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Rookie K-9 Unit Christmas: Surviving Christmas
Zoe waved. Sean’s heart beat faster. This reunion felt more like coming home than he’d imagined it would. He was older and wiser, of course. Well, at least older. If he’d been at all wise, he’d have realized how much Zoe had meant to him in the first place.
Cruising to a stop at the low curb, Sean sat behind the wheel and tried to regain control of his emotions. This wasn’t another flashback of the kind that left him frightened and fearful. This was the kind that made him want to weep and wrap Zoe in an embrace that should be reserved for close family—or the woman he loved. She was neither, and yet...
Her grin was wide, her dark eyes sparkling. He didn’t notice she was decked out in a police uniform and fully armed until he’d climbed out of the truck. Some men might have found that off-putting, but it pleased Sean greatly.
The decision of whether or not to hug her was taken from him the instant she threw herself into his arms. All he could do was hang on and blink back tears.
To his surprise and relief, her eyes were moist when she released him. She swiped at her cheeks, grinned and sniffled. “Bright sun will do this to me every time.”
“Yeah. Me, too.” He was so glad to see her he was nearly speechless. The urge to kiss her was too strong to resist, so he brushed his lips against her cheek before straightening to say, “You’re looking good.”
“Not so bad yourself,” she countered with a blush. “You’ve packed on more muscle since we were in college.”
“Compliments of Uncle Sam.” His gaze drifted to his truck. “I wish I’d known before, what I know now.”
“Yeah, well, time has a way of wising us up whether we like it or not.”
“You never married?” he found himself asking.
Zoe laughed softly. “If you asked my chief back in Mesa, he’d say I’m married to my job. I like to think it’s worth it.” She sobered. “Did you have any trouble getting here?”
“Not that I know of. I kept thinking we were being followed, but it was probably my imagination. I tend to do that. If I hadn’t actually fought with those two guys in my apartment, I’d be wondering if the attack was real.”
“I asked the chief here, Ryder Hayes, to send for a copy of your incident report,” Zoe said. “There wasn’t much to it.”
“Did it say whether there was news on the ballistics?”
“Not yet. Don’t get discouraged. We’ll keep an eye on your case.”
He scanned her khaki uniform. “Are you working here?”
“Not today, but I do sub. Just getting the dog used to seeing me ready for duty and doing a bit of extra training. Why don’t I get my car and you can follow me home. I’m sure you’d like to get Patrick settled and get some rest yourself.”
“Home with you? I figured I’d rent a motel room.”
“Don’t be silly. I have plenty of space.”
He eyed the panting dog at their feet. “What about your K-9? Will she be okay with a kid?”
“Yes, she’ll be fine. That was part of her training. These dogs can differentiate between felons and friends.”
Still concerned, Sean leaned closer to speak more privately even though they were alone. “Patrick is not typical in any sense of the word, Zoe. We’re going to have to be very careful when we introduce them. The poor kid has had it rough.”
“I understand. I really do,” she said. “But didn’t his doctors warn against babying him too much?”
“Ensuring his safety is not the same thing. If those guys who broke into our apartment had seen him acting up, they might have shot him just to make him be quiet.” Sean squelched a shiver. “When he gets scared and can’t communicate, he tends to panic.”
“Maybe Freya can help with that, too,” Zoe said. “This evening, after supper, I’ll invite my trainer and the K-9 cop who founded the assistance dog center to join us for coffee and dessert. That way Patrick won’t have to sit through a whole meal with strangers if he isn’t able, and they’ll still get a good idea of your needs. Okay?”
“Sounds like you’ve worked it all out.”
“I’m doing my best.”
“I know you are.” Starting to turn toward his truck he said, “Let’s go. I’m ready.”
* * *
Traffic was predictably light all the way to the rented house. The place was actually too big for one person but was all that had been available, so she’d leased it. Looking back, she wondered if God had arranged the extra room for this purpose. True or not, the notion was comforting.
She motioned Sean to pull into the driveway ahead of her. Instead, he drove onto the sorry excuse for a lawn and left room by the garage for her.
“I meant for you to use the driveway,” she said, approaching his truck.
“It all looks the same to me.”
“So I gathered. You parked on what’s supposed to be the lawn when it gets proper watering.”
