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Do Good Well. Your Guide to Leadership, Action, and Social Innovation – Przybylo Jennifer

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Written with a fresh voice and a dash of humor, Do Good Well is an exciting and readily adaptable guide to social innovation that not only captures the entrepreneurial and creative spirit of our time, but also harnesses the insights, wisdom, and down-to-earth experience of today’s most accomplished young leaders. Do Good Well offers a winning combination of theory, anecdote, and application, giving you the framework you need to make an impact next door or across the world. The authors present a 12-step process that empowers readers to act on their passions and concerns. This process is organized into three parts: Do What Works, Work Together, and Make It Last. They offer specific guidance for following the process through practical and prescriptive actions such building organizations, joining boards, applying for funding, creating partnerships with organizations that have similar goals, organizing conferences, and publicizing events. The book incorporates accounts of young people in action, and always reinforces the message that social innovation can be a lifestyle, made up of efforts small and large. It is not an all-or nothing proposition, and anyone can affect social change.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118420713

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