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Sex and Lies
Sex and Lies
Sex and Lies


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Sex and Lies

“And I love you, my darling man. I love you.”

They closed their eyes, holding on to to each other, locked as one.

Chapter 5

“W e didn’t get a chance to talk much last night,” Blake said with a wicked grin on his face as he emerged from the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Savannah had her knees drawn up to her chest, watching her handsome husband approach and wondered how she’d gotten so lucky. She angled her head to the side. “I think we did a lot of talking, just not the verbal kind.”

He pointed a finger in her direction. “Touché.”

Savannah patted an empty spot next to her. “So tell me about the deal.”

Blake came to sit beside her. He fluffed up a pillow and leaned back against it, folding his hands across his sculpted belly.

“Well, as I was hinting at…”

He explained the details of the deal which entailed his company being the sole architect for the project, as well as handling the contract for finding the right construction crew.

“How long will the entire project last from start to finish?”

“If we get all the clearances on time and I can seal a deal with the contractors…Hmm, from start to finish, at least a year. And that’s barring all of the unforeseen obstacles that come up with any job this size.”

Savannah nodded. “Did I tell you how proud I am of you?”

Blake snuggled close. “Probably so, but tell me again.”

She cupped his chin in her palm. “I’m so proud of you.” She pecked him on the lips then winked.

“And how did your meeting go with the ladies last night?” He yawned loudly and threw his arm across his eyes. “What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall.”

Savannah’s heart thumped then settled. She still had not read the details of her assignment. But she had a very strong feeling that it wasn’t going to be easy. “It went fine as usual. Girl stuff. Uh, honey…”


“What is the name of the finance people for the development again? Did you say Montgomery?”

“Yeah, The Montgomery Enterprises. Run by Miss Conglomerate herself, Tristan Montgomery.”

Lord, please don’t let it be her.

“By the way, she invited us to a get together at her home next week.”

“Really? Then she can’t be all that bad.”

“I don’t know what it is about the woman that rubs me the wrong way.”

“But you don’t work with her directly. So it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”

“That’s just it—I don’t. But she’s what you call a ‘hands on’ person. She’s up on every detail, no matter how small.”

“Don’t let it bother you. She probably thinks she has to try harder because she’s a woman.”

“Hmm, maybe. Anyway, I don’t want to talk business today. It’s our day off. So what do you want to do today?”

“I was reading in the Village Voice that there’s a boat ride up the Hudson from nine to one. Wanna go?”

“Sounds great.” He turned on his side to face her. “That leaves us with quite a few hours to kill. Got any ideas on what we could do?” he asked as he trailed a finger down the center of her chest.

“We could try again to make a miracle happen.” Her eyes looked at him from the depths of her soul.

Blake stroked her cheek. He knew how desperately Savannah wanted a child. They’d been trying unsuccessfully for nearly a year. He saw the sadness in her eyes when every month she’d stay as regular as a Swiss clock. They could buy stock in those little testing sticks with the amount of money she’d spent on in-home pregnancy tests.

“Listen, I don’t want you to make yourself crazy about getting pregnant. The doctor said it could take time.”

She pushed out a sigh. “I know.” Her tone was full of dejection. “It’s just that every time we make love I keep hoping…ya know?”

He kissed her tenderly. “I know. And when the time is right, it will happen.” He rolled gently on top of her. “But in the meantime you know the old saying of practice makes perfect.” He stroked her hip.

Savannah giggled. “Yeah, I had heard something like that…”

And as she took her husband deep into her body once more, she sent up her continued chant, maybe this time.

Savannah was in the kitchen fixing them something to eat before they both passed out from hunger and sexual fatigue when the phone rang.

“I got it,” Blake yelled out from the bedroom where he hadn’t moved from since they woke up.

Several moments later she could hear him coming up behind her chuckling and saying, “yes, ma’am.” He handed her the phone. “Mom.” He turned and sauntered back to the bedroom.

“Hey, Mom.” She tucked the phone between her ear and shoulder and continued to fix the western omelet.

“Hey, sweetie, can you talk?”

Savannah took a quick glance over her shoulder. “Yep. What’s up?”

“You tell me,” her mother said in a conspiratorial whisper.

Savannah lowered her voice. “I didn’t get a chance to look at it yet.”

“What? Savannah,” she said in that tone she used with her as a little girl. “This is important. You wouldn’t have been chosen if they didn’t completely believe in you.”

“Mother, I know. It’s just that…well, I’ve been a little tied up.”

Her mother said, “Chile, you’re going to kill that man one of these days.”

Savannah bit back a laugh. It never ceased to amaze her how out there and open her mother was about sex. “We are trying to have a baby, so I never want to miss out on an opportunity.”

