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Spend My Life with You
Spend My Life with You
Spend My Life with You


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Spend My Life with You

His arms were strong, familiar and secure, and for a few minutes she could forget how small and insignificant she felt, which of course was ridiculous. It was just a conversation, a drink and a dance. No big deal.

“You’re stiff as a board.” He peered down at her. “What’s wrong? Did he say something out of the way to you?”

She heard the sudden rise in his tone. The smooth easy cadence was gone. Lee Ann dared to look up at his piercing dark eyes.

“Don’t be silly,” she soothed. “I’m fine, and no, he didn’t say anything out of hand.”

Rafe took a hard look over his shoulder, seeking out the young senator as if seeing him would somehow validate what his sister said. He turned back to Lee Ann. “You sure, because I have no problem sharing a few words with him man-to-man.”

Lee Ann gently pressed her hands against Rafe’s hard chest. “I can take care of myself. Thank you very much,” she added with a slight smile.

He leaned down and kissed her forehead then skillfully moved with her around the floor. “All you have to do is say the word,” he said, his protective instincts kicking into high gear. He’d always been that way with his sisters, since they were all little. He took great pride in being the big brother, and yes, it was true that he loved women but none more than his sisters and of course his mother. Lee Ann was the one most like their mother, and he was sure that was one of the reasons they were so close, as children and as adults. “I’ll hang around if you need me to,” he said.

“No, please. I know your lips are itching to play, so whenever you’re ready just go on. It’ll be fine. I’ll tell Daddy something or nothing.” She grinned at him.

The dance came to an end, and they walked across the grand ballroom out to the balcony. The air was still heavy and filled with the scent of a hot spring night. Beyond the cove of streets, the lights of the city peeped in and out, and the soft sound of the Mississippi rolled gently in the distance.

For a fleeting moment, caught in the beauty of the evening, Lee Ann wished that she was peering out into the night, whispering soft words and sharing light laughter with her own someone special.

“Looks like everyone who’s anyone is here tonight,” Rafe commented, taking a brief look over his shoulder into the main room.

“Well, you know Uncle Jerry never does anything halfway.” She continued to stare out into the night.

Briefly Rafe put his hand around her shoulder, and she tilted her head to rest it against him. “Can I get you a drink, a plate of food?”

“Another spritzer would be nice, thanks.”

“Be right back.”

She inhaled deeply and reentered the ballroom, watched the milieu move around her and felt so apart from the activities. It was so unlike her she thought, not to be like a butterfly flitting from one guest to the next, enjoining and cajoling as if she was the hostess. Smiling, as was her habit as she passed familiar faces, she found herself back on the balcony, sure that her brother would instinctively find her.

She leaned against the balustrade with her back to the Mississippi, and her stomach quivered when she saw Preston heading with purpose in her direction. She tried to glance away, ignore his approach, but it was too late.

He walked right up to her, cutting off everything and everyone around them. He took up her vision.

“I’m usually much more the Southern gentleman than I was earlier,” he said. Thick lashes lowered over his dark eyes for an instant then settled on his face. A half-shy smile tickled the corners of his rich mouth. “I… You rattled me, Ms. Lawson,” he said. The soft twangy cadence of his voice was both charming and unnerving.

Lee Ann tilted her head slightly to the right, for the first time since they met having a sense of standing on firm ground without her legs wobbling beneath her. She smiled and, always the tactful lady being Louisa Lawson’s daughter, said, “Senator Graham, I have no idea what you mean.”

The imaginary rift they’d created was crossed with their relieved laughter.

Chapter 2

“Where’s that brother of yours?” Branford asked as the family headed out to the waiting limo.

The siblings shared a look behind their father’s expansive back.

“If you think I don’t know that he snuck out of here to go into N’awlins to play that damned sax of his at some juke joint, think again.”

“Don’t think they call them juke joints anymore, Daddy,” Dominique said. Mischief sparkled in her eyes and tickled the corner of her mouth.

