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Justin turned and braced his hip against the balcony railing. Vaughn stood with her back to it. Inches separated them.
“Why are you involved, then,” he asked, “in politics? If you don’t like…all this?”
Vaughn sighed wistfully. “Maybe one day I’ll tell you all about it.” She took a sip of the warm wine.
Why did I say that? she wondered.
Justin turned sideways and looked down at her. “I hope that’s a platform promise, Ms. Hamilton, because I intend to hold you to it.”
She gazed up at him and saw the warm sincerity in his eyes and let the caress of his voice wash over her.
She swallowed hard, and their eyes held for what seemed an eternity. She didn’t realize that he’d taken the glass from her hand, and she couldn’t find her voice to either accept or decline when he swept her onto the dance floor.
The band was playing a slow, bluesy Nancy Wilson song, and Vaughn felt her tense body slowly begin to relax in the comforting embrace of Justin’s arms. Their bodies seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces, Vaughn realized with alarm.
They danced in silence through three numbers before Justin spoke. “Actually,” he said, speaking into the silky texture of her upswept hair, “you’d make an excellent politician.”
Vaughn arched her neck to look quizzically up at him. Her dimples flashed for the first time in hours. “Why is that?”
“You have a knack for evading direct questions.”
“I am a politician,” Vaughn snapped. “What do you mean?” she said more softly.
“You very skillfully avoided answering me about Paul Lawrence. He seemed to have upset you earlier.” Then he smiled sheepishly. “I couldn’t help but notice.”
“Some things are better left unsaid,” she answered quietly.
The music ended and Vaughn stepped out of Justin’s arms. “I have a question for you,” she said. “Shoot.”
“Are you acquainted with Paul?”
“In a manner of speaking.”
“Now, you’re beginning to sound like a politician,” she countered with a smile.
“Touché. Paul and I have crossed paths on several occasions.”
“Personally or professionally?”
Vaughn’s brows rose in surprise. “He didn’t try to convict you of anything?” she asked drolly.
Justin laughed heartily. The deep sound rumbled through his chest. It made her feel warm and tingly inside. “No. We stood on opposite sides of the table.”
“You’re an attorney?”
“Don’t say it with such disdain,” he said, pretending offense. “Politicians and lawyers don’t make such strange bedfellows, you know.”
Her dimples winked at him. “I deserved that one.”
They fell in step next to each other and headed for the bar.
“So, who do you work for?” Vaughn asked.
“Scotch-and-soda, and a white wine for our hostess,” he said to the bartender. He turned his lazy gaze on Vaughn. “I don’t work for anyone,” he said, evasively. “I have a small private practice.”
Vaughn held her snappy retort in check. She was beginning to enjoy the verbal sparring. “Alone, or with partners?”
“I have two partners,” he said matter-of-factly.
“Really?” Her interest peaked. “What’s the name of your firm?”
He looked her full in the face, a bold grin lighting his eyes. “Montgomery, Phillips, and Michaels.”
It took all she had for her mouth not to drop open in astonished embarrassment. “You’re that Justin Montgomery?”
“I guess so,” he chuckled. “Disappointed?”
“You don’t have some ‘little’ practice! You have one of the busiest firms in D.C.” His notoriety didn’t end there, Vaughn thought. Justin Montgomery was also known for his eye for investments, which had afforded him a luxurious life-style.
Justin noted that she’d expertly sidestepped his question once again. He shrugged his broad shoulders. “We keep busy.”
“I know your partners—Khendra Phillips and Sean Michaels. They were involved in a major case a couple of years back.” How could anyone not notice Khendra Phillips, with her gleaming auburn tresses, wide eyes, and expressive mouth? Khendra always reminded Vaughn of the singer-turned-actress, Sheryl Lee Ralph, of Dreamgirls fame. And Khendra’s husband, Sean Michaels, was to die for.
He nodded. “Those are the ones.”
Her brow crinkled. “How come you and I have never crossed paths?”
“I try to keep a low profile. Actually,” he took a sip of his drink, “I do more speaking engagements than litigation. I let those two hotshots handle that. They say it keeps the spark in their marriage going.”
As she listened, glimmers of press clips flashed through her head. Her past was haunting her more than usual tonight. “I see,” she said stiffly. “Listen, Justin…I really should mingle with the other guests. They are paying a lot of money to be here tonight.” Her smile was devoid of emotion. “Please excuse me.”
