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“I’ve never known a woman named Vaughn. It’s quite unusual.” He looked at her from the corner of his eye. “Is it a family name?”
She smiled briefly. How many times in school and in business had she been mistaken for a man when her name was read on the register or her résumé was reviewed by prospective employers? She secretly enjoyed the looks of surprise when she’d answered in attendance or appeared at an interview. She only wished that the reason for her unusual name was because someone cared that much about her to have her carry on the name.
“My father wanted a boy.” Justin caught the hint of wistfulness in her voice. He looked at her curiously, but her face remained impassive. “I guess it was his way of saying to hell with fate,” she concluded.
“He’s definitely tempted fate on a lot of levels.”
“He certainly has,” she answered shortly.
“Have I hit a sore spot?”
Vaughn snapped her head in his direction. “Why would you ask something like that?” she countered defensively.
“I watched you with your father last night and the way that you responded to him. Now when his name comes up you get all tense.”
Vaughn straightened up in her seat. “I didn’t think it was that obvious,” she replied quietly, disconcerted that the public mask she’d so expertly kept in place had slipped. Or was it simply that this man—this devastating man—had seemed to see through all the barricades she’d erected, apparently without effort? The thought stirred her uncomfortably.
“It is. But if you’d rather not talk about it, then we won’t.”
“Then I guess we won’t.”
“Fine. What would you like to talk about?”
She hesitated a beat. “I’d like to talk about why you’re so intent on squeezing your way into my life, for starters.”
“Good comeback,” he said jovially. “How about if I give you a full confession over brunch? We’re almost there.”
For the first time since she’d stepped into the car, she took note of her surroundings. The smell of the James River filled the interior. Vaughn turned her head toward Justin and stared at him through narrowed eyes.
“I thought a nice midday riverboat cruise on the Annabel Lee would be nice,” Justin offered, in response to Vaughn’s questioning look. “I hear the food is excellent. There’s a live band, and most important, you can’t get away from me unless you decide to jump overboard.” He squinted his beautiful brown eyes at her. “That was the deciding factor.”
“Very funny,” Vaughn said. “And very thoughtful,” she added, with a dimpled smile that set Justin’s pulse racing.
“I was hoping you’d say that.” Unable to resist the temptation of tasting her again, he quickly leaned over and kissed her moist mouth. Relishing the sweetness anew, he sucked on her bottom lip and Vaughn felt the tremors of yearning explode within her. Reluctantly, Justin released her. “I’m just a thoughtful guy.” His voice lowered to a thrilling throb and his eyes held her in an invisible embrace. “If you give me half a chance, Vaughn Hamilton, I can show you just how thoughtful I can be.”
Her heart thumped, then settled down to its normal rhythm. “You’re off to a flying start,” she said softly.
Momentarily, with her looking at him with those glorious eyes and bewitching smile, he had the insane notion to pull off and take her as far away from civilization as possible, then ravish that luscious body until she begged him to stop. Fortunately, good judgment took over. He expelled a shaky breath. “Which is exactly what we’re gonna have to do if we don’t want to get left at the dock. That boat leaves in about five minutes.”
Laughing, hand in hand, they ran across the dock and darted up the gangplank. Vaughn thought for a few moments about how sudden and wild her actions were with Mr. Montgomery. What was it about him? Why did he strike such a chord within her? Why did she allow him to get so close? She shook her head. She wasn’t going to think about that now. Now, she was going to hold tightly to his hand and remember how good it feels to do something as simple as hold a man’s hand. She felt carefree and young again, and she never wanted the feeling to end.
Once on board, Vaughn was treated to an afternoon of pure magic. The exquisite seafood cuisine, the soothing sounds of the band, and most of all, the comfort of being in Justin’s company. He was every bit the gentleman. He saw to her every need. He made her laugh with his sharp wit and exceptional talent for mimicking the other passengers on board. Above all, he made her feel special, truly important.
By degrees her guard came down and she found herself talking about things, personal things, that she had kept buried for years.
