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Chance – Alex Hines

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Do you secretly dream of whirling across the dance floor in a dress more glamour personified than Joan Collins circa 1955? Are you still waiting for the love of your life to materialise (your boyfriend just doesn’t know it yet)? Do you love Strictly Come Dancing?Ava Dunne is trapped in a floundering relationship with Salisbury’s most unromantic boyfriend. Her domineering sister Lauren’s plans for a grand wedding are threatening to take over her existence, and thoughts of the hideous dress Lauren’s chosen for her to wear on the big day offer little distraction from monotonous village life.Until she joins a local dance class. OK, so it’s not exactly Strictly, her number one favourite TV show, but it’s a start. But then a handsome stranger from the neighbouring village joins the class and Ava’s life gets a whole lot more exciting. Will she finally get the Big Romance that has so far eluded her with this charming dance partner, or should she just count her blessings and settle with pragmatic Rob?As the latest series of Strictly Come Dancing draws closer, her boyfriend becomes ever more tedious and the dance classes become an increasingly alluring diversion, Ava must make a decision that will change the direction of her life forever.Prepare to be whisked off your feet with the second long-awaited Strictly Come Dancing novel.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780007429110
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