“Sorry.” An eyebrow arched. “Is it always this cold here? When I think of the desert, I picture heat.”
“It depends on the elevation and time of year,” Zoe said. “A light jacket is usually enough for us, even in the winter. When there’s snow in Flagstaff and around the Grand Canyon, it can feel colder, though. It generally warms up during the day and cools off when the sun goes down.”
She leaned to peer into his truck and smiled broadly at the little boy who’d just awakened. “You must be Patrick.” When the child hid his face, she added, “My name is Zoe.”
“That’s right,” Sean said. “This is the friend I told you about while we were driving. She’s a very nice lady.”
Still, the child cowered. “I’ll go get my partner,” she told Sean, adding a smile at Patrick. “Then we’ll all go inside together.”
Forcing the little boy to act sociable would have been wrong no matter what. Since he was clearly afraid, Zoe wanted to make certain this first meeting with her K-9 went smoothly. Therefore, she ordered Freya to heel and kept her on a short leash.
Sean was carrying Patrick and waiting at the front door of the simple, one-story, stucco home. The boy had his face pressed to his daddy’s shoulder, hiding his eyes as if doing that made him invisible.
Sensing his uneasiness, the dog whined and wagged her tail. Zoe was about to silence her when she saw a big blue eye peeking out to see what was making the noise.
“This is Freya,” Zoe said. “She lives and works with me. She’s really friendly.”
The key turned in the lock. Zoe pushed open the door and stood back. “After you.”
A small hand reached back, and both of the child’s eyes peered over Sean’s shoulder. “Da.”
“Dog? Yes, she’s a dog. A very nice dog,” Zoe said. “Would you like to meet her?”
Zoe laughed. “I think it’s time you put Patrick down, Sean. He may not be ready to accept me,” she whispered, “but it looks like he’s more than ready to have a fur buddy.”
“I don’t know.”
“Let’s try it,” she suggested. “Put Patrick down so he and Freya can meet on the same level.” A flat hand in front of the eager K-9’s muzzle kept her from lunging and overwhelming the child the way most dogs would.
As soon as the boy’s shoes touched the floor he ducked behind his daddy’s leg, holding on at the knee. Zoe wasn’t worried. She caught Sean’s eye and shook her head to keep him from interfering, then sat on her heels.
“Patrick, this is Freya.” She looked to her panting partner. “Freya, this is Patrick. Friend.”
There was no doubt the dog agreed. Although she kept her distance as ordered, she began to wiggle as if seated on a hill of swarming ants.
“Put your hand out like this and let her sniff you,” Zoe said, demonstrating. “She can tell you like her by the way your fingers smell.”
Sean interrupted. “Is that true?”
“In a manner of speaking. She can sense fear and pick out gunpowder residue, plus all sorts of icky things I won’t mention. The key is this introduction. It will be your turn as soon as Patrick is done.”
“Maybe I should...”
“Trust me?” she said.
A soft chuckle preceded Sean’s reply. “Since when did you get so bossy?”
“Since I was trained and know what I’m doing.”
“Humph. Okay. You’re the police officer.”
“Yup,” she said with an echoing laugh. “Watch and learn, civilian.”
Another hand signal caused Freya to lie down. Patrick reached forward. She sniffed his fingertips, then licked them. He giggled. “Like me.”
“Yes, she does. And so do I,” Zoe said. As if on cue, the dog rolled over, tail still wagging, legs flopping wide. “She trusts you and wants you to scratch her tummy,” Zoe told the boy. “Go ahead. Her fur is really soft.”
He had to come out from behind Sean and squat to reach the dog’s stomach. Zoe couldn’t have been happier at his rapid response. She grinned up at Sean. “Okay. Your turn. She wouldn’t have rolled over if she was worried about you, so join the party.”
Sean began by crouching, then dropped all the way next to his son, keeping one arm around him. Patrick eased into his father’s lap, followed closely by Freya. The idyllic scene was the kind that made Zoe wish she could snap a photo without disturbing them. Father and son were hugging each other while the dog leaned against Sean’s chest and reached up to lick under his chin as if they had known each other for years.
He laughed. “As Patrick said, I think she likes me.”