She made a move to leave. Justin touched her arm and a tremor raced through her. “Is it something I said?” he asked, perplexed by her sudden change in attitude.
“It was nice talking with you, Justin. Good luck with your practice.”
He stared at her hard. “There you go again, avoiding my question.”
She returned his look without flinching. “Thanks for the drink. And the dance,” she said with finality. She eased away and was quickly swallowed up in the crowd.
Justin stayed long enough to listen to the round of toasts on behalf of Vaughn, who made a point of avoiding him for the rest of his stay. Shortly after, he said his goodbyes.
Just as he was heading for the door, Vaughn crossed his path. She stopped short.
“I hope you enjoyed yourself tonight. I appreciate your coming,” she said formally.
“Listen,” he began, his thick brows forming a thunderous line, “I don’t know what happened between us back there. But if I’ve offended you in any way, I apologize. I know that sometimes I have a tendency to come on a little strong.” He stepped closer, cutting off the space and the air between them. Her head swam and her pulse pounded in her ears as the heavenly scent of him rushed to her brain. “But I’m also known for going after what I want—in the courtroom and out.” His dark eyes stared deeply into hers. “This isn’t the end, Ms. Hamilton.” He raised a finger and gently stroked her jaw. “Not by any means. You can either do this the easy way,” he shrugged his shoulder, “or my way. It’s your choice.” His smile was devilishly wicked, but his eyes were deadly serious.
Vaughn’s eyes widened in disbelief. Who the hell did he think he was, anyway? Vaughn thought in a rush, her thoughts finally focusing. She was an assemblywoman for the state of Virginia. She was the daughter of a Superior Court judge. How dared he talk to her as if she were just…just a woman? As she opened her mouth to tell him just where he could go, he leaned down and placed a silencing kiss on her pouting lips. “Think about it,” he said, brushing past her. “I will.”
Vaughn spun around in open-mouthed astonishment to watch his casual departure as though nothing more had transpired between them than an impersonal goodbye.
“Wasn’t that Justin Montgomery I just saw kissing you?” came a friendly voice practically in her ear.
Vaughn turned quickly back around, her thoughts spinning. She forced her mind to clear as her eyes rested on her best friend and chief of staff, Crystal Porter.
“Crystal,” she responded stupidly.
“Very good,” she teased. “Now, back to my question.”
“Oh, that,” Vaughn answered casually, recovering her poise. She waved her hand in dismissal. “Just a friendly goodbye, that’s all.” Her dimples flashed.
Crystal’s thick eyebrows arched in disbelief. “You can tell me anything, girlfriend. But you know that I know better.” Her voice lowered to a sassy whisper. “You haven’t let anyone, or should I say, any man, get close enough to you even to smell your perfume, let alone give you a kiss. And on the mouth, at that.” She pursed her lips and peered at Vaughn from beneath thick black lashes.
“Don’t be dramatic, Crystal. That’s not true.”
“Yeah, right. Anyway, it’s time to make your goodbye and thank-you speech to the masses.”
“Thanks.” They began walking toward the dining room. “Actually, I’ll be glad when this whole night is over,” she said, trying unsuccessfully to shake off the lingering effects of Justin’s kiss.
“You think you will. But you know you love the limelight. You were born for this sort of stuff. And Virginia would be a helluva better place if you had a seat in Congress.”
Vaughn squeezed Crystal’s arm. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Chris.”
“Sure you do. You’d hire someone almost as qualified as I am. Because you know I’m the best.”
“Yeah, you keep reminding me. Now, let’s go and get these people out of here.”
“Go for it. And lay it on thick,” she added with a smile, as Vaughn made her way to the front of the hall.
Flashbulbs and applause competed feverishly as Vaughn spoke both passionately and humorously about her bid for Congress.
“…your presence here tonight renews my determination to win this election. I stand by my conviction that government is ultimately responsible for its people.” A roar of applause filled the room. “I intend to take the voices and needs of my constituency to Capitol Hill. I have no intention of becoming,” she paused for effect, “one of the good ol’ boys.” Laughter filled the air. “My stand on women’s rights has caused storm clouds to gather, but that’s what umbrellas are for.”