She turned off the flame beneath the frying pan and placed the omelet onto a platter. Savory steam wafted up to her nose.

“I told you before, stop trying and it will happen.”

Savannah sighed. “Yeah, that’s what Blake keeps saying.”

“And he’s right. Relax, sweetheart. I know you and Blake will make beautiful babies together when the time is right. In the meantime, I suggest you take a look at your assignment. I want you to do well on this. People are depending on you.”

Savannah swallowed hard. “I’ll take care of it. Promise.”

“Good, and if you need me for anything, let me know.”

“I will.”

“Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Slowly Savannah hung up the phone then took the platter and put it on the kitchen table. A part of her desperately wanted to read what was inside that envelope and another part of her dreaded it. But if she only had three weeks to pull off whatever it was that needed to be done, she couldn’t ignore the contents for long.

Chapter 6

“I’ m just going to relax and watch the game,” Blake said, assuming his Sunday-afternoon position on the couch.

What else is new, Savannah’s arched brow queried. She walked by and handed him the remote. It was a ritual she’d grown used to since the beginning of their marriage. Blake was willing to give all of his time and energy to her Monday through Saturday, but Sunday was sports day come hell or high water.

“Can I get you anything?” she asked.

“No, I’m good.” He’d already spread out his goodies for the afternoon—chips, pretzels and an ice bucket with beer—and was surfing through the stations. The blare of a baseball game filled the room.

Savannah leaned down and kissed his forehead then headed off to the bedroom. She closed the door behind her. Going to her dresser, she opened the bottom drawer and pulled out the envelope that was tucked beneath her lingerie.

Taking it to the bed, she felt her heart pound with trepidation. She used a nail file to slit open the top then pulled out the stapled pages. It had the TLC logo blazoned across the top. She knew she only had a short period of time to digest all of the information that was contained in the hermetically sealed envelope before the letters on the pages began to dissolve.

She read quickly, absorbing the information the way she did legal briefs, cataloging everything that was important and discarding the rest.

The more she read, the more disturbed she became. What she’d feared was no longer a bad feeling. It was a full-blown reality. The knot that had settled in her stomach since she’d gotten her assignment from Jean now threatened to loop around her lungs and cut off her air.

Her assignment was to infiltrate Montgomery headquarters on East 72nd Street, secure the original accounting documents and the legal papers that negotiated the land-acquisition deal for the development in downtown Brooklyn—the project that her husband was working on. It was believed that not only was The Montgomery Enterprises involved in illegal land deals and coercion, but several members of the City Council and the architect and developer, i.e. Blake Fields, PPC. She was to secure the necessary documents, any video tapes or audio conversations that would lead to indictments of all the parties involved—or irrefutable information to exclude them.

Her stomach roiled. Bile rose to the back of her throat and sat there burning. She stared at the pages as the words began to cloud over. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she watched the words slowly become ghostlike on the page until they were totally gone. The only thing remaining was the TLC logo.

The sudden ringing of the phone snapped through her, jerking her out of the place to which she’d descended. Dully she turned toward the intruding instrument and picked it up. She cleared her throat and sniffed hard.


“Damn, girl, it’s nearly one in the afternoon, you still sleep?”

Savannah laughed. Danielle Holloway was one of her two best friends, notorious for her early morning wake-up calls. One o’clock was definitely late for Dani. “What’s up? And no, I’m not still asleep. Are you ill? It’s after ten.” She stole a glance at the now lily white pages.

“Very funny. I figured I’d give you a play since it was Sunday and all. Got any plans for today?”

“Not really. You know today is Blake’s sports day, so I’m pretty much off of his radar until bedtime.”

“I just got off the phone with Mia, we were thinking about going down to the South Street Seaport. They’re having a jazz concert on one of the boats.”

Maybe getting out of the house for the day and spending it with her girls was just the thing she needed to clear her head for a few hours.

“Sounds like a plan. What time?”

“You know me, I’ve been ready for hours.” She chuckled. “Mia was finishing getting dressed and I’m going to pick her up. Then we can swing by and get you.”

“I should be ready in about a half hour. That good?”

“We’ll be there. Casual dress. I have on jeans and flip flops.”

Yeah, Savannah knew what Dani meant by jeans and flip flops. Like Claudia, everything on Dani’s body was high-end designer. As a fashion photographer for several leading women’s magazines, Dani stayed on the cutting edge of style. “Right up my alley. See you guys in a few.”

Savannah hung up, feeling momentarily better. She got off the bed and went to her closet to find something equally casual to wear.

Blake barely turned his eyes in her direction when she emerged from the bedroom in concert with the ringing of the doorbell.

“Somebody’s at the door honey,” he called out absently.

