Полная версия:
The Troublesome Angel
Bestowing a slight, lopsided smile on his companion and trying to look suitably contrite, Graydon held out the candy bar. “Trade you half of this for a drink of water?”
“I have my own food. Thanks, anyway.”
“You’re not going to make this easy for me, are you?”
His smile grew. “You have changed.”
Stacy looked up at him and nodded. “Mister, you have no idea.”
Chapter Two
Graydon slipped the candy back into his pocket. “Please?”
“Is this your idea of begging? Sheesh!”
“I’m not used to it. That’s the best I can do. Come on. Be a sport and give me a drink.” He reached toward the canteen, freezing in midmotion when Lewis growled. “Oh-oh. Maybe I should have offered the candy to the dog.”
“Don’t do it. Chocolate can be toxic to dogs.” Stacy couldn’t help smiling as she explained, “Lewis is my official protector. When you got too close, he let you know how things stood, but I don’t think he’d go so far as to actually bite you.”
“How comforting.”
Relenting, she held out the canteen. “Here. Just don’t drink too much. We need to save some for Melissa when we find her.”
Raising one dark brow, Graydon kept an eye on the defensive animal at her feet, took a swallow and handed back the canteen. “Do you think we’re close?”
“I can’t be sure. Lewis was acting confused when I stopped. He’s either lost the trail or it’s become complicated because the child doubled back.”
Graydon cocked his head toward the far end of the taut leash he was still holding. The younger dog was busy sniffing dirt, sprigs of grass and nearby insects. “This one acted kind of funny by that dead tree at the bottom of the hill. Do you think he might have caught a whiff of Missy’s trail?”
“Clark?” Stacy huffed in disgust. “I doubt it. He’s about as aware of what’s going on as these rocks we’re standing on.”
“Then why bring him?”
“It’s good training. If I don’t expose young dogs to real working conditions and the hardships of the trail, I won’t be sure I can rely on them when the time finally comes for them to function alone. Clark will learn a lot by watching Lewis. I hope.”
“Lewis and Clark? Oh, I get it.” Graydon made a sarcastic sound deep in his throat. “Cute.”
Stacy wasn’t about to let him antagonize her. “Look, Mr. Payne. I didn’t come out here to defend my training methods or my dogs. I’m here to find a lost child. Nothing else counts. So if you want to waste time arguing, I suggest you go back to camp and pick on somebody else.”
Frustrated, he ran his fingers through his thick, dark hair, pushing it back off his forehead. “I didn’t realize I was picking on you. I’m sorry if that’s the way it sounded. I guess I’m more worried about Missy than I thought.”
Stacy was instantly penitent. “Of course you are. It’s perfectly natural. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I’m sorry, too.”
One corner of his mouth lifted in a half smile. “Okay. That’s decided.”
“What is?”
“That we’re both sorry excuses for sympathetic human beings. Now, tell me the truth. What are our chances of finding Missy?” He couldn’t bring himself to add, alive.
Stacy heard the unspoken question in his tone. “I think they’re very good.” She laid her hand lightly on his arm to comfort him as she spoke. “Kids tend to live in the moment rather than plan ahead, like finding water to drink or a place to keep warm at night, the way an adult might. They mostly wander aimlessly at first, then hunker down to sleep when they run out of energy, which makes them doubly hard to find unless a rescuer has a dog with a good nose and strong instincts.”
“A dog like Lewis.”
“Yes.” Stacy reached down to give the animal a pat. She owed her own life to a dog that had led a search party to her when she’d been lost and nearly frozen to death. No matter how long she lived or how hard she worked, she knew she’d never be able to repay that debt. She also knew she’d never stop trying. It was her job. The career that God had arranged for her. At times like this, it was crucial to remember that the Lord was in charge. Of everything. Which might mean…
Pensive, she looked up at Graydon. “Tell me again. Where was Clark sniffing when you thought he was acting funny?”
“Down there. By the big, dead oak. Do you think…?”
“Maybe. It’s worth a try.”
She stopped him when he started to lead the way. “Wait. Let Lewis and me go first so we don’t muddy up the scent anymore than we already have.”
Graydon nodded and pulled back. Restraining Clark, he watched Stacy make her way down the slope. There was quite a contrast between the no-nonsense persona she presented to the world and the empathetic part of her character, wasn’t there? She’d tried to keep her sensitive nature hidden but he’d sensed it from the moment he’d seen her again. The truth dwelt in her eyes, betrayed a tender-hearted spirit. Stacy Lucas cared. Deeply. And he admired her for it.
