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Win with Advanced Business Analytics. Creating Business Value from Your Data – Jean-Paul Isson

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Plain English guidance for strategic business analytics and big data implementation In today's challenging economy, business analytics and big data have become more and more ubiquitous. While some businesses don't even know where to start, others are struggling to move from beyond basic reporting. In some instances management and executives do not see the value of analytics or have a clear understanding of business analytics vision mandate and benefits. Win with Advanced Analytics focuses on integrating multiple types of intelligence, such as web analytics, customer feedback, competitive intelligence, customer behavior, and industry intelligence into your business practice. Provides the essential concept and framework to implement business analytics Written clearly for a nontechnical audience Filled with case studies across a variety of industries Uniquely focuses on integrating multiple types of big data intelligence into your business Companies now operate on a global scale and are inundated with a large volume of data from multiple locations and sources: B2B data, B2C data, traffic data, transactional data, third party vendor data, macroeconomic data, etc. Packed with case studies from multiple countries across a variety of industries, Win with Advanced Analytics provides a comprehensive framework and applications of how to leverage business analytics/big data to outpace the competition.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118420515

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