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Mistletoe, Baby
Alexis looked around. A genuine corner office. Wow. She turned to Tracy. “Thank you.”
“IT will be up in about—” she checked her watch “—twenty minutes to get your computer set up, and give you a company cell and iPad. I’ll send in Claire. She’ll be your assistant. Graham... Mr. Stone has you on his schedule for eleven-thirty in his office.”
“Thank you, Tracy.”
“I’ll send Claire right in.” She handed Alexis the key card, walked out and closed the door behind her.
Alexis stared at the door for a moment. Tracy Carter clearly had a bug up her behind. Alexis wasn’t quite sure how she fit into the equation but she wasn’t going to let Tracy’s cold shoulder rub off on her. She walked to the window that overlooked the city. In the distance she could see the treetops of Central Park, and felt the buzz and electricity of the city speeding by below. It was like looking at a magnificent movie with the sound muted.
Her heartbeat escalated. She was here—New York City, with a six-figure job and an apartment on Sutton Place. She had the opportunity to make major changes in education on a global scale. It was everything she could possibly hope for. And then, of course, there was the Graham Stone factor that made the package perfect.
She turned away from the window at the sound of a knock on the door.
“Yes, come in.”
The door eased open and a young woman peeked her head in.
Alexis crossed the room as she spoke. “Please come in.”
Claire stepped fully inside. “Good morning, Ms. Montgomery. Claire Davis.”
Alexis extended her hand. “My pleasure. I understand we’ll be working together.”
“Yes, ma’am. Whatever you need.”
“How long have you been working here, Claire?”
“Two years.”
Alexis bobbed her head. “Good.” She blew out a breath. “IT will be up shortly. But until they get here why don’t you give me your perspective of R.E.A.L., the who’s who and where you see yourself in five years.”
Claire blinked back her surprise. “Well...”
Alexis sat down on one of the club chairs and indicated that Claire should sit, as well.
“Before you say anything, I want you to understand that as my assistant I will be entrusting you with keeping me on task, from something as simple as taking a phone message to scheduling appointments, maintaining my calendar, navigating me through the minefield of R.E.A.L. We are a team. That means we work together as a unit. I depend on you and you depend on me to help you do your job. When I’m lagging, I want you to let me know. I can be demanding and get an awful case of tunnel vision when I’m immersed in a project. I give one hundred fifty percent, and I expect no less from anyone that I work with. I make sure that hard work is rewarded.”
Claire sat up straighter in her seat. “As I said, I’ve been here for two years. I worked for Mr. Martin. He had the position before you arrived.” She paused a moment. “Actually, we all thought that this position would go to Tracy.”
That explained the attitude. Alexis nodded and let Claire continue.
“I have a master’s degree in educational leadership. I spent four years with Teach America, teaching fifth grade in Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn. I’m good at what I do. I’m married and have a two-year-old son. I’m dedicated to my job but I will be honest, my family comes first.”
Alexis smiled. “That was the most impressive thing you said...about your family.” That little ache that echoed in her belly was still there, not as powerful or as painful as when her mom first passed away, but there nonetheless. She knew the importance of family. She was sure that if her mom would have still been here she would have never left Atlanta, no matter how good this deal was. She cleared her throat. “I think we’re going to make a formidable pair.”
Claire smiled and appeared to physically relax.
The knock diverted their attention.
“IT,” a voice announced.
“Come in,” Alexis said, standing. Claire followed suit.
“Morning, I’m Jason. I’m gonna connect all of your equipment and set up your accounts.”
“I’ll get out of your way.”
“It should only take about fifteen minutes.” He sat down at the desk, booted up his laptop and turned on her computer. He got set up and went to work.
“Where can I get a cup of coffee?” Alexis asked.
“Come on, I’ll show you the employee lounge and my office...and,” she added with a grin, “the ladies room.”
* * *
By the time Alexis and Claire returned to her office, Jason was just finishing up. He showed Alexis how to sign into her email account, and had her sign for an iPad and a company cell phone.
“Thanks, Jason.”
“Sure thing. Any problems or questions, we’re at extension 2100.”
Alexis and Claire sat down to finish their coffee.
“While you’re at the meeting with Mr. Stone, I’ll get your files set up on your computer and check your supplies to see what you may need.”
Claire got up. “If you need anything before your meeting, I’m on speed dial.”
Alexis grinned. “That’s definitely good to know.”
“And I’ll email you my cell so that you can program it into your phone,” she added on her way out of the door.
