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Rapid Psychiatry – Alice Godwin

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Rapid Psychiatry is the fifth title in the Rapid series of short revision notes books, covering key information in a simple and easily accessible format, using a mnemonic to aid recall. This book provides an excellent revision tool in the run-up to exams, but is also useful for clinical students working on Psychiatry attachments. Rapid Psychiatry covers the common psychiatric conditions encountered on the wards, in clinics, in general practice, and in exams. It acts as a rapid refresher, and is a concise no-nonsense book covering just the basic relevant facts. The book is divided into sections covering psychiatric history-taking and examination, differential diagnosis, disorders, treatment, the key points of the Mental Health Act, psychiatric emergencies, and a glossary of terms. The disorders are arranged in A-Z format, and each topic is covered using the same Rapid series mnemonic that covers Definition, Aetiology, Associations/Risk Factors, Epidemiology, History, Examination, Pathology, Investigations, Management, Complications, Prognosis and Differential Diagnosis.

Информация о книге:

  • Язык книги: английский
  • Язык оригинала: русский
  • ISBN: 9781405140232

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