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A Pug Like Percy: A heartwarming tale for the whole family – Fiona Harrison

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A furry festive miracle who’s there for you with a helping paw. Percy definitely isn’t just for Christmas…Percy is homeless, abandoned by his owner at an animal rescue centre on a cold winter’s night. So when he finds a loving new home with Gail and her family, his deepest wish is that this time, it’s forever.Gail hopes that Percy will be the little miracle that her family so desperately needs. Her young daughter, Jenny, is in and out of hospital and she’s only just holding things together with her husband, Simon.With the family at breaking point, and Christmas just around the corner, is Percy the furry friend they’ve all been waiting for?Full of hope and utterly heartwarming, A Pug Like Percy is the perfect read for fans of A Street Cat Named Bob and Alfie the Doorstep Cat.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9780008195717
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