“The crowd loves her and the press adores her,” Sheila whispered to Crystal as she eased up beside her, both of them watching Vaughn enchant the ballroom crowd.
“She definitely has what it takes, Mrs. Hamilton. There’s no question about that.”
“But there’s a long road ahead,” Sheila continued. “There’ll be those who’d rather she stayed at home, barefoot and pregnant, than run for higher office. You be there for her, Crystal,” Sheila pressed, squeezing Crystal’s arm for emphasis.
Crystal turned to look at Sheila, the faint hint of warning in her voice sending a shudder of alarm skimming up her spine. “I’m sure we can handle any mud that gets slung,” Crystal assured. “Vaughn is tough.”
“She’ll have to be tougher,” Elliott interjected, joining the two women. “There’s no room in politics for the weak of heart.” He put his hand around his wife’s waist. “I’ve paved the way for that girl. I know she’s not going to let me down.”
Sheila straightened her shoulders and fixed a smile on her face. “Of course she won’t, sugar,” Sheila assured her husband, even as a sense of foreboding found a haven in her heart.
The room erupted into thunderous applause as Vaughn concluded her speech. She joined her parents on the sidelines.
“Whew. That’s that,” Vaughn breathed with relief.
“You did good, girl,” Crystal said giving her a brief hug.
“Thanks.” Vaughn grinned. Crystal Porter was the only person she knew who could turn girl into a three-syllable word.
“This is only the beginning, princess,” Elliott said. “So you’d best be prepared.” He clamped his lips around the unlit pipe that was his trademark.
“I will, Daddy. I will,” she said wearily. “Mama, I’m going to be heading home. I’m beat.”
“I know you are, sugar. You must have shaken a thousand hands tonight.”
“Not to mention the countless wet kisses,” Crystal chimed in.
Vaughn switched her gaze to Crystal, her eyes flashing in annoyance.
“What?” Crystal asked innocently.
Vaughn shook her head. “Never mind. I’m getting out of here. Mama, Daddy, I’ll speak to you both tomorrow.”
“If you’re that tired, Vaughn,” her father said, “I think it best you stay here tonight. You don’t need to be driving home half asleep.”
She heard the beginnings of an order in his voice but she wasn’t having it. Not tonight. “I’ll be fine.” She kissed his cheek and then her mother’s. “I promise. I’ll call as soon as I get in.”
Elliott frowned and gnawed on his pipe, not at all pleased. But there was no point in getting his shorts twisted in a knot on such an auspicious night. This one time he’d let her rebellious streak go. “You just make sure you do that.”
“Goodnight, everyone,” Vaughn said wearily. “Chris, do you need a ride?”
“No. I have my car. I’ll see you on Monday. Be safe.”
Vaughn waved and swept out the door, deeply relieved to be out from under the supervision of her father. She couldn’t wait to get home and hop into bed.
As she slowly pulled out of the drive and onto the street, the sound of a honking horn caught her attention. She peered through the darkness and saw the headlights of a parked car at the edge of the six-foot iron gate. Cautiously, she eased the car down the lane. Quickly she checked that her windows were up and the doors were locked. Just because you paid a lot of money to live someplace didn’t protect you from crime, she thought nervously. Norfolk’s crime statistics could attest to that. She pressed her foot on the gas, intent on speeding past the waiting auto before the driver had a chance to know what was happening.
Her black Jaguar jetted forward, but not before the driver stepped in front of her car. “Holy….” she screeched, as she slammed on the brakes. The momentum threw her against the steering wheel. For several long moments she sat shivering in her seat, her head pressed against hands that couldn’t seem to release the wheel.
The sharp tapping on her window caused her to gasp in alarm. Her head snapped up. Her eyes, wide with fright, darkened into two dangerous slits. She bit down on her lip to keep from expelling a spew of expletives. Like a flash of lightning she unfastened her seatbelt, popped the locks on the door, and flung it open, nearly knocking down the unfortunate soul who was about to wish he hadn’t gotten up that morning.
She jumped out of the car, hands on hips, eyes blazing. “Are you totally out of your mind? I could have killed you, you damned idiot!”
Justin leaned casually against the hood of the Jaguar. He folded his arms across his chest. “Now, it wouldn’t have looked very good for your campaign image if you’d run me over.”