Coming to his senses, Graydon berated himself for letting his attention wander. The only thing he should be concentrating on at a time like this was finding Missy…before it was too late. His stomach knotted. No way was he going to let anything happen to that darling little girl. She must be so scared, so alone.
Graydon knew what it was like to be totally alone, even in a crowd. He’d had a whole lifetime to adjust to the feelings of emotional isolation he’d battled ever since he was a boy.
Clark was so eager to join Lewis that he couldn’t stand still. He whined and lunged against the restraint of the leash, then began to run in circles around the man who was holding him back.
Looking down the hill, Graydon saw Lewis and Stacy in the distance. The dog had taken off again, pulling his leash taut and making Stacy run to keep up. He must have struck the trail!
Gathering the braided nylon lead in his hand, Graydon kept Clark on a short tether so he could extricate himself from the tangled loops the dog had made around the calves of his legs.
“Okay, okay. I get the idea,” he grumbled. “Just a minute, stupid. You’re the one who got us all fouled up like this, not me.”
As he bent to step out of the last confining coil of nylon, Clark lunged. The leash tightened. Graydon hit the ground with a thud, feet in the air!
The enthusiastic dog immediately jumped atop his chest, licking his face with delight.
“Stop that! Down!” Spitting dry, crumbled leaves and muttering under his breath, Graydon pushed the friendly pup away and scrambled to his feet. Thank goodness Stacy Lucas hadn’t been close enough to see him knocked down!
Anxious, he peered down the hill. She and her dog were still in sight!
“Okay, you dunderhead,” he told Clark. “Let’s get going before we lose your mommy.”
The dog wagged his plume of a tail and looked up at the man as if he understood every word.
Stacy glanced over her shoulder to make sure her so-called partner reached the bottom of the steep hill safely. Clark was casting left and right, sniffing the air, just the way a rescue dog was supposed to. Would wonders never cease! Maybe she’d been right to keep training him after all.
Shouting, “Over here,” and waving her arm wildly so Graydon could see where she was going, she plunged into a thick stand of oak and cedar, following Lewis. The dog immediately began whining and scratching at a pile of dried leaves and twigs beneath the largest tree.
“Good boy, Lewis! Good boy!” He began to dig more frantically. Brown refuse flew. Stacy got a glimpse of bright pink. The jacket! It had to be.
“Oh, please Lord, let her be here,” she prayed softly. “And let her be all right.”
Approaching, she tightened up the leash and ordered Lewis to sit. “Melissa? Is that you?”
There was no answer.
Stacy crouched down, reached out her hand, and brushed off the exposed arm of the jacket. “Melissa? It’s okay, honey. I’ve come to take you back.”
The child bolted out from under the leaves and clambered away with a shriek. Startled, Stacy rocked back on her heels and nearly fell over backward.
She was alive! Stacy’s breath left her in a whoosh of pure relief. She sank to her knees, her arms around Lewis, her prayers of thanks so heartfelt they were wordless. Tears blurred her vision.
“It’s okay, Melissa,” she said, fighting to speak calmly. “We won’t hurt you. The dog is real friendly. He helped me find you. Isn’t that nice?”
The tremulous reply came as a sobbed, “No!”
That surprised Stacy. She’d had disoriented adults try to refuse a rescue but she’d never seen a child do it. They were usually so glad to be found they were no trouble at all.
Melissa faced her, blue eyes wide and frightened, long, strawberry-blond hair matted with twigs, leaves and dirt. Tears left muddy streaks as they trickled down her cheeks. “I don’t wanna go back. Never ever.” Sniffling and wiping her nose on her sleeve, she started to inch away.
“Wouldn’t you like to pet my dog?” As hoped, that offer stopped the child’s retreat. “He’s very nice. Aren’t you, Lewis? Would you like to shake hands with Missy?”
The little girl’s tears ceased. “Wh-what?”
“I said, Lewis would like to shake hands with you.”
“You called me Missy.”
“Isn’t that right?” Stacy knew she could always grab the child and take her back forcibly but she didn’t want to traumatize her any more than she already was. The best thing to do would be to drag out their conversation long enough for Graydon to arrive. Then the poor, scared little girl wouldn’t have to trust a stranger.