Claire quietly shut the door and Alexis released a long breath. The combination of excitement and nerves ran rampant through her veins. She was eager to get started. She’d had the opportunity to review Graham’s plan and she had some ideas on how to make it happen, as well as a suggestion that she hoped he’d agree to. After studying the company’s objectives and their projects already in operation, she found one area that had been overlooked and if implemented could elevate R.E.A.L. on yet another level.
She turned on her computer and took her jump drive from her purse and popped it into the computer’s USB port. Once the notes that she’d made appeared on her computer screen she reviewed them, made a few corrections and additions and then sent them to a secure folder. Just to be on the safe side, she printed two copies of her report.
She jumped at the sudden ring of her desk phone. She picked it up. Claire was calling to inform her that Mr. Stone wanted to move up their meeting to “right now.” She added that it was something she would have to get used to as he often changed meeting times when he was juggling several projects.
“Thanks. I’m on my way.” She collected her notes, laptop and cell and took the elevator down. It occurred to her as she stepped off that it was odd that Graham, as the founder and CEO, should be on the lower floor. But from everything that she’d gleaned about Graham Stone he was anything but status quo.
Alexis took a moment to get her bearings. She caught a glimpse of soft pink at the end of the corridor, moments before the slender figure crossed a threshold and was out of view. She wondered if Tracy would be attending the meeting. Hopefully she would. It would give Alexis an opportunity to see up close and quickly how Tracy operated and the dynamics between Tracy and Graham.
The rhythmic click of her long-legged stride was absorbed in the dove-gray carpet. Graham’s door was open. Several people were in the office. She walked in.
* * *
Graham sensed her before he actually saw her. The short hairs on the back of his neck tingled. He turned from the conversation he was in with one of his staff members and his gaze zeroed in on Alexis. The tingling sensation spread down the center of his spine. His jaw clenched.
“Ms. Montgomery, please come in.” Graham waved her in and the other four people in the room stopped in midsentence and looked at her.
Alexis felt like she was on the runway at Fashion Week and was being appraised by potential buyers. Graham made the introductions.
“All of you are aware that R.E.A.L. has a new VP of Development. I would like to formerly introduce Alexis Montgomery.”
Alexis’s gaze swept the small assembly and graced them with a warm but professional smile. “Good morning.”
Graham continued the introductions that included Anthony Harrelson, Vivian Small, Kwame Knight and Jae Jennings. They were all the heads of each of the departments: Finance, Corporate Communications, Marketing and Social Media. They would all report to Alexis.
“It’s a pleasure to meet all of you. I’m looking forward to us working together and me getting to know you.”
“You can set up your individual meetings with the department heads and they can bring you up to speed,” Graham said with a briskness that indicated this would not be the place for chitchat and small talk. Everyone took their cue and moved to the rectangular conference table and sat down.
Graham undid the single button on his suit jacket before he took his seat at the head of the table. Alexis found herself between Jae and Vivian. Jae was head of Social Media, and Alexis was sure the evolving digital platforms kept her challenged. She reminded Alexis of a lightning bug in a bottle, buzzing and flashing pinpoints of light and biding its time until the lid was opened and it could escape. Vivian was the diametric opposite. There was a calming aura about her. The strands of silver that ran through her intricately twisted upswept locks belied the buttery smoothness of her skin. Alexis placed the head of Corporate Communications in her early to mid-forties, and noted she wore a striking wedding band encrusted with diamonds.
Anthony Harrelson and Kwame Knight, heads of Finance and Marketing respectively, sat on the opposite side of the table. They could have easily stood in for magazine cover models—gorgeous from head to toe. Alexis absently wondered if good looks was part of the hiring criteria.
Then much to Alexis’s surprise Tracy strutted in and joined them, taking the seat nearest Graham.
“Let’s begin,” Graham said, turning to Tracy.
“The first agenda item is from Finance.” She gave a short nod to Anthony and placed her iPad on the table. She took notes as each executive outlined issues of concern in their departments and gave updates on pending projects.
Alexis remained an observer, which allowed her to get a good sense of the staff members’ styles and personalities, as well as the dynamic between Graham and Tracy.
It was clear that he relied on her and she knew it. Alexis had to give Tracy her props, though. She knew her stuff. She was up on every nuance in every department and if she didn’t understand what was being conveyed, she had no problem challenging the information.
Alexis was surprised at how laid-back Graham appeared to be. She perceived him to be one who relished control, but what she slowly realized was that Graham controlled everyone in the room without uttering a word. It was in a look, a subtle shift of his body in his seat, the sound of a low hum in his throat. Each person in that room deferred and hitched their star to Graham Stone.
The meeting lasted for exactly forty-five minutes. Tracy announced that everyone would have the details of the meeting uploaded to the corporate shared drive by the end of the day.