“What?” she sputtered. “You are out of your mind!” Her chest heaved in and out, enticingly, Justin noted, as she tried to get her breathing under control.
Justin stepped around in front of her. “I just felt this was a good way to get your attention. And to let you know that I was very serious about what I said earlier.”
Now, she really couldn’t breathe. Not with him standing close enough for her to see the sparkle in his eyes. Oh, God. “What is it that you want, Mr. Montgomery?” she asked, completely exasperated and totally at a loss as to how to deal with this unpredictable, gorgeous man.
“I thought I made myself clear earlier,” he said in a rough whisper. “Obviously, I didn’t do a very good job.” He stepped even closer, allowing only a breath to separate them. “Maybe this will help.”
Vaughn felt hypnotized, immobilized, as his steady gaze held her in place. By degrees he lowered his head until his lips gently touched down on hers. Ever so slowly, Justin’s mouth grazed over her own, commanding her to yield to him.
She felt her head spin, her stomach flutter, her heart race with blinding speed. She felt as if a whirlpool had taken up residence within her. Unwillingly, her body began to unwind as Justin’s hand cupped the back of her head, pulling her deeper into the kiss. Without thought, her fingers reached up and stroked his smooth cheeks. His arms wound down around her, welding them together.
She heard his low groan mix with her sigh as the tip of his tongue flicked across her lips. Then, without warning, the tantalizing sensations that ripped through her ceased. Justin eased back without totally releasing her, once again stunned by the sudden impact of the emotions that heated every fiber of his body.
“How about if I follow you home to make sure you get there safely?” he whispered, drawing in a deep breath to calm himself.
Wordlessly she nodded and stepped back out of his embrace. Like an automaton, she slipped into the driver’s seat of her car, fastened her seatbelt, and put the car in gear. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, wondering if what had just transpired was real, or if she’d just imagined the whole erotic episode. But when she looked up and saw his headlights cut a path through the pitch black night, she knew it was all too real.
Slowly, she pulled out ahead, and as promised, Justin followed her for the full two-hour drive to her townhouse. It took all her concentration to get home in one piece. Her thoughts kept shifting between the road ahead and the man behind the wheel of the midnight blue BMW.
Mercifully, Vaughn parked the car in her driveway, fully expecting Justin to get out of his car. He didn’t, and she found herself acutely disappointed. Instead, he waited for her to put her key in the door, turn on the hall light, and lock the door behind her. On shaky legs, Vaughn momentarily leaned against the locked door. When she heard the sound of his car pull out of the drive, she hurried to the window to see the taillights disappear.
Vaughn let out a shuddering breath, then wearily went upstairs to her bedroom. She walked across the pale peach carpet, mechanically dialed her parents’ home, and told them she’d arrived safely. Numbly she listened to her mother tell her what a success the evening had been and that she was hoping she and Vaughn could get together for lunch during the week. Vaughn only half listened, agreeing to whatever was being said. Her thoughts wouldn’t stay focused. Finally, her mother said goodnight.
Undressing, then cleansing the remnants of makeup from her face, she began to relive every single detail of her encounter with Justin Montgomery from the moment she’d met him. It all seemed like a dream, she thought with wonder. Even as she slipped under the satin sheets, she had the unsettling sensation that at any moment Justin was going to pop out from beneath her bed or step out of her closet. It took all she had not to peek under the floral quilt. As she drifted off to sleep, the beginnings of a smile tugged at her lips. “Looks like we’re gonna do it your way, Mr. Montgomery,” she said softly. “But I’m not going to be so easy next time.”
Chapter 2
All night long, Vaughn tossed and turned, visions of Justin assaulting her from every angle. She relived his touch, savored his kiss, longed to inhale the scent of him once again. But with the start of a new day, her senses seemed to have returned. The previous evening took on a sense of unreality and became more distant as her days were filled with plans for her campaign. It was the nights that were difficult. In the still of the evening she recalled vividly the thrill of being in his arms. She’d dreamed of him again and awakened with a tingling sensation that had left her body feeling totally unsatisfied.
What in the devil did I let happen that night? she wondered, as the steamy shower cascaded over her. Have I been so starved for affection that I let the first aggressive man I meet dominate my thoughts, day and night? No way, she thought, shutting off the water and stepping out of the stall. No way.