“I like people to call me Missy,” she said softly.
“Then that’s what I’ll do,” Stacy vowed. She held out her hand. “Friends?”
Before she could answer, Clark and Graydon broke through the thick stand of trees at a run, startling everyone. The instant he spotted the child he let go of the leash and opened his arms. “Missy!”
Squealing, she ran into his embrace. “Uncle Gray!”
He scooped her up and spun around in circles. Pure joy filled the clearing. The sight of the usually formal man hugging the dirty waif brought fresh tears to Stacy’s eyes. This was what her job was all about.
He spoke lovingly, without reproach. “Where have you been, Missy? I was worried sick! We all were.”
“I don’t wanna go back to Mark’s.” She buried her face in his collar.
“You don’t want me for an uncle?” he asked.
“Course I do.”
“Well, I can’t be your uncle if you aren’t Mark’s daughter.”
She raised her head and studied him. “You can’t?”
“Nope. That’s how it has to be.”
Stacy could tell from Missy’s expression that she was thinking hard. There was no telling what kind of temporary living conditions the motherless child had been subjected to. It was natural for her to be afraid. Of everything.
Approaching them slowly, Stacy patted Missy on the back and spoke soothing words while Gray continued to hold her.
He gazed down at Stacy over the child’s shoulder and mouthed, “Thank you.”
“You’re quite welcome.” Stacy stepped away and reached for the handheld, two-way radio she carried. “I’m going to call in the good news and get everybody headed back into camp.” She glanced at the sky. “We’d better get a move on, too. It’ll be dark soon.”
She saw Graydon close his eyes for a moment as he nodded acknowledgment. Clearly, he cared about this child. Finding her so quickly had been the first miracle. Realizing that any Payne had a loving bone in his or her body had been the second. The third would probably be getting Clark to walk calmly back to camp without taking off to chase squirrels or rabbits.
She watched her two dogs tussling while she used the radio. Lewis usually put up with Clark’s exuberance with stoic grace until the pup got too pushy. Then he simply growled a warning and the younger dog backed off. Too bad people weren’t that smart.
Stacy smiled to herself as she considered her impromptu helper. For a stuffy businessman in a silk suit and Italian loafers, he’d conducted himself quite well.
Of course he did, she countered. He wanted something from me. “Something I was more than happy to give,” she whispered. At least this time, Graydon Payne hadn’t asked her to walk away from love.
Other ecstatic searchers mobbed them as they entered the campground. Nearly everybody was shouting and cheering. Some wept.
Graydon still carried Melissa. Stacy fell back and let him precede her into the camp.
Lanterns glowed everywhere. News cameras with blinding lights illuminated the area as brightly as a summer day. Mark Payne stood in the center of the circle of well-wishers. His arm was around the shoulders of a woman who looked as if she’d just stepped out of a fashion magazine. Every dark hair was in place, her nails were long and polished, her makeup was flawless and she was smiling demurely. A perfect couple in a perfect world.
That was what bothered Stacy the most. While Graydon had shouted and run to Melissa the moment he saw her, the child’s prospective parents were just standing there, waiting for her to be delivered. Like a package.
Purposely avoiding Mark, Stacy veered away from the crowd. She wasn’t angry with him or sorry he’d married someone else. Not anymore. She simply had nothing relevant to say to him. Besides, her job was over. She and the dogs had done what they’d come for. Now, all she had to do was find Judy and Angela and arrange for one of them to drive her home to Cave City in the morning.
Judy met her halfway to the camp office that also doubled as living quarters. Hugging Stacy, she grinned foolishly. “Congratulations!”
“Thanks. Where’s Angie?”
“She went to bed with a migraine and missed all the excitement.” A wistful smile replaced the wide grin. “I thought I was going to cry like a baby when I saw that kid again. You did a great job. You’re a genius.”
“I don’t do the sniffing, the dogs do. But thanks, anyway.”
“Well, okay. So you hang out with geniuses. Hairy ones.” She bent to ruffle Clark’s ears, then gave Lewis a more gentle pat on the head. “This one looks kind of droopy.”
“I know. He’s tired. I’m going to retire him soon. He’s not as young as he used to be. You’d never know it, though, when he’s hot on the trail.”