“I’d say so. It’s a good thing her main training is in search and rescue. You might be ruining her if she was an attack dog.”
Because he looked worried she admitted to teasing. “No. Not really. But it is unusual to see her take to anybody so fast.”
“She knows we’re the good guys, right, Patrick?” Sean said. The boy nodded his agreement.
Zoe slowly rose. “Tell you what. After you put your things in your room and we go shopping for your favorite foods, maybe I’ll have time to teach Patrick how to brush her. Would you like that, honey?”
Again a nod, this time with a shy smile. Zoe had no quarrel with his medical diagnosis. She simply saw more to Patrick’s reticence than brain damage. In her opinion, he needed to be showered with love in order to be more confident, to blossom the way she felt he could.
Whether there would be time for her to help enough to matter was not up to her, it was up to her heavenly Father. She was beginning to suspect that Sean’s need to come to Desert Valley was not limited to one objective. There was healing here for him. And for Patrick. And, God willing, for her, as well.
It had been a long time since she’d actually looked forward to having free time and not concentrating on her job 24/7. Truth to tell, she sort of felt like a puppy that had just been let out into a big play yard for the first time. If she hadn’t been afraid of frightening Patrick she might have pumped a fist in the air and danced around the room.
After a quick tour of the house, Sean agreed to ride with Zoe and Freya rather than drive separately to the grocery store. If she had been anybody other than an armed police officer, he wasn’t sure what he’d have done. He’d been so used to taking care of himself and being the only responsible adult in his son’s life, it felt odd to not stay in full control.
She glanced over at him and smiled. “What’s wrong?”
“Right. And I’m Santa Claus. Talk to me, Murphy. I know something’s bugging you.”
Shrugging, he smiled at her. “Actually, I just realized I can relax a little when I’m with you. It’s hard to accept.”
“What is? Relaxing or trusting me?”
“Not being in command. Since I got back to the States, I’ve had to do it all. Believe me, the Shepherds didn’t like most of my decisions.”
“Such as?”
Sean lowered his voice and glanced over his shoulder at the backseat where his son and the dog were having a whispered conversation that included a lot of face licking on Freya’s part. “Whether or not to bring Patrick home, for one. They wanted him to either stay in rehab or go to their house for private treatment. When I saw how unhappy he was in the hospital environment and how much better he acted with me, I decided to spring him.”
“What did his therapists say?”
It hurt to repeat the negative opinions. “They felt he had made all the progress he probably would, and it didn’t matter whether I left him there or took him with me.”
“Then you have no reason to feel guilty.” Zoe smiled. “Right?”
“Right. All I have to do is get my own act together so I can be a good father to him. If I keep having flashbacks, I may have to relinquish custody—for his sake.”
“And give it to whom? I remember when your mom and dad were killed in that auto accident during my second semester of college.” She arched her brows. “Surely you wouldn’t consider your wife’s parents after what you’ve told me!”
“No, no. Never them. They’ve already indicated that their idea of handling his problems is to overlook how much he needs love.” Although he wanted to turn his face away and retreat, Sean remained stoic. “I had no idea how bad things had gotten while I was in the service. Sandra told me she’d gone home to her family’s estate because she was lonely, not because she intended to stay stoned all the time and wanted Mommy and Daddy to watch Patrick.”
“That’s what happened?”
“So, you asked for a discharge?”
“It wasn’t that simple. I was on my way to the airport, ready to fly home because of Patrick’s accident, when one of my buddies drove over an IED. The explosion took out half the Humvee and killed two men. I was thrown clear. By the time I got out of the hospital, I’d been diagnosed with PTSD, Sandra had died from an overdose and Patrick was still struggling to recover.”
Sean nodded soberly. “Yeah. My sentiments exactly.”
“You should be thankful you were able to get him away from your in-laws for this trip. I’m sure they didn’t like it.”
“I didn’t tell them. They act as though I’m the reason for everything that went wrong.” His jaw set. “Actually, they aren’t the only ones. I had a long layover in Minneapolis during the trip home and used the time to pay a condolence visit to the family of one of the men who’d been with me in the Humvee. They slammed the door in my face. I guess they blamed me since they had no one else around to be mad at.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“As they say, ‘No good deed goes unpunished,’ right?”