“I really don’t know how I got involved in politics,” she confessed, as they strolled arm in arm across the deck and out onto the boardwalk. “My father seemed to have my whole life mapped out even before I was born. For as long as I can remember I was surrounded by politicians and attending political events. I imagine the Kennedys know what my life was like. My father’s idea of a family outing was to have my mother and me sit in the spectator box in court while he presided.” She laughed.
Justin heard the false note of gaiety in her voice and slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her close. “Didn’t you have any say so? I mean, wasn’t your father interested in what you wanted to do?”
“You obviously don’t know him very well. There is no way but his way. There’s no argument, no debate.” She sighed. “To tell you the truth, I never knew any other kind of life. It’s kind of hard to debate when you have nothing to compare it with.”
“What about your friends? Didn’t they have interests?”
“Coincidentally,” she grinned, “all my friends were children of my father’s friends. Who, of course, were politicians.”
Justin shook his head sadly. “Doesn’t seem like you had much of a childhood.”
“It wasn’t that bad,” she said unconvincingly. “After a point, I really got into it and found that I was good at what I did. I graduated at the top of my class and worked at one of the top law firms in D.C. When my father suggested that I run for the state assembly four years ago, I did, without question.”
“And now you’re ready to move on to bigger and better things,” Justin added.
Vaughn nodded. “But this time I want to be sure that when I win, it’s because of me, and not because of my father’s influence.”
“All anyone has to do is take a look at your record,” Justin said, quickly coming to her defense. “You accomplished those things. You got the funding in place to open the youth and senior centers and got the bill passed to crack down on drugs in Richmond. Not your father.”
His vehemence warmed her. “That may be true. But there are plenty of people who can’t see past my name to who I really am. Too many opponents want to believe that the only reason I’ve gotten this far is because my father is a judge. I work hard at proving them wrong every day.”
“That’s where I come in,” Justin said, turning her into his embrace. He gazed down into her upturned face. “From the moment I met you,” he whispered gently, “I knew I wanted you in my life. I can’t remember ever feeling this strongly about anyone or anything.” He slowly caressed her cheek with the tip of his finger. “You’re an incredible woman, Vaughn, and I want to be the one to make you realize just how incredible.” His head lowered and her breath stopped somewhere in her chest. “Not as a politician, or as a judge’s daughter.” His lips were inches away from hers. “But as a woman.”
Justin’s mouth slowly, seductively covered hers. His arms tightened around her, pulling her solidly against the hard lines of his frame. She felt as if she’d dived under water—weightless, free, as her mouth opened, welcoming the texture of his exploring tongue.
Wave after wave of pleasure rushed through her being, awakening long-buried desires, forcing them to the surface with a power that was frightening. Yet a warning voice nipped at the shreds of her consciousness. Too soon…too fast. She sank deeper into the kiss. After something…what? Her fingers clutched him for support. The headlines…his life, mine…
Suddenly Vaughn tore herself from Justin’s embrace. Breathless and shaky, she turned away, commanding composure. Justin clasped her shoulders in a firm grip. Her felt her tense beneath his fingertips. Slowly he turned her around to face him, his own heart ready to burst with the unnatural rapid beating.
When she turned, Justin fully expected to see doubt, longing, confusion, happiness—even desire, spilling across her exquisite face. Any of those emotions he could easily have dealt with. But not the look of pure dismissal that hardened her features like granite.
Chapter 3
“Vaughn,” Justin said in a hushed voice. “What is it? What have I done?” He held her shoulders, feeling the subtle shudders ripple through her. “Damn it, Vaughn, don’t look at me as if I’m beneath contempt. Talk to me!”
Vaughn swallowed deeply and took a gulping breath. She turned her gaze away and looked out toward the rolling waters. Her jaw clenched. “I can’t,” she finally said in a broken whisper. She shook her head and eased away from Justin’s hold. “I wish I could. But it’s impossible.” She spun around and looked up at him, her warm brown eyes filled with a pain so palpable it reached out and squeezed his heart. “Maybe it would be best if we just cut this afternoon short.” Her voice strengthened as it picked up volume. Justin saw the mask subtly slip into place. “The reality is, I’m not in a position to get involved in a relationship right now. I shouldn’t have led you to believe otherwise. There’s too much at stake,” she added self-righteously.