“Speaking of being hot on somebody’s trail…” She cocked her head back toward the gathering of rescuers, reporters, cameramen and celebrants. “Look. Here comes you-know-who.”
“I don’t have to look,” Stacy said, making a face. “It’s getting so I can sense when he’s around. The hair on the back of my neck prickles.”
“Uh-oh. Sounds serious. Let me know if he starts to give you indigestion. That’s a sure sign you’re interested.”
Stacy’s silly expression became a grimace and she rolled her eyes to exaggerate her sentiment. “Don’t be ridiculous. You know I had my fill of Payne men a long time ago.”
“True. But you never know what intriguing surprises God might have in store for you.” Judy leaned closer, cupped her hand around her mouth, and added, “You haven’t been praying for a husband, have you?”
“Certainly not! And if I had been, Graydon Payne would be the last man—” The direction of Judy’s glance and her widening grin told Stacy it was time to stop talking. Maybe past time.
She turned slowly. Graydon was smiling down at her benevolently. “Did I hear my name mentioned?”
“Not on purpose, you didn’t,” Stacy said, quickly changing the subject. “How’s Missy doing?”
“She’s too tired to cause much of a ruckus.” He held out his business card. “Give me a call and I’ll be glad to fill you in on her progress. In the meantime, I want to thank you for all you’ve done.”
“It’s my job.” Stacy took his card reluctantly.
“Nevertheless, I’d like to shake your hand.”
She had no good reason to refuse such a request. Nor was she sure why she felt so hesitant. The man had been a perfect gentleman while they’d been in the woods. Not that she’d expected any less from him. After all, he’d once told her that her social station was so far beneath his and his family’s, he wouldn’t be able to stoop that far down if he’d tried.
Remembering their past unhappy association brought back Stacy’s professional air. She handed control of the dogs to Judy, took his hand, shook it formally, and said, “It was my pleasure to be able to help, Mr. Payne.”
If he’d released her at that moment, she’d have been fine. Instead, however, he clasped her hand as if they were the best of friends and covered it with his other, looking at her warmly.
Stacy’s pulse quickened. Short of breath, she tried to pull away. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to show my appreciation.” His thumb grazed her wrist, setting up a tingle that shot up her arm and did a tap dance along her spine.
“A simple ‘Thank you’ would suffice.”
“I don’t think that’s enough. You showed up here as soon as you were called and performed with great professionalism and skill. I’m indebted to you. Aren’t all the people you help grateful?”
“Not so you’d notice,” Stacy said truthfully.
“Most of the time they’re too caught up in what’s happened to even realize I’m there.”
Graydon continued to hold her hand. “That’s too bad. You deserve more praise.”
“I’m not in this business for the glory, which is why I’m trying to dodge all those reporters,” she said, glancing back at the crowd. “And stop that.”
“Stop what?”
“That.” Stacy clasped her free hand over his and stilled his casual caress. To her surprise, he released her as if he were dropping a red-hot coal. Not only that, he looked like he might actually be blushing under his perfect tan.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize—”
“That I’m not the impressionable girl I used to be?” She smiled coolly. “You don’t owe me a thing, Mr. Payne. Neither does anyone else in your family. No one could pay me enough to cover the long hours, sweat and tears I put into my job.”
“Then why do you do it?”
It would have been simple to give him a pat answer. It would also have been a sin. Stacy knew better than to pass up the chance to offer an honest statement of her faith. Such opportunities didn’t come every day. They were far too precious to be wasted.
“Because I’m trying to follow God’s leading for my life,” she said, “to stay in His will, to be the person He expects me to be.”
“That’s very noble.”
“No, it isn’t. It’s hard. And scary. And sometimes it breaks my heart.” Stacy’s voice softened.
“If I were in charge of the universe, no one would ever fail. Or be lost. Or lonely. Or die. I don’t understand why things happen the way they do. I never did. All I can do is give it my best and put my faith in Jesus.”
“Even when you fail?” he asked quietly.
“Oh, yes.” She looked up at him, willing him to understand. “Especially when I fail.”
Chapter Three
By nine that night the campground had quieted down. Too tired to go home, Stacy had showered, eaten, borrowed a pink sweat suit from Judy and was sprawled in a comfy chair by the fireplace in the main cabin. Lewis and Clark both lay napping by her bare feet.
