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How to Raise All the Money You Need for Any Business. 101 Quick Ways to Acquire Money for Any Business Project in 30 Days or Less – Tyler Hicks

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The biggest challenge faced by both Beginning and Experienced Wealth Builders is raising the money they need to start, buy, or expand their business activities. This guidebook shows these entrepreneurs how, and where, to get the money needed for their business moneymaking enterprises. Even if the Beginning Wealth Builder (BWB for short) or Experienced Wealth Builder (EWB), has poor credit, a history of bankruptcy, slow pays, or other financial troubles, this guidebook shows him/her how to get the loan, venture capital, public (or private) money, or grant they need. Since businesses vary widely in the amount of money needed, this book covers getting funding from just a few thousand dollars to multi-millions. Businesses covered range from the small mom-and-pop type activity to the successful firm having up to 500 employees. Either type of business can use the many hands-on directions given in this book.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780470388501

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