Zoe pulled into the supermarket parking lot, found a space and turned to stare at him. “Could they have been responsible for sending the thugs to harm you?”
“I can’t see why. Or how.”
“What about Sandra’s folks?”
“No. Violence is definitely not their way of handling problems. They have enough money to hire the best lawyers and sue for custody if they want me out of the picture.”
He saw her hands fist on the steering wheel as she asked, “Do you think they might resort to that?”
“Unless I can get a grip on my flashbacks and prove I’m stable, it’s a possibility. That’s another reason why I need the help of a service dog. I’ve seen for myself what a difference one of those can make. Guys who were hardly able to leave their houses are working again and leading fairly normal lives.”
“You managed to drive all the way down here. Are you sure you qualify?”
“I don’t know whether I could have made myself act if it hadn’t been for Patrick,” Sean said flatly. “Whatever I did, I did for him. And that’s what I’ll keep doing for as long as I’m able.”
She patted the back of his hand. “I believe you.”
The grocery store was crowded. Zoe grabbed a cart, wiped it down to eliminate germs and stood back. “There you go, Patrick. All ready.”
The child buried his face against his father’s shoulder and clung to him.
“Wait right here,” she said. “I’ll be back in a sec.”
There was no rule against taking her K-9 partner with her anywhere she went. She had left Freya in the car to simplify their shopping trip but could now see that had been a mistake. Freya was Patrick’s temporary service dog, had been since the moment he’d laid a small hand on her back and let her lead him from room to room in the unfamiliar house.
A working vest identified Freya the way a badge gave Zoe authority. She buckled it on and the dog assumed a more cautious demeanor.
“Good girl. Heel.”
Patrick’s face lit with a smile. His eyes twinkled. “Da.”
“That’s right, Patrick,” Zoe said. “The dog is coming with us. Can you show her how nicely you sit in the cart?”
She was afraid Sean might balk when it came time to let go. Thankfully, he didn’t. Patrick’s feet slipped through the leg openings, and he grasped the cart handle as if preparing to ride a bucking bronco.
“Freya will stay right here next to us while we shop,” Zoe said. “Will you help me watch her to make sure she behaves?”
The child nodded. “Good da.”
“That’s right. She’s a very good dog.”
Sean took up a position on the side opposite the dog so they flanked the boy well. Zoe supposed she couldn’t blame him for caution, but some of his choices seemed excessive. Maternal instinct kept insisting that there was no way any child could reach full potential when he or she was kept so close, so guarded, yet she could also identify with the urge to protect Patrick.
As they worked their way through the store, however, her opinion softened. Sean was gently but firmly requiring the boy to at least try to name whatever food he wanted them to buy. Truth to tell, she would have lost patience if she hadn’t known how important the exercise was.
“I didn’t think we were ever going to get those tangerines,” she commented on their way to checkout. “You did a wonderful job working through the name.”
“I watched the doctors,” Sean said. “It seemed to me they were making things too simple until I realized that breaking the words into syllables was the way to go.” He stepped ahead of her and took out his wallet. “Let me get this. Most of it’s for us, anyway.”
“I don’t mind.”
“I know. Humor me.”
His smile warmed her cheeks enough that she backed off and let him pay. Freya stayed at the rear of the cart as they both bent to unload it. Zoe was concentrating so completely on Sean, it took her a few seconds to notice the dog’s low growl. She grabbed his arm to still him and froze, herself.
His response was immediate, his voice raspy. “What?”
“The dog. Look.”
Instead of facing them, tongue lolling and tail wagging, Freya had turned so that her back was to Patrick and the adults. She was staring past the next person in line and focusing on one of the aisles.
Zoe rested the heel of her hand on her holster and straightened. “You finish checking out while I go see what’s wrong.”
The command was so forceful, so packed with emotion, she stopped. He was right. If the dog was sensing danger and had put her back to them, then she was reacting to an unseen threat inside the store. As an off-duty police officer, it was still Zoe’s duty to protect and serve. Should she protect her friends and serve the community by calling the station and reporting a possible problem? Maybe. The trouble was, without any visible threat she’d be out of line to do so. Nevertheless, she made the call.
Staying on full alert, Zoe kept her eye on her dog and the other shoppers while Sean loaded the bags in their cart and paid the cashier.
