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She flipped onto her right side, pushing her face into the pillow. She’d just have to find some way of dealing with the irresponsible way he made her feel. She’d disguised her true feelings for years. This time wouldn’t be any different. Because Cole Richards was going to help her prove that Trent Dixon caused Jordan’s death whether he wanted to or not.

Nothing could interfere with that.

Chapter 6

Tempest spotted Noelle across the courtyard and waved to her. Even before Tempest reached where she stood, Noelle saw the lines of strain beneath the striking hazel eyes.

“Are you all right, chère?” Noelle asked when Tempest approached.

“Just a little tired,” Tempest answered lamely.

Noelle looked hard at her friend. “Now how long have we been friends?” Noelle taunted, tossing Tempest’s own question back at her.

Tempest sighed heavily and sat down on the bench beneath a huge transplanted palm tree. Noelle sat beside her and waited.

“Braxton left last night,” she blurted out.

Noelle frowned. “Just like that?” She snapped her fingers for emphasis.

“Yes. Just like that.” Tempest repeated the gesture.

“I don’t understand.”

“He claims he has another job in Brazil that needs his immediate attention.”

“But isn’t your daughter, Kai, coming in today?”

Tempest nodded. “I’m on my way to the airport now to meet her and Mrs. Harding.”

“I thought Braxton was going to use this time to spend with you and Kai?”

“That’s what I thought,” Tempest complained. “We spent the entire night arguing about it. He still insisted that he had to go.”

That would explain why she didn’t see them at dinner last night, Noelle guessed. She searched for something comforting to say. “Perhaps it is important. I can’t imagine that he would leave without seeing his daughter if it wasn’t urgent.”

Tempest stood up, smoothing the aqua-colored suit jacket. She looked off toward the horizon.

“Things have been very strained between Braxton and me for a while,” she admitted softly. She turned toward Noelle. “Our schedules are so hectic we hardly see each other. Then when we do—” her voice trembled “—it’ salmost like we’re two strangers. It was never like that between us, even after being separated for those six years after I left Virginia and went to New York. When we found each other again it was like those lost years had never happened.”

Noelle was shocked. She’d always imagined that Tempest and Braxton were the perfect couple. If you had wanted to write a book about a happy marriage, they would be the ones to write about. They had been through so much to be together. It was hard for her to believe that their marriage could be in trouble. But then Noelle examined her own marriage. Everyone believed that it was My Fair Lady come true. But at what cost?

Noelle stood up and put her arm around Tempest’s shoulder. “I didn’t know,” she said gently. “I only wish that I had the answers to make things better. All I can say is that as long as you and Braxton continue to love each other, everything will work out. You’ll see.”

“I hope you’re right. And I do know that I love him, more than anything in the world.” She forced a smile, still unable to put into words what was truly troubling her. She pushed aside her troubles. “How about you? Are you feeling better today?”

Noelle wanted to tell her about her evening with Cole, about the way she felt when she was with him. She decided that it wasn’t the best time to discuss her budding feelings for Cole in light of Tempest’s problems.

“Actually, yes. As a matter of fact, I thought about what you said about the attorney. Maybe I will call him.”

“I think that’s the right decision. The worst that could happen is that he won’t tell you anything.”

Tempest checked her watch. “I’ve got to go. The flight is arriving in L.A. Mrs. Harding got my instructions wrong and booked the flight into LAX airport.”

An idea came to Noelle. “Would you mind some company?”

“Of course not. It’s not the shortest drive in the world.”

“Maybe I’ll just pay my attorney Monsieur Malone a surprise visit.”

Tempest brightened. “Perfect. I love surprises. If you catch him off guard he won’t have time to prepare a story.”

“Exactly!” Noelle grinned. She linked her arm through Tempest’s. “Let’s go.”

Trent meticulously reviewed the data that had been faxed to him on Liaisons. He’d set up a small office in his hotel suite in L.A. It was fully equipped with a computer, printer, a copy and a fax machine. He’d already had his computer linked via modem to the main headquarters in Sudan and in Hong Kong.

The financial stability of Liaisons was excellent. He’d verified the credibility of the accountants, attorneys and had conducted a background check on all of Liaisons’s staff.

As he leaned back in his chair he breathed a sigh of relief. Noelle Maxwell was unquestionably an astonishing businesswoman, not merely a woman in business. There were no outstanding debts. All of the structures exceeded building codes and revenue was pouring in.