He must want something, just like everyone else. She had to admit, though, he ran a good game. She chuckled at her own gullibility. However, determined to put thoughts of Justin Montgomery out of her head, she dressed in her sweatsuit and sneakers and took her morning run around the park. But if she thought she could run him out of her system, she was truly mistaken. With each step she took, she surreptitiously peeked over her shoulder, expecting, even hoping, that Justin would step from behind a tree to kiss her breathless once more. She swore she saw his face in every other man she passed. She imagined she caught a whiff of his cologne as a group of cyclists sped by. This is crazy, she mused, making the turn back onto her street. She wiped the perspiration from her forehead with her wristband and ran smack into Justin as he stepped out of her front gate.
“Well, good morning,” he greeted, steadying her with a strong grip. “This is a great look for you,” he teased, his eyes roving over her.
For the first time since she’d been a child, she was self-conscious about her looks. She knew that her dark skin must be about as shiny as a pair of polished shoes. Perspiration ran in rivulets down her face. This is just great, she thought. The very thought that he could have caught her in this very unflattering light suddenly ticked her off and all of her frustration and longing over the past two weeks overflowed.
She took a step back so that she could look him full in the face. Her eyes narrowed and her neck arched to an arrogant angle. She planted her hands firmly on her flaring hips.
“Let me tell you something…Justin,” she spat out his name with vehemence. “First you come on to me like gangbusters, then you plant yourself in front of my car and scare the hell out of me. Then you kiss me like you’ve known me all your life and follow me home.” And then I don’t hear from you, she wanted to say, but didn’t. “Then you have the audacity to pop up on my doorstep unannounced, and all you have to say is, ‘this is a great look for you’?” She leaned dangerously forward, rising on tiptoe to press home her point. “No, buddy, it doesn’t work like that. Not with me. Maybe this sweet-talking routine of yours has worked in the past, but I’m not buying it,” she concluded in a huff, pointing her finger at him like a dagger.
The corner of his lip inched up in a grin and she instantly felt her resolve begin to waver. “Well, I guess I deserved that,” he said mildly, seemingly unruffled by her tirade. It took all his willpower to keep from staring at the rapid rise and fall of her breasts. “That’s why I stopped by this morning. I wanted to take you to brunch to make up for being such a…” he peered quizzically at her. “What did you call me again?” He placed his forefinger on his lip in contemplation. “Ah, yes, a gangbuster. Yeah, to make up for coming on like a gangbuster.” Mischief danced in his eyes. “I just don’t know what came over me,” he concluded, all innocence and light. “But most of all,” he took a step closer, “I couldn’t seem to get you out of my head.”
Vaughn’s shoulders slumped. She expelled a long-held breath and shook her head, but she refused to give in to the smile that threatened to ruin her tough stance. Vaughn cocked her head to the side. “Mr. Montgomery, I hope your pockets are deep, because I’m starved and you have a lot of making up to do.” She spun away and headed for her door. “Wait in your car,” she instructed over her shoulder. “I’ll be out in twenty minutes.”
“Ooh, I love it when you talk to me like that,” he called out, amusement rippling through his voice.
This time Vaughn did give in to the joy that bubbled within her. She laughed all the way up the stairs to her room and didn’t stop until she’d showered, finished dressing in a pair of designer jeans and matching shirt, put on a pair of Italian loafers, and grabbed a navy wool jacket from the hall closet. Just for today, she pledged, slipping into her jacket, I’ll put my mistrust, my politics, and my old hurts aside and enjoy this time with a very sexy man who makes it so easy to forget. She stepped out the door, determined and confident, strutted around to the passenger side of his car, and slid in.
“Twenty-five minutes,” Justin said, checking his watch before pulling the car onto the road. “You said twenty. I was beginning to get worried.”
“Right.” She rolled her eyes, intent on pretending annoyance. “Just drive, before I change my mind.” But the confidence that she’d had only moments before seemed to dissolve by the second as the close proximity of Justin Montgomery took its full effect on her. What am I doing? she worried, the strong manly scent of him scrambling her thoughts.
For several minutes they drove in silence, the steady rhythm of the car stereo the only sound. Vaughn fiddled with the gold button on her jacket and had nearly pulled it off when Justin’s voice broke the silence.