The quartet stifled their giggles. Dominique was notorious for intentionally pushing their father’s buttons. He threw her a thunderous look over his shoulder, and she looked back at him in wide-eyed innocence. Branford simply shook his head and muttered to himself about “damned children.”


They all tumbled into the limo still sailing on the high of the evening, still amazed that no matter how many of “these things” they attended they always had a good time. Dominique, Desiree and Justin were totally immersed in conversation. Lee Ann, who was seated near the window, took the opportunity to steal a few moments for herself, retreating to that space in her mind and spirit where she was carefree, devoid of responsibility and worry about anyone other than herself. She rested her chin on her palm and glanced out at the rolling panorama that sped in front of her: the stately homes that once served as plantations, the lush greenery, manicured lawns and the distant sound of ships sailing along the river to parts unknown to her—adventures maybe.

She drew in a long breath of calm, and the subtle scent of Preston wafted beneath her nostrils, triggering a surge of sensory delights. The feel of the pressure of his hand on her waist, the beat of his heart when he held her close against him while they danced, the way his voice vibrated through her when he leaned down to whisper something outrageous about one of the guests. For her, the evening had turned from ordinary to something special.

She wanted to see him again, she realized as the evening progressed then began to draw to a close—away from work and politics and parties. And it was as though he mimicked her thoughts, and he said the very words that were playing in her head. Still, as much as she’d wanted him to ask, had almost willed it, his asking surprised her. At first she thought he was asking just to be nice, to make up for that awkward beat that had happened between them earlier in the evening or like most eligible men in Louisiana who wanted to get close to her father through her.

“Before you start thinking anything beyond what I asked you, I want us to be clear about one thing.”

Her brow arched in question.

“I’m my own man. Everything I have I worked for, I earned. So don’t you think for a hot Louisiana minute that my wanting to see you is because of your family name and your daddy.” He grinned. “I have both. That no good SOB who fathered me is out there somewhere,” he added.

Lee Ann tossed her head back and laughed from the bottom of her feet. Her delighted expression stirred Preston in a way that he couldn’t put into words, and all he needed was for her to say yes, give him something to look forward to, and she did.

“You’re mighty quiet over there, sis,” Justin said, drawing her back from her momentary retreat. “Everything okay?”

Lee Ann patted his arm. “I’m fine. Just a little more tired than I thought.”

Desiree yawned. “Me, too. I can’t wait to lay my head down.”

“I could go for a few more hours,” Dominique said. “Wish I would have snuck out with Rafe. Bet he’s having a ball.”

Lee Ann chuckled to herself and heard her father’s snort of disapproval even as he pretended to be sleeping. This was her family, she thought with loving amusement.


Preston was thankful that the reception the prior evening was on a Friday night and not one of the typical midweek galas that zapped you for the rest of the week. He never did understand why so many fundraisers and political dinners were invariably on Tuesday. He laughed to himself as he continued on his early morning jog. Jogging was the one thing he tried to do on a daily basis no matter what his life was like the night before.

Running through his neighborhood, around the park and along the familiar pathways always invigorated him, cleared his head and stimulated his blood. Whenever he had a complicated issue to tackle with his constituents or had to break down the complexities of a bill that he needed to vote on, running always helped. When he was a kid and he saw the often defeated look on his mother’s face, he ran to keep from crying and to run from the world that had him grow up without a father to help his mother. Or like now, when he ran because his sudden and all-encompassing reaction to Lee Ann Lawson had dominated his thoughts from the moment he’d met her.

He turned the bend and jogged in place on the corner while a lone car crossed in front of him before he sprinted across the intersection toward the park.

Mist was still on the leaves, and the earth was moist beneath his feet. The sun turned the horizon a brilliant orange as it rose above it all.

There were less than a handful of joggers in the park, some of the regulars who seemed to have the same pull to this moment of the morning as he did. He adjusted the earbuds of his iPod in his ears and started around the track, lifting his chin in acknowledgment to those he met along the way.

He wondered what Lee Ann did to unwind. He wondered what her first thought would be this morning when she awoke. He wondered if she thought something special had happened between them or if it was simply wishful thinking on his part and if she was as eager to see him later that afternoon as he was to see her.

