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Pathways to the Profession of Educational Development. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 122 – McDonald Jeanette

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The contributors to this volume are academics working directly or indirectly with teaching and learning centers and professional communities, serving in the capacity of educational developer, researcher, or specialist; unit manager or director; or senior administrator. Drawing on survey and interview data, individual experience or perspective, and familiarity with the educational literature, they offer a context to understand and appreciate how the field of educational development, developer practice, and individual pathways have evolved, further highlighting what territory remains to be explored and uncovered. Over the last fifty years, educational development has evolved from an informal set of instructional improvement activities championed by individuals to a scholarly field of study and practice that aims to advance teaching and learning at the individual, institutional and (more recently) sector levels. During this time, educational development work has moved from the fringes to the mainstream of the higher education landscape, bringing to the community a diverse group of dedicated academic professionals. This volume draws on their experience and insight to provide an invaluable guide to future challenges and issues. This is the 122nd volume of the Jossey-Bass higher education quarterly report series New Directions for Teaching and Learning, which offers a comprehensive range of ideas and techniques for improving college teaching based on the experience of seasoned instructors and the latest findings of educational and psychological researchers.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118173756

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