If he had any doubts about her capabilities they had certainly been laid to rest.

He closed the thick manila folder and stood up, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets as he did. To look at her one would easily assume that she was merely a pampered heiress with delusions of grandeur, he mused. To the contrary, Noelle was a woman of substance, with talents yet untapped. But did she have what it took to manage an empire as complex as Jordan’s? More importantly would she be able to handle the truth once it was revealed to her and possibly give up her one dream to save Jordan’s? Of that he was still unsure.

His own personal feelings about her seemed to be clouding his judgment. He wanted her. He wanted her like he hadn’t wanted any other woman. And the intensity of his emotions made him feel vulnerable. A feeling that was totally foreign to him.

He’d already revealed too much to her last night. It had probably cost him his credibility in her eyes. He couldn’t let that happen again. He owed it to Jordan to see that the instructions of his will were carried out. Emotional entanglement with his widow was not part of the package.

“I’ll see you later this evening,” Noelle called out as Tempest waved and drove away.

For several moments Noelle stood in front of the building that housed Joseph Malone’s suite of offices. He was obnoxious as far as she was concerned and she knew that he didn’t hold her in very high regard. Whatever civility he showed her was purely due to the very large retainer that Jordan had paid him.

She pushed through the glass door and boarded the elevator to the third floor, wondering all the while what made her think that he would tell her anything.

The reception area was paneled with dark maplewood. Any semblance of sound was easily absorbed into the thick grey carpet. It reminded her of a scene from some old black-and-white “B” mystery movie. Yuk.

She walked directly to the secretary’s desk, with her three-inch, sling-back heels sinking into the carpet with each step. She had the hilarious notion of being swallowed by grey quicksand.

Alice Bernstein, the middle-aged secretary, looked up at her over her wire-rimmed glasses.

Her face flushed when she recognized Noelle. “Mrs. Maxwell, what brings you here?”

Force of habit compelled her to quickly check the appointment calendar on her desk. “I don’t see your name in the book.” She said the last word with an almost holy deference. “Was someone expecting you?” She removed her glasses and looked every bit like the affronted secretary.

“No Alice, I don’t have an appointment. But I would like to see Monsieur Malone. Is he free?”

Alice Bernstein’s silver curls seemed to spring to life.

“Oh—Mrs. Maxwell, you know that it is quite impossible to see Mr. Malone without an appointment.” She reshuffled the small, neat stack of files on her desk. Alice took pride in the one fact that her life was dictated by order. Any interference threw her completely off balance and the sudden appearance of Noelle Maxwell had done just that. She didn’t like it one bit. She reached for her always handy cup of water and took a sip. She immediately felt more composed and in control. She squared her chin.

“If you’d like to give me a date and time when you’re free, I’d be happy to…”

“I’m free right now, Alice. And I’d like it very much if you’d tell Monsieur Malone that I’m here,” she stated firmly.

Noelle stood her ground tossing back the icy stare with one of her own. Generally, Alice Bernstein had the ability to unnerve Noelle. Even as she stood before her, she had the inclination to make a bee line for the elevator. But she wouldn’t let the old general intimidate her today. She wasn’t leaving until she had accomplished what she’d come for.

Alice was completely astonished. She wasn’t used to anyone not following her instructions. Especially Noelle Maxwell. All one usually had to do was raise an eyebrow and she’d back down. When did she finally get some backbone? Alice had to admit, although never to Noelle, that she admired her nerve.

Alice loudly cleared her throat.

“If you’ll just have a seat over there.” With her pen she indicated a row of grey chairs. “I’ll see if Mr. Malone can spare you a few moments.” She picked up the phone.

Noelle released the long-held breath. “Thank you.”

Moments later, Joseph Malone flung open his door. “Noelle,” he boomed in a deep basso voice. “Please come in.”

It always amazed her that this reed of a man could have such a powerful voice. She supposed that’s what made him such a master in the courtroom. He was just as rangy and taut as ever, she noted. He’d always reminded her of a predator ready to swoop down on an unsuspecting victim.

As Noelle approached, he placed his bony arm protectively around her shoulder, ushering her into his office. Noelle cringed.

“Now, what can I do for you?”

Noelle took a seat opposite the maplewood desk and crossed her legs. She reached into her pocketbook and produced the letter from Jordan.

