absence has left a hole on the political beat and I need someone to replace her quick.”
Ciara shook her head. Please not her. Ciara hated politics. It was as boring as a pile of rocks. Ciara had seen poor Becky going to the endless benefits, fund-raisers and rallies, and she wanted no part.
“Shannon, please.”
“Sorry, kid. No can do,” Shannon replied. “I need a reporter and you’re it. Congressman Butler is announcing he’s stepping down today and I need someone there like yesterday.”
“And that’s news?” Ciara asked.
Shannon rolled her eyes upward. The kid still had a lot to learn—news wasn’t all about homicides or weather disasters.
“I’m just joking,” Ciara replied. “When and where?”
“At Independence Hall at 11:00 a.m.”
Ciara glanced down at her watch. It read ten o’clock. “Thanks a lot, Shannon. That sure doesn’t give me any time.”
Shannon shrugged her shoulders. “Then I guess you had better get a move on it, hadn’t you?”
When Shannon turned and walked away, Ciara rolled her eyes upward. She would show that witch what she was capable of and then Shannon would be begging her to take the top anchor’s spot. Grabbing her notepad and tape recorder, Ciara went in search of Lance.
An hour later, she pushed her way through the crowd of reporters to get a prime location for Congressman Butler’s resignation speech at Independence Hall. “Excuse me. Excuse me.” Lance was right behind her, serving as a shield when some reporters gave her dirty looks.
“Okay, this is perfect,” said Ciara once they’d finally made their way to the front of the pack. “I want you to get a good shot of Congressman Butler.” They’d discussed what she was looking for and her expectations for the story on the drive over.
“Will do,” Lance said, focusing his camera on the podium. “Have you heard that his son may be running for office?”
Ciara turned around to face him. “Yes, I’d heard that rumor, but nothing’s official yet. Though I’m sure he’s a shoo-in. He comes from a political family with a spotless reputation.”
“Have you seen him before? I heard he’s quite attractive,” Lance teased. He knew how Ciara enjoyed pretty boys.
“Hmmm, I doubt he’s all that,” Ciara commented. “Those political types are always stiff fuddy-duddies.”
“Is that right?” Lance asked as the Butlers took the opportunity to appear at just that moment. Ciara would sure be surprised though because Jonathan Butler was a far cry from one of those political types. Matter of fact, he looked exactly like Ciara’s cup of tea.
“Well, of course.” Ciara whirled around, but when she did she nearly lost her balance because the drop-dead gorgeous Jonathan Butler was not a stiff fuddyduddy at all, but the sexy mystery man from last night.
Ciara was completely thrown as the Butlers stepped onto the podium. Charles was first, standing center stage, while his wife, Dominique; son, Jonathan; and campaign manager, Reid Hamilton, flagged either side of him. Several female reporters nearly pushed her aside as all eyes focused on the handsome specimen of a man standing in front of them.
Charles Butler approached the mike and gave a brief speech that summarized what the press already knew—that he’d enjoyed his tenure in office, but after twenty-five years he was stepping down due to angina.
Ciara heard none of it though because her heart was thumping so loudly in her chest, she could hardly think.
How could her one-night stand be Jonathan Butler? It hardly seemed possible. Maybe she should make a fast exit before he noticed her.