She began to sound more and more like a politician as she rambled on, Justin noted with wry amusement. Well, he’d just let her finish and get it off her chest, and then he had a thing or two to tell her, once and for all.
“The fact is, I must concentrate on my campaign. Too many people are relying on me. My energies have to be focused at this point.” And I certainly can’t focus on anything with you in my life, she thought longingly. She took a breath and lifted her chin. “Believe me,” she said, a bit more gently, “you’re a…desirable man.” Justin almost lost his composure and laughed out loud as he watched her try to keep a rein on her emotions. “Under other circumstances…” She didn’t complete her sentence, because what could she honestly say? Could she tell him that if things were different, she wouldn’t hesitate to give in to all the feelings that were wreaking havoc with her heart? Could she tell him that if a part of her hadn’t been obliterated, she would feel differently about the future? Could she tell him that her lessons in love had nearly destroyed her? No. She couldn’t.
Justin had watched her every move since she’d begun her litany of dismissal. She wanted him, and he knew it. She wanted him so badly that it scared the hell out of her. But there was also something else, something hidden so deep it leaped beyond just a fear of a relationship. He was never a man who gave up on anything he wanted. And he wanted Vaughn Hamilton more than anything he’d ever wanted before. She could throw up all the roadblocks she wanted, but he’d knock down every one of them until she finally and unequivocally removed that mask for him and him alone. And he would be there to help her unleash the passion that he knew smoldered beneath that polished surface.
“Are you about finished?” he asked pointedly.
Vaughn nodded.
“Then I think you ought to know that I don’t give two damns about your campaign, your constituents, or your blasted busy schedule that’s supposed to keep you so occupied that you won’t have a life! Will all of that keep you warm in bed at night?” He answered his own question. “No. I think not. Not like I can…and will.”
The heat of his erotic threat whipped through her and pounded in her veins. Vaughn’s mouth opened, then closed instantly.
He took a breath and his voice softened. His gaze implored her to listen with her heart. “What I do care about is you, Vaughn. For some godforsaken reason, I care about you. Don’t ask me why or how. I don’t know. Everything is happening too fast for me. But I don’t want to stop it. I couldn’t if I tried.”
He reached out and stroked her cheek with the tip of his finger. A shiver ran through her body at the feather-light touch. Her eyes briefly fluttered closed.
“What’s happening between us…” He shook his head, searching for the words. His hands opened to her and tightened into fists. “It only happens once in a lifetime, Vaughn. The passion, the connection, the vibrations that run like live wires between us…can you say that you’re sure you’ll find this again? Are you sure you’ve ever had it before?” He bent slightly down to meet her at eye level. He held her shoulders, willing his fingers to transfer his emotions to her.
“I don’t want to know about your past. Let’s begin from here, now, today, as if all the yesterdays never happened. We can start slowly.” He grinned encouragingly. “Or at whatever pace you choose.” The flicker of a smile sparkled in Vaughn’s eyes. “But whatever you do, give this a chance.” He paused a moment, then began again, his voice dropping an octave. “I know you want this.” He stepped closer. “You know how I can tell?” he asked arrogantly, the light of mischief dancing in his eyes.
“No. How can you tell?” Vaughn whispered, softening at his touch.
“Because every time I hold you in my arms, like this…” He enfolded her in a gentle embrace. His mouth lowered to whisper above hers. “And kiss you, as I’m going to do…”
“Yes,” she breathed.
“I can feel every fiber in your body dissolve into hot liquid and burn through my veins like a white heat. You’re in my blood, Vaughn. Just as I’m in yours.”
His mouth tentatively touched down and covered hers. He felt her tremble and pulled her securely against him, clamping his palm behind her head, urging her deeper into the kiss.
Her mouth willingly opened, drawing in the tangy taste of his exploring tongue. Their tongues, their lips, their hearts danced exotically with each other, heightening, then lessening the explosive intensity that poured through them.
The sensation of her hardened nipples brushing against the fabric of her shirt nearly caused her to cry out. Vaughn pressed herself closer to Justin to relieve the maddening pressure in her breasts.