Savannah just shook her head and went to open the door. “Hey, Dani, wanna come in for a minute?”

They kissed cheeks.

“Just a sec to say hello to my favorite married man. Mia is in the car, we’re double-parked.”

As promised, Danielle was casual, at least in her mind. Her hip-hugging black Versace jeans were encrusted with what looked like cubic zircoMia studs along the outside seams. A lavish silver chain belt hung from her waist and shimmied erotically each time she moved. Her petite size-seven feet were tucked into an exquisite pair of red Jimmy Choo sandals with a two-inch heel. Topping it all off was a single button, pristine white midriff blouse with elbow length sleeves. Her inky black hair that flowed almost to her hips when let loose and free was tossed on top of her head in a jazzy attempt at looking slightly disheveled and devilishly sexy.

Dani swept her sunglasses off the bridge of her nose with a flourish and sashayed inside. She struck a pose in front of Blake blocking his view of the game.

“Didn’t your good southern mama teach you any manners?” she chastised.

“Yes, never to hit a woman even if she is blocking the game.” Blake tried to push her aside and failed. “Come on, Dani, this is the top of the fourth. Mets at bat.”

“You mean, you actually recognized me and I don’t have on a sport’s uniform? I’m impressed.” She swatted his arm. “Say hello.”

“Hello, Dani,” he barked. “You’re going to force me to sit up and loose my position on the couch if you don’t get out of the way,” he practically whined trying to see around her.

Savannah marched over and grabbed Dani by the hand. “It’s useless, sis. I could walk in front of him butt naked and he wouldn’t notice.” She pulled her toward the door. “See you later, baby. Going out with the girls.”

He mumbled something unintelligible.

Savannah picked up her mango-colored Kate Spade purse—which matched her open-toed sandals—from the table in the foyer. “By the time he realizes I’m gone, I’ll be back already,” she said with a laugh of acceptance. “Come on, let’s go.”

“I’m determined to break that hypnotic stare one of these days,” Danielle said, emphasizing the last four words.

“Good luck.” Savannah shut the door behind them.

“Love that bag, by the way,” Dani said with a hint of envy in her voice.

“Thanks. And no, you can’t borrow it.”

Dani huffed in mock offense.

They stepped out into the very warm June afternoon and down the concrete steps of Savannah and Blake’s three-story town house, located in Harlem’s historic Sugar Hill.

The house was originally owned by Savannah’s great-grandparents, who turned it over to Claudia’s mother, Sylvia, when she married and then Sylvia passed it on to Claudia on her wedding day and Claudia turned it over to Savannah as a wedding gift to her and Blake just as it had been done in the family for generations. Hopefully, one day Savannah would be able to turn the grand home over to her son or daughter. The family rumor was that Great-Granddad Jessie won the house in a high-stakes poker game from an old white land baron who figured he’d finally gotten rid of an albatross. It was no more than a rotting shell when Great-Granddad won it, but he and his four brothers worked on it for three solid years until they restored it to its former glory. It had been in the family ever since. A house that was once not worth the time it took to walk past it was now valued at more than one million dollars.

Mia waved as the duo came down the steps toward Dani’s brand-new Ford Edge.

Savannah stood for a moment in front of the spanking new SUV with a hand on her hip. She snapped her head toward Dani who had a big smug smirk on her perfectly made-up face.

“So whatcha think?”

“Girl—” Savannah walked around it slowly “—when did you get this?”

“Picked it up yesterday from the dealer. Hop in.”

“That little camera thing you do is really paying off,” Savannah teased, and got inside the plush vehicle. Dani’s job as a fashion photographer for all of the elite magazines afforded her many luxuries; invitations to all the major events and premieres inside and out of the country along with meeting folks that the average person only reads about in the tabloids. She couldn’t count the “A list” of stars and socialites who’d become friends over the years that she had in her Rolodex.

Dani laughed, buckled her seat belt and began pulling out. “Gotta do a little something to pay the bills.”

Moments later they sped off and headed for downtown Manhattan. By the time they arrived at the Seaport it was bustling with Sunday afternoon activity. The day was glorious, comfortably warm with a light breeze blowing in off the Hudson River, which thankfully didn’t smell like garbage, its usual aroma.

“Let’s get our tickets first,” Mia suggested, “then get something to eat. The first set is at five.”

Mia Turner was the organizer of the trio. As a very well-respected and highly paid event planner for major corporations, she was beyond diligent when it came to scheduling and getting people where they needed to be. It got on Savannah’s and Dani’s last nerve at times but they still relied on her to pull everything together. As typical of Mia, she had their entire day planned right down to the menu at the restaurant she’d selected for brunch.

“Mia, when in the hell do you have time to do all of this with a full-time job?” Savannah asked as Mia led the way to the ticket booth to pick up the concert tickets.

