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The Stranger She Married
The Stranger She Married
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The Stranger She Married

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The Stranger She Married
Crystal Green

THEY WERE THE TALK OF THE TOWNTwo years ago her elegant, horse-breeder husband, Matthew, had up and vanished, leaving Rachel Shane and her little girl prey to the scandalous whispers of Kane's Crossing. Then, without warning, a dusty, slim-hipped cowboy named Matt sauntered onto her ranch, professing amnesia. He looked every inch an outlaw, every inch a temptation….Matt vowed to claim what was rightfully his–his home, his family…his wife. But was he the husband who'd shattered Rachel's dreams by disappearing…or a man who could seduce her hungry heart into welcoming him home?

Matt had returned to Kane’s Crossing to reclaim his memory, his sanity.

He wasn’t sure what to do about the wife part, though.

He glanced over at Rachel. She was playing with something on her finger. A ring.

An image assaulted him, making his head swim: a flash of strumming guitars, bougainvillea, sultry nights. But then it was gone.

He reached for his iced tea to chase the dryness from his mouth—and stopped cold.

A little girl stood in the doorway, an urchin with features reminiscent of Rachel’s. In his mind’s eye, Matt saw the girl dancing on the tops of his shoes, giggling and clinging to his forearms.

“Company, Mommy?” the girl asked.

Reeling, Matt shut his eyes.

Matt Shane had come home….

Dear Reader,

I’m delighted to introduce Barbara Gale, whose intense story The Ambassador’s Vow (SSE #1500) “explores not only issues involved in interracial romance, but the price one pays for not following one’s heart.” The author adds, “Together, the characters discover that honesty is more important to the heart than skin color. Recognizing the true worth of the gold ring they both sought is what eventually reunites them.” Don’t wait to pick this one up!

Sherryl Woods brings us Sean’s Reckoning (SSE #1495), the next title in her exciting series THE DEVANEYS. Here, a firefighter discovers love and family with a single mom and her son when he rescues them from a fire. Next, a warning: there’s another Bravo bachelor on the loose in Christine Rimmer’s Mercury Rising (SSE #1496), from her miniseries THE SONS OF CAITLIN BRAVO. Perplexed heroine Jane Elliott tries to resist Cade Bravo, but of course her efforts are futile as she falls for the handsome hero. Did we ever doubt it?

In Montana Lawman (SSE #1497), part of MONTANA MAVERICKS, Allison Leigh makes the sparks fly between a shy librarian and a smitten deputy sheriff. Crystal Green’s miniseries KANE’S CROSSING continues with The Stranger She Married (SSE #1498), in which a husband returns after a long absence—but he can’t remember his marriage! Watch how this powerful love story unites this starry-eyed couple…. Finally, Tracy Sinclair delivers tantalizing excitement in An American Princess (SSE #1499), in which an American beauty receives royal pampering by a suave Prince Charming. How’s that for a dream come true?

Each month, we aim to bring you the best in romance. We are enthusiastic to hear your thoughts. You may send comments to my attention at Silhouette Special Edition, 300 East 42nd Street, 6th Floor, New York, New York 10017. In the meantime, happy reading!


Karen Taylor Richman

Senior Editor

The Stranger She Married

Crystal Green (

To Gary and Joan.

Your love (and wedding ring) is truly inspirational.


lives in San Diego, California, where she is an eighth-grade humanities teacher. When Crystal isn’t writing romances, she enjoys reading, wasting precious time on the Internet, overanalyzing movies, risking her life during police ride-alongs, petting her parents’ Maltese dogs and fantasizing about being a really great cook.

During school breaks, Crystal spends her time becoming readdicted to her favorite soap operas, and traveling. Her favorite souvenirs include travel journals—the pages reflecting everything from taking tea in London’s Leicester Square to backpacking up endless mountain roads leading to the castles of Sintra, Portugal.

She’d love to hear from her readers at: 8895 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 105-178, San Diego, CA 92122-5542.