Their muted sounds of desire filtered through the early evening air as their bodies welded together in tantalizing contact. Justin’s own shaft of desire bloomed painfully hot and hard, pulsing against the stirring gyrations of Vaughn’s hips.
This time it was Justin who broke contact. He pulled her solidly against him, burying his face in her hair. A low groan rose from deep in his stomach. With great effort, he brought his breathing under control.
“That’s how I know,” he said raggedly, willing his body to contain the shudders that whipped through him.
Vaughn eased back and looked up into his eyes. A slow, seductive smile curved her lips. Her dimples deepened. Her eyes trailed languidly over his face. “I think you’re right, Mr. Montgomery,” she conceded in a whisper. “But we’re going to take it very slowly,” she added softly, “very slowly. I don’t want to make any more mistakes in my life, Justin.” Vaughn reached up and cupped his cheek. He turned his face into her palm and kissed her open hand. “You’ve got to be patient with me, Justin.”
“I’ll be whatever I have to be, Vaughn. If it’s what you want.”
She let out a deep sigh. “Then I guess this is the start,” she said, hope, fear, and joy filling her voice at once.
“You won’t regret it,” he assured her solemnly.
“If I do, you’ll be sorry I did,” she warned, poking him playfully in the chest, needing this moment of frivolity to regain her equilibrium.
“You’re on!” He smacked her solidly on the lips with a kiss to seal the pact.
“Well,” she breathed, “I hope you still have plenty of money left in your pockets, because I seem to have worked up an appetite.”
Justin let out a hearty laugh, wrapped his arm around her, and ushered her to his car. “Your appetite will be the one thing to topple this relationship, lady.” They both laughed, the sound bright and promising as the budding blooms of spring.
Over the next few weeks, Vaughn and Justin spent all their free time together—discreetly. Their lives consisted of concerts, sharing late-night dinners, and home-cooked meals as Vaughn attempted to keep her private life out of the public eye. They talked of world affairs and of her campaign plans, took long drives in the midnight hours of spring. From that first night forward, their destinies were irrevocably sealed.
Chapter 4
Simone Rivers sat in the small living area of her Spelman College dorm. Like a sponge she absorbed yet another news article in the Atlanta Journal, detailing the fund-raising event of the season for Vaughn Hamilton. She had avidly followed the rise of the many African-American female politicians for years. The few details she’d gleaned about Vaughn Hamilton only confirmed her conviction to become just like the woman.
Simone folded the paper and placed it on the dinette table. Unfortunately, Simone didn’t have the political connections Vaughn had. She didn’t have a judge for a father or a political socialite for a mother. Her foster parents were simple people. Her foster father worked for the Atlanta post office, and her foster mother was a part-time librarian. What Simone did have were determination and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. And this summer she was determined to do her undergraduate internship in a political environment outside Atlanta. And she hoped to get to meet Vaughn Hamilton in the process.
She sighed heavily, drawing the attention of her roommate, Jean.
“Sounds deep,” Jean commented, peeking over the edge of her textbook.
Simone shrugged. “I was just reading this article on Vaughn Hamilton’s big shindig last week.”
“I really admire women like her—women who are willing to go against the odds and take what they want. Women who aren’t intimidated by outside forces, but who are secure in who they are.” Her light brown eyes glowed with admiration.
“Sounds like you’d make a great walking advertisement for her campaign,” Jean teased.
“Very funny.” Simone rolled her eyes in annoyance. She hated it when Jean teased her about her political zeal.
“Don’t get all bent, Simone. You know I was just kidding,” Jean said, half apologetically. Jean was a biology major, and politics was the furthest thing from Jean’s mind. She tried valiantly to keep up with Simone’s rhetoric and name dropping, but the whole abstract concept of politics crashed against her logical, analytical brain like a mack truck. However, it was Jean’s unshakeable reason that Simone sometimes relied on to keep her focused on her goals. Jean returned her attention to her textbook when her eyes brightened with what she thought was a brilliant idea.
“Hey, if Hamilton is running, she has to have a campaign staff. Why don’t you try to get an internship with her this summer?”
Simone gave a weak smile. “I’m way ahead of you on that one.” She plopped down on the plaid couch and stretched out her long legs. “I called about two weeks ago. One of her aides told me that they had just filled their quota for summer interns.”