Mia looked over her narrow shoulder with a puzzled expression on her face. “Time to do what?”

Savannah and Dani stole a glance at each other, shook their heads and kept marching along.

After securing the tickets they headed over to Trio, a new Caribbean restaurant with an outdoor café that Mia had discovered and was aching to try out.

“If this place lives up to its reputation I may put it on my list of recommended locations for my clients,” Mia said as they were led to their seats beneath a wide white umbrella.

That was another thing about Mia—even when she wasn’t working, she was working. She found some kind of way to tie her job in to darn near everything she did. As a result, the three of them often ate for free, got free spa days, discounts on designer clothes, product samples and they were even able to finagle a trip to the island of St. Kitts as part of Mia’s “focus group” for a new resort on the island. All the little perks made Mia’s drill-sergeant demeanor all the more bearable. Besides, she really was a sweetheart.

“Oh, and lunch is on me,” Mia announced once they were settled in their seats. “But everyone needs to order something different. I want to get a good cross-sampling of the menu, as well as the service.” She snapped her menu open then put on her glasses. Truth be told, Mia was blind as a bat but hated to admit it. She spent a great majority of her time squinting, which gave her a rather sour expression to those who didn’t know her. Yet her vanity wouldn’t allow her to mar her near-perfect face with glasses 24/7. And she was terrified of “sticking anything in my eyes,” so contacts were out of the question.

“So what have you ladies been up to?” Dani asked as she perused the menu.

“Up to my eyeballs with work,” Savannah said. “But that’s not unusual.”

“Richard still working you to death?”

“He damn sure tries.” She laughed lightly. “But it’s cool. I like my job.”

Mia lowered her menu and quickly tucked away her glasses before blearily focusing on Savannah. “You are entirely too talented to be someone’s assistant for the rest of your life, and too damned smart. You need to take your butt back to school and finish your law degree. Then you could run the show, open your own office and work other people to death.”

“She’s right, Savannah,” Dani chimed in. “I decided a long time ago that I was not cut out to be someone’s underling. That’s why I have to do my own thing. When I don’t feel like working, I don’t work.”

This was a conversation they had at least once every three months. When she looked at her friends’ busy, exciting and carefree lives she often questioned whether or not she’d made all the right choices; from settling down and getting married to settling for a job she could do with her eyes closed. Each time she asked the question the answer was still the same— yes. Besides, she had what neither of them had—a loving husband and a secret life. Inwardly she smiled.

“Enough about me,” Savannah said before they got on a roll that would last through brunch. “What have you two been up to?”

Dani and Mia alternated with stories about their latest clients while Savannah tried to concentrate on the nonstop chatter, saying all the appropriate “Mmm, hmms” at all the right places and laughing on cue. But her mind was elsewhere. She had what the girls would call a DDD— a damned difficult dilemma. Under normal circumstances she would happily spill her tale all over the white linen tablecloth and listen with amazement as Dani and Mia put their personal spin on what she needed to do. More often than not they were on point. This time as much as she needed their savvy wisdom, she couldn’t risk it.

As Mia predicted, the food was incredible. The service was top-notch and Mia had penciled Trio in as a restaurant to recommend. Of course, before they could leave, Mia gained introductions to the owner and manager.

“You did good,” Savannah said to Mia as they made their way to the boat.

Mia grinned, flashing a dimple beneath her right eye. “Gotta keep my contacts fresh. My clients only expect the best.” Mia linked her arm through Savannah’s. “How’s the ‘family planning’ going?” she asked in a soft voice.

Savannah’s expression mirrored her internal disappointment. “So far, no good,” she said. “But we’ll keep trying.”

“It will happen when the time is right.”

Savannah tilted her head and rested it momentarily on Mia’s shoulder. “I hope so. That’s the only thing missing in our marriage.”

“What’s the only thing missing in your marriage?” Dani cut in with her supersonic hearing.

“A baby,” Savannah said.

“It ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Just think, if you had a baby, you’d be home changing Pampers instead of hanging with your girls.”

“That much is true,” Mia conceded. “And what about furthering your career? A baby would definitely put a damper on that.”

Savannah drew in a long breath. “I could always go back to school. It would just take longer.”

“Hmm,” the duo hummed in unison.

“Listen, sis, if it’s for you and Blake it will happen and as much as I detest stinky diapers I’d be in your corner, girl. You know that,” Dani said.

“Me, too,” Mia said, giving Savannah a squeeze.

Savannah smiled. “Thanks.” She knew as tough as they pretended to be about permanent relationships and kids, they were true softies at heart. Beneath all the glitz and glamour of Mia and Dani they were both searching for Mr. Right.

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