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Книги автора Nick Graham

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Your must-have tool for perfect project management Want to take your career to the next level and be a master of planning, organising, motiv…
Get projects done on time, on budget, and with maximum efficiency – fully updated UK edition! In today's time-pressured and cost-conscious g…
In today's time-pressured, cost-conscious global business environment, tight project deadlines and stringent expectations are the norm. Proj…
In today's time-pressured, cost-conscious global business environment, tight project deadlines and stringent expectations are the norm. Proj…
Whatever your project – no matter how big or small – PRINCE2 For Dummies, 2009 Edition is the perfect guide to using this project management…
фэнтези, юмористическое фэнтези, любовное фэнтези, оборотни, магическая школа, вампиры, некромантия, магические академии
Everything you need to prepare for—and pass—the exams Does the thought of sitting your PRINCE2 exams bring you out in a cold sweat? Fear not…
Everything you need to prepare for—and pass—the exams Does the thought of sitting your PRINCE2 exams bring you out in a cold sweat? Fear not…
книги по экономике
The fast and easy way to perfect your project management skills Whatever your profession, effective project management skills are crucial to…
The fast and easy way to perfect your project management skills Whatever your profession, effective project management skills are crucial to…
Whether you’re very experienced in running projects, or absolutely new to it, PRINCE2 can help you run your projects more effectively. Plann…
PRINCE2 For Dummies
ужасы / мистика, сказки, мистика, славянское фэнтези
Whatever your project – no matter how big or small – PRINCE2 For Dummies is the perfect guide to showing you how to use this project managem…
Whatever your project – no matter how big or small – PRINCE2 For Dummies is the perfect guide to showing you how to use this project managem…