“I’d like you to explain this to me.”

Briefly he scanned the letter and returned it to her.

“I really can’t see how I can explain the contents, Noelle. I wasn’t privy to the…”

“Please don’t patronize me, Joseph. You know perfectly well what I mean. Where was this letter? And why am I just receiving it from your office?”

Joseph pursed his thin, pale lips, placing his index finger thoughtfully across them.

“I had instructions,” he said simply. “I was to have this envelope delivered to you, one day after the official opening of Liaisons.”

“What? Jordan didn’t even know that I would go through with it.”

“Perhaps. But, if and when you did, you were to receive this letter.”

Noelle exhaled heavily. “Is there anything else I should know, Joseph?”

The pain in her voice almost touched him, but he pushed it away. He was no longer obligated to her. The last retainer check had been cashed upon delivery of the letter. But why did she have to look at him with those eyes so full of anguish? Something inside of his chest twisted.

He cleared his throat. “There is a codicil to your late husband’s will.”

“What are you talking about? I was there when it was read.”

Joseph nodded indulgently. “Yes and according to my instructions, the codicil was only to be read by Trent Dixon.”

Her head began to pound.

“I see.” She stood up. “And I suppose I’m not to be privy to that either?”

“I’m afraid not. My instructions were quite clear.”

“Thank you for your time, Joseph,” she tossed at him, more annoyed at herself for having thought that their encounter could have been any different.

He rounded the desk, reaching the door a step before her.

“I wish there was something else I could tell you, Noelle,” he said with as much sincerity as he could summon.

Noelle only nodded as she crossed the threshold.

Joseph had a rare attack of conscience as he watched her leave.

“Maybe Mr. Dixon would be willing to tell you. I understand he’s here in Los Angeles.”

Noelle halted her step and turned around. “How do you know?” Her heart thundered.

“I called the headquarters in Sudan yesterday. I was told he’d come to California two days ago.”

Trent finished the last of his paperwork. Languidly he stretched his tight muscles. He had to get out of this room. Hours on the phone and behind the computer had left him numb. A long flight around the countryside would be ideal about now. But what he really wanted to do was return to Liaisons and see Noelle. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. She seemed to creep into his thoughts at the most inopportune times. Like now.

The throbbing between his thighs was almost unbearable. Maybe what he really needed was a cold shower.

He switched off the humming machines, grabbed his denim jacket and headed out of the door.

Noelle exited the building and proceeded to walk, oblivious to the rows of boutiques and the flow of human traffic.

Trent Dixon was somewhere in Los Angeles. He was the only one who had the answers to her questions. The thought of his proximity unnerved her. Why was he here? Had he come to spy on her? He could be anywhere, walking right beside her and she wouldn’t know it. That fact raised her blood pressure. She didn’t have the faintest notion of what he looked like. He’d never accompanied Jordan on his trips to the U.S., since he was responsible for operations in Jordan’s absence. Trent Dixon could run her over with a Mack truck, right this minute, and she wouldn’t know it was him. Her temper rose as her thoughts ran in circles.

The head-on collision knocked her purse from her hand.

“Noelle?” Trent instinctively grabbed her shoulders to steady her, then reached down to retrieve her purse. “Are you okay?”

“Y-es,” she stammered, surprised and embarrassed to see Cole Richards in the middle of Los Angeles. “I’m fine. Sorry. I guess I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

“You must be deep in thought.”

She gave him a weak smile. “Something like that.” She took a quick look around, observing her surroundings for the first time. The large marquee of the hotel loomed above her head and her thoughts scurried off in a dangerous direction.

He was probably there to meet someone, she thought. Did he spend the night here after he’d left her weak from his kisses?

An unfamiliar wave of jealousy swept through her. Her body tensed.

“Did you think about my request?” she asked in a tight voice.

Confusion registered on Trent’s face with the swift change in Noelle’s mood.

“Is something bothering you, Noelle?”

“What else could be bothering me?” she almost snapped. She looked away unable to meet the questioning gaze.

Trent avoided answering the question, by posing one of his own. “I was going to get something to eat. I’d like it very much if you’d join me. Then we can talk. Would you?”

When she dared to look back at him, she was, once again, consumed by those onyx eyes that had haunted her nights, by the lips that she longed to taste again and by the captivating scent that heated her blood.