She pushed up the oversize sleeves of the sweatshirt and hugged herself. “Umm, this feels so good. Thanks again. I was in such a big hurry to get here and begin the search I came straight from the seminar in Atlanta. I wish now I’d gone home to get different clothes.”
“No problem. Too bad I don’t have something more your size. You should let me wake Angela and ask her.”
“No way. I know what her migraines are like. She needs to sleep it off.”
“You’re right. So what’s Plan B? Do you need to go back to Atlanta and finish up there or what?”
Stacy picked up her mug of hot cocoa, wrapped both hands around it to enjoy the warmth and took a sip. “No. I’m all done. The last of my tracking demonstrations were over by late yesterday. That’s one of the reasons I was free to respond when we got your call. Everybody else is still committed to wrapping up their classes.”
“I’ll bet that was no accident. I was sure praying you’d be the one they sent.”
“I’m glad, too. I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t taken time for my friends. I’ve really missed you guys.”
“We understand how it is. I’m just sorry it turned out to be the Paynes who needed your help.”
Thoughtful, Stacy nodded and sighed. “Yeah. Me, too. For more reasons than one.” Ever since she’d stepped off the plane and encountered Graydon she’d been feeling an uncomfortable pricking at the edges of her conscience. “I’m afraid the Lord may be trying to nudge me about something.”
“Like what?” Leaning closer, Judy added, “Forgiveness?”
That insight took Stacy by surprise. Her eyes widened. “How did you know what I was thinking?”
“I didn’t. But I know you. It’s not like you to hold a grudge or be unfriendly toward anybody. I think it’s possible the Lord threw Graydon Payne in your path to get you to face the old hostility you’ve hung on to for so long.”
The idea did not sit well with Stacy. Caught up in the pathos and excitement of Missy’s rescue, she’d managed to temporarily set aside her intense, long-standing dislike for Graydon and his stuffy family. Now it was back.
She knew it was wrong to harbor resentment. She also knew she wasn’t ready to lower her guard and give up the protection those hostile feelings provided. They were necessary for her emotional well-being.
Purposely changing the subject, Stacy said, “I was hoping you or Angela could spare an hour or so to drive me home in the morning.”
“Sure.” Judy relaxed, leaned back. “Anything for a hero.”
“Cut that out. I’m not—”
The dogs perked up and stared at the door. A loud knock sounded. Lewis growled. Clark jumped up, tail wagging.
“If that’s more reporters, please don’t let them in.” Stacy yawned. “I’m too tired to make good sense.”
“Right.” Judy’s outlandish bunny slippers made a swishing sound as she padded to the door, followed closely by the younger dog. “Who is it?”
A man’s voice said, “Special delivery for Ms. Lucas.”
“Try again,” Judy countered. “In case you haven’t noticed, we’re in the middle of nowhere. The post office has enough trouble delivering our regular mail. No way is there a special delivery at this time of night.”
In spite of her weariness, Stacy joined her, and pressed her ear to the door. “Who is it?”
“Santa Claus?” the voice ventured. He waited, then tried again. “How about Howard Hughes?”
“It’s Graydon Payne,” Stacy deduced, scowling. “It has to be. Look how Clark’s tail is wagging.” Louder, she called, “What do you want?”
“To give you something.”
“There’s nothing you have that I want.”
“Then take it as a gift for the rescue program.”
Judy nudged her. “He’s got a point there. No use turning down a donation.”
“Slip it under the door.”
Casting her friend a disparaging glance, Judy opened the door instead. “Come on in. Only one of us bites, and it’s not the dogs.”
Graydon paused to lean down and greet Clark with, “Hi, buddy. Did you miss me?” He ruffled the dog’s silky ears as he entered the cozy cabin. “You did, didn’t you? I knew we were pals.”
“Hah!” Stacy wasn’t impressed, even if her idiotic dog had chosen that particular moment to roll over on his back at the man’s feet and beg to have his tummy scratched. That act of submission meant Clark trusted Graydon implicitly.
“Don’t pay any attention to her,” Judy said, gesturing at Stacy. “She’s always like this when she’s dead tired.”
“Grouchy?” He straightened, smiling.
“Catatonic. I’ve seen her practically fall asleep leaning against a tree…standing up.”
“That must make quite a picture.”
His wry smile and knowing gaze amused Stacy in spite of herself. “Watch for film at eleven,” she quipped. “The news crews just left.”
“I thought you were avoiding them.”