They’d agreed to meet at Treme, a new bistro that had recently opened in downtown Baton Rouge. The service was said to be excellent and the food even better. He ran a little faster as if mentally pushing the day forward.

Back home he showered and changed into his college T-shirt from Loyola University and his favorite pair of khaki shorts that were frayed around the waist and hem from so many years of washing.

While he sipped his coffee and read the paper, he kept getting distracted by thoughts of Lee Ann. More than once he thought of calling her, just to say good morning. But it was barely 7:00 a.m. By ten o’clock, however, he couldn’t wait any longer and pressed in her numbers on his cell phone.

Lee Ann was in her home office, reviewing and revising her father’s calendar and planning his itinerary for the upcoming week. At sixty, Branford Lawson was still incredibly busy between his enormous responsibilities as senior senator and his social obligations. She tried to maintain an even balance for him and still factor in some time for family and relaxation.

But today she found it impossible to concentrate on a task that she could do with her eyes closed. That was the problem; every time she blinked she saw Preston, as she had throughout the night. And when her eyes opened with the sun, the images that had slept with her were so potent that she was stunned to realize that he was not there with her.

She reached for the phone on the desk, thinking of calling him but decided that was much too forward. What would he think? And at the same time that doubt entered the equation, her cell phone rang on the other side of the desk. She lifted it, and Preston’s name and phone number appeared on the illuminated face. Hot air filled her lungs. She pressed Talk and hoped that she didn’t sound as breathless as she felt.


“Good morning. I hope this isn’t too early.”

His voice soothed her. She relaxed against the leather of her seat. “Not at all. I’ve been up for hours.”

“Then I rescind my attempt at an unnecessary apology.” Her laughter tinkled in his ears. “So other than dying to see me this afternoon, what are your plans for today?”

“At the moment I was going over my father’s schedule and making a few adjustments here and there. At least it’s only a few more grueling weeks before the Senate breaks for summer recess. But of course you know that already.”

“True. I’m looking forward to it myself.”

“Do you have plans for the break?”

“Hmm, I did, but I may change my mind about a few things. Let’s talk about it over lunch.”


“Well, I’ll let you get back to work, and I’ll find something to keep myself busy until I see you.”

It wasn’t so much what he said but the intonation of how he said it, with a stomach-fluttering sincerity that left her momentarily without words.

“One o’clock,” she said.

“On the dot. See you later.”

She disconnected the call but could still feel the pull of Preston’s voice and couldn’t wait to see him.

“Hey, Lee,” Dominique said, tapping on her sister’s bedroom door.

Lee Ann stepped out of her walk-in closet, holding up two of her favorite summer dresses. “Hi. Whatsup?” Her gaze and concentration drifted back and forth between peach and Mediterranean blue.

Dominique came in and plopped down on the end of Lee Ann’s queen-size bed. “I was wondering if you could loan me a few bucks.”

Lee Ann lowered the dresses and focused on her sister. “A few? How many is a few, and what for this time?”

“You don’t have to say it like that,” Dominique huffed, feigning offense.

Lee Ann crossed the room, undecided about her dresses and what to do about her sister. This was the third time in a month. “How much, Dom?”

“Five hundred.”

Lee Ann’s eyes widened, and her mouth opened then closed. “Dominique, what in the world for? I just gave you three less than a week ago.”

Dominique sprang into an upright position on the bed and put on her saddest, most earnest expression. “I know this sounds bad, but I maxed out my credit card and you know how hard I’m trying to keep a good credit rating so that I can get my own place without having to depend on you and Daddy.”

Lee Ann cut a look at her sister’s sorry attempt to win her over and rolled her eyes. She tossed the dresses onto the bed and stood over Dominique with her hands planted on her waist. “Listen, this cannot go on. It can’t. You have a job, a hefty spending allowance and you still can’t manage your money. You can’t spend every dime you get on the latest fashions, girlfriend getaways and who knows what else!”

Dominique folded her arms beneath her full breasts, pushing them higher into view over her low cut, body hugging T-shirt. “That’s so unfair. You know my job at the nonprofit barely covers my hair appointments.”