He’d begun to think that she hadn’t heard him or had chosen not to respond—when she finally answered.

“Do you know your way around?” she asked in that sexy faint accent that drove him crazy.

“Maybe you can give me the tour again,” he replied, his tone intentionally intimate.

Noelle cleared her throat. “There’s a great outdoor café about a block down. I’m sure you’d like it.”

“With you, I’m sure I would.”

For a brief moment they both stared at each other, the busy world around them going totally unnoticed.

“We’re going to cause a scene in a minute,” Trent said, his smile teasing. “People are beginning to stare.”

Self-consciously Noelle looked around, feeling that everyone could see what was going on inside of her.

Her voice was slightly tremulous. “Then I guess we should be going.”

Trent slipped her arm through the curve of his. “Lead the way.”

Lunch was brief, almost strained. Both of them were harboring their own thoughts and skirting the real issues that bubbled like molten lava beneath their composed surfaces.

“You were right about this place,” Trent offered, breaking the rather long train of silence. “The food here is great.” He smiled. “But they can’t touch Liaisons’s with a stick.”

“I hope that everyone who comes will feel the same way.” She fiddled with her napkin to avoid looking at him.

Trent reached across the table to still her fingers. He covered her hand with his. The immediate warmth spread through her.

“I thought about your request to…find out what happened.”

She looked directly at him and his stomach lurched with longing.


“And I’ve decided to help you.”

The brilliant smile that he received was worth all the deceit.

“Thank you. I’ll make it worth your while. Whatever the price.”

His brows creased both in disbelief and guilt. “I couldn’t possibly take any money from you.” His voice rose in agitation. “I’m not doing this for the money.”

“I didn’t mean to offend you, but I think it would only be fair. In fact, I insist.”

Trent’s jaw clenched. He looked away. How could he possibly accept money from her knowing that the person she was looking for was sitting right in front of her and that he would have to do whatever was necessary to keep that information from her until the time was right.

His gaze returned to her. “I won’t accept anything from you until after the job is done. That’s the only way,” he added firmly.

Noelle considered for a moment. “If that’s the only way you’ll agree, then I guess I don’t have a choice.”

“Then it’s settled.”

She nodded.

Trent leaned back in his seat and exhaled deeply. What in the hell had he gotten himself into?

“Do you have plans for the rest of the day?” he asked.

“No, I don’t, actually. I was supposed to call the villa and send for a car and driver, but after my visit with Joseph Ma-lone…”

The mention of Malone’s name caused Trent’s pulse to gallop. He’d completely forgotten about the carnivorous attorney. He was the one person who could identify him on sight.

“…so your job may not be so difficult after all.”

Trent slowly returned to the conversation. “What? I’m sorry.”

“I said, Joseph Malone told me that Trent Dixon was here in Los Angeles.”

Just great. “That will make things easier,” he said lamely.

A thought occurred to Noelle. “You spent time in Sudan with Jordan,” she stated more than asked. “Did you ever meet Trent Dixon? What does he look like?”

Oh, God. Trent cleared his throat. “I never had the chance to meet him. I guess our paths just didn’t cross. Why don’t we get out of here?” Trent suggested, before Noelle had a chance to respond. He swiftly wiped his mouth and pushed away from the table.

Before Noelle knew what was happening he was standing behind her chair to help her up.

Her eyebrows arched. “Why are you in such a rush all of a sudden? Is something wrong?” she asked in bewilderment.

“Of course not. But there’s no point in sitting here when we can be exploring. You did promise to show me around.” He forced a smile as they walked toward the door.

Noelle shrugged to camouflage her confusion. “I guess we could drive out to the movie studios, or into Beverly Hills.” She looked at him skeptically. “What do you want to do?”

He wanted to say, get as much distance between me and Malone as possible, but instead, “How about a drive out to the beach? Next to flying, the waves always help me to think. The sun will be setting in a few hours. It’s been a long time since I saw the sun set over the water.”

His full lips curved into that sensuous smile that made her feel weak.

“It sounds wonderful.”

Her voice felt like the brush of silk against his ears. “My car is in the hotel garage.”

The mention of the hotel caused Noelle’s initial misgivings and jealousies to resurface. It was ridiculous to feel this way, she knew, but for whatever reason, she couldn’t seem to help it.

Trent watched the warm brown eyes turn suddenly cold and distant.

“Noelle, for the last time, what is it?”

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