Everyone except for Tracy and Graham gravitated toward Alexis at the conclusion of the meeting, offering warm words of welcome and promises to contact Claire to set up a one-on-one. Even as she shook hands and smiled and nodded, she managed to catch glimpses of Graham and Tracy nearly head-to-head at the conference table, talking in low whispers.
Alexis was at the door when Graham’s voice stopped her. “Would you wait a few minutes, Alexis? I’d like to have a word.”
Alexis would have sworn on a stack of hotel bibles that Tracy’s perfectly made-up face contorted. But it happened so quickly. Maybe she was wrong.
“Of course.” She moved back into the room.
Tracy took a seat.
Graham’s gaze dropped down to her. “No need for you to stay.”
This time Alexis didn’t mistake the shift in Tracy’s expression. It was lightning quick but it happened.
Tracy grabbed up her iPad and phone. “Oh, of course. I have some calls to make. Don’t forget about your three o’clock.” She breezed by Alexis as if she didn’t exist.
Inwardly Alexis rolled her eyes at Tracy’s immature behavior and took a seat at the table.
“How has the morning been so far?”
Alexis smiled. “A whirlwind. But not more than I expected. Claire is wonderful and everyone seems friendly and good at their jobs.”
Graham nodded while she spoke and Alexis had the feeling that Graham wasn’t really listening, not from the way he was looking at her. His unfaltering gaze and the way he would periodically run his tongue across his bottom lip ignited a slow heat inside her belly, akin to a pot of water put on the stove to simmer.
“I’d like to hear your thoughts on the proposal that I gave you to read.”
Alexis swallowed and shifted a bit in her seat. She crossed her legs. Graham’s gaze momentarily tracked the movement then returned to her face.
“The proposal is solid, which I’m sure you already know. I did a bit of research and I couldn’t find any other urban model that resembled it. I know we can sell the idea to charter and independent schools.”
“I want to begin with the public school system.”
Alexis’s brow flicked. “Okay. If we select a school and set up a model...”
Graham slowly rocked his jaw and pressed his body forward. “My goal is to give every inner-city child—particularly children of color—the educational opportunities that the kids Uptown and in suburbia get. The Public-Private Partnership Initiative will bring in successful people from every area of discipline to conduct classes on how they did it. Ten months of school, ten separate sessions. We work it into the curriculum.”
She was mesmerized by his intensity. The way he presented the proposal was so definitive, so clear, so doable. Except she knew the NYC Department of Education was a sea of bureaucratic red tape. It might take her the length of her five-year contract to pull it off.
“I’ll get working on making the contacts at DOE. I take it you have a list of investors.”
“I do. I’ll get you the list. I want you out front on this.” He leaned back a bit the heat that he emanated lessened. His eyes moved lazily across her face. “You’ll need to set up individual meetings with each of the potential investors, pitch them the idea, and get them on board. Once you and I knock out all the details—this will be tight,” he added, tapping his long finger on the table. “And then we’ll have Legal draft a contract for the investors. I need you to complete this phase of the project in three days.”
Alexis nodded. “I’ll get right on it.” Right on it. I wonder how that would feel?
The corner of his mouth curved ever so slightly as if he’d read her wicked little thoughts. Her face heated.
She stood and smoothed her skirt. “If there’s nothing else...”
“I’d like us to meet again on Thursday to discuss your progress. I have to go out of town on Friday.”
“Oh.” A twinge of disappointment pinched her. “Of course. I’ll get as much done as I can.”
“All of the organization’s resources are at your disposal. All of the department heads report to you. Don’t hesitate to use them.”
“Yes, thank you.” She walked to the door.
“Enjoy the rest of your day,” Graham said.
The murmur of his voice slid up her spine and tickled the hairs at the nape of her neck and the tiniest of moans escaped from her lips. She glanced over her shoulder. “You, too.”
* * *
Alexis headed back to her office, acutely aware of the dampness between her legs. Was she going to have to carry around an extra pair of panties in order to be in the same room with Graham? Damn.
The best thing to get her mind and body off of him was work and she had plenty of it. Yet, even as she returned to her corner office she wondered what was going to be more challenging; completing the details of his complex proposal in three days or staying in her right mind around him.
Chapter 5
Graham loosened his tie and slowly lowered himself into his high-backed leather chair. Her scent still lingered in the air. It was on his fingertips even though he hadn’t touched her, didn’t dare. He was beginning to believe that it was some kind of aromatic hallucination because he inhaled her in his apartment, in his sheets, in the shower, in the car. It was as if he’d absorbed her into his pores. An image of her sitting in front of him flashed. His cock jumped in response.
