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Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Practical Guidelines in Clinical Management – Roberts Harold

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Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Practical Guidelines in Clinical Management Edited by Hussain I Saba MD, PhD Professor of Medicine Director of Hematology/Hemophilia/Hemostasis & Thrombosis Center USF College of Medicine Professor Emeritus Department of Malignant Hematology Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute Tampa, FL, USA Harold R Roberts MD Emeritus Professor of Medicine and Pathology Division of Hematology / Oncology University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC, USA Hemostasis and thrombosis is a hugely important, changing and complex area that impacts many other medical specialties, affecting at least 10 million people in the United States alone. It is vital for physicians to recognize abnormalities of hemostasis and thrombosis and to be able to address these problems in their patients. Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Practical Guidelines in Clinical Managementcovers all aspects of the practical management of commonly encountered thrombotic and bleeding disorders, with emphasis on clinical diagnosis, treatment, and day-to-day management. The most clinically relevant material from the literature has been carefully compiled, along with: – Discussions of new and upcoming diagnostic and therapeutic modalities – Practical clinical advice for all those dealing with coagulation, hemostasis and thrombosis Written by world leading specialists contributing their expertise in succinct text and focusing on the latest clinical guidance, Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Practical Guidelines in Clinical Management will benefit hematologists in training and in practice working in the fields of coagulation, hemostasis and thrombosis. Titles of related interest Practical Hemostasis and Thrombosis, 2nd Edition Key, ISBN 9781405184601 Hemophilia and Hemostasis: A Case-Based Approach to Management, 2nd Edition Ma, ISBN 9780470659762 Quality in Laboratory Hemostasis and Thrombosis, 2nd Edition Kitchen, ISBN 9780470671191

Информация о книге:

  • Автор:
  • Название: Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Practical Guidelines in Clinical Management
  • Читает: Виталий Сулимов
  • Жанр: Медицина
  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781118833421

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