“What you do is what’s more important,” Lee Ann chided. “Young, single, poor mothers come to you for help, and when they do that’s worth much more than a paycheck.”

“I know that. I do love my work, but personal satisfaction doesn’t pay bills.”

“Then don’t accumulate them. Live within your means.”

Dominique stood as if catapulted off the bed. They were at eye level. “Live within my means! We’re rich for heaven’s sake.”

Dominique looked so astounded and bereft that Lee Ann seemed not to understand that fact, that Lee Ann did all but burst out laughing. Instead, she turned away to keep the laughter out of her eyes.

“I’ll loan you three,” she conceded. “You’ll have to figure out how to get the rest. Go bug Rafe.”

“Ooh, thank you, thank you,” she said, wrapping her arms around her sister and kissing her on the cheek.

“I’ll deposit the money into your account when I go out later.”

It was then that Dominique noticed her sister was getting ready to go somewhere. She lifted one dress from the bed and then the other. “Where are you off to?”


“Out where? With who? Anyone I know?”

“Out for brunch if you must know,” she said, spinning out of her sister’s web of questions.

Dominique eyed her with suspicion. “Why are you being so evasive? Why can’t you just tell me where you’re going? Suppose something happens to one of us or you. No one will know where you are. And don’t you watch The First 48?” she added dramatically. “The first 48 hours are always crucial in an investigation.”

Lee Ann held up her hand to stop the onslaught of Dominique. “All right, all right. I give up. But…don’t read anything into it,” she warned. “I’m having brunch with Senator Graham.”

Dominique frowned for a moment, and then her eyes popped with excitement. “The gorgeous new Senator Graham, Daddy’s protégé?”


“Well I’ll be. Still waters. It’s about damned time you went out on a date.”

“It’s not a date.”

“Of course it is.” She rocked her head from side to side. “You aren’t planning to spend the entire time talking business and politics as usual, are you?”

“I don’t know what we’ll talk about.”

“Then it’s a date!” she said triumphantly. “And since that’s the case, you are not wearing the blue one. Peach is soft and feminine and brings out the color of your eyes.” She held up the peach spaghetti strap dress that smoothed along the curves of Lee Ann’s petite frame and stopped just above her knees.

“You think so?”

“I know so.” She held the dress up in front of her. “And I have the perfect accessories.” She shoved the dress at her sister and darted out of the room.

Moments later, she returned with Desiree in tow.

“You’re going on a date with Preston Graham?” Desiree said as if he were a rock star. “That is so awesome. He’s yummy. I didn’t know you knew him like that.”

“I don’t,” Lee Ann said. “It’s just lunch.”

“It’s a date,” Dominique said. “Don’t listen to her.”

For the next hour, her twin sisters fussed over her as if she was getting ready for her senior prom. By the time she was ready to leave, she was exhausted from their chatter and advice. You’d think she’d never been out with a man before in her life. She knew how to handle herself. After all, she was the oldest sister—although Dominique had all three women beaten in the men department.

The afternoon was hot and muggy. The umbrella of trees only gave the illusion of cool. She was thankful for her short hairdo that held up against the onslaught of Louisiana weather. She turned on the air conditioner full blast in her gunmetal-gray, two-seater Mercedes-Benz convertible. The color was custom-mixed for her, and it drove like a cloud. It was a gift to herself on her thirtieth birthday, three years earlier. She checked her GPS built into the dash and made the right turn then navigated her way along the narrow streets. She spotted Treme up ahead and drove into the parking lot behind the restaurant.

Nerves overtook her, racing her heart and making her legs feel weak as she drew closer to the entrance. She pulled in a long breath of calm, tugged the door open and stepped into the cool dimness.

“Good afternoon,” the hostess greeted. “A table for one or are you meeting someone?”

“I am meeting someone, actually,” she said, peering into the restaurant space and the tables dotted with afternoon diners. “I’m a bit early. I can wait at the bar.”

“If you leave the name of your party, I can direct them to you when they arrive.”

“Graham is his last name.”