Missing Hubby Returns Home!

by Verna Loquacious, Town Observer

Greetings from your friendly neighborhood grapevine!

For those of you who’ve been wondering when Rachel Shane, owner of Greek Oaks Horse Farm, would finally smile again, well, your worrying days are over and done. Some of our esteemed townsfolk have been chatting about a mysterious stranger who wandered into Kane’s Crossing recently. A stranger bearing a striking resemblance to Matthew, Ms. Shane’s missing husband. Although this man ambles about the property in cowboy boots and jeans instead of the usual English boots and jodhpurs, most of our population believes this is our wayward party boy.

And I must say, the change is not a bad one, ladies.

But I digress. That smile on Rachel’s face has been missing for as long as her husband, so we all have to wonder… Where has this man been?


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen


Chapter One

T he stranger parked his vintage Cadillac near the breeding barn of Green Oaks, causing Rachel Shane to drop the piece of fencing she struggled to repair.

He walked up the paved road that wound past the maze of white fences and emerald grass, past the pond and the exercise track where her most temperamental thoroughbred, Dolly Llama, was being hand-walked by a trainer.

Rachel didn’t recognize him. Nothing about his cowboy boots, faded jeans or long-sleeved denim shirt rang familiar. A Stetson even shaded his gaze from her curiosity. His outlaw stroll caught her eye for a moment, popping a bubble of longing in her chest. She hadn’t seen a walk so sexy, so confident in ages, not since her prodigal husband had left her over two years ago.

She sighed and once again bent down to the Kentucky bluegrass, lush and fragrant around her English riding boots, and gripped the fallen white fencing. With a great heave-ho, she hefted the load, then groaned even more loudly than her city-girl muscles did. Overcome with the heaviness of her burden, she dropped the wood, feeling tears of frustration welling in her throat.

What was she doing? She needed to be in the house, watching her daughter, going over the books to see how much money they didn’t have to run Green Oaks—this horse-breeding farm.

A trickle of sweat wiggled down the back of her neck, past her braid and into the shirt collar. It felt like a clammy finger, tracing down her spine, warning her.

Again, curiosity plagued her. She peered over a shoulder, more out of habit than anything else. You always had to be watching your back in Kane’s Crossing. Too many whispered words could sneak up on you, attacking, wounding.

A voice, its tone reminiscent of low night fires, broke the June morning. “You’re going to hurt yourself.”

Right. As if Rachel was a stranger to hurt and pain.

This guy was probably looking for a job. As she turned around to see the voice’s owner, her mouth parted in preparation to tell him that she couldn’t afford to hire anyone right now.

Recognition slammed against her, stealing words, oxygen.

Rachel took a step back. “Matthew?”

He offered a dark half smile, familiar yet unfamiliar all at the same time. A sense of relief seemed to relax his shoulders. “Yeah.”

The breath left her body, robbing her of the ability to think clearly. Her pulse raced, the adrenaline a cold shot of reality as it filtered through her veins.

She couldn’t say a word, could only stare at the stranger in front of her. A burst of sunshine surrounded his hat, which, in turn, blocked his gaze. But that hardly mattered since she already knew everything about those eyes—how his light brown irises resembled whiskey fumes and the morning-after haziness of a black-tie soirée. She knew that the Stetson was also hiding dark brown hair with a stubborn cowlick, the hallmark of his boyish, carefree charm.

She wanted her first words to her husband to be loving, with all the comfort of a welcome-home embrace. Taking a deep breath, she said, “Where the hell have you been for the past two years?”

Matthew sauntered over to the fencing, leaned against it and tipped up the hat. Finally she could see more of his moody features.

“You’re angry with me.”

“Angry? I haven’t heard from you for what feels like an eternity, Matthew. You haven’t bothered to call, and you never even told me you were leaving. What did you do? Confront a midlife crisis? Drive a few hot little red Corvettes around New Orleans?” She gasped for air, all the rage, all the tear-her-hair-out wondering coming to the surface. “I hired a private detective to find you and that two hundred thousand dollars you made off with. Chloe Lister found you in Texas after your trail disappeared in the Big Easy, you know.”