“Hmmm. Bad break. That would have been perfect.”
The two friends sat in silence, both caught up in trying to arrive at an alternative solution.
Simone folded her arms beneath her small breasts and twisted her lips in consternation. She knew she’d waited too long to make her contacts. But until two weeks ago, she wasn’t sure how she’d have managed living expenses outside of her dorm. She knew that her parents had spent most of their savings to send her to college. Or at least, that’s what she’d thought; until they’d revealed to her that upon her nineteenth birthday, which was in three weeks, she’d have access to an account in the amount of $250,000. They’d refused to say how they’d amassed that much money, only that it was now hers. She was still reeling from the shock.
“Hey,” Jean said suddenly, making Simone jump in surprise. “Remember about three months ago when that f-i-n-e brother, um, um, whatshisname?” She popped her fingers trying to make the name materialize. “Montgomery!” she cried triumphantly.
Simone sat up in her seat, her thoughts racing. “Right. When he came here to speak, he said he’d be happy to help out with internship and job referrals,” she shouted. “And I was really impressed with his stance on children’s rights and advocacy.” How could she have forgotten? She’d been so preoccupied with working with Vaughn Hamilton that she’d completely overlooked Justin Montgomery’s generous offer.
Briefly she thought of her own situation and what an impact his presentation had had on her at the time. It had really made her think it was possible to find the truth, that the law was there to be used, if you knew how. That was what she’d wanted more than anything, to learn how to use the law to find the truth. And now she had the means to do it.
“Do you still have his card?” Jean asked.
“I hope so.” Simone popped up and trotted off to her room with Jean close on her heels. Simone reached up to the top shelf of the closet and took down a well-worn shoebox.
Sitting on the edge of her bed, Simone and Jean sifted through the myriad papers, old love letters, and news clippings.
“Here it is,” Simone said jubilantly, holding up the cream-colored card.
“Great. Give him a call,” Jean urged, nudging Simone.
“Today’s Saturday, silly.”
“Oh, yeah, right.” Her bright idea momentarily dimmed. “Well,” Jean said, “that gives you two days to prepare a knock-’em-dead internship-of-the-year presentation speech.”
Simone grinned. “That’s just what I’m gonna do. By the time I finish my pitch to Mr. Montgomery, he’ll be begging me to join his staff!” She turned toward her friend, her black eyes sparking with fire and her soft but firm voice growing serious. “I have a real strong feeling about this, Jean.” She clutched the card in her hand. “I really believe that this internship is going to be the turning point in my life.”
Lucus Stone tossed his copy of the Washington Post across the glass table in disgust. The grainy black-and-white photo of Vaughn Hamilton stared back at him, beautiful, smiling, and confident, a combination that would not be ignored by the voters.
So, the daughter of Elliott Hamilton was truly running against him. The whole notion was almost funny, that this woman thought she had what it took to run against him and win. His deep blue eyes darkened. He’d held his congressional seat for over a decade, virtually unopposed, and he had no intention of losing. Especially to a woman. Especially this woman. He didn’t give a damn who her father was. Vaughn Hamilton was no match for him.
He stood up and ran his hand across his smooth chin, then through the shock of glistening gray hair that gave him an air of confidence and maturity that his constituency loved. However, he mused, there was no point in taking chances. The political tides changed rapidly, and Lucus Stone was never one to be caught adrift. And he was never one to leave anything to chance. He crossed the room in smooth strides and reached for the phone. Punching in the numbers, he waited.
“Hello?” answered a sleepy male voice.
“David, it’s me.”
David Cain slowly sat up in bed, forcing himself awake. Lucus Stone never called him at home unless it was urgent. His thoughts scrambled for organization. “Good morning, Mr. Stone. What can I do for you?”
“It’s afternoon,” Lucus corrected tersely. “Did you see today’s paper?” he asked, demanding to know but also realizing that this miscreant hadn’t even gotten out of bed for the day.
“Uh, no.” David rubbed the last of the sleep out of his light brown eyes.
“Well, get it and read it. Meet me at my office in an hour. I have a job for you.” Lucus broke the connection.