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Glacial Sedimentary Processes and Products (Special Publication 39 of the IAS) – Bryn Hubbard

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Associating ice masses with the transport and deposition of sediments has long formed a central theme in glaciology and glacial geomorphology. The reason for this focus is clear, in that ice masses are responsible for much of the physical landscape which characterizes the Earth's glaciated regions. This association also holds at a variety of scales, for example, from the grain-size characteristics of small-scale moraines to the structural architecture of large-scale, glacigenic sedimentary sequences in both surface and subaqueous environments. This volume brings numerous state-of-the-art research contributions together, each relating to a different physical setting, spatial scale, process or investigative technique. The result is a diverse and interesting collection of papers by glaciologists, numerical modellers and glacial geologists, which are all linked by the theme of investigating the relationships between the behaviour of ice masses and their resulting sedimentary sequences.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781444304442

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