Easy. Life had hardly been easy since he’d left.

She snapped out a laugh at the irony, then continued. “And you haven’t answered me, you jerk. Where have you been? And what gives you the guts to come back to Kane’s Crossing?”

He peered at his boots, seemingly lost in thought. That’s when she realized something.

Matthew had always possessed a canary-eating, know-it-all grin, and, at times, it had driven her nuts. It had been a reflection of his penchant for late-night, Scotch-on-the-rocks schmoozing, his awareness that he could reduce Rachel to a love-starved idiot with a glance.

But that grin had been warped into the now-present half smile, sadness framing it, almost drawing it down.

He looked up, his gaze scanning the paddock, the slash of his dark brows emphasizing crinkles at the corners of his eyes. Crinkles that reminded Rachel of forgotten smiles, of good times past.

“Rachel.” He said her name slowly, as if it had somehow found its way inside him and gotten lost.

She waited, wondering if he would wink at her, letting her know that he’d just been out for the last couple of years having the time of his life. That this was all a joke on her.

“It sounds like you’ve never uttered my name before,” she said.

When he turned his attention back to her, she couldn’t shake the feeling that it had all the interest of a person you’d meet on a New York subway. Fleeting, short-term.

She pushed a long strand of hair away from her face. “Listen. I’ve got a lot of work to do. Not that I haven’t been able to handle things while you decided to party around the world.”

His tall body swayed toward her as he leaned his weight on one jeans-clad leg. “I’m sorry about everything turning out the way it did, Rachel. You’ll never know just how sorry.”

“Don’t you do your apology act on me.” Boy, she sounded bitter. Her best friend, Meg Cassidy, had told her, time and again, to think positively. But that was pretty easy for Meg to say, since she had the love of a good man and two beautiful children.

Matthew bent down and picked up the wood with which she’d been battling, handling the fencing like it was so much fluff. Under his shirt, she could see the muscles bulging, labor lean and hard.

As he worked, a sense of belated shock gripped all the questions she wanted to ask. And she felt thankful for the opportunity to gather her emotions. Matthew was here, right here. She’d imagined this scene countless times while staring at the green-shrouded property, or lounging in her wide, empty-cool bed. She’d hoped for a reunion in which Matthew threw himself at her feet, acknowledging all the pain he’d slapped into her heart with his absence.

She wanted to hate him. Needed to hate him for all the wrong he’d done her.

It was a while before he had the fencing where he wanted it, accomplishing a feat that would’ve taken her triple the time. Wherever he’d been, he’d kept busy. That was for sure.

Sweat stains had darkened his shirt, molding the denim to his skin, allowing it to curve over his muscles. As Rachel watched his strong hands, she thought of how he used to play her body with the tenderness and slow-bass caress of a Patsy Cline song. How he’d made her heart sing with the melancholy vibrato of a ballad.

Dear Lord, she’d missed her husband.

It was taking all of her willpower to stay clear, to stand back, to see if he’d returned to their horse farm in order to make things right.

Of course, their marriage hadn’t been healthy since their honeymoon, a time when they’d loved each other without question or doubt. But that didn’t mean Matthew hadn’t reconsidered during this recent absence.

Was he here to repair their marriage? He finished his task with the efficiency of a hired hand, then watched her expectantly. “Have I proven my good intentions to you?”

She shook her head. “No. And you haven’t done two hundred thousand dollars’ worth of work, either.”

“Are you always this hard to win over?”

The question struck her as odd. “What, do you think I’ve changed while you were gone?”

He shrugged, the denim puckering over his broad shoulders. “Maybe you’d like to fill me in on your life, Rachel.”

“Why would you care?” She wished her voice hadn’t come out like a whip’s lash, sharp and cutting.

Matthew’s brow darkened, and he tipped his hat. “Maybe this was a big mistake.”