His jaw clenched. Alexis was a distraction. And he didn’t like distractions. It was good that he was getting away. The trip would give him some time and space to clear his head and shake himself back to reality. He may have made a mistake taking her on. Had he met with her in person prior to the hire, this spot of trouble could have been avoided. But she’d signed a contract that he had countersigned. To break it would be a public relations nightmare. Not to mention the cost and legal ramifications. He’d have to show cause. And getting a hard-on when she was anywhere near him was not a reason. He would have to get her to demonstrate her inability to perform the job she was hired to do.
At least that much was in place. It would be a challenge for her to complete the initial assignment he’d given her in three days. He pursed his lips and thoughtfully rubbed his chin. He’d start there.
* * *
Alexis called Claire’s phone and asked her to put together the list of DOE contacts that had been used in the past. Maybe she would recognize a name or two from the zillion educational conferences that she’d attended over the years. She also asked Claire for a list of any outside consultants that had gone into any of the schools that R.E.A.L. dealt with.
“Not a problem. I’ll start on the lists right away. Oh, did you want to order lunch or will you be going out?”
“Hmm, I hadn’t really thought about it, but maybe I’ll go out and get a feel for things.”
“There are some great places one block up on Seventh Avenue and if you walk down toward Radio City Music Hall, go down the stairs of the McGraw Hill Building, there are some really good restaurants there as well.”
“Great. Thanks.” She disconnected the call and turned her full attention to the proposal in its entirety, then began to break it down into manageable parts and then started rewriting, expanding some sections and compressing others.
As she worked it was as if she was inside Graham’s head, thinking how he thought, seeing what he saw, wanting what he wanted. She worked with a single purpose to please him—with the final product. Although it was work there was an almost sensual quality to it that stirred her. To Alexis there was nothing more sensually stimulating than getting inside someone’s head—becoming one with them—a mental symbiosis. Her nipples tingled inside her lace push-up bra. She gave her head a shake and willed her senses to dispel their fix on Graham.
She drew in a long breath of resolve, rolled her shoulders and targeted all of her concentration on the task at hand.
* * *
Alexis glanced up to see Claire walking into her office. She had a folder in her hand. Alexis pushed back from the desk and noticed the time on her computer. She’d been working for nearly two hours straight. It was almost three o’clock.
“You need to take a break,” Claire said.
Alexis stretched her arms above her head and her tight body sighed in relief. “You’re right and I’m starved.”
“Do you still want to go out or would you rather order?”
“Hmm, I think I’ll order. Touring will have to wait for another day. Do you have any menus?”
“Sure do. I’ll be right back.”
While Claire went for the menus, Alexis did an assessment of what she had accomplished. She broke the project down into six steps each with its own components and time frames. During the time she had her nose to the grindstone, Claire had prepared the last of the contacts and uploaded them to the shared drive. She opened the file and scanned the individual names and organizations and was mildly disappointed that there weren’t any names that she was acquainted with.
Claire returned with the menus, a veritable Who’s Who of dining.
“Wow,” Alexis said on a breath, as she flipped through the stack. “Any recommendations?”
“Roof, if you like Thai.” She plucked a menu from the stack.
“Sounds fine.”
“I can order for you.”
“Would you? Some kind of rice and chicken.”
Claire grinned. “Okay. Anything else?”
“Some green tea.”
“Hot or cold?”
“You got it. Give them about twenty minutes.”
Claire walked out to her desk to call. Alexis pulled herself up, stretched and walked to the window. The first full day in New York City was almost behind her. She felt a sliver of accomplishment. Yet, looking down on the rushing world below she knew she was only a minor player on the New York stage.
“How was your day so far?” Alexis spun around.
“Mr. Stone.”
“Graham. Please.” He walked into her office. “Getting settled?”
“Yes,” she said on a breath. She sat behind her desk. “Claire is the best.”
His eyes said he agreed. “I won’t keep you.” He slid a hand into his pocket. “Remember, everyone is at your disposal, eh?”
Including you? “I’ll remember. Thanks for stopping by,” she said to his back.
Claire and Graham passed each other in the doorway. She had Alexis’s lunch and placed it on the desk. As hungry as Alexis was, she would first have to calm her jangling nerves following Graham’s impromptu visit.
After a few minutes, Alexis opened the bag containing her food and peered into one of the cartons. She tasted a spoonful of the delicious stir-fry rice, then noticed that her green tea was missing. Her forehead pinched in annoyance. She returned the carton to the bag, grabbed her purse and walked out. She stopped at Claire’s desk.
“Everything okay?”
“Yes, fine. But they forgot the tea.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll call them.”
Alexis waved away the offer. “No worries. I could use a walk. I’ll be back shortly.”
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