Книги автора Автор не определен
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Essentials of Computational Chemistry provides a balanced introduction to this dynamic subject. Suitable for both experimentalists and theor…
Essentials of Computational Chemistry provides a balanced introduction to this dynamic subject. Suitable for both experimentalists and theor…
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газеты, политологияHydrothermal Properties of Materials: Experimental Data on Aqueous Phase Equilibria and Solution Properties at Elevated Temperatures and Pre…
Hydrothermal Properties of Materials: Experimental Data on Aqueous Phase Equilibria and Solution Properties at Elevated Temperatures and Pre…
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современная русская литература, русское фэнтези, юмор и сатираThis series provides the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discip…
This series provides the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discip…
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биология 9 класс, ГИА по биологии (ОГЭ, ГВЭ), экзамен по биологии, задания по биологии, подготовка к экзаменам, основной государственный экзамен (ОГЭ)All the information and tools needed to set up a successful method validation system Validating Chromatographic Methods brings order and Cur…
All the information and tools needed to set up a successful method validation system Validating Chromatographic Methods brings order and Cur…
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отраслевые издания, интерьеры, бизнес-журналы, научно-практические журналы, дизайн интерьера, советы профессионалов, отделочные материалы, печи и камины, отопительные системыEasy-to-follow guide helps you take full advantage of EPR spectroscopy's capabilities Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: A Practitioner's Tool…
Easy-to-follow guide helps you take full advantage of EPR spectroscopy's capabilities Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: A Practitioner's Tool…
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As analytical chemistry and biology move closer together, biologists are performing increasingly sophisticated analytical techniques on cell…
As analytical chemistry and biology move closer together, biologists are performing increasingly sophisticated analytical techniques on cell…
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интерьеры, журналы о доме и семье, дизайн, дизайн интерьера, мебель, отделочные материалы, перепланировка квартиры, предметы интерьера, lifestyle / стиль жизни, ремонт в квартиреThis laboratory guide for successful electrophoretic separations is divided into two parts to provide readers with a thorough presentation o…
This laboratory guide for successful electrophoretic separations is divided into two parts to provide readers with a thorough presentation o…
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Thoroughly revised, with either entirely new or completely updated contents, this is a practical manual for the small and large-scale prepar…
Thoroughly revised, with either entirely new or completely updated contents, this is a practical manual for the small and large-scale prepar…
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английский язык, словарный запас, изучение иностранных языков, Intermediate level, учебно-практические пособия, языковые упражнения, книги для чтения на английском языкеThis comprehensive reference and handbook covers all aspects of ultrasound for analytical applications. Besides classical extraction techniq…
This comprehensive reference and handbook covers all aspects of ultrasound for analytical applications. Besides classical extraction techniq…
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научно-популярные журналы, научные открытия, интересные факты, познавательная литература, научное творчество, выдающиеся ученые, научно-исследовательская деятельность, просто о сложномThe essential introduction to the understanding of the structure of inorganic solids and materials. This revised and updated 2nd Edition loo…
The essential introduction to the understanding of the structure of inorganic solids and materials. This revised and updated 2nd Edition loo…
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This book offers a comprehensive overview of the rapidly developing field of cluster science. In an interdisciplinary approach, basic concep…
This book offers a comprehensive overview of the rapidly developing field of cluster science. In an interdisciplinary approach, basic concep…
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газеты, книги по экономике, публицистикаThis comprehensive book covers various aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology and what is known about the potential environmental and hea…
This comprehensive book covers various aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology and what is known about the potential environmental and hea…
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социальная психология, газеты, политология, книги по экономикеA thorough survey of synthetic methods, chemistry, and applications of major classes of fluorinated heterocycles Merging organic, heterocycl…
A thorough survey of synthetic methods, chemistry, and applications of major classes of fluorinated heterocycles Merging organic, heterocycl…
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are toxic, resistant to degradation, bioaccumulative, and display wide spatial distribution. They accum…
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кулинария, хозяйке на заметку, блюда из овощей, оригинальные рецепты, мастера кулинарии, готовим вкусноOrganonickel chemistry plays an increasingly important role in organic chemistry, and interest in this topic is now just as keen as in organ…
Organonickel chemistry plays an increasingly important role in organic chemistry, and interest in this topic is now just as keen as in organ…
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The carbonyl group is undoubtedly one of the most important functional groups in organic chemistry, both in its role as reactive center for …
The carbonyl group is undoubtedly one of the most important functional groups in organic chemistry, both in its role as reactive center for …
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At the very latest, with the award of the 2001 Nobel Prize for work on asymmetric oxidation, there has been a need for a comprehensive book …
At the very latest, with the award of the 2001 Nobel Prize for work on asymmetric oxidation, there has been a need for a comprehensive book …
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While this important reaction class is among the most important and most widely used in organic chemistry, this is the first book to summari…
While this important reaction class is among the most important and most widely used in organic chemistry, this is the first book to summari…
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Organic compounds containing amino groups are at the center of modern organic chemistry, and are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry,…
Organic compounds containing amino groups are at the center of modern organic chemistry, and are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry,…
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The volumes in this continuing series provide a compilation of current techniques and ideas in inorganic synthetic chemistry. Includes inorg…
The volumes in this continuing series provide a compilation of current techniques and ideas in inorganic synthetic chemistry. Includes inorg…