“Ready to go,” he said behind her.
“Okay. You lead the way. Look for anybody from your past or things that seem unusual. I’ll bring up the rear.”
“It was dark when I was attacked in my apartment. I didn’t get a good look at either of those guys.”
“Doesn’t matter,” she said. “You know how to judge body language from being in combat. This isn’t a lot different.”
She heard him sigh before he said, “Yeah, providing I don’t see an innocent person and read more into their posture than is really there.”
“Better safe than sorry.” As soon as the automatic door slid closed behind them she moved to shield the boy despite the fact that Freya had settled down.
Sean noticed. “Looks like the dog is okay now.”
“Yes. The threat was apparently inside. Go ahead and load Patrick and the food into the car while I stand guard. We’ll leave as soon as a local unit arrives.”
“How soon will that be?”
“Hopefully, not long.” She used her cell phone again, then told him, “ETA less than five.”
“Why didn’t you radio?”
“Because I’m not actually on duty now.” Waving to an approaching patrol car she stepped away. “Here they are. Be right back.”
* * *
Sean watched her jog across the parking lot to speak with the other officers. He’d managed to quell unreasonable fear inside the store and was feeling even less jittery now that they were out. Patrick was already in the backseat, as was the working dog. Some of the plastic grocery bags were piled on the floor while others shared the bench seat with the child and the K-9. Sean was surprised to see Freya sitting quietly instead of wiggling as before and stepping on perishables.
“Ah, you’re still in uniform, aren’t you,” he muttered. “Of course. You think you’re on duty.”
At first, he assumed the dog’s ensuing reaction was to his voice. She slowly rose, growling and bristling. The effect of her hair standing up made her look twice as big. And dangerous. But she wasn’t looking at him. Or at his son. Again, she was focused beyond them.
“Zoe!” Sean shouted.
She whirled, her hand hovering over her holster. “What?”
Sean turned to follow the dog’s line of sight. A beefy man wearing a dark vest was walking past in the distance. He could have been anybody. There was no reason for concern. Or was there?
By the time Zoe rejoined him at her car, the stranger had climbed into a dusty red pickup.
She touched Sean’s arm. “Did you recognize somebody?”
“No.” Frowning, he kept watching as the truck pulled away. “It was your dog again. She really doesn’t like that guy in the dirty truck.”
“She may have picked up the scent of gunpowder or drugs coming from him. Whatever is wrong, I’d trust her opinion over that of almost any human.”
“Okay.” Still peering at the truck, Sean caught his breath and reached for Zoe’s arm. “Look!”
“What? What do you see that I don’t?”
“The passenger,” Sean gasped. “His arm. On the open window. It looks like it’s in a cast!”
“Why would...?”
“Because I hit one of my attackers with Patrick’s baseball bat. Remember?”
“You told me you fought them off. You never mentioned a bat.” She was already running back to direct the patrol car. Those officers jumped into their unit and started in pursuit.
“Do you think they’ll catch them?” Sean called as she returned.
A solemn shake of her head was all the answer he got. All he needed. Given the delay starting the pursuit, chances were not good.
“Sorry,” Sean said. “I shouldn’t have put Patrick in the car. I just thought it would be safer.”
“It was. It is. I wouldn’t have chased after them in a private vehicle, anyway. It’s dangerous enough with red lights and sirens.”
He nodded.
“Believe it or not, we don’t usually go around acting wild like the cops on TV and in the movies. I have yet to take a class on how to jump onto the top of a speeding car and disarm the suspects inside.”
“No?” Despite the recent fright, he couldn’t help smiling slightly at the mental picture. “That’s too bad. I’d have liked to watch.”
“Then rent a DVD. I’m not doing any leaping.”
“Not even to entertain Patrick?”
“No, but I do have some ideas for him. If we get you into a class soon, I can recommend a local day care. The police chief’s daughter goes there, so you know it’s very safe.”
Sean had to take a deep breath before trying to answer. “I never thought about having to leave him. I figured he could stay with me. He’ll behave. I know he will. Particularly if he gets to watch dogs.”
“And not be allowed to play with them? I doubt it,” Zoe said. “But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We still have to convince Ellen Foxcroft to put you in her program.”