The hostess jotted it down. “I’ll let him know as soon as he gets here.”

“Thank you.” She walked over to the bar and slid onto the stool.

“What can I get for you?” the female bartender asked.

“White wine spritzer,” came the deep voice from behind her left shoulder.

Lee Ann slowly turned on the stool and looked up into his smiling face. Her heart banged in her chest, momentarily stunting her breath.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” He leaned down and placed a featherlight kiss on her cheek.

“Not at all. I just sat down.”

“Next time we’ll arrive together.”

Next time, she thought. A happy bubble tumbled in her stomach.

“You want to sit here with your drink, or should we get a table now?”

“Let’s get settled.”

The bartender returned with the drink.

“Thanks. You can add this to our tab,” Preston said, taking the drink and helping Lee Ann to her feet. “I got a table by the window just in case we get tired of talking to and looking at each other. We can then pretend to watch street traffic.”

Lee Ann laughed, feeling the knots of anxiousness begin to loosen. “Very funny. But definitely an idea worth having.”

“Although I can’t imagine not wanting to look at and talk to you,” he said. His voice drifted to her over her shoulder, the heat of his words warming her cheek and fanning out to her limbs. She glanced behind her for an instant to measure the sincerity of his voice with his eyes, but he was looking ahead and not at her.

Preston guided her to their table, and several heads turned in their direction as they crossed the restaurant, his face recognizable from the local papers and the news. He offered a casual nod but didn’t stop. Lee Ann was thankful for that. She wanted this first time to be for them and not turn into a circus.

They came to their table, and Preston pulled out Lee Ann’s chair for her then sat down. Once they were settled, he asked, “So…how have you been since the last time I saw you?”

Lee Ann chuckled. “I’ve been just fine, and you?”

“You have a great laugh, you know. Rich and honest.”

She lowered her gaze for an instant. “Thank you.”

Preston reached for his glass of water and took a slow sip, staring at her from above the rim, amazed with the way the golden flecks in her eyes picked up the daylight from outside—something he hadn’t noticed last night—and the way the pulse in her throat beat and how her skin looked like honey, perfect and sweet to the taste.

“Is something wrong?” she asked breaking his trance.

He blinked and gave a slight shake of his head. “No, I’m sorry. I guess I was staring.”

Lee Ann shifted in her seat.

He put down his glass and released a tight breath then leaned forward. His voice was low when he spoke. “Listen, I’m going to be honest because I like to be clear and up-front right from the beginning.”

She nodded and waited for the shoe to fall.

“I rarely date. I don’t have time. Because of my choice of careers, it’s hard to have a lot of downtime or privacy. And coming from the family that you do, I’m sure you can understand that.” He paused, started to speak then stopped and started again. “What I’m trying to say is I don’t know what’s going on in my head, and I know we’ve only met and you don’t know any more about me than a stranger on the street. But I want to get to know you—Lee Ann the woman, not Branford Lawson’s daughter. And I want you to get to know me, Preston Graham—the guy with student loans, dishes in the sink and a Lab retriever named Rocky.”

The tension that she felt burst into effervescent bubbles of laughter. “So, besides dirty dishes, student loans and a dog named Rocky, what else do I need to know about you?”

The afternoon went by much too fast, but over a light lunch of grilled chicken salad, several glasses of wine and raspberry sorbet for dessert, they talked and laughed and talked. Lee Ann discovered that they were both avid joggers. Preston was delighted to learn that Lee Ann was captain of her debate team in college and had also majored in political science. He was devoted to his mother, she to her father. His favorite book was James Baldwin’s Another Country; hers was Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. They both loved New Orleans jazz and boasted about their collections. They were angered, appalled and frightened by the devastation along the Gulf Coast resulting from the catastrophic BP oil spill and the still unresolved devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina.

Preston took his last satisfying spoonful of sorbet. He glanced around Treme’s and noticed that the clientele had changed several times since their arrival, and early dinner patrons were starting to drift in.

“I’m thinking they’re going to actually ask us to leave if we don’t do it on our own,” Preston quipped.
